Friends in Feathers and Fur, and Other Neighbors Part 19

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Said the unicorn."]

"Who will play For us to-day?"

"I'll play the horn,"

Said the unicorn.

"Who will pipe?"


Asked the snipe.

"Why, I!"

Said a fly.

"And I'll play the harp,"

Added the carp.

"We are all ready now,"

Spoke out the cow.

"Then form a row,"

Said the buffalo.

"And now we'll dance,"

Again said the ants.

Then danced the cuckoo With the kangaroo, The cat with the rat, The cow with the sow, The dog with the hog, The snail with the whale, The wren with the hen, The bear with the hare,

[Ill.u.s.tration: "The cow with the sow."]

The lark with the shark, The ram with the lamb, The fox and the mare Made the last pair.

"Now we will feast,"

Remarked a beast.

"Take an ice!"

Begged the mice.

"Do drink this wine,"

Invited the swine.

"Not just now,"

Objected the sow.

"Let's have some beer,"

Said the deer.

"But I prefer cider,"

Whispered a spider.

"You must not think So much about drink,"

Said the cow With a bow.

"It's a bad habit,"

Shouted the rabbit.

At last the fly, With a tear in his eye, Gave his arm to the lark And went off in the dark.

Away in a trice Scampered the mice.

[Ill.u.s.tration: "The rat donned his hat."]

Then the skate Said, "'Tis late."

"I must go now,"

Remarked the sow.

"It is too soon,"

Growled a baboon.

"Not a bit, not a bit,"

Chirped a little tom-t.i.t.

And all the rest Agreed it was best, To say good-by, And homeward hie.

So the cow Made her bow, The rat donned his hat, The whale fetched her veil; "Now, all farewell,"

Sighed the gazelle.

Farewell, echoed all At the animals' ball.

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Friends in Feathers and Fur, and Other Neighbors Part 19 summary

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