The Spearmaster and the Black Cat Chapter 413

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Chapter 413

Hearing that voice from the Crest Tree of the Lucival, I reflexively s.h.i.+fted my eyes from Rollodeen to the tree.

"Eh?" I blurted out what occupied my mind.

Everyone else also muttered their surprise.

But well, that's only natural. Not only did the tree's thick trunk crack open, but on top of that, an unknown, wooden sorcery-doll-like existence came out of it.

It lumbered across the vines on the ground with its two huge legs. I stared at that golem while wondering what Mysty would think of it, if she saw this.

The cute tree girl was embedded in the golem's chest. Her marble eyes were glowing.

"The fairy is operating it…"

"Don't! Lucy!"

"Nn, Ieshu-chan.

Just as everyone pointed out, the tree girl is settled in the golem's chest, or rather, my bloodkin fairy has combined with a wooden armor? I guess you could call it a wooden sorcery armor frame? So it looks like she's operating a power suit and an armor-frame made out of crest tree wood.

The crystal in the center of her collar appeared to be the energy source. A small, faintly-glowing cube was floating right above the cube. A symbol similar to a wand in shape was quickly blinking inside the cube, just as a swarm of magic lines extended into each part of the sorcery armor, connecting the cube with the frame. The magic lines' undulations resembled that of the filaments of Kisara's witch spear.

And then, the bloodkin fairy declared once more, "Master, I'll protect――"

The armorframe's legs, which were moving like a Mobile Walker, kicked off the ground, flying…no, the armor wasn't flying. Tree branches extending from its back were connected to the crest tree towering behind the armor-frame.

But either way, the bloodkin fairy had already taken to the sky. The wooden sorcery armor enveloping her was unrefined.

Nonetheless, I can't grasp just how much of a punch it might pack…

She apparently focused on the enemies closing in on us, planning to take them on. Even though I didn't even decide on her name yet!

The group approaching from the sky came into sight. They were divine domain warriors with halos above their heads. Most of them were of a race with a pair of metallic wings on their backs. Humans were among them, too. But, I couldn't spot the Buu-san I knew among them.

The crest tree intercepted the approaching warriors with its branches, tolling the start of an aerial battle.

The bloodkin fairy released countless branches from her hands as well. It looked like a swarm of branch spears with sharp points. Those spears headed for the divine domain forces like a barrage of rockets as they'd be fired from a Multi-Rocket Launcher System.

Although it all took place in a spot a bit away from Cydale, it was still fairly close. If something were to fall down, it could cause casualties among the children, and then it'd be too late to do anything about it.

I exchanged a look with my partner. Rollodeen roared loudly in excitement, revealing her dragon-like fangs. The tentacles extending in symmetric rows from her neck were thicker than usual. It made her truly look like a divine beast.

"Rollo, we're heading over. Eva, Rebecca, please take care of Ciel and the village."

"Nn, got it."

"Roger~. Nothing can best my blue flames! I'll be a good girl and pretend to be a mage."

"Helme, come."


While Helme returned into my left eye, I watched Rebecca handle her magic wand like a baton with one hand and grab Ciel's hand with the other. Rebecca pulled Ciel along as she was intent on protecting her. In the same mood, Eva deployed her violet mana in the sky. In an instant, a big group of metals was ejected from her wheelchair, forming several armor-plating-like s.h.i.+elds in the air.

I jumped upon Rollodeen, and grabbed her rein tentacle while at the same time crouching with one knee resting on her head. I used my other hand to gently place it on Rollodeen's head and stroke her.

"Rollo, no preemptive fire breath this time."

"Nnn, nyaooo."

With me on top, Rollodeen dashed through the sky at an explosive speed. Fortunately, the divine domain forces hadn't suffered any losses yet. They dealt with the branch spear onslaught by cutting everything down. The humans, which used staffs, created metallic footholds in the air and took quick, evasive maneuvers.

For the time being, I suppose I'll show them my light techniques. My aim was the divine domain forces with the metallic heads.

『Crack-chan is strong!』, Helme exclaimed telepathically, but I ignored her.

While standing up on Rollodeen's head, I invoked three . The light spears were around as big as La Doola in my left hand.

The light spears plunged onwards as if tearing through s.p.a.ce.

『Vessel, I shall――』, Saraten started, but I shut her out as well.

One light spear clashed against a ranged attack consisting of what appeared to be a light ring, which had been fired at my bloodkin fairy, creating a shock wave of light upon impact.


With an intense flash of light occurring in front of their eyes, a change of expressions manifested on the faces of the divine domain warriors. Immediately following, the other two light spears. .h.i.t light rings as well, triggering thundering explosions. The light rings shattered while causing multiple overlapping sounds that seemed to stab one's heart, accompanied by mana waves. Their light fragments popped off into the surroundings. But, the fragments didn't fly towards Cydale.

Several of the divine warriors brandished the s.h.i.+ning halberds, bisecting fragments that flew at them.

"――Lucy, stop attacking and go back," I ordered her with a strong tone while pointing La Doola's tip to the crest tree below.


It's not like I decided on naming her Lucy, but at that moment she nodded with her eyes sparkling. And in the next instant, the wooden branches on her back retracted, causing her to be pulled towards the crest tree, like the djinn of Aladin that got absorbed back into its magical lamp. Either way, all of it happened at a tremendous rate, resulting in the crest tree swiftly looking like before, minus the blood dripping from some parts.

『Lucy-chan is also quick in going back, isn't she?』

『Yeah, it's because she's a Lucival kin. She probably possesses other abilities, too. And she's still young and clumsy, but…her Lucival power to block Queen Sardynne is something I don't have. I'm honestly respecting her for that. So, I think it might be fine to entrust the defense of this area to her』

『The rest depends on her future education. There's also Hina and Sana. I think it will be necessary to find a teacher who's good enough in martial arts to train with Muu-chan while teaching those two girls the language』

『Speaking of teachers…』

『Yes, Mysty』

Even if she's suited to teach the language, it's not like she's good at martial arts, but I didn't make that retort. However, Mysty also has her own research. Well, that's a matter for later.

Once Lucy disappeared, one of the bald monks flew forward. While swinging his two-handed steel staff sideways, he yelled, "――Everyone, stop attacking!"

This caused the other divine warriors to stop moving. It looked like the metallic lifeforms with the halos above their heads weren't the ones in command here. Rather, the human monk appeared to be their commanding officer.

He had the weathered look of a veteran fighter with thick eyebrows and finely chiseled features. He wore a chainmail and released mana particles from his feet. All of this made him look rather strong.

Thereupon, the metal on the chest of the divine warriors transformed. Narrow metallic boards extended from them. Meaning, the monks weren't really floating or anything.

The monks landed on those metallic boards. Having said that, it looked kinda awkward because it wasn't as though the divine warriors were giants or anything like that.

『Some of the divine warriors also possess something like your light rings, Your Excellency』

There was also the divine domain force that had fought against Hoffman and his goons. All of them donned stern looks, but they had stopped fighting.

Just when I thought about continuing to negotiate with them, the captain-like monk asked me, "….Are you a kin of the Spirit World?"

"I'm not…," I answered, but…beneath me towered the b.l.o.o.d.y Crest Tree of the Lucival, and I had a Spirit World G.o.ddess's brand on my neck as well, so you could also describe me as Spirit World kin.

They might be able to tell if they've got someone with a high appraisal or observation skill among them, but…anyway, it's not like I can honestly tell them about my relations.h.i.+p with Varmina or my recruitment of the former Spirit World Knight Shuhelia.

Them all looking so grim engendered a slight feeling of tension in me.

"…You're not a Vampire Knight of Lugnad or an underground operative of Lugnad's wors.h.i.+pers, are you?" The big monk next to the captain asked me.

He had a larger build than Solobo, and his stabbing glare was scary, too. A human surpa.s.sing orcs. He sure was intense.

"…No, I'm not. I'm from the village below."

"…Hoh. You're saying it's a village where that huge demonic beast beneath you lives?"

"Indeed. I don't really think that a beast tamer is all that unusual, though," I gave an acceptable answer while sweating cold sweat.

"That's true, but you, who might be a beast tamer or spear user, easily used light magic earlier. Are you someone related to the Light G.o.d or the Holy Church who's living in the Sea of Trees?"

That's a very reasonable question.

I focused on putting up a smile that didn't look shady, "I might be related to the light G.o.d, but what about it?"

Someone among them might possess an appraisal ability. That's why I spoke the truth here while focusing on my shoulder dragon and changing my clothing's collar into a V-shape to expose my chest. All to use the on my left chest as proof.

I'm no pervert who likes to expose his nippled, but I think they know as much. Some of them might sigh though, if they swing for muscled dudes…

"…You're a bold one. This is the Sea of Trees, which is infested with all kinds of evil, you know?"

The captain cast a fleeting look at my chest, but didn't notice the cross mark.

"Right. In the first place, templars believing in Light Gold Lulodis while riding demonic beast…no, don't tell me…"

Oh, he realized at last?

"Solck-dono, are you going to disregard the values of "Grim Demon Exterminator Plie"? Are you saying this person is a single-digit of Disorte?"

Is that magic tool similar to that of the professor? Are the human priests detecting my blood or mana with that? And, it sounds like their captain is called Solck. However, it looks like my cross-shaped mark doesn't hold much meaning to them.

"Yeah…that's right. Or he's a high-ranking priest of the Vatican's First Division, the Ruin Exploration Department, or something like that."

"The Ruin Exploration Department would make sense in a way, but…the single-digits of Disorte are the Vatican's trump cards as they're experienced in crusades as well as domestic and foreign disputes. Would the church send someone like that to one of the Sea of Trees in Southern Mahaheim, in spite of making them expressly cross the great desert and the Mahaheim Mountains?"

"You say so, but tell me, Almond, how are you going to explain the light magic from before otherwise?"

"…A user of powerful light magic…"

"Correct. His light magic was definitely high-ranking. It was at the Extreme or Ruler cla.s.s as only bishops and above would be able to use. It had enough power that it wouldn't be strange for him to possess the divine protection of the Light Spirit."

"True. It exceeded the scale of Scroll."

"…He, saw oUr light. ThiS person, stopped mY attack. tHaT is, pRoOF aBOvE all."

"Certainly…it was a mighty light just as Drahz Buu pointed out."

"ARe there, any sPiRIt wOrLD DwELLerS, who would sTOp, attacking wHen tHeY SaW, ouR lIgHt?"

"Most likely not."

The bald monks and the guys with the halos talked it over. It seemed like they were tying to establish their stance on an incarnation of chaos like me. One priest didn't partic.i.p.ate in that conversation and kept scowling at me, though.

I got curious about the Sanskrit characters in the foreheads of the monks. Those characters were connected to what seemed to be Demonic Eyes.

I think it's fine to a.s.sess those Demonic Eyes to be specialized in combat-type of abilities. Even if they possessed some sort of appraisal ability…I decided that none of them had a skill allowing them to probe the interior of my mind, going by what they were talking about.

Anyway, I guess I'll lure them to the ground since I don't know when it'll develop into battle.

"…So is it alright for me to a.s.sume that you have no intention to fight us? If so, let us change locations. We'll also be able to talk while on the ground, right?" I offered while pointing La Doola into the distance, further away from Cydale.

I also had Catiza move from the sixth finger to third arm at the tip of my right elbow in preparation.

"…So you're luring us away? Everyone…don't underestimate him. …Look at the huge tree below…he's someone who can maintain a blood barrier on a gigantic tree that possesses a sinister blood power like that of Lugnad…!"

"I agree with Delgug. I won't approve of it…a being that seems like the cornerstone of a vampiric kingdom…"

"…Surely, the huge tree of blood that combines light and darkness…is extremely suspicious."


That's natural… Just like there are some warriors and monks who aren't hostile to me, others have been talking while glaring at me all the while. They're likely suspicious of my existence and Lucy who had attacked them. But, it looks like the Buu-san-type of life-form seems to be on my side here. I can sense that he's harboring a good impression of me from the aura he's exuding.

Well, either way, there's no reason for us to fight. I don't really like pain, and if I can solve things through talk, then I'll continue with just that.

"…I won't deny that I might seem suspicious. But, innocent people live below us. If you drag the villagers into this conflict, I'll a.s.sess it as "inevitable" and fight you to my best ability, but…just as I've told you several times already: if we can talk this out, then let's continue the conversation on the ground over there."

"Nyao," Rollodeen retracted all her tentacles into her body as if to match my words.

"…Very well. My name is Solck. A priest of the War G.o.d Faith that wors.h.i.+ps War G.o.d Vice-sama. And I'm one of the leaders of the Combat Church - Sea of Trees Division."

"I'm likewise a priest of the same church. The name's Almond."

It looks like those two are using magic steel spears.

"…Tsk, Delgug."

The eyes of the priest, who introduced himself last, were filled with hatred. He had apparently deemed me to be a vampire.

This might lead to us duking it out sooner or later…

『Your Excellency, it seems like they haven't noticed my existence』

『Or they might be pretending to not have done so』

『True. There are several of those Demonic Eyes-possessing priests around』

As I chatted with Helme, Rollodeen perceived my intention and succeeded in drawing our group away from Cydale by slowly circling, before finally landing in the forest. This path of forest looked just like a place where Jabberwocky might live.

Rollodeen transformed into a black panther and briskly walked up to my left side while looking up to the sky. And soon after, the divine forces landed on the ground, causing the ground to tremble. All of the bald monks jumped down on hard soil, too.

One among them, a guy with a grim expression and nimbleness as visible from his landing, approached me. It was the priest who stood next to Delgug. He wore a yellow haori with a peculiar mark at the right breast. His muscular, tattooed chest was partly exposed too. A string belt was wrapped around his waist with a magic tool I feel like having seen before dangling from it.

And just like the captain, he wore boots with mana. That and their way of walking showed that they possessed the physical ability to dash across the sky. It's pretty clear that they're highly skilled.

In his hand he held a long-handled spear which exuded mana, though I couldn't tell which was the tip and b.u.t.t with that weapon as both sides had blades.

『Should I come out, Your Excellency?』

『No, it's fine. They're a belligerent group wors.h.i.+ping War G.o.d Vice. It'd be best to not trigger them too much. If we manage to befriend them, we'll be able to draw some information about the divine domain, or rather what kind of battles they're fighting over there, from them』

『…I see. I hadn't thought that far ahead』

『If we can grasp the overall situation, we'll be able to come up with some sort of plan to overcome this situation』

Sun Tzu's teachings are truly marvelous.

"――Your Majesty."


Suddenly Shuhelia and Kisara appeared while riding the witch spear. Both positioned themselves next to me on either side. Rotalz wasn't with them though.

A divine warrior with a ring-shaped head retrieved s.h.i.+ning, metallic chakrams from his hand. Are those similar to the light rings Buu-san gave me in the past?

"…Wait, these two are my subordinates. We planned to talk and not fight, right?"

"…What bulls.h.i.+t are you spouting…don't belittle the War G.o.d Faith."

"One of them is a Spirit World Knight, isn't she!?"

Shuhelia's looks gave it away, huh? The patterns on her skin can certainly be identified as of demonic nature, but still…

"War G.o.d Faith? Are Head Priest David and Head Adjutant Matthew doing fine?"

"Why would you bring up the names of a dead Head Priest? Although Undying Matthew-dono acts as Head Priest right now…"

"Was the eArLIer light MaGiC a trICK to tRAp us?"

"Blood is dripping from that spear's tip…and that black mask is shady, too."

"Do you know of the Black Witch Church?" Kisara asked.

"…I happen to have heard of them as an ancient martyr group."

"Leaving that talk aside, this is obviously a trap. That woman is trying to deceive us by mentioning the name of some ancient group. I'm sure she's a Spirit World Knight." Delgug shouted.

"Kisara isn't a Spirit World Knight."

"――f.u.c.k, it's a trap, huh!? Adopt ground formation! Almond, Delgug, do it!"

"Just what I wanted to hear, Captain! Been waiting for that!"

"The village they protected must be a den of evil related to the Spirit World. Let's burn it away alongside that cursed, huge tree."

The priests of the War G.o.d Faith all encouraged themselves while releasing mana.

Hey, hey, wait a sec. Things have become totally weird!

"That's right…seeing how they got Spirit World Knights with them…we have to slaughter them all."

"They're people obeying the one who unleashed the magic earlier. They might be hiding something related to Lulodis-sama. Also, it's possible for them to be stray vampires who are concealing sacred treasures… Be careful. Spirit World Knights usually operate in three-man cells…"

"Wait a moment. My subordinates are no Spirit World Knights."

"――Save yourself the lame excuses!"

The priests and warriors completely disregarded my words, and came lunging at us.

At once, Kisara and Shuhelia slew the two priests squaring off against them. I could hear Kisara's chant.

(T/N: I'll summarize the battle of small fry a bit)

At the same time, I clad my whole body in Magic Combat Style.

A divine warrior's s.h.i.+ning hatchet approached me from below while a priest thrust his steel staff at my chest. I blocked the hatchet by holding La Doola level, and then swung it horizontally from the right to the left, easily cutting through the warrior's torso.

Immediately following, I put some strength into the hand holding La Doola, forcing my right elbow back, tearing La Doola out of the warrior's body and thus causing a stream of intestines and a metallic liquid to scatter.

However, the priest's stab had already drawn fairly close at that point. I quickly held La Doola up, barely managing to parry the sharp thrust right before it went through my neck. I still got a shallow cut, but I rotated my body at once, moving to the priest's left side after having La Doola repelled.

Usifng the force of the repulsion, I performed a swing like a golfer, scooping it up from below, while adding a to it.


The spearhead of La Doola bit into the priest's belly who couldn't react in time. Ignoring his screaming, I used the priest's shoulder, as he pitched forward in front of me, as a foothold and jumped off it with one leg.

Mid-flight I spotted Rollodeen using the forepaws' claws to tear through the legs of a divine warrior while running past him. And just as that warrior lost his balance, she leaped at him and sunk her fangs into his neck. With a beastly growl she then tore out his metallic head. The sight of her pulling the head out alongside the spinal cord looked pretty gruesome.

The other divine warriors and human priests swooped down on Rollodeen while roaring. However, Rollodeen was a divine beast, even if she looked like a black panther right now. It was quite a challenge to get an aim on Rollodeen who was fast, nimble and clever.

She beautifully evaded spears thrust at her, stabbed the legs of her attackers with her tentacle bone swords, and bit her foes apart after reeling the tentacles in.

As such she continued to jump around and cleave, bite, and tear apart the priests and warriors attacking her, making one sense the elegance of a black queen.

At some point, she got tired of dispatching them one-by-one and unleashed a barrage of silver bone swords like a gatling gun. It was a terrifying display of chain attacks that pierced the priests' bodies like you could watch in any WW2 movie when soldiers died in a hail of bullets.

In no time, a great number of warriors and priests had been finished off by Rollodeen. She crammed the remaining chunks of flesh on her tentacles and lifted them up like some skewered meatb.a.l.l.s.

On the other hand, Kisara was exchanging several blows with a skilled priest. I think her opponent is captain-cla.s.s. He's the guy who glared at me. His name was Delgug, I believe?

Seeing how Kisara had switched her mask's mode from its speed version to the special helmet one after deploying the witch spear's filament, she must be fighting her foe seriously.

Shuhelia was meanwhile fighting three opponents at once. She was surrounded by divine warriors. Yet, thanks to a ferocious display of her sword skills, she quickly dispatched two warriors by cutting them diagonally apart.

After having gotten a general grasp on the situation, I landed without showing any openings.

But, the remaining priests used that moment to lunge their spears out at me.

I rotated on the spot while blocking their spears with La Doola. Just as I got showered in sparks, I focused on my spin. While exposing my back to my opponents, I twisted my waist, rotated sideways, and unleashed La Doola's blade at the head of a priest.

But, it got blocked.

Next I lowered my stance, and while turning to the right, waist and all, I delivered a low-tier thrust, but this chain attack got also parried.

――Not bad, man. Your spear skills are formidable.

My opponent was another capitan-cla.s.s. He had introduced himself as Almond. He was different from the others as his defensive techniques and movements were extremely polished.

After feinting with my eyes, I swung up La Doola from below in an attempt to lift up Almond alongside his spear.

"――Not only Wind Spear Style, but even Strong Spear Style――"

Using the power behind my upward-swipe, Almond jumped lightly and activated a skill. His spear's head came down at me vertically as if he was trying to bisect me from the head.

――It's d.a.m.n fast.

At once I focused on , and activated . While charging forward, I lifted the upper part of La Doola, warding off Almond's heavy blow. I got scalded by the sparks, but didn't care about that.

My opponent also released the Sanskrit character's mana from his forehead. As his Demonic Eyes flashed like a stroboscope, he quickly pulled back his spear, just to unleash a technique in the next moment.

At the same time of dodging by crouching, I raised the blade of La Doola's but end, trying to cut through Almond's torso, but my attack was blocked by him slanting his spear.

However, he might have thought that he stopped me with this, but capitalizing on my blood-boosted speed, I switched the hand holding La Doola after pa.s.sing the spear around in my back, and immediately swung it sidewards.

The rotational chain attack by La Doola caused Almond's Demonic Eyes to rotate busily. He must have his fair share of troubles to follow my series of spear attacks as it's been accelerated by my skill. While also changing the distribution of Magic Combat Style, I brandished La Doola, once, twice, and many more times.


La Doola's yellow spear tip grazed Almond's cheek, but ultimately he managed to dodge the attack. As blood trickled down from his cheek, Almond retreated a bit. I chased him as a vampire――

Each time I advanced, the spearhead of La Doola became faster. In the end, the magic spear, which Almond had held with both hands, got disarmed. With his stance having fallen apart, Almond had become defenseless.

This is going to be his end.

Without easing up on my rotational power, I accelerated even further and advanced as I caused yellow flashes with La Doola as if lightning strikes were coming down.

I pa.s.sed Almond's side with the speed of a gust of wind. I couldn't see him anymore, but after hearing blood gus.h.i.+ng out behind me, I also heard the thud as his head fell to the ground.

My Wind Spear Style original skill 『Dance of Grace - Revised』 settled it. And just like a good vampire, I absorbed all the blood into my body.

…It's the perfect time anyway since I lost quite a bit of it earlier…

At that point, Solck, their captain, walked up to me.

"…How dare you kill one of my buddies!?"

"Ten men, ten opinions."

I repeated Gramps Ton's proverb and adopted a Wind Style stance.

At this point, I had no intention to withdraw or try to talk it over. After all, there exists no right or wrong in battle…

"You're talking about people, despite being a vampire or Spirit World Knight of Lugnad?"

If my opponent were to be a beauty, it might be different, but beliefs and opinions truly differ for each person.

"Well, I do have a mouth to talk and a head to think."

"…And now you even talk back, huh? I'll make you regret having picked a fight with the Sea of Tree's division."

I s.h.i.+fted my body sideways and extended my left hand towards Solck. And after showing him my left palm, I quickly jerked my wrist around, beckoning him over.

"You're done with the tedious prattling, aren't you? Come."

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The Spearmaster and the Black Cat Chapter 413 summary

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