CSA Case Files: Campaign of Desire Part 10

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"If you're mine, then share with me how this corset makes you feel."

"I-I feel sensual when I'm wearing one." Lach never ceased touching her in some manner. He was using both hands now, lightly caressing her sensitive flesh. "I feel aroused."

"Go on."

"I-" Phoebe broke off as he trailed a finger down the middle of her cleavage only to bring it back up over her other breast. She inhaled and watched her chest rise, as if wanting to catch his intimate stroke once more. He'd already moved onto her shoulders and back. "I like the soft feel of the leather."

"How does it make you feel, Phoebe?"

"Secure, Sir." The two words she spoke surprised her, but finally gave her an insight to the truth. "Bound. if arms are holding me tight and they won't let me fall."

"Very good, Phoebe," Lach said softly as he started to untie the laces on the back of her corset. One by one, she felt the strands loosen, raising her vulnerability. Why was he doing that? "I want to see all of you though, and afterward I promise that you will feel that way again."

Phoebe wasn't sure she breathed as his calloused fingers worked on releasing her body from its constraints. As Lach got down to where her fingers were clenching her wrist, she reluctantly opened her hand and let her arms rest alongside of her body. Her chest felt tight while desire riddled her insides. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, particularly when her corset was slid down her hips and resting at her ankles.

"Step out."

Phoebe moved her leaden feet, replacing them shoulder width apart the moment she could, hoping he would leave her panties on and give her some sense of security. She wasn't ashamed of her body per se, but when she looked at her frame, she saw the imperfections. Her left breast was slightly larger than her right. Her stomach didn't lie as flat as she would have liked, and her thighs always looked better covered than they did in the flesh. Her hopes were dashed when his large fingers slipped inside the lace of her panties and pulled them down, antic.i.p.ating that she would inch her ankles closer together. She did so, although silently moaned in protest.

"You are a vision." Lach reached around and placed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in the palm of his hands. His thumbs brushed over her nipples, although it was impossible for them to harden any more than they were. "The deep rose of your nipples makes my mouth water."

Phoebe was tortured at the thought that Lach would stand behind her and describe every body part he touched, but was taken aback when he slid his hands off of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. He leaned down, pulling her securely against his chest while pressing his lips to her neck, gently kissing her on the most sensitive part. As if he'd created an illusion, she felt as if she were back in her corset.

"My arms will always be around you and you must trust me to never let you fall."

Phoebe lost track of how long Lach held her against his body. She didn't want to lose this seclusion he'd wrapped them in. She relaxed into him and savored this moment of intimacy that had taken them to a different plane. He'd placed her soul within his embrace and something s.h.i.+fted inside of her, signaling an evolution of her former self.

Lach pulled away and although his arms slid free from her waist, she didn't feel as if she were alone. He stepped into her closet and she heard him rummaging through the chest where her other corsets were kept, wondering why she couldn't put the one she'd chosen back on. She didn't want to be the one to break this comforting silence, so she waited peacefully for him to return. And there was the recognition. The submissive in the picture had felt this, and all the while Phoebe had thought it had been physical.

"I'm choosing this corset to encircle your waist while we continue our scene." Phoebe looked down at the item in Lach's hand, seeing one of the few corsets she had in which her b.r.e.a.s.t.s weren't covered. It wasn't one she normally would have selected, but she trusted him with more than just her body. "I want to be the one to lace your bindings."

With each strand he tightened, Phoebe felt the electricity in the air return with a force of an explosion. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were raised by the material, causing them to appear fuller. Her c.l.i.t felt engorged and she was glad her legs were separated. Was it possible to o.r.g.a.s.m from just pressing her legs together? It felt that way but she remembered what he'd said this afternoon and there was no way that she would chance coming without his permission. There was something very erotic about that stipulation.

"Go and lay yourself in the middle of the bed. Eyes closed."

"Yes, Sir."

Phoebe closed the distance to her four-poster bed, naughty visions of what Lach had planned floating through her mind. She felt her knees tremble as she crawled into place, finally turning over to see him walking to where he'd placed his black bag. When she caught him looking over at her, she realized that she hadn't closed her eyes. Quickly lying back, she let her lashes drift shut.

"You said the other night that you only enjoy pleasure, not pain." Phoebe strained to hear what Lach might be getting out of his bag of toys. "Is that still true, even after the research you seem to have done?"

"Yes, Sir." Phoebe loved pleasure. She'd witnessed almost every scene imaginable, at least she thought so, and she'd come to the understanding that she wouldn't like pain. She could probably withstand a flogger, as long as it was used to tickle her skin, but not the stings from a flip of the wrist. She absolutely hated the sound of a whip. "I enjoy pleasure very much, Sir."

"I'd like to see how much, Phoebe." Lach had somehow materialized by the side of the bed without her hearing him move. She turned her head to the side but before she could open her eyes and look at him, he was placing a blindfold over her head. "This will keep you focused on the pleasure you're about to receive."

Phoebe could barely contain her antic.i.p.ation at what was about to occur. She'd only ever witnessed a scene, never partic.i.p.ated in one. It was hard for her to call it a scene when it was so much more than that. She listened intently as he went about doing something to her mattress and for a second, she thought she heard the rattling of chains, but instead felt her wrist being encircled by something soft. The binds felt as soothing as the corset around her waist. It didn't take him long and when he'd completed fitting her wrists and ankles, he somehow attached them to the posters of her bed. She was now spread eagle and completely open to whatever pleasure he deemed to give her. It dawned on her that she was still without her panties and he could see just how much this bondage aroused her.

"Your b.r.e.a.s.t.s won't be ignored tonight," Lach said at the exact moment she felt his breath on one of her sensitive nipples. When his lips sealed around the erect tissue, Phoebe arched her back as much as the restraints would allow. The heat and suction felt exquisite and she cried out when he pulled away. "This cream will keep them stimulated while I concentrate on other sensitive parts of your body."

Phoebe felt his finger smear something across one nipple and then the other, but didn't comprehend what he meant by stimulated. All she felt on her skin was a wetness, as if it were a cream or gel. She'd heard of products like the one he described, but maybe his merchandise had expired.

When Lach went about adding what she a.s.sumed was the same cream to her c.l.i.t, Phoebe's moans were due to the pressure of the responsive tissue. It felt so good to have him rub her there that she completely forgot about the cream. When Lach finally stepped away, she heard the swish of his denim fade, as he must have walked away. She strained once again to hear where he'd gone and what he was doing.

"Sir?" Phoebe didn't know why she'd said his t.i.tle, except that she started to feel a tingling sensation on her left breast. It wasn't long after that she felt the same response in her right. It felt absolutely wonderful, as if little tiny electrodes were sending signals into what was surely now pink and swelling tissue. "That feels good, Sir."

"Umm-hmm," Lach hummed over what sounded like a cord being unraveled. "Tell me, Phoebe, where do you keep your vibrators? I can't imagine a sensual woman like yourself wouldn't have one or two on hand."

Phoebe tried reaching for her breast when the tingling started to overwhelm her nipples. They needed to be touched and it was only when her wrists pulled against the restraints that she understood she was at his mercy. Surely he wouldn't leave her like this for long. She inhaled deeply, hoping that would help ease the intensity of what she was feeling, but it only seemed to exaggerate the now fiery sensation.

"Sir, I-" Phoebe broke off when her c.l.i.t began to amplify what her nipples were feeling. She went to close her legs to obtain relief, but her ankles immediately stopped against the cuffs and elicited a deep-seated groan. "You need to touch me, Sir."

"You said you wanted pleasure. That's what I'm giving you." Phoebe heard him plug something into the electrical socket over the blood rus.h.i.+ng through her ears. Having her sight taken away only amplified her senses and she was starting to understand the difference between pleasure and all-consuming decadence. "I'll ask again, where are your vibrators?"

"Top drawer on my left nightstand." Phoebe exhaled the words, now in complete need to have him touch anything on her body. "Sir, please touch me."

"Ah, a somewhat small sized vibrator with a c.l.i.toral stimulator attached," Lach stated, after he'd apparently opened her bedside drawer. She whimpered at the thought of him looking at her vibrator. What she'd give to have it inside of her right now. "Have you ever experienced a Hitachi magic wand?"

"No, but Sir, please touch me. I can't stand this anymore."

"Pleasure is what you asked for." Lach must have moved from her side, because his voice came from the end of the bed. She forced herself to concentrate over the unbearable need she was experiencing. He was taking off his clothes and she couldn't have been more pleased to hear them hitting the floor. "I'm going to pleasure you, Phoebe, until you beg me to finally take control of this situation and give you what you really need."

All Phoebe needed was for him to touch her and finally give her the o.r.g.a.s.m she's waited on all year. While they had an interlude in Iraq, it wasn't nearly enough. That's why this cream was affecting her this way. Had Lach allowed her to have relief earlier today, she wouldn't be this tangled mess of need now. Finally, finally, she felt the mattress weigh down under his large frame and felt him position himself between her legs. This was it. He was finally going to give her the release she needed.

"You may come as many times as you like, although I have a feeling you'll find that harder to manage than you think." Lach turned on the Hitachi and she mentally called up the image of the device with a large ball on the end. She could have wept with relief that he was going to place it on her p.u.s.s.y. "Feel, Phoebe."

Phoebe screamed aloud when Lach placed the powerful vibrator on her c.l.i.t, but it wasn't long enough as he dragged it down to her opening and then back up again. She struggled against her binding, needing him to keep the apparatus directly on her c.l.i.toris. The pleasure rolled over her in waves as she struggled to form words.

"S-sir, m-more please."

Phoebe tried her best to move her hips as Lach refocused what she was coming to think of as a torture device once more. Her entire lower half felt as if it were about to explode, yet she knew that she couldn't come without harder contact. He was barely brus.h.i.+ng over her c.l.i.t and she could now feel his fingers grazing her nipple. It seemed to create a current and she felt like she was suffocating.

"Sir, please."

"I'm giving you pleasure."

"Not enough," Phoebe screamed, pulling on restraints. "Sir, I need more."

"Then I will give you more." Lach s.h.i.+fted and when Phoebe felt his finger enter her p.u.s.s.y, she would have sworn her eyes rolled toward the back of her head. Her sheath contracted, yet she was so wet that his finger easily slid back out. "Did that help?"

"No, Sir," Phoebe said, whimpering and not in the least bit embarra.s.sed by it. She was beyond that point and if he didn't do something soon, she wasn't so sure she wouldn't die from being denied more. "More, more, more."

The Hitachi rose higher and Phoebe held her breath as it descended over her c.l.i.t. The strong vibrations finally settled onto her engorged flesh but it wasn't enough and she felt a sob rise in her chest. She tried to breathe but couldn't get enough oxygen. When his thumb stroked one of her nipples, she broke.

"Lach, do something!"

Everything stopped, yet nothing was motionless-not the air around her, not the blood streaming through her body, not the electricity in the air, and certainly not the throbbing that steadily pulsed within her c.l.i.t and nipples. Shock seemed to have invaded every pore and her brain struggled to dissect what had happened.

"Sir? I didn't-"

"Who is your Dominant, Phoebe?"

"You are, Sir," Phoebe whispered, lowering her body back down onto the mattress. "I need something, anything, but I don't know what it is."

"Is it pleasure?"

And therein lay the question. A half an hour ago, Phoebe would have emphatically said yes. Now she wasn't so sure and she was confused on how to answer. If she said yes, would he finally give her the o.r.g.a.s.m she desired? Would she even be able to since it was clear her body was overstimulated to the point of having missed the opportunity? Was that even possible?

"I don't know what I need, Sir."

"Do you trust me to know?" Lach turned off the Hitachi, and though she wanted to protest, remained silent yet hopeful. "Do you trust me to give you what you need?"

That was the moment where everything changed. The prior stillness that had hung in the air returned, as if something more waited to hear Phoebe answer. She had no doubt as to how she would respond and felt something deep within her stir at giving up complete control of her body. Day after day of being a woman who had all of the answers and made all of the decisions could finally be left behind.

"Yes, Sir."

Within seconds, Phoebe felt something cool being placed on her left nipple. When Lach released what she conclusively figured out was a clamp, the sharp sting cut through her yearning. Arching her back to see if that would relieve the burn, she didn't have time to react when he'd clamped her other nipple. Her upper body felt as if it were on fire, yet something stirred below and amazingly, her hunger returned with a vengeance.

"Yesssss." Phoebe saw a burst of light behind the blindfold. "Yessss."

The sound of a condom wrapper being torn broadcasted around the room, and although Phoebe's legs were already spread she tried to widen them more. She wanted him, needed him, to take her with savagery. Feeling him s.h.i.+ft on the mattress while simultaneously hearing the Hitachi being turned back on, there was nothing Phoebe could do to prepare herself for what was about to happen.

"I will give you what you need." Slower than she could have thought possible, Lach eased his c.o.c.k inside of her until she thought she couldn't take any more of him. Stretching her to the point of hurting, he instantly took what she was feeling to another level by placing the Hitachi directly on her c.l.i.t. Pleasure mingled with pain and when she arched her back once more, the clamps s.h.i.+fted on her nipples, adding to the overwhelming sensations. "Take what I give you."

Phoebe had already given over her soul, so she would gladly take whatever he gave her. As Lach drove his c.o.c.k into her over and over, waves of her release crashed over her. The Hitachi kept the tidal waves cras.h.i.+ng over her and it wasn't long until the lights she'd seen earlier started exploding into a Fourth of July fireworks show. An odd warmth spread around her p.u.s.s.y, and although it felt as if she had to go to the bathroom, she knew that wasn't the case. Unfortunately, she had no oxygen within her lungs to tell him something was wrong.

"That's right, Phoebe. Come for me again."

Again? Phoebe had never stopped coming and she finally deciphered that long drawn out guttural sound was actually coming from her. Surge after surge, contractions wracked her body and with each jerk of her arms, the nipple clamps only added to the pleasure. Was it pleasure? She didn't know and she didn't care. The Hitachi felt as if it had become a part of her while Lach's c.o.c.k seemed to go deeper and deeper inside of her, penetrating her very core. It was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before.

"Phoebe?" She turned her head, hearing her name. Lach's voice was soothing and she didn't want this to end. "Open those blue eyes for me. Let me look at those beautiful sapphires."

Phoebe tried to do as Lach asked, though it was a struggle to lift her lashes. He was lying beside her with a look of concern on his face. His full lips garnered her attention and she wished that he would kiss her. It was such an inane thought, yet it jolted her to reality. Why wasn't she still bound to the bed?

"Sir?" Lach slowly smiled and his dark eyes sparkled. Phoebe reached up and stroked his cheek, liking this relaxed and content side of him. "How did you get me unbound so fast?"

"It wasn't that fast, and I must say you took to subs.p.a.ce like no one I've ever seen before." Lach turned ever so slightly and when he faced her again had a bottle of water in his hand. "Drink and then I'll clean you up."

"I can do it," Phoebe protested, although she did take a sip of water. She ended up drinking more because the cool liquid was so refres.h.i.+ng. Her bones felt as if they'd melted into the mattress, but something was nagging her. "Did you..."

"Yes, my socialite, I did." Lach finally stood from the bed and Phoebe was able to see him in all his glory. His biceps were bigger than her thighs, which said a lot in her mind. The contour of his chest made his flesh appear as if he were made of marble, while his washboard abs had the most flawless V that led into his groin area. There was a scar that happened to be on the right side of his chest, but what really grabbed her attention was that he must have gotten rid of his condom, as his c.o.c.k stood at the ready in its entire splendor. His answer that he obtained his release didn't make sense. "This is what you do to me."

Phoebe's face flushed and she found that he had that way about him to get her to do it often. She wasn't to being embarra.s.sed, yet he fl.u.s.tered her in a way no other man had. He was quite full of being her first in a lot of things.

"That was, well, I don't have words for what just happened." Phoebe felt a s.h.i.+ver come over her that had nothing to do with desire and everything to do with being cold. She pulled the blanket that he'd obviously covered her with up to her chin, but slight tremors still took over. She noticed that the clamps had been removed and that there was a wet spot in the middle of the bed, which caused her to s.h.i.+ft ever so slightly to the side. "I've never reacted that way before."

"For your first scene, as I said, you took to it stunningly well." Lach walked into the bathroom and returned with a brown washcloth in his hand. He walked toward her like he was fully clothed instead of completely naked and thoroughly breathtaking. "I think we've proved that a little pain mixed with pleasure is better than pleasure alone. And I must say, hearing my t.i.tle fall from your lips when you first opened your eyes was more of a gift than you could imagine."

Phoebe felt her nipples harden and astonis.h.i.+ngly her c.l.i.t, which she thought would have lost all feeling after having been kept under such an intense vibrator. Much to her chagrin, he pulled back the covers and tenderly washed the juices from her inner thighs with the hot moist washcloth. It didn't take long before he was lying beside her and pulling her close to him. She rested her head on his chest, which was sprinkled lightly with coa.r.s.e dark hair. Hearing his heartbeat a.s.sured her that this moment was real. She couldn't prevent her fingers from tracing over the damaged tissue.

"What happened?"

"GSW-gunshot wound."

Phoebe was so shocked by his answer that she tried to rise up on her elbow, but Lach's embrace was too tight. A gunshot wound? The tissue was still slightly pink, although barely, which gave her the indication that the injury happened a while ago. Seeing as they had already been as intimate as two people could get, she didn't see the issue with asking about it.

"Was this when you were with the FBI?"


Phoebe started to feel a stirring of anger at his clipped answers. She'd already figured out that Lach spoke like that when he wanted someone to follow instructions or keep something locked away inside of him. She'd experienced that first hand in Iraq. She pushed a little harder.

"Did it occur when you were on duty for CSA?" Phoebe asked, continuing to trace the scar tissue and trying not to think that had it been closer to his heart, this time together wouldn't have happened. "I can't believe I didn't notice it when we were in Iraq."

"It happened before Iraq, although the position I had you in at the time didn't quite give you a view of my chest," Lach replied, humor in his words. She relaxed a little with his att.i.tude and admitted she might have taken offences by his one-word responses quicker than was reasonable. "I was actually protecting Lauren, Connor's fiancee. She'd gotten herself mixed up with a case of his and someone tried to take her out. I stopped him."

As Phoebe continued to run her hand over his chest and every once in a while rub her fingers over his scar, she tried to come to terms with the reality of the dangers that came along with his job. She'd seen it firsthand, yet it had never really connected like it did now. Time was precious and she didn't want to waste a single minute anymore. Tonight was the night where she finally took control of her fate and decided which direction she wanted to go in.

"Thank you," Phoebe whispered, not wanting to ruin the content and tranquil aura that surrounded them. She knew those two words weren't enough to convey what she felt, but they were the best she could do in this instant.

"Thank you, Phoebe," Lach replied, his rich tone enveloping her more than any blanket could. He wrapped his arms over the corset and pulled her tightly against him. For the first time when lying with a man, she no longer needed the leather against her skin. She wanted his warm flesh against hers. "Tomorrow brings a new day and new insight. I hope you still feel the same in the morning as you do now."

Phoebe wanted to ask what he meant, but for once in her life she was afraid to get an answer. That wasn't like her, since she usually pushed through circ.u.mstances with all her might and came out standing on the other side with no thought to the consequences. What she and Lach had seemed almost too precious to do that to, so she let herself rest against his body and soak in the comfort he offered her. The rising of the sun wouldn't change how she felt, yet she couldn't prevent the niggling of doubt he'd placed in the back of her mind.

Chapter Nineteen.

Lach poured both mugs full of freshly brewed coffee, just to his liking. He'd brought a change of clothing with him and he had already showered, letting Phoebe have time to herself as she got ready for her day. The morning after such an emotional and intense revelation could make a person wary of their atypical reaction. In what manner would she respond? She had her highs and lows before and there was no telling.

The memory of the night returned as Lach went about making them omelets, using what ingredients she had in her refrigerator. They'd made love around two-thirty in the morning, slowly and tenderly. No words were exchanged, but none were needed. She'd held on to him as if she were afraid he would leave at any moment, but he was certain that was due to the endorphin high she'd come down off of earlier in the evening. He'd actually felt the same and couldn't stop himself from holding her gently against his chest while they slept afterward.

Lach didn't know where this newfound relations.h.i.+p was headed. They'd spent over a year getting to this point and now that they were here, they needed to take things slow and adjust to each other's like and dislikes. He had no doubt things would settle down, considering what her upcoming travel schedule looked like. It wasn't as if he could take off and join her on the campaign trail with her father. He could just smell the hot reunions. The pheromones would be flying in all directions when she managed to get back his way. Primaries were still in full swing, but Lach was no longer a part of her detail. For now, all threats appeared neutralized. All of this came down to one point and that was that both of them had jobs to do.

"You didn't have to cook, but I will say it smells delicious."

Lach turned his head and he couldn't prevent his eyes from looking Phoebe over from head to toe. She was wearing a cream colored sweater with a long turtleneck that draped down the front of her. He would swear the material looked like the angora fabric that his sister used to wrap her boyfriend's cla.s.s ring in when they'd been in high school. Phoebe's matching cream pants contained a flare at the bottom, where her dainty feet were encased in black and cream high heels. The entire outfit hugged her frame and when he finally brought his gaze back to her gorgeous face, it was then that he noticed she'd pulled her hair up, leaving just enough tendrils for him to place behind her ears. He resisted glancing at the clock, knowing if there was enough time he would have her back in her bed and they wouldn't come out again until noon.

"Good morning." With spatula in hand, Lach turned and pulled her toward him with his other. Her neck was there for his taking and he nuzzled her supple skin just below her left ear, breathing in the sweet fragrance he'd come to a.s.sociate with her. "You look delicious. How do you feel?"

"Better now that I'm out here with you," Phoebe answered honestly, her blue eyes sparkling up at him when he finally allowed her to relax back to the ground. There was a delicate pull on her pink lips though. When he c.o.c.ked his head to indicate that he wanted additional information, she hesitated slightly before sighing and then revealing a little more. "I don't want to leave this apartment today. I feel that if we step outside those doors we won't get this feeling back."

"There is nothing outside those doors that can alter what took place last night." Lach took a hold of her chin, making certain that he had her full attention. "You gave me a gift and I will treasure and nurture it to the best of my ability. You are to promise me that at any time during the day you feel insecure for any reason, you'll call me."

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CSA Case Files: Campaign of Desire Part 10 summary

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