CSA Case Files: Campaign of Desire Part 14

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Phoebe awoke in the middle of the night to the secure warmth of Lach's arms. She snuggled deeper and tried to fall back into the peaceful slumber she'd had before, but as usual, once her mind started racing she couldn't get it to stop. Her back was to his chest and they were both encased by the heavy comforter, but her need to touch him had her pulling the fabric back slightly so that she could stroke his arm.

After a scene that had left her exhausted, Lach had released her cuffs and carried her into the bathroom and wrapped her up in his robe while he'd filled his bathtub with hot water. They didn't exchange a lot of words until they were both soaking beneath the surface of the bubbles he'd added, the comfortable silence almost palpable. He'd made her talk about the scene towards the end though, driving her to admit the pleasure she'd received.

Phoebe had felt his hardened c.o.c.k behind her the entire time he gently washed her with a soft sea foam sponge, and when she tried to reciprocate he threatened to tie her to his bed for the night. She felt guilty that he hadn't received his pleasure too, although he claimed seeing her attain hers was more than enough for this night. He'd dried her off and tucked her into bed, although she didn't fall asleep until he was holding her in his arms. Now she was awake and regretting the week ahead, knowing she wouldn't be here to enjoy his company.

"Close your eyes and go back to sleep," Lach said, his deep voice vibrating within his chest. Phoebe smiled at the order, as she knew she wouldn't be able to follow it. Besides, they weren't technically in a scene. "You have to be up early."

"I know, which is why we should spend the rest of our time awake." Phoebe rolled over, though it was a struggle with the weight of the blankets, until she was facing him. It was dark, but he'd left some type of light on in the bathroom that cast out into the bedroom. She had a feeling that it wasn't what he normally did, but had done it for her in case she needed to use the bathroom at night. It was a sweet gesture that warmed her heart. "Besides, I couldn't fall back asleep if I tried."

"Something bothering you?" Lach s.h.i.+fted slightly away, rising up on his elbow.

"Just the thought of having to be away so much the next couple of weeks." Phoebe could make out his features, but not enough to distinguish any emotions. Did he feel the same? She wasn't about to become a wilting lily now, so she spoke her mind. " just so new. I don't want to muddle things up after it took so long for us to get here."

"You have a habit of starting conversations after we're intimate that I end up f.u.c.king up," Lach responded with a throaty laugh. As if his comforter weighed no more than an ounce, he had no problem pulling her on top of him. The blankets slipped in the process, revealing her back to the cool air of the bedroom indicating the temperature outside must have plummeted. She was hoping the same wouldn't happen between them. "If I say I like how we're handling this one day at a time, you'll take it that I only want something casual. That isn't true. On the other hand, I don't have a crystal ball that gives me an inside track into the future. You're certainly not the average woman with a normal daily routine."

Phoebe was trying not to have an immediate reaction to what he was saying. Rather, she pressed her cheek against his warm chest and listened to his steady heartbeat to give her time to process his words. She acknowledged she did have a tendency to overthink things, but that's how she'd been trained to handle business. It had always carried over to her personal life and now was no exception.

"This isn't casual to me, Phoebe." Lach's body stilled after he'd wrapped his large arms around her and held her securely to his body. "There is something between us that I think is worth exploring. We're doing that within the parameters your life has at the moment. It's definitely confined, but we'll make do. I don't want you adding more stress to your life thinking I won't be here when you come home. I might be a man of few words upon an average day and with an average person, but you'll always know where I stand and be given a reason why."

"I guess that makes me a special case," Phoebe quipped, not knowing why his words had caused her to feel as if she wanted to cry. He'd finally said all the right ones. She casually ran a hand over her face to wipe away a tear that had formed and was making its way over her cheek. "I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep."

"I can, can I?" Lach loosened his hold, and though she tried to move to prevent him from seeing any tears that she may have missed, his hands were able to cradle her face. His thumb brushed against her cheek facing the bathroom and to her mortification she knew that light must have reflected off of her tears. "It's okay to feel like this."

Phoebe felt anger stir for no apparent reason and she tried to move off of him, but his hold was too strong. She was able to pull her head back and she quickly sat up, cradling him between her thighs. It was then that she realized he was hard as his c.o.c.k nestled with her p.u.s.s.y. Her thoughts took another spin and she wanted nothing more than to ride him.

"You're dropping." Lach said the words as if it were something Phoebe would understand. She wanted to ask what he meant, but when she'd repositioned herself, her cream made itself known and now his c.o.c.k felt like pure silk. "Phoebe? It's call subdrop. We spoke about it before. It'll pa.s.s with time, but the endorphins you released during your scene are causing you to feel off balance. It's normal."

"And what if I want to make love to you? No scene," Phoebe announced, rocking herself against his shaft as she placed her palms on his hard chest. Her composure was finally put back in place, although she was appreciative of him explaining the definition of sub drop. She'd take time tomorrow to do a little more research, but right now she wanted to feel closer to him. "Or maybe I do want a scene. I want that feeling back. Is that normal?"

"Normal is whatever you want to make it," Lach said, his voice a little strangled and causing a rush of adrenaline to shoot through her. Phoebe ran her palms over his skin, liking the textured feel of his chest hair. "There is no right or wrong. You have five minutes before I roll you over and take you the way I want to take you."

The challenge within his deep voice was enough to spur Phoebe into action. Using her hands, she pushed herself down his body and tucked her legs in between his. She took at least one minute of her allotted time to run her hands over his rock hard abs and down the strong cords of his thighs, coming up in between his legs to cup his large sac. Enveloping his hefty b.a.l.l.s within her palm got a guttural response from deep within him.

"Four minutes, Phoebe."

She ran her other hand up and over his still wet c.o.c.k that was covered with her juices, using the natural lubricant to rub her fingers up and down his shaft. He was wide...wider than her grasp and she now knew why it had taken him so long the other night to work his way inside of her. Phoebe felt her p.u.s.s.y respond at the memory, but she wanted to finally taste him the way he'd tasted her.

Phoebe ran her tongue up the outer part of his c.o.c.k finally forming her lips around the mushroom head and savoring his musky taste. If someone asked her to describe it, she would only be able to say it was Lach. His taste and no other. She couldn't get enough and licked at his slit some more.

"One minute."

Phoebe couldn't prevent the smile that broke the seal her mouth had created around him, knowing full well he'd just cheated her out of at least a full minute if not more. She felt his fingers slide into her hair, which had come out of the band she'd had in earlier. When his hands tightened and pulled her hair taut, a s.h.i.+ver ran through her at the picture that appeared in her mind of what they looked like. She lowered her head and slowly took him to the back of her throat.

"f.u.c.k," Lach whispered into the dark, a desperation attached to it. Phoebe felt her chest swell at the thought of being the one to make him feel like this. She needed leverage and finally placed her hands on either side of his body. Pulling back up until he almost slipped out of her mouth, she worked her way back down. "You are f.u.c.king killing me."

As Phoebe continued to lick and suck his c.o.c.k, she came to understand that she wasn't the one with control. He was the one moving her head over his member and he was the one with total and complete power. She felt immersed in his dominance and had never felt more alive. Before she could even come close to having her fill, he had her beneath him before she could utter a protest. What surprised her most was he encased her wrists above her head with something she didn't even know was there, leaving her bound.

"That's not fair," Phoebe pouted, not sure if he could even see her expression. The pillow to her right had blocked out the light streaming in from the bedroom. "I wasn't done."

"What's not fair is that you can undo me within minutes," Lach replied, already rolling on a condom. His body she was able to see just fine. She didn't feel so cheated now. "This will last, especially since you'll be gone most of this week. We'll take the morning to spend some time together before you leave for your trips. Having two scenes will be potent. Just remember the rule about calling me if you're feeling emotional."

Lach parted Phoebe's legs and separated them, holding them high up by the ankles. Without using his hands, he allowed his c.o.c.k to lead the way as he placed his tip at her entrance. It took several times, but each time he pushed forward, his c.o.c.k inched its way inside of her. The way he was holding her legs made her feel every movement and she'd lost her ability to speak when he finally sunk all the way home. When he didn't move, Phoebe tried unsuccessfully to move her legs. His fingers tightened on her ankles and she knew what he wanted. She wanted it too.


Lach knew the way Phoebe said his t.i.tle would never grow old. He closed his eyes to give himself another minute, wanting to keep his promise that this wouldn't be quick. He wanted her to remember this night while she lay in her hotel room thinking of him. He wanted to imprint this into her memory so that it would carry her through the long absences they were about to face. He was glad that he'd prepared the bed earlier that morning.

"Do you like being restrained?" Lach asked, needing to speak before he changed his mind and gave them both the instant gratification that would in the end seem hollow.

"Yes, Sir," Phoebe answered, her breath hitching as he pulled the long strap from the headboard and wrapped the Velcro cuff to her left ankle. He did the same to her right before pulling his c.o.c.k out of her to make sure her legs were separated enough for what he had planned. "I do."

"Do you like handing your pleasure over to me?" Lach reached into the drawer by his bedside for some of the toys that he'd placed in there earlier. "Do you trust that I will give it to you?"

"Y-yes, Sir," Phoebe replied once more, although he could see that she was lifting her head trying to make out what he had in his hand. "I need it now though, Sir."

Lach would have smiled if he hadn't been in such pain from having to pull out of her. Needing to see a little better than the sliver of light allowed from the bathroom, he reached over once more and turned on the side lamp. He was glad that it was golden hued so that it didn't hurt their eyes. He finally sat back on his heels, viewing what he knew would be an image forever entrenched in his mind. Her legs were held straight back, giving him wide access to her p.u.s.s.y. He intended to enjoy this moment to the fullest and make sure she did as well.

"That's good to know, Phoebe, but I think we've established that you handed me that decision a while ago." Lach separated her folds with his index finger and thumb, spreading her lips far enough so that her c.l.i.t was vulnerable to what he had in his hand. He held up a clear vial with a small rubber bulb into the air for her to see. "This is a suction cup that will expose your c.l.i.t to the pleasure I want it to receive."

Phoebe's breathing deepened and he loved watching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rise and fall with each pant. Her lips parted and she tried to lift her head even farther to watch as he placed the round rim around her c.l.i.t, making sure not to touch it in any way. There would be enough of that in a few moments and he didn't want to set her off prematurely. When he allowed her to come, it would be together.

"How many draws do you think you can stand without begging me to take you?"

"One, Sir," Phoebe replied, letting her head fall against the mattress as if she'd accepted her fate. "I'm begging you now. Please take me, Sir."

Lach could feel his c.o.c.k pumping with blood, and with each pulse his body commanded him to do as she asked. He refused to give in and maneuvered his fingers down her folds slightly to keep the gla.s.s tube in place. With his other hand, he squeezed the bulb twice, ensuring that it created a vacuum around her nub.

"Oh, my-" Phoebe lifted her hips, almost undoing what he'd just put into place. She even struggled against her bonds. Fortunately, he knew how she would react and had planned for it. "I can't take any more, Sir."

"You can take whatever I give you, Phoebe." Lach pressed the bulb once more and was fascinated when her c.l.i.t rose just slightly. The pink tissue had turned darker in color, as if wanting to let him know there was more to be revealed. "I want to see the beauty of your c.l.i.t."

"It's too much, Sir," Phoebe replied in a half scream as he squeezed the rubber again. Her c.l.i.t extended, but nowhere near the length he knew it could. Lach got into position on his knees and let go of the suction device, knowing full well that it would stay in place now. "Sir!"

Phoebe knew what Lach was about to do and he watched in fascination as cream leaked out of her p.u.s.s.y. He was in awe that she was so responsive and receptive to his administrations. Holding the base of his c.o.c.k, he eased his tip inside of her stretched opening, loving the fact that her legs were out of the way and that she was secured to his bedpost for what he had planned.

Lach was finally inside of her and slowly pumped in and out, watching as her p.u.s.s.y strained to accommodate him. The color of her c.l.i.t was turning a beautiful shade of red and he looked forward to Phoebe's reaction when he stroked the overly sensitive tissue with the pad of his thumb. She wasn't quite ready for that.

"I think your c.l.i.t needs to come out a little more from its hiding place, don't you?" Lach didn't stop his slow thrusting, wanting her to be overcome with numerous sensations at once. Phoebe hid her face inside her arm, as if bracing for what was to come. She should. "Three more pumps before I'll take it off. Count with me, Phoebe."

"One, Sir," Phoebe whispered into the crevice of her arm while she arched her back after he'd squeezed the end. Lach watched in fascination as her c.l.i.t extended slightly. He then compressed again, watching it fight against the suction yet not coming close to winning. "Two, Sir."

Phoebe's voice rang out a little louder and she'd switched arms to which she pressed her face against. Her nipples were hardened, similar to her c.l.i.toris, yet nowhere near the size. Wanting this last pump to create something she'd never felt before, he stopped pumping his c.o.c.k into her while slowly pressed the bulb until the insides touched together.

"Threeeee, Sir." Phoebe had finally reached the point that Lach had wanted her to reach. It was a good thing, since he wasn't so sure how much longer he would last. "Please."

"You may come."

Lach slowly allowed air to seep through the release valve of the suction cup, contractions within her p.u.s.s.y immediately closing her walls against his c.o.c.k. He tossed the small device to the side and then gathered her juices with his thumb. Wanting her o.r.g.a.s.m to continue as long as he could render it, he firmly stroked over her extended and overly sensitive c.l.i.toris. He would forever remember the scream that tore from her throat.

"More, Phoebe. Come for me some more."

Lach pounded into her, feeling his own ball sac draw up into his body as it readied for release. He didn't stop pressing and rubbing firmly over her c.l.i.t, which didn't seem to want to go back into hiding. That was fine by him. He had no doubt that she would remain swollen for a few days, letting her know exactly who she belonged to while she traveled to different states.

Not holding back, Lach kept driving into her until his own o.r.g.a.s.m took hold, stealing the oxygen from his body. Having no energy left, he put his hands on either side of her waist while her legs were still held in place by the straps. He could feel the trembling in her muscles and knew that he needed to release her. h.e.l.l, she needed another soak in hot water and a rubdown so that she wasn't too sore in the morning.

"My thoughts have changed regarding my upcoming trips," Phoebe whispered, finally tilting her head so that he could see her exhausted yet contented smile. "They might be good for me. At this rate, you'll kill me off with too much pleasure. That was amazing, Sir Lach McKinnon."

Lach laughed as he struggled slightly to find enough vigor to move. Phoebe continued to amaze him, but he highly doubted she would feel the same after a couple of days with a sensitized c.l.i.t. He refrained from sharing that as he unfastened the Velcro, easing her legs down onto the bed.

"Phoebe, the fun has just started."

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Two months later, in another city and another state, Phoebe wasn't so sure she could last another eight weeks until primaries were over. Her traveling schedule had picked up, Lach's case had taken him away from Minneapolis on some of the days she'd been in town, and she'd had enough. She'd had adequate time to think about it though and there was nothing in her power to make the next eight weeks any better.

Phoebe had just entered her hotel room after Thornton had cleared the area when she heard her phone ring. Thinking it was Lach, she rummaged through her purse and pulled out her cell. It was Kimmie. Things had been going much better on the family front and though their relations.h.i.+p was growing stronger by the day, it wasn't her sister that she wanted to talk to. She needed to hear Lach's voice as desperately as she needed air to breathe.

"Hi Kimmie," Phoebe said, wanting to rush this conversation so that she could undress to slip under the covers and call Lach. "How are things back home?"

"Finals are coming up," Kimmie replied, music from indie rockers Kongos playing in the background. "I spoke to Dad a few minutes ago. It sounds like things are going good there."

"Yes, although I think another eight weeks will probably kill me." Phoebe paused in kicking off her heels when what she'd said reminded her of one night months ago when she'd stated something similar to Lach. The memory had her smiling. "So, finals. Are you ready for them?"

"They aren't for another week or two, but I feel confident." Kimmie paused, allowing the huge sound created by the four-piece band to pulsate through the phone. Phoebe grimaced as she went about undoing the zipper of her skirt. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I used your apartment for the rest of the week while you were out of town. This place is just too busy and there's always someone knocking on my door-which really off Jerrett, my guard who likes the nights.h.i.+ft."

Phoebe felt a tug in her heart as she heard the inquiry in Kimmie's voice. Had this been a few months ago, she never would have asked such a question. They were best friends and yet, one decision had made it feel as if they were on rocky ground. She wanted her feisty sister back, not this tentative and unsure girl.

"Only if you promise to bake some of those chocolate chip cookies with the chunks of dark chocolate in them." Phoebe was tired of the two of them walking on Looking back, she knew that Kimmie wasn't mad at her for treating her like a daughter at times. The words had been said in anger due to a situation beyond their control. What Kimmie saw as a simple solution had spiraled out of control and it was a life lesson learned, one that Phoebe hoped had made an impact. "I'll be home at the end of the week."

"I'll bake extra and put them in the freezer," Kimmie said, her tone lightening. "By the way, Austin might stop by, if that's all right. He's, well, we've been talking more and finding out that we have a lot in common. Besides, you can't be the only Dunaway woman getting lucky."

Phoebe had to bite her tongue to keep from lecturing Kimmie about allowing anyone into her life that had the kinds of aspirations that Austin Bentley had in regards to political life. Lach was of a different caliber, but it wasn't her place to point that out. Her little sister was growing up and Phoebe needed to allow that to happen. It was a big step for both of them, but wasn't that what life was about? Making mistakes, hopefully learning from them, and growing into a better person?

"I think that's great, Kimmie," Phoebe said, stretching the truth just a bit. "I'll see you at the end of the week."

"Thanks, Phoebe." Kimmie meant more with that statement than a simple acknowledgement and Phoebe nodded, although she knew her sister couldn't see. "I love you."

"I love you too." Phoebe heard a beep come across the line, breaking up their connection. Pulling the phone away from her face, she saw that it was Timothy calling. "Kimmie, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I've got another call coming in."

Phoebe said a quick goodbye and then swapped out the lines. She exchanged pleasantries with Timothy as she took off her suit jacket and then draped it over the chair in front of the small desk alongside the wall. She'd thought this call would be quick, but after hearing what he had to say, she lowered herself onto the edge of the bed.

"What do you mean she quit? I thought you had this handled a couple of months ago."

"Phoebe, you knew that Nancy couldn't take the pressure. I told you that and you ignored my warning." Phoebe could just see Timothy pus.h.i.+ng his up on the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to come back and take over. Nancy overextended our funds on this last mission. We need you here to bring in more money or we'll have to delay any other jobs that were scheduled and put them on hold until after you finish with your father's campaign. I hate to say I told you so, but..."

"Timothy, don't go there," Phoebe warned, not in the mood to hear what he was about to say. She'd overextended herself and she wasn't so sure she had any more to give. "Just take care of things until I get back into town in a couple of days. I'll see if I can catch a flight out earlier."

Phoebe gave Timothy a few more instructions before disconnecting, finished undressing, and then crawled under the cool sheets on the bed before calling Lach. When she reached his voicemail, despair settled in her bones and she knew she'd have to wait for him. She left a brief message and then she lay against the soft pillow wis.h.i.+ng it were Lach's warm body, with her phone against her chest. Eight more weeks seemed like a lifetime.

Lach walked through the arrival ramp and into the busy airport, leaving behind the crisp air that saturated the tunnel. Even though it was April, the weather had yet to catch up with the newly arrived spring season. He immediately reached into the interior pocket of his leather jacket, pulling out his phone and turning the device back on. He cursed underneath his breath when he saw that he'd missed a couple of calls from Phoebe and one from Ethan. Before he could even listen to Phoebe's voicemail, Crest's name appeared on his display although it was hard to hear the ringtone over the crowds.

"Are you actually tracking my signal?" Lach asked, not bothering to look up at the baggage signs. He continued toward the escalators. "Your timing is impeccable."

"I do my best." Crest must be making this call outside, for the wind was m.u.f.fling his voice. "Taryn is getting ready to head to Texas. Are there any special needs you have for your case before she's gone? We'll still have access to our secondary technological support team. They were recommended through a friend of mine in the Bureau, but they won't provide the same kind of access Taryn does."

"No." Lach still needed to type up his SITREP, but he'd located the missing daughter of his client. Unfortunately it wasn't going to be the happy ending that the man had been hoping for. "The case is wrapped up. I'll close it tomorrow when I meet with Mr. Lochnar."

"a.s.signments like these don't always end up the way the client would like." The sound of a car door opening and closing, along with the line going completely silent indicated that Crest had gotten into his vehicle. "You're giving him closure though."

Lach didn't respond. There wasn't a need and what could be said would be tomorrow. Finally reaching the escalator, he walked onto the first step and rode the staircase to the lower level. He hadn't hit the bottom floor when a man wearing a ball cap caught his attention. Lach looked around, hoisting up his bag over his shoulder. He wasn't missing anything, not that he could tell.

"Where are you?" Lach asked in a flat mission essential voice they all recognized, quickening his step to follow his new target who was now headed toward the main exit where taxis awaited new pa.s.sengers.

"Leaving the office. What's going on?"

"Start heading this way and notify the team." Lach turned sideways to avoid hitting a woman who wasn't watching where she was going. "Trevor Neonni just arrived in town. I can't imagine he's here for any other reason than a contract."

Ryland wasn't the only who worked freelance for the highest bidder. The difference between the two was that Neonni liked the taste of death while Ryland only saw it as a task required by the job. He kept things clean in that the authorities had no evidence with regards to his profession. Neonni took contracts that allowed him to use his trademark, strangulation being his favorite method. With Ryland out of the picture, at least as far as everyone knew, Neonni had to be having the pick of the litter regarding a.s.signments. Why would he risk returning to the Twin Cities? For all Lach knew Neonni had come back to eliminate either Emily or Taryn, acting upon Ryland's orders. That wasn't about to happen.

"Don't engage," Crest ordered in the same hard voice. "Trail the target and feed me his location through to his destination. I'll a.s.semble the team."

"Lach?" Phoebe asked, holding up the phone to her ear. She sat up in bed and adjusted her eyes to the dark as she looked over at the hotel bedside clock. Rubbing the blurred vision away, she saw that it was going on four o'clock in the morning. She must have dozed off waiting for his call. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes." Lach sounded tired, but all Phoebe cared about was that he was all right. "The team had to check something out so I wasn't able to call you earlier."

"Does it have something to do with that Ryland character?" Phoebe asked, sitting up slightly so that she could slide out from underneath the covers. Lach had gone over more detail of why CSA was looking for the and had shared with her his concerns that someone was liable to end up hurt. "Are Emily and Taryn okay?"

"Both are fine. We're keeping watch over someone who's had a past connection with Ryland though. Tell me about your day."

"I miss you." Phoebe smiled at Lach's deliberate change of topic. She could just imagine what he was like in meetings. He'd give the facts and then want to move to the next item on the agenda. No matter how mundane her day had been, he still continued to ask her the same question. "And my day went as usual. I spent the morning confirming the bigger donations, I used this afternoon to do a remote interview for one of the news channels, and I spent the evening at a dinner with a fake smile on my face wis.h.i.+ng I was with you."

"I wrapped my case up this afternoon, so when you fly in on Friday we should use the weekend to get away," Lach said followed by a lengthy pause. "I take that back. I closed it yesterday afternoon. I hadn't realized what time it was. You have to get up in an hour or two."

"I'd rather spend the time talking to you," Phoebe replied softly, snuggling back down into the pillows as she closed her eyes to enjoy the sound of Lach's soothing voice. "I fly in around noon, have to hit campaign headquarters for about an hour, and then I'm all yours."

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CSA Case Files: Campaign of Desire Part 14 summary

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