Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants Chapter 43 Part3

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I did not feel like giving out personal connections and privileges to this cunning guy … ….

I felt that there is something behind this.

Ahh! then I understood.

"Do you intend to publicize your network with the Devil army by hiring the Centaurs, and using it for business?"

Maou seemed to be jerky, with an awkward smile.

"Oops, did I say something? …"

"You are a rogue,"

"Why yes, a rogue, you say"

This guy!

"No. We cannot cooperate if the goal is to become a hotbed of stinking corruption"

Maou seemed to be very badly disappointed . It was nothing to do with carelessness.

After a while I would tell him.

"It because I made a little more contribution to the Devil army."

"A little more?"

"Oh, a bit more."

Get a load of this!

Mao sighed and lowered my head to me.

"Let's do it a little more, Lets be useful. Next time in the future we will deliver information free of charge as Vaito's personal spies."
This guy had a lot of hidden elements for negotiations. There
There was still something.
When appealing on line of sight, Maou has also opened up negotiations withdrawals.
"And, I make it so that we can secretly procure the building materials for the walls. Because as soon as a lot of building materials move, they will expose themselves to the enemy."

"What do you have in mind specifically?"

To my question, Maou spread out a map and indicated towards it with his fingers.
"I will procure high quality stone from the southern city with the pretext of being a merchant coming from the north and using it for the rebuilding of the northern city"
"Hey hey, is there a merchant who comes to buy a heavy stone from the north?"
Then Maou smiled.
"In the northern area now a lot of stone is actually needed for reconstruction, so even if you come to buy from a distance you will not be detected."
Was he trying to use his fellow human's predicaments?

"You are a rogue,"

"And, what if I am?"

Maou smiled.

In the previous life, I saw endless b.a.s.t.a.r.ds like him but, it was a type uncommon for a demon. Most of the time they would be destroyed.
But it was also a fact that it seemed to be useful.

"I will be fine. I will ask you again next time. But as I go along, the snake may be forced to raise its head."

"I will keep this proposal in mind."

Maou bowed, cautiously.

  After he left, I faced the door next door and raised my voice.
"Yees, the captain"
One of the most intelligence agents of the werewolves, Monza opened the door without sound and revealed its appearance.
"Keep an eye on him with your corps"
She looked happy and laughed thinly.
"If he betrays us, shall we kill him?"
"You can kick the s.h.i.+t out of him, but please bring him back alive"
"Okay, understood."
How will it all end?

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Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants Chapter 43 Part3 summary

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