Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers Part 8

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Thought Forms.

Another phase of clairvoyant phenomena of this cla.s.s is that of the perception of "thought forms," as they are called by occultists. As all students of occultism know, a strong thought or emotion manifests a certain high vibratory motion, and takes upon itself a vibratory "form"

which is plainly perceptible to the trained clairvoyant vision. These thought-forms manifest a great variety in appearance and character. Some appear in a faint wave-like form, something like the tiny waves caused by the dropping of a pebble in a pond of water. Others take on a whirlpool form, rotating and whirling as they move through s.p.a.ce. Others appear like whirling rings, similar in general form to the "ring" puffed forth from the mouth of a cigar smoker, or from the funnel of a locomotive. Others glow like great opals. Others appear like jets emitted from the spout of a teakettle. Others twist along like a corkscrew. Others appear like exploding bombs. Others branch out arms like a devil-fish, which wriggle in all directions, as if striving to attach themselves to some object upon which they wish to take hold.

The X-Ray Sense.

Another phase of clairvoyant phenomena of this general cla.s.s is that which may be called "the X-Ray Sense," for indeed it enables the clairvoyant to see through a brick wall, or other material obstacle, or through a sealed letter, etc. The higher psychic vibrations easily pa.s.s through the most solid object, just as do the X-Rays, and consequently the clairvoyant is able to see what is going on on the other side of a brick wall, or the walls of a house. Likewise, the clairvoyant vision is able to pierce through the dense earth, and to perceive veins of mineral or metal lying concealed beneath.

Microscopic Vision.

Another phase of clairvoyant power of this general cla.s.s, but one not nearly so common as those above mentioned, is described by a well-known occultist as follows: "Another strange power of which the clairvoyant may find himself in possession is that of magnifying at will the minutest physical particle to any desired size, as through a microscope--though no microscope ever made, or ever likely to be made, possesses even a thousandth part of this psychic magnifying power. By its means the hypothetical molecule and atom postulated by science becomes visible and living realities to the occult student, and on this closer examination he finds them to be much more complex in their structure than the scientific man has yet realized them to be. It also enables him to follow with the closest attention and the most lively interest all kinds of electrical, magnetic, and other etheric action; and when some of the specialists in these branches of science are able to develop the power to see these things whereof they speak so facilely, some very wonderful and beautiful revelations may be expected."

s.p.a.ce Clairvoyance.

In what is called s.p.a.ce Clairvoyance the objects, persons, scenes, or events perceived by the clairvoyant are removed in s.p.a.ce from him--often being located at points in s.p.a.ce thousands of miles distant, in fact.

The pages of works upon occultism, and those devoted to the recording of proved instances gathered by the societies for psychical research, are filled with the most interesting cases of this form of clairvoyant vision. Instances are recorded, upon the very best possible authority, in which persons with clairvoyant powers have been perfectly cognizant of events occurring on the other side of the world, or across the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. In fact, it would seem that distance and s.p.a.ce are practically wiped out in this form of clairvoyant phenomena, and that it is just as easy to see clairvoyantly over the s.p.a.ce of a thousand miles, as over that of a hundred feet--the principle involved being precisely the same.

The Psychic Telescope.

s.p.a.ce Clairvoyance, or Distant Clairvoyance, is manifested in the form of Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, or Direct Clairvoyance, as we have said.

We do not consider it necessary to record here any typical instances of this phase of phenomena, as the many books on this subject are chiefly devoted to a recital thereof, and every student is more or less acquainted with the same. The whole matter may be summed up by saying that in this form of clairvoyant vision, there is manifested what might be called a "psychic telescope with an X-Ray attachment," thus enabling one to see at any distance, and through any intervening objects. This gives you a mental picture of the process.


In the theory of vibratory forces, as set forth in the earlier chapters of this book, we have the only scientific explanation of the phenomena of distant clairvoyance. Modern science, in its teachings regarding the radio-activity of physical objects, has thrown much additional light on this subject, and has corroborated the ancient occult teachings on the subject. These rays of higher vibratory power are like the rays of light or heat, although of a much higher rate of intensity and vibratory motion, and though the most delicate scientific instruments are able to register some of these, it is still practically admitted by science that the highest of these radio-active vibrations are beyond the scope and field of even the most sensitive instrument yet known to science. This is saying much when we remember that some of the delicate instruments of science are so sensitive that they are able to register the heat waves of a candle at the distance of one mile; while others are able to record the presence of certain chemical elements in the most distant of the visible stars, by means of the light waves carrying certain forms of vibration.

Sensing the Higher Vibrations.

Under the radio-active theory it is quite reasonable to conceive of the clairvoyant sense being able to register and interpreting these higher vibrations which are beyond the power of even the most delicate instruments of science. It must be admitted that the existence of such vibrations being granted--and science tacitly admits their presence--then ordinary distances on earth would be no barrier at all to the action of clairvoyant vision capable of registering them. Moreover, in such case all intervening objects would be penetrated by these waves, and as a writer has well said, "they would be able to cross one another to infinity in all directions without entanglement, precisely as the vibrations of ordinary light do." Physical science and psychic science at last seem to have arrived at a common ground of understanding, and many of the most advanced scientists do not hesitate to admit this fact, though their more conservative brethren hesitate to do so.

Viewing Distant Scenes.

A writer has said of this form of clairvoyant perception: "The view of a distant scene obtained in this way is in many ways not unlike that seen through a telescope. Human figures usually appear very small, like those upon a distant stage, but in spite of their diminutive size they are clear as though they were close by. Sometimes it is possible by this means to hear what is said as well as to see what is done; but as in the majority of cases this does not happen, we must consider it rather as the manifestation of an additional power than as a necessary corollary of the faculty of sight. It will be observed that in cases of this kind the clairvoyant does not actually leave his physical body at all--he simply manufactures for himself, and uses, a kind of psychic telescope.

Consequently he has the use of his physical powers while he is examining the distant scene; for example, his voice usually describes what he sees even while he is in the act of making the observation."

Time Clairvoyance.

In what is called Time Clairvoyance the clairvoyant is able to perceive objects, persons, scenes, and events removed from him in past time or future time. That is to say, the clairvoyant perceives things which have existed in the physical world in times long past, which things have long since vanished from physical existence; or, on the other hand, he perceives things which belong to future existence--this which have never as yet been in physical existence, and of course are not in such existence at the present time. The careful student will see at once that the principle of manifestation governing these two respective phases of clairvoyance must be quite different; and, accordingly, the two respective phases must be considered separately and apart from each other.

Past Time Clairvoyance.

In what is known as Past Time Clairvoyance there is the manifestation of clairvoyant vision in the direction of scenes and occurrences of the past. Here, the clairvoyant perceives the events and scenes of past time just as clearly and plainly as if such were present before him in time and in s.p.a.ce. Just as in Distant Clairvoyance it is just as easy for the clairvoyant to see things at a great distance as those at a short distance, so in Past Time Clairvoyance it is just as easy for the clairvoyant to see things and events occurring five thousand years ago as it is to see things occurring one year ago, or one week ago for that matter. The principle involved is the same in either case.

The Mystery of Seeing the Past.

To persons investigating the phenomena of clairvoyance for the first time, however, there seems to be a much greater mystery attached to the phenomena of Past Clairvoyance than in the case of Distant Clairvoyance.

To such persons it seems that while the perception of distant objects, scenes, and events is wonderful and mysterious, still at the last it is merely the perception of something now actually in existence--merely the extension of one's normal powers of vision so as to include objects beyond the range of the ordinary vision, but, still, actually in existence though at a distance. The idea of the telescope enables the mind to grasp the naturalness of this kind of phenomena. But when it comes to the perception of things, scenes, and events WHICH ARE NO LONGER IN EXISTENCE--things which have pa.s.sed entirely out of existence--the mystery seems to be increased, and incredulity becomes more insistent. But to the occultist there is really no more mystery in the one case than in the other--both sets of phenomena are seen to be perfectly reasonable and within the realms of Nature. Let us now see how and why the occultists view the matter in this light.

a.n.a.logies on the Physical Plane.

We may find many correspondences on the physical plane to serve as ill.u.s.trations of the phenomena of Past Time Clairvoyance, if we will but look for them. For instance, when we withdraw a heated stove from a room, the heat remains in the room. Likewise, though a woman bearing the odor of a certain perfume on her clothing may have pa.s.sed from a house, the odor still lingers there. The wake of an ocean steamer is often visible for hours after the s.h.i.+p has pa.s.sed from sight. As modern science expressed it: "Causes continue to exist in their Effects."

Thousand-Year-Old Light.

But we have a much more striking ill.u.s.tration and correspondence in the case of the transmission of light from the distant stars, which we will do well to carefully consider. Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. A "light-year," as known to astronomers, means the distance traversed by a light wave (at the stated rate of travel) during the period of one of our earth years. Some of the distant stars are estimated to be fully one thousand light-years distant from us; or, in other words, the light we now perceive as coming from them really is the light that left them one thousand years ago. If one of these stars were to be destroyed, observers on this earth would not become aware of it for a thousand years. The star whose light we may now perceive may actually have been destroyed nearly one thousand years ago. Other stars are only one hundred light-years removed from us in s.p.a.ce; others only a few years; others only a few hours. But the principle is just the same in all cases, namely, that we see the stars not as they are at the present moment, but as they were when the light left them, perhaps many years ago. Thus, as you see, we may actually perceive events long after their happening.

Reading the Light Waves.

Now, if our physical vision was sufficiently powerful to magnify objects on the stars, or if we had instruments to do this for us, we could actually witness scenes, objects, persons and events which had pa.s.sed out of existence a thousand years ago. Their records are present in these light waves from the stars, and all that is needed is an eye or a telescope sufficiently strong to register them upon our mind. In a fanciful story written by Camille Flammarion, the French astronomer, many years ago, the character relates how, traveling in the astral body, he was able to witness the events of the French Revolution which had occurred many years before, by simply proceeding to the necessary distance from the earth and there perceiving the registered records in the earth's light-waves traveling through s.p.a.ce at the rate of 186,000 miles a second. In fact, by getting at the right distance he was able to see even the events of his own childhood and youth, every event of his life, in fact, up to the moment of his leaving the earth.

This story, fanciful as it is, nevertheless is based upon scientific facts, and its happenings would be quite possible for a being capable of traveling at a sufficiently rapid rate through s.p.a.ce, and also possessed of the power of magnifying the records of light rays. In fact, a person on earth possessing the power of Distant Clairvoyance might be able to duplicate these feats, providing he were able to come in rapport contact with one of these light-waves bearing the past-time records. Think for a moment, and you will grasp the point of this statement.

The Akas.h.i.+c Plane.

But this, however, is but an ill.u.s.tration of the correspondence on the ordinary physical plane of certain things on a higher plane of Nature.

Past Time Clairvoyance is not dependent upon light-waves, or any other of the lesser phases of vibratory activity. Instead, it depends entirely upon the phenomena and facts of a higher plane of Nature--a plane which occultists have called the Akas.h.i.+c Plane. Some occultists prefer the general term, "the Astral Plane," but the former term is a closer and more definite one. The Akas.h.i.+c Plane, as known to occultists, contains the impressions or "records" of all events that have happened on the earth plane during the present cycle of earth manifestation. The very subtle and tenuous substance of the Akas.h.i.+c Plane--the term "etheric"

may best describe the nature of this substance--contains traces and impressions of all the happenings of the past of this earth; and such impressions may be read and seen by the clairvoyant who has developed sufficiently high powers of vision. These Akas.h.i.+c Records have well been called "the substantial memory of the earth." Upon the subtle etheric substance of the Akas.h.i.+c Plane are registered the records of every event, thing, object, happening, or activity of the earth which has existed or been manifested from the very beginning of the present cycle of the earth's existence. These records will, it is claimed, persist until the final ending of the present earth cycle.

The Akas.h.i.+c Records.

The clairvoyant whose powers of Past Time Clairvoyance have been developed sufficiently, and who has mastered the art of concentration of his psychic attention, manages to come into more or less perfect en rapport condition contact with these Akas.h.i.+c Records, and is thus enabled to read from them what he sees there. To him it actually seems as if he were seeing the actions of things in present existence, and many excellent clairvoyants are ignorant of the existence of the Akas.h.i.+c Records, though they habitually read the contents thereof; these clairvoyants know simply that they "see" these past happenings--they have not the faintest conception of how they are able to see them. This is no more strange than would be the case of a man who witnessed a moving picture for the first time, and who was ignorant of the mechanism involved in the showing of the picture, the existence of the film, etc.,--such a man would simply know that he "saw" the things, and he might even believe that he was gazing upon an actual scene in real life.

Degrees of Clairvoyant Vision.

There is, of course, many degrees of power and development among clairvoyants of this cla.s.s; and as a result we have many varying degrees of correctness in their readings. Some have merely a glimpse, as through dim; and some obtain merely distorted reflections similar to those of a scene reflected into the troubled waters of a lake. Others see far more clearly; but it is reserved for the trained occultist to read the records as he would read the scene before him on the physical plane. The clairvoyant does not become infallible simply by reason of the perhaps only faint awakening of his clairvoyant vision--he is not suddenly gifted with omniscience, as some seem to suppose. There are almost always elements of error or imperfect visioning, except among the advanced adepts of the occult world.

"The Memory of Nature."

A celebrated occultist says concerning the point just raised: "Comparatively few accounts of persons possessing this faculty of looking into the past are to be found in the literature of the subject, and it might therefore be supposed to be much less common than prevision, or future-time clairvoyance. I suspect, however, that the truth is rather that it is much less commonly recognized. It may easily happen that a person may see a picture of the past without recognizing it as such, unless there happens to be in it something which attracts special attention, such as a figure in armor, or in antique costume. It is probable that occasional glimpses of these reflections of the Akas.h.i.+c Records are commoner than the published accounts would lead us to believe. As usual, we find examples of all degrees of the power to see into this 'memory of Nature,' from the trained man who can consult the record for himself at will, down to the person who gets nothing but occasional vague glimpses, or has even perhaps had only one such glimpse. But even the man who possesses this faculty only partially and occasionally may still find it of the deepest interest.

Involuntary Clairvoyance.

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Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers Part 8 summary

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