Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools Part 7

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In showing the relations of the different parts of the heart, a large dissectible model is of great service (Fig. 24). Indeed, where the time of the cla.s.s is limited, the practical work may be confined to the study of the heart model, diagrams of the heart and the circulation, and a few simple experiments. However, where the course is more extended, the dissection of the heart of some animal as described below is strongly advised.

*Observations on the Heart.*-Procure, by the a.s.sistance of a butcher, the heart of a sheep, calf, or hog. To insure the specimen against mutilation, the lungs and the diaphragm must be left attached to the heart. In studying the different parts, good results will be obtained by observing the following order:

1. Observe the connection of the heart to the lungs, diaphragm, and large blood vessels. Inflate the lungs and observe the position of the heart with reference to them.

2. Examine the sac surrounding the heart, called the _pericardium_. Pierce its lower portion and collect the pericardial fluid. Increase the opening thus made until it is large enough to slip the heart out through it. Then slide back the pericardium until its connection with the large blood vessels above the heart is found. Observe that a thin layer of it continues down from this attachment, forming the outer covering of the heart.

3. Trace out for a short distance and study the veins and arteries connected with the heart. The arteries are to be distinguished by their thick walls. The heart may now be severed from the lungs by cutting the large blood vessels, care being taken to leave a considerable length of each one attached to the heart.

[Fig. 24]

Fig. 24-Model for demonstrating the heart.

4. Observe the outside of the heart. The thick, lower portion contains the cavities called _ventricles_; the thin, upper, ear-shaped portions are the _auricles_. The thicker and denser side lies toward the left of the animal's body and is called the _left_ side of the heart; the other is the _right_ side. Locate the right auricle and the right ventricle; the left auricle and the left ventricle.

5. Lay the heart on the table with the front side up and the apex pointing from the operator. This places the left side of the heart to his left and the right side to his right. Notice the groove between the ventricles, called the inter-ventricular groove. Make an incision half an inch to the right of this groove and cut toward the base of the heart until the pulmonary artery is laid open. Then, following within half an inch of the groove, cut down and around the right side of the heart. The wall of the right ventricle may now be raised and the cavity exposed. Observe the extent of the cavity, its shape, its lining, its columns of muscles, its half columns of muscles, its tendons (chordae tendineae), the tricuspid valve from the under side, etc. Also notice the valve at the beginning of the pulmonary artery (the right semilunar) and the sinuses, or depressions, in the artery immediately behind its divisions.

6. Now cut through the middle of the loosened ventricular wall from the apex to the middle of the right auricle, laying it open for observation.

Observe the openings into the auricle, there being one each for the vena cava superior, the vena cava inferior, and the coronary vein. Compare the walls, lining, shape, size, etc., with the ventricle below.

7. Cut off the end of the left ventricle about an inch above the apex.

This will show the extension of the cavity to the apex; it will also show the thickness of the walls and the shape of the cavity. Split up the ventricular wall far enough to examine the mitral valve and the chordae tendineae from the lower side.

8. Make an incision in the left auricle. Examine its inner surface and find the places of entrance of the pulmonary veins. Examine the mitral valve from above. Compare the two sides of the heart, part for part.

9. Separate the aorta from the other blood vessels and cut it entirely free from the heart, care being taken to leave enough of the heart attached to the artery to insure the semilunar valve's being left in good condition. After tying or plugging up the holes in the sides of the artery, pour water into the small end and observe the closing of the semilunar valve. Repeat the experiment until the action of the valve is understood. Sketch the artery, showing the valve in a closed condition.

*To ill.u.s.trate the Action of a Ventricle.*-Procure a syringe bulb with an opening at each end. Connect a rubber tube with each opening, letting the tubes reach into two tumblers containing water. By alternately compressing and releasing the bulb, water is pumped from one vessel into the other.

The bulb may be taken to represent one of the ventricles. What action of the ventricle is represented by compressing the bulb? By releasing the pressure? Show by a sectional drawing the arrangement of the valves in the syringe bulb.

[Fig. 25]

Fig. 25-Ill.u.s.trating elasticity of arteries.

*To show the Advantage of the Elasticity of Arteries.*-Connect the syringe bulb used in the last experiment with a rubber tube three or four feet in length and having rather thin walls. In the opposite end of the rubber tube insert a short gla.s.s tube which has been drawn (by heating) to a fine point (Fig. 25). Pump water into the rubber tube, observing:

1. The swelling of the tube (pulse) as the water is forced into it. (This is best observed by placing the fingers on the tube.)

2. The forcing of water from the pointed tubs during the interval when no pressure is being applied from the bulb. Compare with the action of the arteries when blood is forced into them from the ventricles.

Repeat the experiment, using a long gla.s.s tube terminating in a point instead of the rubber tube. (In fitting the gla.s.s tube to the bulb use a very short rubber tube.) Observe and account for the differences in the flow of water through the inelastic tube.

*To show the Advantage of Valves in the Veins.*-Attach an open gla.s.s tube one foot in length to each end of the rubber tube used in the preceding experiment and fill with water (by sucking) to within about six inches of the end. Lay on the table with the gla.s.s tubes secured in an upright position (Fig. 26). Now compress the tube with the hand, noting that the water rises in both tubes, being pushed in both directions. This effect is similar to that produced on the blood when a vein having no valves is compressed.

[Fig. 26]

Fig. 26.-*Simple apparatus* for showing advantage of valves in veins.

Now imitate the action of a valve by clamping the tube at one point, or by closing it by pressure from the finger, and then compressing with the hand some portion of the tube on the table. Observe in this instance that the water is *all* pushed in the same direction. The movement of the water is now like the effect produced on the blood in veins having valves when the veins are compressed.

*To show the Position of the Valves in the Veins.*-Exercise the arm and hand for a moment to increase the blood supply. Expose the forearm and examine the veins on its surface. With a finger, stroke one of the veins toward the heart, noting that, as the blood is pushed along on one side of the finger the blood follows on the other side. Now stroke the vein toward the hand. Places are found beyond which the blood does not follow the finger. These mark the positions of valves.

*To show Effect of Exercise upon the Circulation.*-1. With a finger on the "pulse" at the wrist or temple, count the number of heart beats during a period of one minute under the following conditions: (_a_) when sitting; (_b_) when standing; (_c_) after active exercise, as running. What relation, if any, do these observations indicate between the general activity of the body and the work of the heart?

2. Compare the size of the veins on the backs of the hands when they are placed side by side on a table. Then exercise briskly the right hand and arm, clenching and unclenching the fist and flexing the arm at the elbow.

Place the hands again side by side and, after waiting a minute, observe the increase in the size of the veins in the hand exercised. How is this accounted for?

*To Show the Effect of Gravity on the Circulation.*-Hold one hand high above the head, at the same time letting the other hand hang loosely by the side. Observe the difference in the color of the hands and the degree to which the large veins are filled. Repeat the experiment, reversing the position of the hands. What results are observed? In what parts of the body does gravity aid in the return of the blood to the heart? In what parts does it hinder? Where fainting is caused by lack of blood in the brain (the usual cause), is it better to let the patient lie down flat or to force him into a sitting posture?

*To study the Circulation in a Frog's Foot* (Optional).-A compound microscope is needed in this study and for extended examination it is best to destroy the frog's brain. This is done by inserting some blunt-pointed instrument into the skull cavity from the neck and moving it about. A small frog, on account of the thinness of its webs, gives the best results. It should be attached to a thin board which has an opening in one end over which the web of the foot may be stretched. Threads should extend from two of the toes to pins driven into the board to secure the necessary tension of the web, and the foot and lower leg should be kept moist. Using a two-thirds-inch objective, observe the branching of the small arteries into the capillaries and the union of the capillaries to form the small veins. The appearance is truly wonderful, but allowance must be made for the fact that the _motion_ of the blood is magnified, as well as the different structures, and that it appears to move much faster than it really does. With a still higher power, the movements of the corpuscles through the capillaries may be studied.

NOTE.-To perform this experiment without destroying the brain, the frog is first carefully wrapped with strips of wet cloth and securely tied to the board. The wrapping, while preventing movements of the frog, must not interfere with the circulation.


[Fig. 27]

Fig. 27-*Diagram showing position of the lymph* with reference to the blood and the cells. The central tube is a capillary. The arrows indicate the direction of slight movements in the lymph.

The blood, it will be remembered, moves everywhere through the body in a system of _closed_ tubes. These keep it from coming in contact with any of the cells of the body except those lining the tubes themselves. The capillaries, to be sure, bring the blood very near the cells of the different tissues; still, there is need of a liquid to fill the s.p.a.ce between the capillaries and the cells and to transfer materials from one to the other. The lymph occupies this position and does this work. The position of the lymph with reference to the capillaries and the cells is shown in Fig. 27.

*Origin of the Lymph.*-The chief source of the lymph is the plasma of the blood. As before described, the walls of the capillaries consist of a single layer of flat cells placed edge to edge. Partly on account of the pressure upon the blood and partly on account of the natural tendency of liquids to pa.s.s through animal membranes, a considerable portion of the plasma penetrates the thin walls and enters the s.p.a.ces occupied by the lymph.

The cells themselves also help to form the lymph, since the water and wastes leaving the cells add to its bulk. These mix with the plasma from the blood, forming the resultant liquid which is the lymph. A considerable amount of the material absorbed from the food ca.n.a.l also enters the lymph tubes, but this into the blood before reaching the cells.

*Composition and Physical Properties of the Lymph.*(26)-As would naturally be expected, the composition of the lymph is similar to that of the blood.

In fact, nearly all the important const.i.tuents of the blood are found in the lymph, but in different proportions. Food materials for the cells are present in smaller amounts than in the blood, while impurities from the cells are in larger amounts. As a rule the red corpuscles are absent from the lymph, but the white corpuscles are present and in about the same numbers as in the blood.

The physical properties of the lymph are also similar to those of the blood. Like the blood, the lymph is denser than water and also coagulates, but it coagulates more slowly than does the blood. The most noticeable difference between these liquids is that of color, the lymph being colorless. This is due to the absence of red corpuscles. The quant.i.ty of lymph is estimated to be considerably greater than that of the blood.

*Lymph Vessels.*-Most of the lymph lies in minute cavities surrounding the cells and in close relations with the capillaries (Figs. 27 and 30). These are called _lymph s.p.a.ces_. Connecting with the lymph s.p.a.ces on the one hand, and with certain blood vessels on the other, is a system of tubes that return the lymph to the blood stream. The smallest of these, and the ones in greatest abundance, are called _lymphatics_. They consist of slender, thin-walled tubes, which resemble veins in structure, and, like the veins, have valves. They differ from veins, however, in being more uniform in size and in having thinner walls.

[Fig. 28]

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Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools Part 7 summary

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