Xiling Empire Chapter 11

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I should have thought of this …

Pandora had told me when we met for the first time, and her ident.i.ty – General Xiling General.

As a general, how could she not have her own soldiers?

So, in fact, what the G.o.d sister called Gaia gave me was not just a mere xiling apostle called Pandora, but an integral part of the army, the general!

Although it was easy to understand things, but Pandora’s appearance made me involuntarily ignore the fact that she is an empire general, and Pandora did not think that I would not even know this common sense thing, so there was no need to explain it to me.

It seems that I still looking down at these unknown lifeforms ability to give me trouble … ah… an army!

Do not tell me i have to feed and support them, let alone that,  accommodations for so many people, where do i put them?

“Pandora, can not halt your army from coming? I feel … …lke this is too exaggerated… …”

“The s.p.a.ce jump can not stop.”

“Well, when they come, can they go back? Uh – no, I do not hate them, but I really have no place to accommodate them. Wait, when they arrive we can organize a three-day tour of earth, yeah this is also OK, and then they can go back home, this can also be considered a plain  trip right? “

“This planet does not have a Xiling outpost, and the starbase has not yet been refurbished, so the warp of the Imperial Expeditionary Force is a one-way trip, but if you are certain you want them to go back as soon as possible, please first let us establish the Xiling outpost. After we set up the base, you can launch the war at any time, This world then becomes the new frontier of the empire."

… why do i feel like we have discussed this topic before?

In this peaceful world of peace and harmony, having at my side, an unknown creature, with nothing on her mind than to start a war of territorial expansion, is honestly very stressful.

“That is…., anyway, you sure it is your army coming here?”


“How many people?” I began to calculate out how much money is needed to feed an army, and finally came to the conclusion that unless I went out with Pandora to rob armored vehicles, I would have nothing to let the army eat.

Pandora was silent for a long time and did not answer.

Pandora has not finished counting? With your calculation speed, it's still not clear?

I am getting  stressed……


This figure was so unexpected that I did not react for a while.

“How many?”



“300, is 300.” Pandora was not impatient with the meaning, as always, calm.

“300! You're not kidding righ? the xiling expeditionary army, has only 300 people?"

I feel that I am was a prisoner who has been sentenced to death, in despair while being escorted to the execution ground, a judge suddenly ran to tell me that i have been freed.

Ecstasy and disbelief, so I completely forgot the fact that 300 people is enough to ruin me.

“300 people refers to the number before we start.”

“Start?” I strangely asked, seemingly full of an uneasy feeling ah … …

“Large-scale Legionnaires need to consume a lot of energy, for a war, this kind of waste must be avoided, so we use the way of Army superposition, our gra.s.sroots soldiers are nothing but magic puppets, In the process of transmission, they are stored in a s.p.a.ce crack created by their individual commanders, because there is no sense of independence, we do not worry that they will lose combat effectiveness due to psychological problems due to long transmission, when at the destination, the commanders can quickly build an outpost by means of s.p.a.ce transfer and release the stored soldiers, which is called the 'start'."

“In other words, this is actually only 300 commanders, and your real soldiers are hidden in s.p.a.ce cracks?"


“Very well! Listen, Pandora, In any case, without my order, absolutely do not allow the 300 commanders to start up their army, if it's only 300 people, then resettlement might be possible in some way … … “

*yes sir*

Although the number of people forecasted  reduced to only 300 people, my pressure is still great.

Now the time is 11:30 pm, taking into account that 300 people emerging out of thin air will definitely bring a huge impact on ordinary people, I told Pandora to slightly adjust the time of the Legion transition, and the reception site selected is to be away from the city, in a rare secluded place.

Pandora was quietly standing there, the original black hair quickly transformed into a blue crystal that was as translucent as ice, in the night sky, under the shade, as an angel stepping  into the human world, truly beautiful.

Waves of energy from her body as the center spread around, through Pandora’s Information sharing, I can feel the impact of this wave reaching more than 10 kilometer.

“I have opened a mind interference field, for the next 2 hours it will continue to interfere with anyone that has this area as a mental goal – brother, you ok?"z

I lay on the ground dead

“I am sorry……”

“It’s all right …” I replied weakly.

“But you should not be measure me in accordance with the standards of the Apostles"

The last 20 minutes, was simply a h.e.l.lish trip ah!

I was dragged around at 210 kilometers per hour by Pandora while she was carrying me on the shoulders. it was like a hurricane, all the way until the destination, I think all of my internal organs were changed to new positions, even the best  surgeon would never find their original locations.

I hope that this new environment can let us successfully carry out our work.

Quietly lying on the ground, after a while, I finally felt the body pain body weaken a bit.

“Really quiet … …” I whispered.

Away from the noisy city, away from the complicated thoughts, quietly lying in this piece of land under the quiet blue sky, I suddenly felt a burst of peacelike never befor.

If not for Pandora, maybe I would never have spent the night out, like this, quietly lying in the suburbs, feels really nice.

In fact, these days have been too bizarre, my nerves didn’t relax for a single moment, but now, I suddenly felt that the load was lighter.

“My brother, the outside temperature is too low, it may cause harm to your body.”

Pandora, with a machine like sound quietly came over, although as always, she had  no emotional fluctuations, but I heard from that mechanical voice, a trace of concern.

“Nothing, this is a rare opportunity to relax, you do not have to stand, there is still 20 minutes left, come sit with me."

Pandora, without a sound, obediently came lying by my side.

Although knowing that the other was not human, the moment pandora leaned over, my heart was throbbing a bit.

calm …calm, the other is not human, and, even if the other was human, she is also a Lolita ah!

Then a thought suddenly came to my mind: If race is not a problem, then what about age?

My mind was running toward a direction that I could not grasp …

“Pandora, what is that scent?”

Pandora’s body gave of a touch of fragrance which suddenly caught my attention.

“This is what sister gave me the bath, a certain kind of compound left this smell, from my point of view, I do not understand the role of this smell, in battle, such an obvious smell will only let one be exposed faster.”

“Oh, Pandora, you don’t always have to talk about fighting, this world does not have too much fighting, here you can live a little more relaxed.”

The little girl uncharacteristically did not respond to my words, but by keeping  silent, perhaps she was very confused by it.

“Pandora, I have always wanted to ask you, what is ordinary life of you apostles? what is your usual lifestyle – before you accidentally fall asleep.”

I am curious, seeing as how i have been inextricably linked to the xiling world, What kind of a world is it?

Pandora was silent for a long time, and finally spit out four words: “I do not know.”

“The lack of basic data is too serious, we almost lost all the records before we began sleeping, and perhaps after contact with other awakened stars we can gather the relevant information".

“So ah …”

After a while, Pandora ‘s voice sounded again, with a hint of faint confusion: “Perhaps, our previous experience was nothing but fighting – because from the perspective form of life, we are completely a fighting race."

“I do not necessarily think that you are from a fighting race.”

I suddenly remembered, in the dream, i saw the color of restoration spreading throughout the world, a beautiful vibrant world, I don’t believe that was from a fighting race.

After that, we fell into silence, until my spiritual world suddenly picked up a burst of fluctuations.

From the distant Xiling mother star, the army, finally arrived.

“Pandora Heavy regiment, ready.”

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Xiling Empire Chapter 11 summary

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