Knight Fantastic Night A13chapter 5 Part1

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Miss me? :P Let me just... touch up Part 2 before I publish it. This is certainly not because I'm hooked at Pokemon Moon!

The old lady's expression changed drastically. She shook her head furiously.

"You must not! A young lady like you shouldn't go out now. There's a battle being fought nearby! It's chaotic out there. Plus, you look like a foreigner. You'll get into trouble if you got caught!"

A battle? Right now? Lin Ling blinked, and blurted her question. 

"Who's fighting who?"

"I believe it's the Englishmen and Romans." 

The old lady answered with fearful tone.

Englishmen and Romans... Lin Ling repeated those words to herself. Once it finally sunk in, she was overjoyed. Englishmen! She said troops from England! Then, it would mean Arthur is just around the corner! And Xiao Lan, Xiao Kay, Xiao Tris...

This is great! Since they are here, she was saved from the trouble of finding them. Speak of the devil! From the possibility alone, she got really excited. She can not wait to rush out to meet them. Lin Ling does not want to waste even a minute!

"Ma'am, thank you so much! Thank you!" 

Overjoyed, she gave the old lady an appreciative hug. She then quickly turned, and pushed open the door----

However, at the very moment she saw the scenery outside, it is as though all five senses of hers were robbed away*. Lin Ling was simply too dumbfounded at what she saw.

TL: You know how you feel that the day is super normal, then all of a sudden, something shocking happened. This sentence is describing how it feels to be shocked.

Although it is dark outside, she can see it crystal clear; a squadron of disciplined black knights.

Seeing how formal these knights are, she s.h.i.+vered. Deep down, she knew things are not going to be as simple as it looks. Her intuition told her that these people may be here for her. Her alertness went through the roof, and it sent gooseb.u.mps all over her body.

It is at this moment, a black knight emerged from the squadron. He slowly trodded up to her, and spoke calmly. 

"Just where are you rus.h.i.+ng off to?" 

As soon as the voice spoke up, she felt dreadfully cold. That feeling penetrated deep down into her bones. It felt like dismal, as though she was dropped into a glacier valley.

Why... Why is it him? Why is that terrifying man appearing here right now?

It is him, the beautiful, blooming rose in h.e.l.l---- Dark Duke Duarte.

She could not stop trembling. With a pale expression, she raised her head.

Beneath the dim moonlight, this man in front of her is like an embodiment of peril and fear. His silver eyes had a strange luminescent to it, as though a demon had risen from h.e.l.l.

He raised his chin slightly, and stared coldly at the girl in front of him. He then sneered.

"We meet again, Lin Ling."

Her mind is a chaotic mess. She does not understand why does Duarte knew that she will appear here. Even if the Englishmen and Romans are battling nearby, him being here does not seem to be a coincidence.

"How did you know I'm here?" 

She desperately tries to calm her fl.u.s.tered heartbeat, and act as normal as possible on the surface. Despite all that, she still failed to stop her cheeks from twitching in shock.

The corner of his mouth curved upwards slightly. 

"Of course, it's to welcome your arrival, my Lion's Maiden."

Her heart jumped. He meant to---- No, she will never repeat that mistake again. She will never let him use her to blackmail Arthur!

"Duarte, I've said this before. I will never let anyone use me to blackmail Arthur." 

As soon as she finished her words, Lin Ling did a surprise attack on the nearest knight and took his sword.

No one can stop her from meeting Arthur.

No one.

The very thought of seeing him soon fills her with strength and courage. Even if she is facing a mighty army, Lin Ling is not afraid at all.

Nothing can stop her.

As long as she loves, everything is possible.

Duarte raised his eyebrows. 

"I will not use you to blackmail Arthur this time. This is because to Arthur himself, you no longer have the value of a hostage."

"What do you mean?" 

The sword she held s.h.i.+fted slightly as it now points towards his chest.

"Oh? You are not aware of this?" 

He had an inexplicable sly gaze as he continued. 

"Arthur and Guinevere from Camlann got engaged before setting off from Camelot."

Lin Ling felt her head spin. Her body felt weak. She held her sword even closer to Duarte as she cried out in anger. 

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"I do not need to. I have heard rumours that Arthur loved his future queen very much. He loved her so much, he even brought her along in this expedition." 

Duarte sounded sympathetic as he speak.

"I refuse to trust your lies! I will go to his Arthur's side! No one will stop me!" 

Lin Ling could not hold back the burning anger in her. With a slash, she cut down a knight next to her. She brought down her sword onto Duarte next!

Unfortunately, Duarte is skilled as well. He quickly blocked her strike. Lin Ling then switched directions and once again, aimed for his vitals. Both sides continued exchanging blows. Beneath the moonlight, the friction of their blows set off sparks.

You know how when swords collide in anime, they show these fire spark effects?

After exchanging blows after blows, Lin Ling is losing her advantage. Her skills with the sword is good, but when compared to Duarte's, it is quite lacking. While she defended, Lin Ling quietly took out some fur from a lion's mane. She plans to summon Ah Hua to get out of this sticky situation.

If she can not win, she should try to escape...

However, something strange happened. Even after reading the incantation of the summoning spell, nothing occurred. A sharp pain a.s.saulted her shoulder instead. This is bad. Is this what Merlin warned me about--- If she failed to return after three months, her wound will not be fully healed. Could this be the reason she failed to use her magics?


She was distracted but for a moment, and her sword was deflected out of her hand mercilessly by Duarte.

As she quickly went for her sword on the ground, something happened that surprised Lin Ling. Her shoulder now hurts even more. She looked down at the source of the pain only to find blood dripping from her old wound.

Her vision spinned. Her legs went weak, and she fell to the ground head first. She vaguely overheard Duarte's words before she lost her consciousness entirely. 

"No one is to harm her! Kill those who disobey my orders!" 

When Lin Ling regains consciousness, she is not aware of her captivity in Dark Duke's hand. At least, not until she heard a familiar voice next to her.

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Knight Fantastic Night A13chapter 5 Part1 summary

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