Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 14

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=St. John the Evangelist and St. Augustine.=

Probably from St. Agostino, Perugia.

_See Caen, Lyons, Nantes, and Gren.o.ble for others._



C. and C. describe a picture of "St. Helen," and one of "St. Anthony of Padua," probably sides of the altar-piece at SS. Annunziata de Servi in Florence.


=St. Crispin.= 036 025 = 1 ft. 2 in. 10 in. [22.]

A fragment on panel.


=Virgin and Child with St. John.= 068 052 = 2 ft. 3 in. 1 ft. 8 in. [16.]

This picture very closely resembles "The Madonna and Child" at the Borghese Gallery, Rome, also the one at Munich, and also the one in the Louvre, but neither are replicas one of the other, and each differs in important details.

The groups at Frankfort, Rome, and Munich are evidently, however, painted for the face of the Madonna from the same model.

All four I consider to be genuine but late works.

_Bought in 1832 in Munich._


=The Archangel St. Michael.=

The angel is standing upon the dragon whom he has just killed with a great sword. The landscape at the back appears to be the work of the master, but the rest of the picture is school work.


M. Berenson states that there are in this collection a "St. John Baptist," and a "St. John Evangelist," by Perugino; but I have not seen them.


=Vision of St. Bernard.= Panel. 173 165 = 5 ft 9 in. 5 ft. 6 in.


_Formerly in the Nasi Chapel of the Church of St. Spirito, in Florence. Acquired for King Ludwig I. in 1829 or 1830 from the House of Capponi in Florence. There is a study for it in the Uffizi 252, 1115._

Lippo Lippi, Filippino, and Fra Bartolomeo all took the idea from this picture.

=The Virgin adoring the Child.= Panel. 195 156 = 6 ft. 6 in. 5 ft.

2 in. [1035.]

The Virgin is standing with clasped hands. The Child is on the ground before her. On the left is St. John the Divine, on the right St. Nicholas.

_This picture was taken from Venice to London, thence it came into the possession of Mr. Henry of Paris, where, in 1815, it was bought by Von Dillis for 18,000 francs._

Morelli says this is late and superficial in conception, drawing, and execution.

=Madonna and Child.= Panel. 083 064 = 2 ft. 9 in. 2 ft. 1 in.


The Virgin is seated, and the divine Child, who is nude, is upon her knees.

_Acquired in Florence in 1831 by King Ludwig I., and by the State from the King in 1850._

_See Frankfort._

Morelli says this is feeble and overcleaned.

=The Baptism of Christ.= 030 030 = 1 ft. 1 ft. [1037.]

The Saviour stands in the shallow water with St. John, who holds his cross in his left hand and in his right the baptismal sh.e.l.l. Two angels stand near by.

=The Resurrection.= 030 040 = 1 ft. 1 ft. 4 in. [1038.]

The Saviour stands by the tomb, near which two watchers are asleep; a third is running away.

_Two predella pictures from the estate of Inghirami in Volterra, and sold to the Crown Prince in 1818._

Morelli unites with C. and C. in ascribing them to Perugino.


There was at one time in the Picture Gallery, a portion of the great altar-piece of 1521 painted for the church of St. Agostino, in Perugia, but it was destroyed in the conflagration of August 25th, 1870.

It represented the Madonna, but was at one time labelled as St.

Apollonia. It was opposite to the archangel in the original altar-piece, and was a tondo.


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Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 14 summary

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