Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 16

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Right of High Altar--=Virgin and Child seated on a throne, with St. John Baptist, St. John Divine, St. Domenic, and St. Francis.= (Dated 1513.) Two angels are above.


A fragment of a =Descent from the Cross=, in which the Madonna is supported by two Maries.

It is dated 1517. The inscription is much mutilated, and seems to read something as follows: ..... esta hopera fero depengere la campagnia della S .... Cossi dicta in li anno dmi =MDXVII= Petr P P.


=The a.s.sumption of the Virgin.=

St. Thomas is below between two groups of the other disciples receiving the girdle of Our Lady.

In the Sacristy of the Church are the two predella panels representing the "Adoration of the Magi" and "The Annunciation."


=The Virgin with St. James and St. Augustine.=

The Virgin is on a throne, and holds the divine Child in her arms.

On the left is St. James, on the right St. Augustine.

On the throne is inscribed: =PETRVS PERVSINVS PINXIT MCCCCLx.x.xXIIII.=


=Frescoes= are attributed to Pietro by Orsini at this place, but I was unable to find out where they are, and think that they must have disappeared.


=The Annunciation.= (2nd chapel.)

The angel, holding the lily, is kneeling before Our Lady, who turns to leave him and with uplifted hands expresses bewilderment at his message. Above, the Eternal Father, seated within a circle of cherubs, looks down in love upon the Madonna. The Holy Ghost as a dove is flying toward the Virgin. The inscription is much mutilated and reads as follows: =S.A.T. .... CALE .... TTI QVE PATRVI OLIM PON .... ENERII HAC TABVLA ER .. GI IN .... OHC .... TVRA A .... VII MCCCC .... III PETRVS DE C .... TRO PL. ....=.

=The Virgin and Child.= (3rd chapel.)

Our Lady is seated on a throne in the midst under a vaulted portico, and holds the divine Child in her arms. Around are six saints, St.

John, St. Francis, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Mary Magdalen, and a bishop.

The lunette represents "The Resurrection," the predella "The Birth of the Virgin," "The Presentation," "The Marriage," "The Annunciation," and "The a.s.sumption."

A mutilated inscription on the throne reads: =dvrantis phanen ad intemerate Virginis lavde tercentv?m avreis alq [D] hvjvs templi Bono centv svperaditis hanc solerti cvra fieri demandavit Matteo de Martinotiis fidei commissario procvranti mcccc 97 petrvs pervsinvs pinxit.=


=The Baptism of Christ.= Circa 1507.

Our Lord is being baptised by St. John. Four angels stand around watching, and in the air are two other angels and seven cherubs. The Holy Ghost is descending in the form of a dove. High above in the curve of the archway is the Eternal Father holding the globe in one hand and with the other upraised in benediction. On either side are kneeling angels, and around are cherubs.

The inscription between the picture and its lunette is hardly visible, but appears to be =DEO ET BEATO JOANNI BATTISTAE SACRVM PIETATE JOANNIS BAPTISTE=. The date which originally followed the inscription cannot be read.


=Mary Magdalen.= Panel, 047 035 = 1 ft. 6 in. 1 ft. 2 in. [42.]

On the ornament of the dress is inscribed: "Santa Maria Maddalena."

=Portrait of a Woman=, sometimes called "=The Nun=." Panel. [140.]

_Bought by Ferdinand III. from Marquis Niccoloni._

It has been attributed to Leonarda da Vinci and to Piero di Cosimo.

Morelli says that this picture is the work of Perugino.

=The Entombment.= [164.]

The picture is signed: =PETRVS PERVSINVS PINXIT AD MCCCCLx.x.xXV.=

There are three studies for this in the Uffizi, 255, 411, 412, 413, and a large study for the complete picture at Christ Church, Oxford.

=The Adoration of the Infant Christ.= Panel, 086 086 = 2 ft. 10 in.

2 ft. 10 in. [219.]

In the centre of the picture is Our Lady on her knees with clasped hands in the act of adoring the divine Child, who is nude and seated upon a sack and supported by an angel. On the other of the Virgin is the child St. John, kneeling on one knee and also in adoration of the Christ.


=Portrait=, believed to represent Francesco delle Opere, a Florentine artist, a brother of the celebrated Giovanni Corniole. He died in Venice 1496. [287.]

The portrait is of a man with bushy hair. He has bright eyes, and is clean shaven. He wears a cap on his head and is clothed in a loose soutane. In his hand is a roll bearing these words =TIMETE DEVM=.

The background is an Umbrian landscape.

The picture is inscribed on the back: 1494 D'Luglio Pietro Perugino Pinse Franco del Ope (delle Opere).

=Madonna and Child with two Saints.= [1122.]

The Virgin is seated on a throne beneath a vaulted archway. She has the divine Child on her knees. At her left stands St. Sebastian; on the right St. John Baptist.

The inscription on the base of the throne reads: =PETRVS PERVSINVS PINXIT AN MCCCCLx.x.xXIIJ.=

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Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 16 summary

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