Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 19

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It represents the Eternal Father seated, holding the globe in one hand and giving the benediction with the other. Cherub heads are all around the seated figure.

The three panels in the lower tier are now in the National Gallery, London, and copies take their places in the Certosa at Pavia.

On either side of the Perugino panel have now been inserted panels by Borgognone.

The picture is in the second chapel on the left, that of St. Michael the Archangel.


=The Coronation of the Virgin.= [Sala VIII. 24.]

This is a double picture, one side being in this room and the reverse in Sala X. No. 25.

_From the church of S. Francesco al Monte._

=St. Jerome and St. Mary Magdalen.= [Sala X. 1.]

By the side of St. Jerome is his lion, and in the Magdalen's hand is the cup of ointment.

_From the church of St. Agostino._

=St. Sebastian bound to a column and shot at by two Archers=; above are two angels. Dated =A.D. MDXVIII.= [Sala X. 2.]

_From the church of S. Francesco al Prato._

=Pieta.= [Sala X. 10.]

Our Lord crowned, standing and extending His hands.

This was originally in an altar-piece, the frame of which is in Sala XIII. No. 16, and the place is still empty which the Pieta filled.

In the lower part of the frame a picture by Eusebio has been placed.

=The Baptism of Christ.= [Sala X. 11.]

St. John stands by the side of Our Lord and is pouring the water upon His head. The Holy Spirit as a dove within a circle of golden rays is in the heavens above attended by cherubs and two adoring angels. Two female saints are on the ground beneath.

_From the great altar-piece in St. Agostino._

=The Eternal Father seated and surrounded by Cherubs.= [6.]

The lunette for above altar-piece.

=The Preaching of St. John Baptist.= [7.]

=The Marriage of Cana in Galilee.= [12.]

These are the predella pieces for above altar-piece and its opposite face.

=The Adoration of the Magi.= [21.]

=The Offering of Christ in the Temple.= [16.]

=The Prophet David.= [15.]

=The Prophet Daniel.= [19.]

These were part of the same altar-piece. The remaining two are at Nantes.

=The Birth of Christ.= [20.]

This is the reverse side of the St. Agostino altar-piece, "The Baptism of Christ" No. 11 being the other side.

=San Lorenzo.= [8.]

=St. Louis the Bishop.= [9.]

=San Costanzo.= [13.]

=A Martyr.= [14.]

=St. Jerome.= [17.]

=St. Lucy.= [18.]

=San Nicola da Tolentino.= [22.]

=St. Monica.= [23.]

These eight saints surrounded the same altar-piece at St. Agostino, and are believed to have been at the corners on either side.

=Madonna with the divine Child and Saint.= [24.]

=The Archangel Gabriel.= [26.]

These are also believed to have formed part of the same altar-piece.

=A Crucifixion.= [25.]

This was the opposite side of the picture in Sala X. No. 2.

The figure of the Crucified Lord is finely carved in wood and laid upon the canvas.

_From the church of S. Francesco al Monte._

=St. James.= [4.]

=St. Jerome.= [5.]

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Great Masters in Painting: Perugino Part 19 summary

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