My new life, won't you please become peaceful! Chapter 25

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After a while, the person who was supposed to be skilled seemed to have made a mistake…

“I’ve been caught.”

He was tied in a turtle sh.e.l.l bondage…no! I don’t know of this SM like way of tying someone up at all! Let’s just say he’s been tied tightly like a hay stack. Calis lowered his head while Haref scrunched his brows together.

“Why did you go easy on me.”, Haref’s voice indicated 10/10 dissatisfaction. “You’re better than this. At least it seems like you won’t die within mere ten minutes.”

The wizard put on a sad face and wiggled himself towards…Nigel. “Because my enemy was you…even if I may say SalGil is also fine but SalRef is one of my OTPs*, cry…”

Such a determined fujos.h.i.+…you idiot!

Haref and Nigel didn’t understand but because they had their pride as geniuses, they tried to decipher it. “Maybe…Calis’ magic’s element is weak to your’s, Haref.”

“I don’t think so…”, Haref was still for a moment, he had the expression of someone deep in thought. “When you fought with him, apart from being able to completely destroy all your spells, he was also able to a.n.a.lyse all your moves swiftly…what type of magic do Merlins actually have?”

You guys don’t have to overthink it. That idiot lost because she’s a fujos.h.i.+! I repeat! She lost because she wanted to continue s.h.i.+pping you and Salsaal!!

I glanced at Calis who wiggled like a worm towards me. He placed his chin onto my laps and started whining, “Sniffle…Prince, I seriously can’t do this. Even though you can be s.h.i.+pped with anyone but Ca.s.s isn’t old enough to be eaten, Gilbert’s too much of a loser to do anything hardcore, Haref’s such an angel…”

“…Don’t have immoral thoughts of my younger brother!!”

My feet nearly slapped the wizard’s face but I stopped because I recalled he was a she inside. Good thing for Calis, the Prince has floated somewhere else or else he would’ve been going on a rampage right now.

“So…what should we do with them?”, it seems like they’ve finished their debate about Calis’ powers, they’ve started to make their decision about what to do with the current situation. “…Although, I’d like to kill him, but…we probably would have to take him to father as the perpetrator and make the round table hold a meeting…”

“It probably would have to be that way.”, Haref nodded. “But…we still have time and I’ve taken an interest in ‘that thing’ he spoke of…’that thing’ which bedivere has kept hidden.”

Nigel made a disapproving face. “It’s too risky.”

“But I don’t think it is. From what I’ve sensed, ‘that thing’ has a high concentration of high-level light magic. Sooner or later, those from the round table would have to make me test it either ways.”, Haref smiled as he met his gaze with Nigel. “…Reasons that I could think of are: they might’ve forgotten they’ve buried something like that or they might’ve done something behind everyone’s backs.”

“If it’s the later then ‘that thing’ must be extremely dangerous.”

“That’s why it’s interesting.”, Haref smiled. “Another thing, if you think about it, even a Merlin can get in there, I don’t see why we can’t. We might encounter some kind of trap or mechanism but…

…why should we be worried, Nigel, since we’ve first-rate sacrifice lying around here…”

The sacrifice is Calis right…

It’s obviously not me. Hahahahah!!!

Cry…can I please use our relations.h.i.+p points and trade them for my life?!!




It’s still good that nothing came out to say hi and made them sacrifice someone yet.

“Just walk, nothing’s going to come out because I’ve destroyed all the mechanism in here.”, Calis said boredly, this made Nigel’s argent eyes glance at him coldly but he was blind so he felt nothing.

“I don’t trust you.”, Haref said flatly. “At the end of this pa.s.sage, there’s a violent amount of holy power. It’s impossible to destroy all the mechanisms and make you able to reach it leisurely.”

“We spent almost a year destroying the mechanisms”, the wizard laughed, he muttered, “…we spent our evening as if we were on a date everyday. 10/10 would do it again…”

The corner of my mouth twitched…hey girl, contain yourself!!

“Why do you guys have to destroy all the mechanisms?”, Nigel chose to ignore insignificant things like Calis’ mumbles.

“Well…”, Calis sighed. “In our group, there’s this one person who’s a real ‘loser’. The Prince was afraid, if one of the mechanisms were to be triggered, that ‘loser’ would become a corpse in a blink of an eye…”

Haref and Nigel turned to me.

…Yeah, I know I’m weak and a loser!!

“From what I know, Salsaal Secalno De Arthur’s not such a kind person.”, Nigel lowered his eyes. Now that I’ve thought about it…ever since what happened till now, both Nigel and Haref are coming to address Calis more than me.

As for me…well…if they aren’t asking anything, I won’t say anything. It’s best if they pretend I didn’t exist cause it’s becoming awkward.

“Gilbert and Salsaal’s relations.h.i.+p is…complicated.”, Calis mumbled, “But…I think the Prince likes Gilbert a lot? At least, the person who calls him ‘Salsal’, apart from Gilbert, there’s no one else in this world.”

…The bubbly girl made Salsaal’s relations.h.i.+p with me seem like there’s something else to it even though we are barely friends in reality…

“Salsaal…Salsal…”, Nigel’s countenance was still before he said quietly, it was so quiet I couldn’t hear it properly, “…mine’s still Nigel…”.

“…Huh”, Haref lowered his rainbow coloured eyes and said nothing else.

Suddenly, my body started shaking. An alarm went of in my head…stay near Calis! Or else…or else…something which I can’t imagine but is alarming me inside my head might happen!

After we finished on the topic of me and Salsaal’s questionable relations.h.i.+p, we continued walking. This time, no one spoke at all, we just kept on walking, walking, walking, and walking. We stopped when Haref, who was at the front, reached a stone door.

“The door’s mechanism has been destroyed, you only have to move it and you’ll be able to go in.”

Haref did not refuse, it was portably because he was confident in the sacrifices he had behind him. He moved the door effortlessly.

Things behind the door became visible at last. I imagined all kinds of thing inside, a luxurious room with ‘that thing’ in a gla.s.s box. For example…something like an old dungeon but has ‘that’ thing’ right in the middle…

“Oh…by the way, all the mechanisms in here have been destroyed..”

But I never thought…I never thought that I would meet ‘that thing’ in this form…

“But ‘that thing’s’ mechanism was the only thing we couldn’t destroy. That’s why…”

It shouldn’t be called ‘that thing’ because that’s for describing objects but ‘that thing’ should be called a ‘she’, a young lady sat in the middle of a miniature lake. She had perfectly curled blonde hair, her blue eyes were sparkling as I met her gaze. My head hurts…

“The only way to escape this mechanism is to…kill…”

The voice…seems far away…

My surroundings morphed from white into black and white. Sounds of prayers could be heard in the distant…wait, sounds of prayer?

This isn’t the room we entered at the beginning, it’s somewhere else, somewhere I’m familiar with, it’s a ‘funeral’…

Is this…the so-called mechanism?

My heart started beating madly with the familiarity. Something in my mind told me not to turn around…pleading me not to look at the scene.

But I still did.

At the centre of the funeral, a person with a familiar face, the person who I love the most, the person who I miss the most, the person who I want to meet the most…

She was dressed in white.

“Lil’ sis…”

Her sweet and gentle smile decorated her face…

“The only way to escape this mechanism is to…kill…”

The person I love most in the world…

[Tea time behind the curtains -a complicated relations.h.i.+p-]

Gilbert: “I’ve been wanting to ask you, Salsaal. What should I call you and I…friends?”

Salsaal: “…Huh, I don’t think we’re that close Bedivere.”

Gilbert: “Wait, don’t just walk away! Salsaal, oh man!!”

Gilbert: “If you’re not gonna say anything then I’ll just a.s.sume you like me a lot!”

Salsaal: “…Well, you’ve said it.”

Gilbert: “Huh? What? Wait, wait, what you just said…is it true?”

Salsaal: “I’ve already told you, I liked you the first time we met. I thought you way of thinking was kinda cool, even if you may be a loser in reality. What? Why?”

Gilbert: “…You’re not having any immoral thoughts about me right?”

Salsaal: “Immoral thoughts? You’re gonna become my lover? Huh, if you looked 20 times better than this, try asking again!”

Gilbert: “You mean, I have to be even more attractive than Nigel. Salsaal, you don’t have much strength, it’s difficult enough for you to have a baby and you’re being picky?”

Salsaal: “…”

Gilbert: “Don’t be so picky, there’s no way someone will look better than Nige-wait, wait! I’m sorry! I’m sorry Salsal!! Arghhhhhhh!!”

When a cold runs after you what can you do apart from welcoming it into your arms and lie in bed as your body rots away. That’s right folks! I have a cold. My body’s shutting down little by little, I might not make it for the weekends. Sorry in advance.

P.S. Merry late Christmas!

P.S. 2 Stay safe kids and don’t catch a cold. It’s rather chilly so wear more layers unless you’re a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t ( but I don’t think even m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.ts would want a cold ).

P.S. 3 I’m moving and there’s no wifi in my new house yet. Scream right? I’ll try to figure something out.

P.S. 4 The only option left is to translate stuff in a bulk then publish all of them in one go when I get wifi.

P.S. 5 I’m so sorry for leaving you with a cliff hanger.

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My new life, won't you please become peaceful! Chapter 25 summary

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