Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 2

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[_Chen rossii_ (Ca.s.sin). Ross Goose. One reported at Wyandotte County Lake, November 22, 1951, by John Bishop. Placed in Hypothetical List in absence of a specimen.]

_Dendrocygna bicolor._ Fulvous Tree-duck. Accidental. Frank Robl carefully examined and identified three specimens killed in 1929 or 1930, in Cheyenne Bottoms, Barton County. None saved. Specimens collected also in nearby areas of Missouri.

Subspecies in Kansas: _D. b. helva_ Wetmore and Peters, on geographical grounds.

* _Anas platyrhynchos._ Mallard. Abundant transient, regular winter resident, irregular and local summer resident. Modern breeding distribution poorly known but several nests found in widely scattered areas in past years. Nests regularly in Kearny, Finney, and Barton counties.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. p. platyrhynchos_ Linnaeus.

_Anas rubripes_ Brewster. Black Duck. Regular but rare or uncommon transient and winter resident in east and central (Cheyenne Bottoms, Barton County) sections.

No subspecies recognized.

_Anas fulvigula._ Mottled Duck. Accidental. Four specimens allegedly of this species have been reported. Of these, two are actually Mallards, one is a Gadwall, and one, female, Neosho Falls, Woodson County, March 11, 1876, Goss, is a Mottled Duck.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. f. maculosa_ Sennett.

_Anas strepera_ Linnaeus. Gadwall. Transient and occasional winter resident throughout state. Rare summer resident but no satisfactory nesting record reported.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Anas acuta_ Linnaeus. Pintail. Abundant transient throughout state, irregular winter resident, local summer resident nesting in recent years in Barton, Finney, Meade, and Leavenworth counties, but summer distribution poorly known.

No subspecies recognized.

_Anas carolinensis_ Gmelin. Green-winged Teal. Common transient, rare winter resident (records from Meade County and Kansas City).

No subspecies recognized.

* _Anas discors_ Linnaeus. Blue-winged Teal. Common transient, locally common summer resident.

No subspecies recognized.

_Anas cyanoptera._ Cinnamon Teal. Rare transient in east, uncommon or fairly common transient in west.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. c. septentrionalis_ Snyder and Lumsden.

* _Spatula clypeata_ (Linnaeus). Shoveller. Common transient throughout state. Frank Robl found a female with young in Cheyenne Bottoms, Barton County, in approximately 1930. Nest with eggs found 1-1/2 miles south of Friend, Finney County, in spring, 1952, Marvin D. Schwilling.

No subspecies recognized.

[_Mareca penelope_ (Linnaeus). European Widgeon. Carl and David Holmes reported a pair at Lake Shawnee, Shawnee County, April 16, 1954. Placed on Hypothetical List until a specimen is taken.]

_Mareca americana_ (Gmelin). Baldpate. Common transient throughout state, rare winter resident.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Aix sponsa_ (Linnaeus). Wood Duck. Transient, rare in west to locally common in extreme east. Summer resident in eastern part of state; breeding distribution poorly known.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Aythya americana_ (Eyton). Redhead. Fairly common transient and occasional winter resident throughout state. Frank Robl found a nesting pair in Cheyenne Bottoms, Barton County, in 1928 (approximate). The adults were neither captives nor cripples.

No subspecies recognized.

_Aythya collaris_ (Donovan). Ring-necked Duck. Fairly common transient throughout state, rare winter resident.

No subspecies recognized.

_Aythya valisineria_ (Wilson). Canvas-back. Fairly common transient and occasional winter resident throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

_Aythya marila._ Greater Scaup Duck. Rare transient, status poorly known. Several sight records, one in winter. Floyd T. Amsden, a competent sportsman and amateur ornithologist of Wichita, identified 3 male specimens killed 3 miles north and 1 mile east of Sharon, Barber County, on October 27 (2) and November 3 (1), 1951. Frank Robl has seen specimens killed in Cheyenne Bottoms, Barton County. Every effort should be made to preserve specimens from Kansas.

Subspecies in Kansas: _A. m. nearctica_ Stejneger, on geographical grounds.

_Aythya affinis_ (Eyton). Lesser Scaup Duck. Common transient throughout state. A few records of wintering and summering (non-*breeding) individuals.

No subspecies recognized.

_Bucephala clangula._ Golden-eye. Uncommon transient and winter resident. Specimens from Kansas alleged to be the Barrow Golden-eye (_Bucephala islandica_) all are of the present species.

Subspecies in Kansas: _B. c. americana_ (Bonaparte).

_Bucephala albeola_ (Linnaeus). Buffle-head. Fairly common transient and occasional winter resident throughout state.

No subspecies recognized.

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