Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Part 8

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No subspecies recognized.

_Larus pipixcan_ Wagler. Franklin Gull. Transient, abundant in west, common in east.

No subspecies recognized.

_Larus philadelphia_ (Ord). Bonaparte Gull. Rare transient. All specimens from eastern part, west to Cloud County; status in west not known.

No subspecies recognized.

[_Rissa tridactyla._ Kittiwake. Immature bird seen at Lake Shawnee, Shawnee County, October 20, 1951, by L. B. Carson and O. S. Pettingill, Jr. In the absence of a specimen, the species is placed on the Hypothical List.]

_Xema sabini._ Sabine Gull. Three records: immature male, taken at Humboldt, Allen County, September 19, 1876, Peter Long (now in Goss collection); immature male, taken at Hamilton, Greenwood County, October 3, 1909, G. C. Rinker; immature bird seen but not collected on October 18, 28, and 29, 1952, at Lake Shawnee, Shawnee County, by several observers (Orville O. Rice secured good photographs of this bird).

Subspecies in Kansas: _X. s. sabini_ (Sabine).

_Sterna forsteri_ Nuttall. Forster Tern. Transient, locally common in eastern half of state; status in west unknown.

No subspecies recognized.

_Sterna hirundo._ Common Tern. Rare transient. Two specimens: female, Anderson County, May 11, 1878 (in Goss collection); male, Munger's Lake, near Hamilton, Greenwood County, September 2, 1912, G. C. Rinker.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. h. hirundo_ Linnaeus.

* _Sterna albifrons._ Least Tern. Uncommon transient and local summer resident throughout state. One definite nesting record: five nests, each with two eggs, Arkansas River at Coolidge, Hamilton County, July 1, 1936, Otto Tiemeier.

Subspecies in Kansas: _S. a. athala.s.sos_ Burleigh and Lowery.

_Hydroprogne caspia_ (Pallas). Caspian Tern. Uncommon transient throughout state. Many sight records but only one specimen: female (KU 17147), Douglas County, September 27, 1928, Harold Standing (skin and body skeleton of this tern saved; erroneously reported previously as two specimens).

No subspecies recognized.

_Chlidonias niger._ Black Tern. Common transient and, in north-central part, regular summer resident but no positive breeding record.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. n. surinamensis_ (Gmelin).

* _Columba livia_ Gmelin. Rock Dove. Introduced. Common around habitations; nesting locally in feral state on cliffs in western Kansas.

No subspecies recognized because of mixed ancestry of birds introduced into New World.

* _Zenaidura macroura._ Mourning Dove. Common transient and summer resident, uncommon winter resident.

Subspecies in Kansas: _Z. m. carolinensis_ (Linnaeus) in east, _Z.

m. marginella_ (Woodhouse) in west, intergrading in central part.

* _Ectopistes migratorius_ (Linnaeus). Pa.s.senger Pigeon. Extinct.

Formerly irregular transient and summer resident. Two specimens, both males, taken at Neosho Falls, Woodson County, April 14, 1876, by Goss, who also reported this species to nest there occasionally.

No subspecies recognized.

[_Columbigallina pa.s.serina._ Ground Dove. One seen on Kansas River, 3 miles west of St. Marys, Pottawatomie County, November 11, 1954, by Thomas A. Hoffman and James Mulligan. Placed in Hypothetical List in absence of a specimen from Kansas.]

[_Scardafella inca_ (Lesson). Inca Dove. One seen daily at Halstead, Harvey County, November 10, 1951, to January 21, 1952, by Edna L. Ruth and others. One seen in Topeka, Shawnee County, last week of June, 1952, E. J. Rice. Placed in Hypothetical List in absence of a specimen from Kansas.]

* _Conuropsis carolinensis._ Carolina Paroquet. Extinct. Formerly common resident in wooded areas of east; west along stream bottoms. Goss reported nesting of small flock near Neosho Falls, Woodson County, in spring, 1858. No specimen from Kansas preserved.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. c. ludovicia.n.u.s_ (Gmelin), on geographical grounds.

* _Coccyzus america.n.u.s._ Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Common transient and summer resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. a. america.n.u.s_ (Linnaeus).

* _Coccyzus erythropthalmus_ (Wilson). Black-billed Cuckoo. Uncommon transient and summer resident. Nesting records: female (KU 15480) and nest containing two Black-billed Cuckoo eggs and one Yellow-billed Cuckoo egg, 7-1/2 miles southwest of Lawrence, Douglas County, June 5, 1926, Charles D. Bunker; nests found in Cloud County in June, 1932 (1), 1933 (1), 1934 (1), 1935 (1), 1938 (2), J. M. Porter.

No subspecies recognized.

* _Geococcyx california.n.u.s_ (Lesson). Road-runner. Resident in south-central and southwestern Kansas; abundance and distribution subject to wide fluctuation, current status unknown. Four nests found, April to July, 1934, 4-1/2 miles east of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Walter Colvin.

No subspecies recognized.

_Crotophaga sulcirostris._ Groove-billed Ani. Accidental. Three records: specimen (KU 31948), McCune, Crawford County, between 1885 and 1910, Alexander J. C. Roese; specimen, Lyon County, November 1, 1904; male (KU 31951), 6-3/4 miles northeast of Blue Rapids, Marshall County, October 28, 1952, Elizabeth G. McCleod.

Subspecies in Kansas: _C. s. sulcirostris_ Swainson.

* _Tyto alba._ Barn owl. Uncommon resident throughout state.

Subspecies in Kansas: _T. a. pratincola_ (Bonaparte).

* _Otus asio._ Screech Owl. Common resident throughout state.

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