The Complete Book of Cheese Part 70

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Hard; buffalo milk; mild Provolone type. Also called Pear from being made in that shape, oddly enough also in pairs, tied together to hang from rafters on strings in ripening rooms or in the home kitchen. Fine when sliced thick and fried in olive oil. A specialty around Naples.

Light-tan oiled rind, about 3-1/2 by five inches in size. Imitated in Wisconsin and sold as Pear cheese.

Schabziger _see_ Chapter 3.

Schafkase (Sheep Cheese) _Germany_

Soft; part sheep milk; smooth and delightful.

Schamser, or Rheinwald _Canton Graubiinden, Switzerland_

Large skim-milker eighteen by five inches, weighing forty to forty-six pounds.


This might be translated "milk mud." It's another name for Bloder, sour milk "waddle" cheese.

Schlesische Sauermilchkase _Silesia, Poland_

Hard; sour-milker; made like hand cheese. Laid on straw-covered shelves, dried by a stove in winter and in open latticed sheds in summer. When very dry and hard, it is put to ripen in a cellar three to eight weeks and washed with warm water two or three times a week.

Schlesischer Weichquarg _Silesia, Poland_

Soft, fresh skim, sour curd, broken up and cooked at 100 for a short time. Lightly pressed in a cloth sack twenty-four hours, then kneaded and shaped by hand, as all hand cheeses are. Sometimes sharply flavored with onions or caraway. Eaten fresh, before the strong hand cheese odor develops.

Schloss, Schlosskase, or Bismarck _German_

This Castle cheese, also named for Bismarck and probably a favorite of his, together with Bismarck jelly doughnuts, is an aristocratic Limburger that served as a model for Liederkranz.


German cottage cheese that becomes smearcase in America.

Schnitzelbank Pot _see_ Liederkranz, Chapter 4.

Schonland _German_

Imitation of Italian Bel Paese, also translated "beautiful land."

Schutzenkase _Austria_

Romadur-type. Small rectangular blocks weighing less than four ounces and wrapped in tin foil.

Shottengsied _Alpine_

A whey cheese made and consumed locally in the Alps.

Schwarzenberger _Hungary and Bohemia_

One part skim to two parts fresh milk. It takes two to three months to ripen.

Schweizerkase _Switzerland_

German for Swiss cheese. (_See_ Emmentaler.)

Schweizerost Dansk, Danish Swiss Cheese _Denmark_

A popular Danish imitation of Swiss Swiss cheese that is nothing wonderful.

Select Brick _see_ Chapter 12.

Selles-sur Cher _Berry, France_

A goat cheese, eaten from February to September.

Senecterre _Puy-de-Dome, France_

Soft, whole-milk; cylindrical, weighing about 1-1/2 pounds.

Septmoncel _France_

Semihard; skim; blue-veined; made of all three milks: cow, goat and sheep. An excellent "Blue" ranked above Roquefort by some, and next to Stilton. Also called Jura Bleu, and a member of the triple milk triplets with Gex and Sa.s.senage.

Serbian _Serbia_

Made most primitively by dropping heated stones into a kettle of milk over an open fire. After the rennet is added, the curd stands for an hour and is separated from the whey by being lifted in a cheesecloth and strained. It is finally put in a wooden vessel to ripen. First it is salted, then covered each day with whey for eight days and finally with fresh milk for six.

Syria also makes a cheese called Serbian from goat's milk. It is semisoft.

Serbian b.u.t.ter _see_ Kajmar.

Serra da Estrella, Queijo da (Cheese of the Star Mountain Range) _Portugal_

The finest of several superb mountain-sheep cheeses in Portugal. Other milk is sometimes added, but sheep is standard. The milk is coagulated by an extract of thistle or cardoon flowers in two to six hours. It is ripened in circular forms for several weeks and marketed in rounds averaging five pounds, about ten by two inches. The soft paste inside is pleasantly oily and delightfully acid.

Sharp-flavored cheese

U.S. aged Cheddars, including Monterey Jack; Italian Romano Fecorino, Old Asiago, Gorgonzola, Incanestrato and Caciocavallo; Spanish de Fontine; Aged Roumanian Kaskaval.

Shefford _see_ Chapter 2.

Silesian _Poland and Germany_

White; mellow; caraway-seeded. Imitated in the U.S.A. (see Schlesischer.)

Sir cheeses

In Yugoslavia, Montenegro and adjacent lands Sir or Cyr means cheese.

Mostly this type is made of skimmed sheep milk and has small eyes or holes, a sharp taste and resemblance to both American Brick and Limburger. They are much fewer than the Saint cheeses in France.

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The Complete Book of Cheese Part 70 summary

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