A Sailor of King George Part 7

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At daylight our signal was made to remain at anchor until further orders.

On sending the last boat on sh.o.r.e for the officers, I ordered the mids.h.i.+pman who had charge of her to acquaint my messmates not to bring off any strangers to dinner, as no boat would leave the s.h.i.+p after they returned. About 3 P.M. the boat came on board, and, in contradiction to my order, brought off a stranger. The second lieutenant was first up the side, and the stranger followed. On his reaching the quarter-deck, he introduced him to me as a person sent off by the admiral as a broker to exchange English for foreign coin. He gave me his card, which I put into my pocket without looking at it. I began by telling him he had come on board at a very inconvenient time, and that, in consequence of the spring tide, the boat would not leave the s.h.i.+p until the morning. "It is of little consequence to me," said he, very coolly; "I can remain where I am until that time." "Respecting the errand you have come on," I resumed, "I am afraid you will be disappointed, as two persons have already been before you." "How came you," said I to the youngster who had charge of the boat, "to disobey the order I gave you?" Before he could answer the surgeon came up and whispered to me, "It is your brother." I examined his countenance more closely. He gave me one of his schoolboy grins and his hand, and then I was convinced. We had not seen each other for nearly nine years, and he had grown entirely out of my recollection. I did not give him the fraternal hug, but I shook him affectionately by the hand and told him I should not part with him until we reached Deptford, to which he willingly consented. He acquainted me with all family concerns, and that my mother was waiting in London, anxious to see me.

The following day we received on board eighteen French prisoners for the prison-s.h.i.+ps in the river. We wished them at Jericho, where the man fell among those who used him worse than a Turk would have done. The same afternoon we daylighted the anchor, mastheaded the sails, crested the briny wave like a Yankee sea-serpent, and on the second day let go no fool of a piece of crooked iron off dirty Deptford. As orders were received to pay us off, we were fully occupied for nearly a week dismantling the s.h.i.+p and returning stores, etc. On the second day I ran up to London and saw my mother. She did not, luckily for both parties, shed a flood of tears, but received me with maternal affection, though she said she scarcely knew me-I was grown, as my sister was pleased to say, such a black man. On the sixth day after our anchoring I ordered the s.h.i.+p to be put out of commission, and the cook hauled down the pendant. We had a parting dinner at the "Gun" Inn, shook hands and separated.


A HOLIDAY ASh.o.r.e.

On sh.o.r.e-Tired of inactivity-Apply for a s.h.i.+p-Appointed to H.M.S.

_Minotaur_ (74)-Prisoners sent on board as part of crew-Go to Plymouth-Scarcity of seamen-Ruse to impress an Irish farm labourer-Ordered to join the Channel fleet off Ushant-Capture French thirty-six-gun s.h.i.+p-In danger off Ushant-Capture two small French s.h.i.+ps and one Dutch one: author sent to Plymouth in charge of the latter-Placed in quarantine.

After I had remained in noisy, bustling, crowded and disagreeable London a month, my mother wis.h.i.+ng to go into Surrey, I was glad of the opportunity to accompany her and to breathe purer air, and left town without regret.

I was now under my own orders, and was much puzzled to find out how I was to obey myself. For the last ten years I had been under the control of superiors. Now I had the whole of my crew within myself, and discipline I found was necessary. I knew no more of England than it knew of me. Men and manners were equally strange to me, except those on board the different men-of-war I had served in, and they were not the most polished. In the society of the fair s.e.x I was exceedingly shy, and my feelings were sometimes painful when I had to run the gauntlet through rows of well-dressed women, some looking as demure as a noddy at the masthead. I was now in my twenty-third year, and an agreeable-nay, an old lady, whose word was considered sacred-declared I was a charming young man. My life pa.s.sed as monotonously as that of a clock in an old maid's sitting-room.

My habits were too active to remain long in this state of listlessness. I was almost idle enough to make love, and nearly lost my heart seven times.

Caring little for the society of the men, I generally strolled over two or three fields to read my books, or to scribble sonnets on a plough, for I began to be sentimental and plaintive. Whilst meditating one morning in bed, I started up with a determination to have an interview with Sir J.

Colpoys, who was one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and ask him in person for employment, for I began to be apprehensive if I remained longer on sh.o.r.e I should think a s.h.i.+p was something to eat, and the bobstay the top-sail haulyards. Three weeks after my application I was appointed to the _Minotaur_ of seventy-four guns lying at Blackstakes, and I found it black enough, for she not having her masts stepped, we were all obliged-that is the officers-to live at the "Tap" at Shurnasty, commonly called Sheerness, where we spent thirteen out of six s.h.i.+llings a day, and until the s.h.i.+p was ready to receive us, which was nearly a fortnight, we drank elevation to the n.o.ble Secretary of the Admiralty, for, owing to his ignorance, we had been obliged to spend seven s.h.i.+llings daily more than our pay.

Two days after the s.h.i.+p was commissioned, and I had been carrying on the war, for I was the senior lieutenant, the gallant captain made his appearance. After touching his hat in return to my grand salaam, he said, "Hulloa, how is this? I expected to find the s.h.i.+p masted. I will thank you to desire the boatswain to turn the hands up to hear my commission read, and quartermaster," addressing a dockyard matey, "go down and tell all the officers I am on board."

"That is not a quartermaster," said I to him, "he is one of the dockyard men." "Then where are the quartermasters?" "We have none," replied I, "nor have we a seaman on board except some one-legged and one-armed old Greenwich pensioners that were sent on board yesterday." At this satisfactory intelligence he turned his eyes up like a crow in a thunderstorm, and muttered, I fear, something in the shape of a prayer for the whole Board of Admiralty. Whilst we were looking at each other not knowing what to say next, a man came up the hatchway to report that one of the Greenwich men had broken his leg. "Where is the surgeon?" said the captain. "He has not yet joined," replied I. "We must send him to the dockyard for surgical aid. Man the boat, and you, Mr. Brown, take him on sh.o.r.e," said I. Mr. Brown made one of his best bows, and acquainted me that it was the carpenter who was wanted and not the surgeon, as the man had snapped his wooden leg in one of the holes of the grating, and the carpenter's mate was fis.h.i.+ng it. After a pause of some minutes, "So,"

resumed the captain, "this is the manner King's s.h.i.+ps are to be fitted out. Why, it will take us a month of Sundays before the lower masts are rigged. What the devil did they send those old codgers with their wooden legs here for? I will go immediately to the Admiral, and point out the state we are in." In the afternoon another lieutenant joined the s.h.i.+p, junior to me. I began to think I should be the first, when on the following day I was uns.h.i.+pped, for two others came on board by some years my seniors. The captain also sent four young mids on board and the Admiralty two oldsters, one of whom was a sprig of n.o.bility. On the morning of the fourth day we were masted, and a lighter came alongside filled with riggers from London, and soon afterwards we received our complement of marines, with a captain and two lieutenants. We were now beginning to get animated and to make some show, when, as I was giving an order to the boatswain, Mr. Brown, whom I ought to have introduced before as the gunner, reported a barge coming alongside with prisoners. "That is surely a mistake," replied I; "I hope they do not take us for the prison s.h.i.+p." she came, stern on. "Hulloa!" I called out; "do you wish to try what the bends are made of?" Before I could say anything more, up came and stood before me, c.o.c.ked-up hat in hand, a consequential, dapper little stout man dressed in black, with his hair in powder. "Please you, sir, I have brought, by the order of the magistrates at Maidstone, fifteen men to belong to your s.h.i.+p. They be all of them tolerable good men, except five, who have been condemned to be transported, and two to be hung, but as they be contrabanders like, the Government have sent down orders for 'em to be sent on board your s.h.i.+p." "I am sure," said I, "I can in the name of His Majesty's officers offer many thanks to His Majesty's Government for their great consideration in sending men who deserve hanging to be made sailors on board His Majesty's s.h.i.+ps." He then, with a flourish, presented me a paper with their names and the offences of which they had been guilty.

Nine of these honest, worthy members of society were stout, robust fellows, and had only taken what did not belong to them. Two of the remaining six had been condemned for putting brave citizens in bodily fear on the King's highway and borrowing their purses and watches. The other four were smugglers bold, who wished to oblige their friends with a few hundreds of yards of Brussels lace and gloves, as well as some tubs of brandy, but were unfortunately interrupted in the exercise of their profession by those useless sea-beach cruisers called the Coast Guard.

"Pray, sir," said I, "to whom may I be obliged to for the safe conveyance of these honest men?" "I be the under-sheriff's officer, sir," answered he, "and I have had mighty hard work to bring them along." "You deserve to be rewarded, Mr. Deputy Sheriff" (for I like to give every man his t.i.tle), said I; "you would probably like to have a gla.s.s of grog." "Why it's thirsty weather, and I shall be obliged to you, sir." I called the steward, desired he might have some refreshment, and he soon after quitted the s.h.i.+p, admonis.h.i.+ng the live cargo he brought on board, who were still on the quarter-deck, to behave themselves like good men. A month had expired by the time the top-gallant masts were on end. We had received all our officers and two hundred men from Chatham and the river. At length, Greenwich pensioners, riggers, and dockyard mateys took their departure, to our great satisfaction, as it was impossible to bring the s.h.i.+p's crew into discipline whilst they were on board. Our complement, including the officers, was six hundred and forty men. We had only three hundred and twenty when orders came down for us to proceed to Plymouth. The captain and first lieutenant looked very wise on this occasion, and were apprehensive that if the s.h.i.+p slipped the bridles she would be like an unruly horse, and run away with us, for there were only forty men on board who knew how to go aloft except a few of the marines. The pilot made his appearance, and soon afterwards down went the bridles, and we were fairly adrift. We reached the Nore, and let go the anchors in a hail squall, and it was with the greatest difficulty we got the top-sails furled. The admiral, having proof positive that we were as helpless as a cow in a jolly-boat, took compa.s.sion on us and sent fifty more men from the flag-s.h.i.+p, most of them able seamen. On the fourth day after quitting the Nore we anch.o.r.ed in Plymouth Sound.

I now had the delightful opportunity of once more breathing my native air, viewing beautiful Mount Edgc.u.mbe, revelling in clotted cream and potted pilchards, tickling my palate-as Quin used to do-with John-dories, conger eels, star-gazey and squab pies, cray-fish, and sometimes, but not very often-for my purse was only half-flood in consequence of my expenses whilst on sh.o.r.e at the "Tap" at Sheerness-I had a drive upon Dock. The flag-s.h.i.+p in Hamoaze was the _Salvador del Mundo_, a three-decker taken from the Spaniards in the memorable battle of the fourth of February. The day after anchoring I was ordered by the captain to go with him on board the _Sally-waiter-de-Modo_. I reflected a short time, and not knowing there was such a s.h.i.+p on the Navy List, turned to the first lieutenant and asked him if he had heard of such a man-of-war. "No," said he, smiling, "the captain chooses to call her so; he means the flag-s.h.i.+p." On repairing on board her, my commander said to me, "You help me to look at those fellows' phizes," pointing to a number of men who were toeing the seam on her quarter-deck. "I am to take thirty of them; they are queer-looking chaps, and I do not much like the cut of their jib. But mind," added he, "don't take any one that has not a large quid of tobacco in his cheek."

I went up to the second man, who had a double allowance of Virginia or some other weed in his gill, the captain following me. "Well, my man,"

said I, "how long have you been to sea?" "Four months," was the reply.

"Why, you d--d rascal," said our skipper-for observe, reader, he never swore-"what the devil business have you with such a quant.i.ty of tobacco in your mouth? I thought you were an old sailor." "No, sir," answered the man, "my trade is a tailor, but I have chawed bacca from my infancy."

"Question another," was my order. I interrogated the next, who was a short, slight, pale-faced man. "And pray," said I, "what part of the play have you been performing; were you ever at sea?" "No, sir," said he; "I am a hairdresser, and was pressed a week ago." "D--n these fellows!" said my captain; "they are all tailors, barbers, or gra.s.s-combers. I want seamen."

"Then," said Captain N., who was the flag-captain, and had just come on board, "I much fear you will be disappointed. These are the only disposable men, and it's Hobson's choice-those or none."

"The admiral promised me some good seamen," returned my skipper, rather quickly. "Then I fear the admiral must find them," was the answer, "as I have not more than twenty seamen on board besides the petty officers. The last were drafted a few days ago in the _Defiance_. Will you take any of these men, Captain W.?" "What do you think," said my captain to me; "shall we take any of them?" "Suppose," returned I, "we take twenty of them and the tailor; they will all fit in in time." I then picked out twenty of the best, who were bad enough, as they were the worst set I ever saw grouped.

Their appearance and dress were wretched in the extreme. I reached the s.h.i.+p before the hour of dinner with my live cargo. "What, more hard bargains," said the first lieutenant, "we have too many clodhoppers on board already. The captain told me we were to have seamen." "Captain N.,"

said I, "a.s.sured our n.o.ble captain that the _Defiance_ had taken all the A.B.'s." "D--n the _Defiance!_" replied he; "I _defy_ Captain N. or anybody else to match those gentlemanly ragam.u.f.fins." The master's mates were called, and they were given into their charge.

One of them, a tall, large-boned man, requested to remain on deck a little longer as he had a palpitation of the heart. "What country man are you?"

said I. "Shure," answered he, "I'm all the way from dear ould Ireland, and I don't think I shall be arter seeing the bogs again; but good luck to her, wherever she goes!" "What did you do there?" said I. "Och," said he, "why do I give all this trouble and what business have I here? In Ireland, plase your honour, I planted praters and tended cows. In the hay season I came to England and was employed in stacking, when one day, as I was taking a walk in a field near Lunnen, I fell in with four men who asked me to join them as they were going to a public-house to have something to drink. I thought this was very civil to a stranger. After taking the first pot they told me they intended going in a boat on the river, and asked me if I could pull an oar. 'I'll try,' said I. 'Well,' said they, 'on, at five o'clock in the evening, be down at Wapping Stairs and you will see a green painted boat with six men in her. I will be ready to meet you,' said one of the most good-natured, 'and we will have a pleasant trip.' I little thought, your honour, that these spalpeens, saving your presence, intended anything more than friends.h.i.+p. I was at the place pointed out, and stepped into the boat. I took the second oar, but I caught so many crabs that I was desired to sit in the stern. We pulled up the river, which I thought very pleasant. In returning, the man who steered said he had a message to deliver on board a dark-looking vessel we were close to. We got alongside of her. 'Won't you go up, Pat?' said he; 'you never was on board so large a vessel; she is worth looking at.' I went up after him, when a man dressed in a blue coat with yellow b.u.t.tons came up to me and told me to go below. Saying this, he called to another, who told me he would show me the way, which he soon did, and I was forced into a dark place where I found seven more half-ragged, half-starved looking animals. Two of them were countrymen. 'Who have we here?' said one of them. 'I am all the way from Ireland,' said I, 'and I have come to see this s.h.i.+p.' 'The devil you have, my honey; and what do you come here for?'

'Shure enough,' replied I, 'that's true. I'll go and see arter my frinds.'

At this they all laughed. I went to the door, but found a sodjer there with a drawn sword. 'What do you want?' demanded he. 'To go, and plase you.' 'To-morrow, my lad,' replied he; 'to-night you stay where you are.'

'Why, what a bother you are making, Pat,' said one of my companions; 'you know you are going to serve the King.' 'And pray,' said I, 'who is the King? I never saw or heard of him before. How can I serve him?' 'That's a good one,' said the one who first spoke. 'Where were you born and baptized?' 'About the bogs of Ireland,' replied I, 'and I was baptized over a bowl of b.u.t.termilk and praters by Father Murphy in a stable among a parcel of cows.' 'You'll do,' said another; 'have you any dibbs?' 'Yes,'

answered I, 'I have got two s.h.i.+llings and fourpence.' 'That will do. Send for a pot of the right sort, and we'll drink a long life to Ireland.' I gave the one who spoke some money. We had our pot, drew ourselves up like pigs in a trough, and went to sleep. Next morning at daylight we were put on board a tender-not very tenderly, your honour, for I lost my waistcoat and my money, and when I complained I was forced over the s.h.i.+p's side.

They said the boat could not wait, as the tender was under weigh. We arrived at Plymouth about a fortnight ago, and here I am, your honour."

"Well," said I, "if you behave yourself well and endeavour to do your duty, you will be happy enough; and as I brought you on board, I will, if you deserve it, keep sight of you, and in time you may become a good seaman, and perhaps a petty officer." "Long life to your honour! I'll be shure and take your advice." And so he did, and in a few months after was made captain of the waist.

We were now tolerably in order, and soon after joined the Channel fleet off Ushant. The second day after leaving Plymouth Sound we fell in with the _Franchise_, a large French frigate of thirty-six guns and three hundred and forty men, who, after exchanging a few shot without doing us any mischief, struck her colours. She was from St. Domingo, with General F. on board, bound to Brest. Her second captain appeared a very delicate young person, and during the four days he was on board he never slept in the cot provided for him in the captain's cabin, but always threw himself down on the sofa in his clothes. We all conjectured that, as a son of Erin might say, he was a woman, which idea after the prisoners left us, was confirmed by the captain's steward, who had been bribed to secrecy during the pa.s.sage to Plymouth. The lady was the daughter of the captain of the captured frigate in disguise.

Having seen our prize into Hamoaze, and taken our officers and men out of her, we left her in charge of the prize agent, and repaired to our station off Ushant. We joined the fleet, consisting of thirteen sail of the line and two frigates. We looked into Brest roads, and could discover only eight sail of the enemy's line of battle s.h.i.+ps, with their top-gallant yards crossed; nine others were coming forward. Four more sail of the line having joined our fleet, we were directed to part company and cruise off Vigo Bay. Soon after we fell in with the _Venerable_. Having the watch on deck, the captain desired the signalman to hoist the dog-a-tory pendant over the dinner signal. The man scratched his head and made wide eyes at one of the mids.h.i.+pmen, requesting him to tell him what the captain meant.

"By Jove!" said the mid, "if you do not bear a hand and get the signal ready, he will make you a dog-of-a-wig instead of a Tory." Seeing the man at a pause, I asked him if he had the signal ready. "Yes, sir," replied he; "I have the telegraph dinner flags ready, but I do not know what the dog-a-tory pennant is; it must be in the boatswain's store-room, for I have never had charge of it." I could not forbear laughing at the man's explanation. "What's the signalman about?" inquired the captain; "why does he not hoist the signal?" "He did not know where to find the pendant you mentioned," replied I. "I have told him you meant the interrogatory pendant." "To be sure; I said so as plain as I could speak. The fellow must be stupid not to understand me," continued our deeply-read skipper. A worthier, better or braver seaman than our n.o.ble commander never had the honour of commanding a King's s.h.i.+p. His zeal and loyalty were unimpeachable. To hear him read the Articles of War to us once a month was, if not improving, most amusing. He dogrogated G.o.d's honour with emphasis, and accused the ministers of the Church of being lethargic. Some of my messmates declared, although it was perfectly without intention on his part, that the captain in the last expression was right, for although the word was liturgy, he was justified in reading it lethargy. Respecting the other word, "dogrogation," they had all turned over the leaves of Bailey's ancient dictionary in vain; but they presumed the captain meant to read "derogation," as it respected G.o.d's honour, and they considered it as a _lapsus linguae_. Two of the officers' names were Bateman and Slateman. For months after they had been on board our worthy captain did not appear to know one from the other, and we were sometimes much diverted, and they were much annoyed, by his sending for one when he meant the other. Although our cruising ground appeared a profitable one, and we were considered fortunate in being sent there, for six weeks we only made prizes of hundreds of the finny tribe by trawling off Quimper and L'Orient. This amus.e.m.e.nt, exercising guns, sails and lead, gave us full employment, and kept us out of mischief.

For nearly two months we had only seen four of our cruisers, and a few of the enemy's small craft going along sh.o.r.e, and although we frequently volunteered for boat service, our commander always closed his ears to our requests. He was no friend to boating, he said; it very seldom turned out successful, and it only answered, if it did at all, when courage was doubtful. "And if you are not men of courage," he used to add, "you are not the men I took you for." At length a cutter brought us orders to rejoin the Channel fleet under Lord Gardner, as the French fleet had increased to nineteen sail of the line, besides frigates. After joining, we were stationed off the Black Rocks, with four other s.h.i.+ps, to watch Brest and the movements of the enemy's fleet. At this time we were seventeen sail of the line and three frigates, and were very sanguine that the s.h.i.+ps at Brest would favour us with their company, as they had been practising their firing and sailing in Brest water. We strained our eyes and imaginations in vain. There they stuck, as the seamen used to say, like the _Merrydun_, of Dover, which took seven years in veering, and when she did so the fly of her ensign swept two flocks of sheep off Beachy Head, while her jib-boom knocked down the steeple of Calais church and killed the s.e.xton. Cruising on this Siberian ground was horribly monotonous work. We sincerely wished the French fleet alongside of us, or in a warmer place. On one dark night we were caught in a heavy gale from the westward. We were under close-reefed main and foretop-sails and mizzen. The s.h.i.+p was settling down on Ushant rapidly, and we expected to strike every moment. The rebound of the water from the rocks caused the spray to fly half-way over the decks from to leeward. A rock called La Jument was on our lee bow. Luckily we saw the sea breaking over it. "Port the helm!" called out one of the pilots, "or the s.h.i.+p's lost. She must bear the main-sail, captain," added he, "or we shall not weather the island, and she will strike in less than half an hour." The main-sail was cast loose, and after a severe contest, its unwilling tack and sheet were belayed. The s.h.i.+p was literally buried in the foam, and I expected to see the main-mast go by the board every instant. Orders had been given, in case of such an event, to have all the axes ready. Providentially the wind veered two points to the southward, which saved the s.h.i.+p and her crew. Had she struck, she must instantly have gone to pieces. The rocks were so perpendicular that in all probability the whole of us must have made food for fishes. In a quarter of an hour we were clear of the island. Had we been under sentence of death, and suddenly reprieved, the effect on our minds could not have been greater. Long, anxious faces coiled themselves up to half their length and became brighter. The captain, who had been pacing the quarter-deck in quick time, brought himself up all standing, and I could perceive his lips move, and, if I mistake not, he was offering up a mental prayer of thankfulness for our hair-breadth escape. At daylight the gale abated, when, on examining the masts, the maintop-mast was found sprung in the cap. The following evening we captured two French brigs from Martinique, laden with sugar and coffee, and the day after a Dutch s.h.i.+p from Smyrna bound to Amsterdam, laden with silks and cotton, in which I went as prize-master. On our arrival at Plymouth we were put into quarantine. The boat which came out to us kept on her oars. I could not forbear smiling when I requested our letters might be sent on sh.o.r.e by her to see the great and certainly necessary precautions taken by these cunning people. A long kind of sprit was held up, split at the end to receive the letters. When in the boat, one man clipped them with a pair of scissors, another fumigated them with brimstone, a third bedabbled them with dirty vinegar and threw them into a leathern bag, taking care not to touch them with his hands.



The s.h.i.+p arrives-Captain's attempt to form a band-Sail again-Attacked by rheumatic fever and invalided ash.o.r.e-Ordered to join H.M.S. _Tonnant_-Proceed to Mediterranean-At Oran: experiences ash.o.r.e.

The s.h.i.+p anch.o.r.ed at Cawsand Bay four days afterwards, when we joined her, leaving the prizes in charge of the agent. I found her with the yellow flag flying at the masthead. She had been put in quarantine on her arrival, which we paid off with the foretop-sail, as we sailed the day after for a six weeks' cruise in the chops of the Channel. At the end of that period we returned to our anchorage with another French brig laden with Colonial produce. Our gallant and would-be musical captain consulted us all respecting harmonious sounds, but, alas! we were weighed in the musical balance and found wanting. This, however, did not discourage him.

Nine of the crew came forward with three of the marines, offering themselves as candidates for the band. The captain, after having consulted one of the sergeants of marines, who played the hautboy, whether anything might be made of the men who had come forward as musicians, it was determined _nem. con._ that a pease-barrel should be manufactured into a big drum, that two ramrods should be metamorphosed into triangles, that the two ba.s.soons and the hautboy taken in the French frigate should be brought into action without loss of time, that the marine and s.h.i.+p's fifer, with the marine drummer, should be drilled with the others, under the direction of the sergeant, in the captain's cabin twice a day, and a horrible confusion of unmusical sounds they made for more than six weeks.

The skipper was in his glory, and everybody else amazed. Some of my messmates prayed for them heartily, particularly the first lieutenant, who thought the captain musically mad. The mids declared they never would be respectable enough to be called a band, but would be bad enough to be called a banditti, as they looked more like brigands than musicians.

We had nearly completed our water and stores, when I was ordered to the dockyard with the launch for the remainder and two anchor-stocks. It was blowing fresh, and in consequence I desired the leaves of the anchor-stock to be triced up under the oars outside the boat, that in case of s.h.i.+pping a sea we might be able, if necessary, to cut them away. The last leaf was lowered down to the boat, when I felt a touch on my shoulder. I turned quickly round, when my nose, which is not very short, came in rude contact with a c.o.c.ked hat, which it nearly knocked off the head of the wearer. It was the admiral, who was in stature a King John's man, four feet nothing.

I immediately pulled off my hat and apologised. "What are you doing, sir,"

said he to me, "with these anchor-stocks?" "Tricing them up outside the boat, sir," replied I. "Why do you not boat them?" I explained my reasons for not doing so. After a short pause, he said, "You are perfectly right.

What s.h.i.+p do you belong to?" I informed him. He wished me good evening, and I repaired on board. The morning after we sailed, and in three days we joined the Channel fleet under Lord Gardner. For two long, lingering months we had our patience exercised, jogging backwards and forwards like a pig on a string. The _Prince_ was our leader, and the s.h.i.+p astern of us the _Spartiate_. The former sailed like a haystack, the latter like a witch, and the sailors declared she was built of stolen wood, as she always sailed best at night. One squally night I was lieutenant of the middle watch, when the _Prince_ split _her_ maintop-sail, and we were in consequence obliged to show a light astern and shorten sail. The _Spartiate_ shot up, and was nearly on board of us. The captain, hearing a bustle, was soon on deck. "What are the fleet about?" asked he. "What is the matter with that beastly _Prince_?" I informed him. "And what the devil is the _Spartang_ doing on our weather quarter?"

"Why," replied I, "if the _Prince_ and the _Spartiate_ could divide their sailing, we should do very well; but we are very critically placed, being constantly obliged to shorten sail for the former, for fear of her, and in so doing we are in our turn in danger of being p.o.o.ped by the latter."

"Have you showed a light to the _Spartang_?" demanded he, for he always called her by that unheard-of name. I answered in the affirmative. "D--n that _Prince_," resumed he, "_she_ ought to be ordered out of the line.

When I go on board the admiral, I will report her." The s.h.i.+ps again fell into their stations, and the captain took his in his cot. It was now the depth of winter, and the weather very severe. I had caught cold which confined me to my cot, and when we arrived at Plymouth I had a violent rheumatic fever. I was carried on sh.o.r.e to sick quarters in blankets, and before I was sufficiently recovered the s.h.i.+p sailed.

When I was strong enough I requested permission from the admiral to go to London, which was granted. I had a run in the country for a few months, for I soon got tired of noisy, smoky London. Soon after this I was informed by the Admiralty that I was superseded in the last s.h.i.+p, and ordered to Portsmouth to join the _Tonnant_, an eighty-four. A few days after receiving my commission, I joined this glorious s.h.i.+p of s.h.i.+ps. When I took a perspective view of her gun-decks, I thought her an equal match for any s.h.i.+p afloat, and so she certainly was, and n.o.bly proved it afterwards. Her gallant commander, Captain Troubridge, was from the Emerald Isle; had a slight touch of the brogue, and was replete with anecdote; he was good-humoured and a gentleman, and he never punished a man unless he richly deserved it. My messmates were all young men, and generally speaking well informed, with the exception of the master, who was a countryman of mine, and desperately fond of doggerel verse as well as cray-fish and conger eels.

We were again destined to make one of the Channel fleet, when to our great joy, after tacking and half-tacking for six weeks, we were ordered with some more s.h.i.+ps of the line under Admiral Collingwood to proceed off Cadiz to watch the motions of the Spanish and French fleets, after the scratch they had with our fleet under Sir R. F. Calder. We occasionally ran into Gibraltar for refreshments and stores. On one of these occasions the Port-Admiral took it into his head to hoist his flag on board of one of the active s.h.i.+ps, and ordered us with two others to make sail out of the harbour. As we were not acquainted with his object, we presumed he wanted to purify his const.i.tution by a strong sea-breeze; if so, he was disappointed, as it fell calm two hours after we cleared Europa Point, and during the night we were under the and shot of Ceuta, which fortunately fell harmless. The day after we reached our former anchorage at Gibraltar, where we found Sir Richard Bickerton, who took us under his orders to cruise off Carthagena, where three Spanish line of battle s.h.i.+ps were lying ready for sea.

On our way thither we anch.o.r.ed in Oran roads to procure bullocks for the squadron. As soon as the sails were furled a Turkish officer, dressed something like that figure of fun called Punch, came on board us, as we were the nearest s.h.i.+p, to inquire if the fort saluted us what number of guns would be fired in return. We referred him to the flag-s.h.i.+p; he took his departure with his interpreter who spoke broken English. About 1 P.M., whack came a large shot from the fort nearly into the bow, and presently several more. At first, as shot were fired so close to us, we could not exactly tell what was intended until the nineteenth shot was fired, when the battery was silent. The flag-s.h.i.+p returned seventeen guns. On inquiry we found that these barbarians always salute with shot, and endeavour to send them as near you as possible by way of compliment.

About 3 P.M. three Turkish officers came on board, the youngest of whom was the commander or governor of the town. The purser, who had been eyeing him with a wicked look, said to us, "I'll make that fellow drunk before he leaves the s.h.i.+p." He had expressed a wish to see the s.h.i.+p, and I offered to take him round the decks. In the meanwhile the purser went to his cabin, mixed some strong punch, and made some sherbet. "Now,"

said he to me, "when you show him the c.o.c.kpit, hand him into my cabin."

The Pacha admired the s.h.i.+p and the guns, and said it was the largest vessel he had seen. He spoke a little broken English. At length we came to the purser's cabin which was neatly fitted up and well lighted. The Turk was requested to repose himself on the sofa, and to take some sherbet.

"First of all," whispered the purser to me, "we will try him with the punch." A gla.s.s was accordingly handed to him, and we filled others for ourselves. It went down his throat like mother's milk. He declared it was the best sherbet he had ever drunk, and asked for another gla.s.s of it.

Down that went without a pause. "He'll do," whispered the purser, "he is a true Mussulman; he prefers stiff punch to cobbler's punch." A tureen was now filled with yet stronger punch, of which he took three more tumblers, and down he fell. He was laid on the sofa until his friends were ready to leave the s.h.i.+p. When they came from the captain's cabin, where they had been taking refreshments, they inquired for the sub-governor. After some delay and more difficulty he made his appearance. His turban had fallen off, and his countenance was ghastly. He was so helpless that he was obliged to be lowered into the boat, to the astonishment and terror of all those who had brought him off, and to the amus.e.m.e.nt of all our officers and crew.

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A Sailor of King George Part 7 summary

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