Trapped by Malays Part 39

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"Why?" cried Archie irritably.

"Because this 'ere ain't a bath-room, sir, and there ain't no washhand-stand. You see, I have only got that there big jar of water, and a cocoa-nut sh.e.l.l to drink out of. You must have breakfast first, and here goes."

Archie remained silent while, taking the cup, the lad fetched the great jar, which was half-full of water.

"There you are, sir," cried Peter, as he filled the cup. "What do you say? Think you could sit up now, or shall I help you?"

In response, wincing a little from pain and feebleness, Archie sat up, took the cup, and drained it with thirsty haste.

"That's good," cried Peter, taking and refilling it. "It does me good to see you, sir. Oh, you are coming on fine. Slep' all night, didn't you?" he continued, as he steadied the cup.

"I suppose so, Pete," said Archie, with a sigh. "I don't remember any thing."

"That's a good sign, sir. Now then, have another, or will you try a little soaked bread first?"

"No," said Archie decisively. "You drink that."

"No, no, sir; after you have done."

"'Tention! Drink first," said Archie, speaking more firmly.

"Oh, if you give commands, sir," said Peter, "I must do it;" and he drained the little vessel, with almost as much avidity as his patient, "Fine tap, ain't it, sir?" he continued, as he drew breath.

"Yes. Now give me another cup and a piece of bread, so that I can break it and soak it."

"Hooray! You are getting hungry, sir;" and the lad broke off some of the bread from the big cake that was left, handed a piece to his subaltern, and watched him with intense satisfaction as with trembling fingers he held a wedge in the cup, keeping it there till it was thoroughly soaked.

"Now then, you do the same," said Archie.

"Oh, I can wait, sir. I ain't in no hurry."

"Obey your orders, sir," cried Archie sternly.

"Right, sir," was the prompt reply; and the private followed his officer's example, this being repeated in each case, with results doubly satisfactory to Peter Pegg. "They make capital bread here, sir, don't they?" he said, smiling, as he partook heartily of his share of the food.

"Yes," replied Archie quietly. "I seem to be able to taste it better this morning."

"That's good, sir. Ready for a piece more?"

"Yes; about half as much as you gave me."

The repast went on till Archie refused another portion.

"Give me some more water. I think I can manage," he said. "Now," he continued, after drinking, "take as much water as you like."

"Sure you won't have some more, sir?"


"'Cause there won't be another chance till the come with the next lot.--Oh yes, I didn't think of that," cried Peter; and after drinking a couple more cupfuls, he placed the brimmed sh.e.l.l upright in one corner of the stable, before proceeding carefully to bathe his companion's face and hands, and ended by applying a succession of drenched pads to the painful, stiffened wound.

"How does that feel, sir?" he asked after a time.

"Oh Pete, I can't tell you! It's something heavenly. Go on, please.

The necktie keeps getting so hot. Ah yes, better and better," he sighed. "There, that'll do," he said at last. "You must be tired now."

"Not me, sir," replied the lad. "It's easy enough. I could go on for a week--only I am glad you cried halt."

"Yes; I thought you must be weary," said Archie.

"No, sir, 'tain't that, I tell you. There!" and he withdrew the silk necktie, dripping, from the bottom of the jar. "That's sucked up the very last drop, sir. Hold still, sir, and let me lay this just on the top, and as soon as you begins to feel it too warm I will take it away and hang it up to dry. I won't dab the place with the handkerchy, because it will feel cooler if you let it dry by itself."

"Why, Pete, you are as good as a nurse."

"Oh, I don't know, sir. Tidy, like--tidy. You see, I have had two goes over the chaps in horspittle, and one can't help picking up a bit."

"No nurse could have done better," said Archie in a tone full of relief.

"Well, sir, 'tain't much to talk about. You see, I ain't got no proper tackle--not so much as a sponge. Now, if Dr Morley was here he'd put on some lint and a bandage."

"Yes, I suppose so. Is the wound very big?"

"Quite big enough, sir. Might be bigger. Worst of it is, it's so much bruisy-like. But you are getting better, sir, splendid."

"Ah, and I have been so selfish, thinking only of myself. You must be longing for a wash, and there isn't a drop of water left."

"Oh, I don't mind, sir. I shall crumble up some of them leaves and have a dry wipe, for I suppose my skin don't look very cheerful."

Archie held up his hand.

"What's that, sir? Somebody coming?"

Archie bowed his head, and Peter Pegg went on tiptoe to his observatory, and drew himself up, holding back as much as possible, to see a Malay, whom he recognised as the previous night's sentry, standing back at some little distance, shading his eyes with his hands as he looked upward, and then changing his position time after time as he seemed to be sweeping the roof with his eyes, before hurrying away.

"Why, I'd 'most forgotten that," said Peter to himself. "He was looking up there to see if he could find where that there spear's sticking in the roof, and," he added, with a chuckle, "it ain't sticking there a bit. I suppose he's afraid of being hauled over the coals by his sergeant for losing his weapon. Sarve him right! The beast! Why, he might have sent it right through me."

This thought seemed to suggest what he had gone through over-night, for after taking a final glance in the direction of the retiring sentry, he dropped softly down to where the broad patch of light lay upon the leaves, drew up the leg of his trouser, and examined an unpleasant-looking wound.

"Might have been worse," he thought. "Only wants leaving alone. Just a wash and a dab of old Jollop's sticking-plaister; and it won't get neither, for it will heal up by itself and be something to show," he chuckled--"PP's first wound in the Malay Expedition!"

Getting up actively enough, for he fancied he heard a sound, he climbed to the hole once more, and found he was right, for the Malay sentry was returning, shouldering a fresh spear.

"Now, where did he get that?" thought the lad. "It's wonderful to me how quiet everything is here. There must be houses, or huts, or something, and a fairish lot of men; and, of course, there's helephant-sheds. Only where are they? Jungle, jungle, jungle, without so much as a squint of anything else. Wonder what Mister Archie thinks about it."

The lad dropped down again, after noticing that the sentry was now leaning on his spear, scanning the roof once more; but as Peter stood listening and laughing to himself, he muttered:

"He must have thought it was a big monkey!" and he mentally pictured what had pa.s.sed in the night, when a smart tap caught his ear which sounded as if the shaft of the spear had been brought down with a rap upon the ground. This was followed by a step or two.

"Coming here," thought the lad, and he stepped quickly over the leaves, to throw himself down close to Archie as if he were asleep, but keeping one half-closed eye fully observant of all that pa.s.sed.

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Trapped by Malays Part 39 summary

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