Apron-Strings Part 42

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"Yes, I _ain't_!"

"Ah, you can't fool me! No, indeed! You wouldn't think of doing such a thing--a woman who stands so high in her profession!"

Tottie's eyelids fluttered, as if at a light too brilliant to endure; and she caught her breath like one who has drunk an over-generous draught. "Aw--er--um." Her hand went up to her throat. She swallowed. Then recovering herself, "Dearie, you're not only a lady, but you're discernin'--that's the word!--discernin'." She laid a hand appreciatively on Sue's arm.

Sue patted the hand. "Ha-ha!" she laughed. "I could see that you were acting! The very first minute you came through that door--'That woman is an artist'--that's what I said to myself--'a great artist---in her line.' For you can _act_. Oh, Miss St. Clair, _how_ you can act!"

Tottie seemed to grow under the praise, to lengthen and to expand.

"Well, I do flatter myself that I have talent," she conceded. "I've played with the best of 'em. And as I say,----"

"Exactly," agreed Sue. "Now, what _I_ was about to remark was this: We're thinking very seriously of traveling--several of us--yes. And before we go, I feel that I'd like you to have a small token of my appreciation of what you've done for--for Miss Crosby--a small token to an artist----"

"Dearie," interrupted Tottie, "I couldn't think of it."

"Oh, just a little something--for being so kind to her."

"Not a cent. Y' know, I've got a steady income--yes, alimony. I'm independent. And it's so seldom that us artists _git_ appreciated.

No; as I say, not a cent.--And now, I'll make my exit. It's been a real pleasure to see you again." She backed impressively.

"The pleasure's all mine," declared Sue. "Good-by!"

"O-revour!" returned Tottie, elegantly. She bowed, swept round, and was gone.

Mrs. Milo uncovered her face.

Balcome chuckled. "My dear Sue," he said, "when it comes to diplomacy, our United States amba.s.sador boys have nothing on you!"

"Oh, don't give me too much credit," Sue answered. "You know, people are never as bad as they pretend to be. Now even you and Mrs.

Balcome--why, I've come to the conclusion that you two enjoy a good row!"

"Ah, that reminds me!" declared Balcome. "You spoke just now of traveling. And I think there's a devil of a lot in that travel idea."

"Brother Balcome!" exclaimed Mrs. Milo, finding relief from embarra.s.sment in being shocked.

"Don't call me Brother!" he cried. "--Sue, ask Mrs. B. if she wouldn't like to get away to Europe.--And you could go with her, couldn't you?"

This to Mrs. Milo, before whose eyes he held up a check-book. "What would you say to five thousand dollars?"

The sight of that check-book was like a tonic. Mrs. Milo smiled--and rose, setting her bonnet straight, and picking at the skirt of her dress.

"What do you think, Sue?" asked Balcome.

Sue considered. "They could go a long way on five thousand," she returned mischievously.

"And I need a change," put in her mother; "--after twenty years of--of widowed responsibility."

Balcome waxed enthusiastic. "I tell you, it's a great idea! You two ladies----"

"Leisurely taking in the sights," supplemented Sue.

"That's the ticket!" He opened the check-book. "First, England."

"Then France." Sue was the picture of demureness.

"Then the trenches!" Balcome winked.

"Italy is lovely," continued Sue, wickedly.

"Egypt--for the winter!" Balcome's excitement mounted as he saw his wife farther away.

"And there's the Holy Land."

This last was a happy suggestion. For Mrs. Milo turned to Mrs.

Balcome, clasping eager hands. "Ah, the Holy Land!" she cried.

"Palestine! The Garden of Eden!"

Mrs. Balcome listened calmly. But she did not commit herself. At some thought or other, she pressed Babette close.

"Yes!" Balcome took Mrs. Milo's elbow confidentially. "And think of Arabia!"

"India!"--it was Sue again.

"China!" added Balcome.


"The Phil----"

"Look out now! Look out!"

"What's the matter?"

"Matter? You're coming up the other side!"

But Mrs. Milo was blissfully unaware of this bit of byplay. "Do you think Mrs. Balcome and I could make such an extended trip on five thousand?" she asked.

"Well, I'll raise the ante!--_ten_ thousand." Balcome took out a fountain-pen.

"Oh, think of it!" raved Mrs. Milo, ecstatically. "The dream of my life!--Europe! Africa! Asia!--Dear Mrs. Balcome, what do you say?"

"We-e-e-ell," answered Mrs. Balcome, slowly, "can I take Babette?"

In his eagerness, Balcome addressed her direct. "Yes! Yes! I'll buy Babette a dog satchel!"

"I'll go," declared Mrs. Balcome.

Mrs. Milo was all grat.i.tude. "Oh, my dear, thank you! And we'll get ready today!--Why not? I certainly shan't stay here"--this with a glance at the toy-strewn bench. "Susan,--you must pack."

Sue stared. "Oh,--do--do I go?"

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Apron-Strings Part 42 summary

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