Apron-Strings Part 45

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"Why, Miss Susan,"--Farvel had come across the lawn to her noiselessly--"what's this I hear? That you're going away."

She rose, a little flurried. "I--I suppose I must."

"And you've bought all these for--for the child," he added, catching sight of the dolls and toys.

"It'll be nice to give them to her. But I'd hoped I could be near Barbara for a long time to come. I hoped I could help to make up to the little one for--for anything she's lacked." She shook her head.

"But you see, my mother depends on me so. She wouldn't go without me.

She's too old to go just with Mrs. Balcome. And--and if it's my duty----" At her feet was that box which Mrs. Balcome had thrown down on hearing that it contained something which should be put upon ice.

Sue picked the box up and began to undo the string.

Farvel stood in silence for a little. Then, finally, "I--I want to tell you something before you go. I'm afraid it will surprise you.

And--and"--coloring bashfully--"I hardly know how to begin."

"Ye-e-es?" Sue was embarra.s.sed, too, and hid her confusion by taking from the box a bride's bouquet that was destined not to figure in any marriage ceremony. At sight of the flowers, her embarra.s.sment grew.

Farvel began to speak very low.--"After Laura left, I didn't think of a second marriage--not even when her brother had the divorce registered.

I felt I couldn't settle down again and be happy when I didn't know her fate. She might be alive, you see. And I am an Episcopal clergyman.

Still--I wasn't contented. I had my dreams--of a home, and a wife----"

He paused.

"A wife who would really care," she said.

"Yes. And a woman _I_ could love. Because, I know I'm to blame for Laura's going--oh, yes, to a very great extent. I didn't love her enough. If I had, she never would have left--never would have done anything to hurt me. If I were to marry again, it would have to be someone I cared for a great deal. That's what I--I want to plead now when I tell you--when I confess. I want to plead that this new love I feel is so great--almost beyond my--my power, Miss Susan."

She did not look at him. The bouquet in her hand trembled.

He went on. "I oughtn't to find it hard to tell you anything. I've always felt that there was such sympathy between us. As if you understand me; and I would never fail to understand you."

"I have felt it, too."

Now she lifted her eyes--but to the windows of the drawing-room. From the nearest, a face was quickly withdrawn--her mother's. She stepped back, widening the distance between herself and Farvel.

"Susan!" It was Mrs. Milo, calling as if from a distance.

Instantly, Farvel also fell back. And scarcely knowing why she did it, Sue put the bride's bouquet behind her.

Mrs. Milo came out. Her eyes had a peculiar glitter, but her voice was gentle enough. "Susan dear, why do you go flying away just when you're wanted? Why don't you come and help your poor motherkins as you promised? You don't want me to do everything?"

"No, mother."

"Then please go at once and help Mrs. Balcome with the packing. My things go into the two small wardrobe trunks. You'll have to use that big trunk that was your dear father's. Now hurry!"

"Yes, mother." Sue attempted a detour, the bouquet still out of her mother's sight.

"What are you trying to conceal, dear?"

"It's--it's Hattie's bouquet."

A look of mingled fear and resentment--a look that Sue understood; next, breathing hard, "What are you doing with it? You don't want it!

Give it to me!" Mrs. Milo caught the flowers from her daughter's hands and threw them upon the gra.s.s. "Now go and do what I've asked you to!"

She pointed.

Sue glanced at Farvel, who was staring at the elder woman in amazed displeasure. "I'll be back," she said significantly. There was a trace of yesterday's rebellion in her manner as she went out.

As the drawing-room door closed, Mrs. Milo's manner also underwent a change. She hastened to Farvel, her eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears, her lips trembling. "Oh, Mr. Farvel," she cried, "she's all I've got in this world. She's the very staff of my life! And my heart is set on her going abroad with me! It'll be an expensive trip, but I'm an old woman, Mr. Farvel, and I can't take that long journey without Sue! I know you're against me for what I did yesterday--for what I said to your wife. But I felt she'd separate me from Sue--that she'd put Sue against me. And, oh, don't punish me for it! Don't take my daughter away from me! Oh, don't! Don't!" She caught at his hand, broke down completely, and sobbed.

"Why, Mrs. Milo!" exclaimed Farvel, not understanding. "What do you mean?--take her away?"

"I mean marry her!--Oh, she's my main hold on life!"

He laughed. "My dear, dear lady, I haven't the least intention in the world of asking your daughter to marry me."

"No?" She stopped her weeping.

"None whatever. How can I marry--while Laura is alive?"

"And--and"--doubtfully--"you don't even--love her?"

"Will it make your mind entirely easy if I tell you that I--I care for someone else?" He blushed like a boy.

"Oh, Alan Farvel, I'm so glad! So glad!" Her grat.i.tude was spontaneous. "And I wish you could marry! You deserve the very best kind of a wife!"

"You flatter me."

"Not at all! You're a good man. You'd make some girl very happy.

I've always said, 'What a pity Mr. Farvel isn't a married man'--not knowing, of course, that you'd ever been one.--Could I trouble you to hand me that bouquet?"

"Certainly." Farvel picked up the bride's bouquet from where she had thrown it and gave it to her.

"Thank you. A moment ago, I found the perfume of it quite overpowering. But the blossoms are lovely, aren't they?--So you do care for someone? And"--she smiled in her best playfully teasing manner--"is the 'someone' a secret?"


"Ah, you don't want to tell me! I'm an old lady, Mr. Farvel; I know how to keep a secret."

"Oh, I'm going to tell you. Though you're going to think very badly of me."

"Badly? For being in love?--You will have to wait."

"For being in love with a certain young lady."

"Ho-ho! That's very unlikely. Now, who is it? I'm all eagerness!"

She smiled at him archly.

He waited a moment; then, "I love Hattie Balcome."

"_Hattie?_" She found it impossible of comprehension.

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Apron-Strings Part 45 summary

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