Young People's Pride Part 5

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He sank deeper, deeper, into the glow of that imagined firelight--the flame was cooler than water to walk through--that time he had almost taken a turning shadow into his hand. The sword between--only here there was no sword. If he reached out his hand he knew just how the hand that he touched would feel, cool and firm, like that flame. Cool and silent.

There must have been something, somewhere, to make him remember....

He remembered.

A minute later Oliver had splashed up to them, shouting "A rescue! A rescue! Guests Drown While Host Looks On Smilingly! What's the matter, Ted, you look as if you wanted to turn into a submarine? Got cramp?"


Mrs. Crowe relaxed a little for the first tired minute of her day.

Sunday dinner was nearly over, and though, in one way, the best meal in the week for her because all her children were sure to be at home, it was apt to be pure purgatory on a hot day, with Sheba dawdling and grumbling and Rosalind spilling pea-soup on her Sunday dress, and Aunt Elsie's deafness increased by the weather to the point of mild imbecility.

She had been a little afraid today, especially with two guests and the grandchildren rampant after church, and the extra leaf in the table that squeezed Colonel Crowe almost into the sideboard and herself nearly out of the window and made the serving of a meal a series of pa.s.sings of over-hot plates from hand to hand, exposed to the piracies of Jane Ellen. But it had gone off better than she could have hoped. Colonel Crowe had not absent-mindedly begun to serve vegetables with a teaspoon, Aunt Elsie had not dissolved in tears and tottered away from the table at some imagined rudeness of d.i.c.kie's, and Jane Ellen had not once had a chance to take off her drawers.

"Ice tea!" said the avid voice of Jane Ellen in her ear. "Ice tea!"

Mrs. Crowe filled the gla.s.s and submitted a request for "please"

mechanically. She wondered, rather idly, if she would spend her time in purgatory serving millions of Jane Ellens with iced tea.

"Ahem!" That was Colonel Crowe. "But you should have known us in the days of our greatness, Mrs. Severance. When I was king of Estancia--"

"I'd rather have you like this, Colonel Crowe, really. I've always wanted big families and never had one to live in--"

"Heard from Nancy recently, Oliver?" from Margaret, slightly satiric.

"Why yes, Margie, now and then. Not as often as you've heard from Stu Winthrop probably but--"

"Motha, can I have some suga on my b.o.o.berrish? Motha, can I have some suga on my b.o.o.berrish? Motha--_pees.h.!.+_"

"Oh, hush a minute, Rosalind dear. I don't know, Oliver. I'll speak to Mr. Field about it if you like. I should think they'd take little sketches like a couple of those Nancy showed you--though they aren't quite smart-alecky enough for 'Mode'--" "Grandfather, Grandfather! How old would you be if you were as old as Methusaleh? Are you older than he is? _Grandfather!_"

Entrance and exit of a worried Sheba with the empty dish of blueberries, marred only by Jane Ellen's sudden cries of "Stop thief!"

Mrs. Crowe tried to think a little ahead. Tomorrow. Ice. b.u.t.ter.

Laundry. Oliver's breakfast early again. Louise--poor Louise--two years and a half since Clifford Lychgate died. How curious life was; how curious and careless and inconsecutive. The thought of how much she hoped Oliver's novel would succeed and the question as to whether the Thebes grocer who delivered by motor-truck would be cheaper than the similar Melgrove bandit in the long run mixed uneasily in her mind.

Rosalind had seemed droopy that morning--more green crab-apples probably. Aunt Elsie's gout. Oliver's marriage--she had been so relieved about Nancy ever since she had met her, though it had been hard to reconcile domestic virtues with Nancy's bobbed hair. She would make Oliver happy, though, and that was the main thing. She was really sweet--a sweet girl. Long engagements. Too bad, too bad. Something _must_ be done about the stair carpet, the children were tearing it to pieces. "Ice tea! Ice tea!"

"No, Jane Ellen."


"No, darling."

"Peesh yash?"

"No. Now be a good little girl and run out and play quietly, not right in the middle of the broiling sun."

"And so Lizzie said, 'Very well, but if I do take that medicine my death will be wholly on your responsibility!'" with a sense of climax.

"But I really would like to, Mrs. Severance, if you can ever spare the time."

Ted and Louise's friend seemed to be getting along very well. That was nice--so often Oliver's friends and Louise's didn't. It seemed odd that Mrs. Severance should be working on "Mode"--surely a girl of her obvious looks and intelligence left with no children to support--some nice man--A lady, too, by her voice, though there was a trifle of something--

She only hoped Mrs. Severance didn't think them all too crowded and noisy. It was a little hard on the three children to have such an--intimate--home when they brought friends.

"I think we'd better have coffee out on the porch, don't you?" That meant argument with Sheba later but an hour's cool and talk without having to shout across the dear little children was worth the argument.

Everybody got up, Ted being rather gallant to Mrs. Severance. Oliver looked worried today, worried and tired. She hoped it wasn't about Nancy and the engagement. What a miserable thing money was to make so much difference.

"Mrs. Severance--"

"Mr. Billett--"

Louise's friend was certainly attractive. That wonderful red-gold hair--"setter color" her sister had always called it of her own. She must write her sister. Mrs. Severance--an odd name. She rather wished, though, that her face wouldn't turn faintly hard like that sometimes.

"No, d.i.c.kie. No chocolate unless your mother says you can have it. No, Rosalind, if mother says not, you _certainly_ cannot go over and play at the Rogers',--they have a paralytic grandmother who is very nervous."

Well, that was over. And now, for a few brief instants there would be quiet and a chance to relax and really see something of Oliver. Mrs.

Crowe started moving slowly towards the door. Ted and Mrs. Severance blocked the way, talking rather intimately, she thought, for people who had only known each other a few hours; but then that was the modern way.

Then Ted saw her and seemed to wake up with a jump from whatever mild dream possessed him, and Mrs. Severance turned toward her.

"It's so _comfortable_ being out here, always," she said very naturally and kindly, but Mrs. Crowe did not reply at once to the pretty speech.

Instead she flushed deeply and bent over something small and white on the chair with the dictionary in it that had been next to hers. Jane Ellen had finally succeeded in taking off her drawers.


Ted and Oliver were down at the beach at Southampton two Sundays later--week-end guests of Peter Piper--the three had been cla.s.smates at Yale and the friends.h.i.+p had not lapsed like so many because Peter happened to be rich and Ted and Oliver poor. And then there was always Elinor, Peter's sister--Ted seemed, to Oliver's amused vision, at least, to be looking at Elinor with the hungry eyes of a man seeing a delicate, longed-for dream made flesh just at present instead of a girl he had known since she first put up her hair. How nice that would be if it happened, thought Oliver, match-makingly--how very nice indeed! Best thing in the world for Ted--and Elinor too--if Ted would only get away from his curiously Puritan idea that a few minor lapses from New England morality in France const.i.tuted the unpardonable sin, at least as far as marrying a nice girl was concerned. He stretched back lazily, digging elbows into the warm sand.

The day had really been too hot for anything more vigorous than "just lying around in the sun like those funny kinds of lizards," as Peter put it, and besides, he and Oliver had an offensive-defensive alliance of The Country's Tiredest Young Business Men and insisted that their only function in life was to be gently and graciously amused. And certainly the spectacle about them was one to provide amus.e.m.e.nt in the extreme for even the most mildly satiric mind.

It was the beach's most crowded hour and the short strip of sand in front of the most fas.h.i.+onable and uncomfortable place to bathe on Long Island was gay as a patch of exhibition sweet-peas with every shade of vivid or delicate color. It was a triumph of women--the whole glittering, moving bouquet of stripes and patterns and tints that wandered slowly from one striped parasol-mushroom to the next--the men, in their bathing suits or white flannels seemed as unimportant if necessary furniture as slaves in an Eastern court. The women dominated, from the jingle of the bags in the hands of the dowagers and the faint, protesting creak of their corsets as they picked their way as delicately as fat, gorgeous macaws across the sand, to the sound of their daughters' voices, musical as a pigeon-loft, as they chattered catchwords at each other and their partners, or occasionally, very occasionally, dipped in for a three-minute swim. Moreover, and supremely, it was a triumph of ritual, and such ritual as reminded Oliver a little of the curious, unanimous and apparently meaningless movements of a colony of penguins, for the entire a.s.semblage had arrived around, twelve o'clock and by a quarter past one not one of them would be left. That was law as unwritten and unbreakable as that law which governs the migratory habits of wild geese. And within that little more than an hour possibly one-third of them would go as far as wetting their hands in the water--all the rest had come for the single reason of seeing and being seen. It was all extremely American and, on the whole, rather superb, Oliver thought as he and Peter moved over nearer to the parasol that sheltered Elinor and Ted.

"I wish it was Egypt," said Peter languidly. "Any more peppermints left, El? No--well, Ted never could restrain himself when it came to food. I wish it was Egypt," he repeated, making Elinor's left foot a pillow for his head.

"Well, it's hot enough," from Oliver, dozingly. "Ah--oo--it's _hot_!"

"I know, but just think," Peter chuckled. "Clothes," he explained cryptically, "Mrs. Willamette in a Cleopatra nightie--what sport! And besides, I should make a magnificent Egyptian. Magnificent." He yawned immensely. "In the first place, of course, I should paint myself a brilliant orange--"

The Egyptians. An odd wonder rose in Ted--a wonder as to whether one of those stripped and hook-nosed slaves of the bondage before Moses had ever happened to stand up for a moment to wipe the sweat out of his eyes before he bent again to his task of making bricks without straw and seen a princess of the Egyptians carried along past the quarries.

"Tell us a story, El," from Oliver in the voice of one who is sleep-walking. "A nice quiet story--the Three Bears or Giant the Jack Killer--oh heaven, I _must_ be asleep--but you know, anything like that--"

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Young People's Pride Part 5 summary

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