Merck's 1899 Manual Part 107

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Aluminium Acetate Solution.

Ammonium Carbonate: in the after-stage, if there is a continuous watery secretion.

Ammonium Chloride: in intestinal catarrh.

Argentic Nitrate: in acute and chronic diarrhea as astringent.



Aromatics: in nervous irritability or relaxation without inflammation.

a.r.s.enic: a few drops of Fowler's solution in diarrhea excited by taking food; in diarrhea with pa.s.sages of membraneous shreds, a.s.sociated with uterine derangement; and along with opium in chronic diarrhea of malarial origin.

Belladonna: in colliquative diarrhea.


Bismal. Subnitrate: in large doses in chronic diarrhea; with grey powder in the diarrhea of children. Citrate. Phosphate, Soluble. Salicylate. Subgallate.


Cajeput Oil: along with camphor, chloroform and opium in serous diarrhea.

Calcium Carbolate.

Calcium Carbonate: the aromatic chalk mixture in the diarrhea of children, and of phthisis and typhus.

Calcium Chloride: in the colliquative diarrhea of strumous children, and in chronic diarrhea with weak digestion.

Calcium Permanganate.

Calcium Phosphate: in chronic diarrhea, especially of children.

Calcium Salicylate.

Calcium Sulphate.

Calomel: in minute doses in chronic diarrhea of children with pasty white stools.


Calx Saccharata: in the chronic diarrhea and vomiting of young children.

Camphor: in the early stage of Asiatic cholera, at the commencement of summer diarrhea, acute diarrhea of children, and diarrhea brought on by effluvia.

Camphor, Mon.o.bromated.

Cannabis Indica.

Capsic.u.m: in diarrhea from fish; in summer diarrhea; in diarrhea after expulsion of irritant.

Carbon Disulphide.


Castor Oil: in the diarrhea of children.

Castor Oil and Opium: to carry away any irritant.

Catechu: astringent.

Chalk Mixture, see Calcium Carbonate.

Charcoal: in foul evacuations.


Chloral Hydrate.

Chloroform: as spirits with opium after a purgative.



Cocaine: in serous diarrhea.


Cod-Liver Oil: to children with pale stinking stools.

Cold or Tepid Pack: in summer diarrhea of children.

Copaiba: for its local action in chronic cases.

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Merck's 1899 Manual Part 107 summary

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