Merck's 1899 Manual Part 20

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~Iron and Strychnine Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

1% strychnine.--~Dose;~ 2--5 grn.

~Itrol,~--see SILVER CITRATE.


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 2--5 grn.); Comp. Powd.

(D., 20--60 grn.); Resin (D., 2--5 grn.).

~Juice, Cineraria, Merck.~

USES: _Extern._, cataract of the eye; 2 drops 3 t. daily.


~Dose:~ 1--2 drams, with hyoscyamus, in honey.

~Kefir Fungi Merck.~

USES: In making Kefir ("k.u.myss").--[Further information in descriptive circular.]

~Keratin, Pepsinized, Merck.~

Horn-substance purified by pepsin.--Yellowish-brown powd.--USES: Coating enteric pills.--[Further information in descriptive circular.]

~Kermes Mineral,~--see ANTIMONY, SULPHURATED.


~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.--_Preparation:_ Tr. (1:10).

~Koussein Merck.--Amorph.~

BRAYERIN, KUSSEN.--Yellowish-brown powd.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water.--Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., divided into 4 parts, intervals of half hour; followed by castor oil.

Children, half this quant.i.ty.


BRAYERA.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 1--4 drams).--See also, Koussein.


RHATANY.--~Dose:~ 5--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 2--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Syr. (45 per cent.); Tr. (1:5); Troches (1 grn. ext.).


METHOXY-ACET-PHENETIDIN.--Colorl., odorl., powd.; faint bitter-pungent taste.--SOL. in 600 parts water; freely in alcohol, chloroform, ether.--a.n.a.lgesic, Antipyretic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn. in tabl. or powd.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains pepsin, pancreatin, ptyalin, lactic and hydrochloric acids.--Grayish powd.--Digestant.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn., in powd. or tabl.")


LACTYL-PHENETIDIN.--Wh., odorl., slightly bitter powd.--SOL. in 500 parts water, 9 alcohol.--Antipyretic and a.n.a.lgesic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn.

~Lactucarium Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ _Hypnotic_ and _anodyne_, 5--20 grn.; _sedative_, 3--8 grn.--_Preparations:_ Tr. (1:2); Syr. (1:20).


Wool-fat, a.n.a.logous to Adeps Lanae, which see.


BURDOCK.--Alterative.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.)


Silver-alb.u.min compound; 11% silver.--Gray powd.--SOL. in 9 parts water, also in glycerin.--Powerful Bactericide and Astringent, like silver nitrate but non-irritating and not precipitable by sodium chloride or alb.u.min.--USES: Chiefly gonorrhea, in 1/4--1-1/2% solut.

(according to stage), 3 t. daily.

~Lead Acetate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon: sulphate of sodium or pota.s.sium or magnesium; milk,, opium (in pain).--INCOMPATIBLES: Acids; soluble sulphates, citrates, tartrates, chlorides, or carbonates; alkalies, tannin, phosphates.

~Lead Carbonate Merck.--C.P.~

Not used internally.--_Preparation:_ Oint. (10%).

~Lead Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.--Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.--_Preparation:_ Oint. (10%).

~Lead Nitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.

Lemon Juice--U.S.P.

_Preparation:_ Acid, Citric (q.v.).

Lemon Peel--U.S.P.

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Merck's 1899 Manual Part 20 summary

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