Merck's 1899 Manual Part 283

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Ice: sucked, gives relief.


Iodine: locally to sores and enlarged tonsil.


Levico Water: as alterative tonic.

Liq. Ammonii Acetatis: in full doses.

Magnesium Sulphate: to be given freely in acute tonsillitis.

Mercury: in very acute tonsillitis, gray powder or calomel in small doses.

Mercury and Morphine Oleate: in obstinate and painful sore throat.

Myrrh: gargle in ulcerated sore throat.

Methylene Blue.

Phytolacca: internally, and as gargle.

Podophyllum: cholagogue purgative.

Pota.s.sium Chlorate: chief gargle.

Pota.s.sium Nitrate: a ball of nitre slowly sucked.

Pulsatilla: in acute coryza without gastric iritation.



Sanguinaria: the tincture sprayed in extended chronic nasal catarrh.

Silver Nitrate: solution in sloughing of the throat or chronic relaxation; saturated solution an anesthetic and cuts short inflammation.

Sodium Borate: in clergyman's sore throat.

Sodium Chlorate.

Sodium Salicylate: in quinsy.

Sozoiodole salts.

Steam: of boiling water; and vapor of hot vinegar.

Sumach: the berries infused, with addition of pota.s.sium chlorate, a most efficient gargle.

Terpin Hydrate.


Veratrum Viride: to control any febrile change.

Zinc Acetat.

Zinc Chloride.

Zinc Sulphate: a gargle.

~Thrush.~--_See Aphthae._

~Tic Douloureux.~--_See also, Hemicrania, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Odontalgia._



Aconitine: formula: Aconitinae (Duquesnel's) l/lO grn.: Glycerini, Alcoholis, aa, 1 fl. oz.; Aq. menth. pip., ad 2 fl. oz.; 1 dram per dose, cautiously increased to 2 drams.

Ammonium Chloride: in large dose.

Amyl Nitrite: in pale anemic patients.

Anesthetics quickly relieve.



a.r.s.enic: occasionally useful.

Atropine: hypodermically and ointment.


Butyl-Chloral Hydrate.


Cannabis Indica.

Cautery in Dental Ca.n.a.l: where pain radiated from mental foramen.

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Merck's 1899 Manual Part 283 summary

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