For the Honor of Randall Part 36

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"'Well,' he said, 'I just thought I'd give you a chance to make any change if you wanted to, before we took action. But if it's your last word, all right, and you'd better come over and see me, or I'll come and see you.'"

"Wallace said that?" demanded Dan.

"Yes," answered Holly, "and of course I wanted to know right away what the trouble was. He said he couldn't tell me over the wire, but he was anxious for me to call, and I said I would. He intimated that his committee might make a protest against some of our fellows."

"He did? Who?"

Tom and the others heard no more, for Dan and Holly moved off down the corridor, but they had caught enough to make them stare wonderingly at each other.

"What do you know about that?" asked Tom, slowly.

"That's the limit!" exclaimed Sid. "Going to protest against some of our fellows! Who? And for what?"

No one could answer him, and for a moment there was momentous silence.

"Has anyone done anything, or does anyone know anything, that might make one of our contestants ineligible?" asked Phil.

"Not me," replied Tom, and the others said the same.

"Let's go and ask Dan or Holly more about it," suggested Sid. "We've heard part, and we might as well hear all."

This plan seemed to meet with general approval. But when Tom and Phil went to find the two managers and trainers, they were told that they had left the college.

"I'll wager they've gone to see Wallace," said Tom, as he rejoined his chums. "We'll have to wait until they get back."

But when Holly and his chum did return, late that night, they would not talk, though importuned to do so by many, for the story of the possible protesting of some of Randall's lads had spread.

"There'll be a meeting of our committee and Exter's in the gymnasium to-morrow morning," was all the information that Holly would give out.

There were grim looks on the faces of himself and Dan, looks that boded no good for Randall.

"But if they protest against some of our fellows, and they have to withdraw, will there be time enough to rearrange our list?" asked Tom.

"We'll have to make it do," declared Dan. "We'll have a few days to make good in if--well, if some of our best men have to drop out."

"But who are they?" demanded Sid. "Why can't we know?"

"Because Wallace wouldn't tell," was the reply. "He said he'd make formal charges to-morrow, and he intimated that we might post a notice, without saying who it was, stating that some one would be protested. His idea was that the fellow or fellows might withdraw of their own accord, and so save a scandal."

"Are you going to post the notice?"

"I am not!" declared Holly decidedly. "I'm going to bed, and that's where all you fellows ought to go if you want to be in shape for the meet."

It was an unpleasant night for many at Randall, and anxious faces were noted on all sides at chapel the next morning. Wallace, and some of his fellow committee members, came over from Exter early, and soon all who could, by hook or crook, "cut" a lecture, were in the gymnasium.

"Fellows," began Holly, who took the chair, "I guess you all know what we're here for. Mr. Wallace, of Exter, has an announcement to make, I understand."

Wallace arose, rather pale, and began at once.

"Fellows of Randall," he said, "I'd give a good deal not to have to do this, but I believe it to be my duty. You all know that your college and ours, and two others are in a four-sided league for some games. The games are strictly amateur contests, as you all know, and amateur rules prevail. That is, no professionals are to be allowed."

There was a gasp of surprise at this, and Tom, who was looking across the room, saw a movement among some lads seated near Shambler.

"None but amateurs are to be allowed to compete, under the rules," went on Wallace, "not only for the sake of the colleges themselves, but for the contestants too. We don't any of us want to lay ourselves open to charges by the A. A. U. of competing with professionals, and so be barred out of future games.

"I am deeply sorry to do what I have to do, but certain information has been laid before me, affecting the standing of two members of Randall who are on the lists to compete in the games soon to be held. I got the big list yesterday."

"Who are they?"

"Name 'em!"

"It's not true!"

These cries were heard, among other confusing ones, as the Exter manager paused.

"I'll name them now," shouted Wallace. "I formally charge that Jacob Shambler is a professional ball player, that he has played in a number of games for money, and that he has taken part in other sports as a professional. I claim that he was asked to leave Harkness college for that reason, and if he is to take part under the colors of Randall, then every Exter man will refuse to compete. I can prove what I have said, and if Mr. Shambler is present I challenge him to stand up and refute what I have charged!"

If a cannon had been fired in the room, it could not have produced more of an effect, nor brought about a more stunning silence following Wallace's charge. Every eye was turned toward where Shambler had been observed to be sitting.

"Is it true?"

"It can't be!"

"There's some mistake!"

"Shambler, answer him--tell him it isn't so!"

These cries followed each other in rapid succession. Tom was aware of many thoughts flying in confusion through his brain. Several suspicious circ.u.mstances in regard to Shambler seemed likely to be explained now.

"Shambler, will you answer?" called Holly, in strained tones. "Can't you say, for the honor of Randall, that this isn't so?"

There was a hush of silence, and, as white as a sheet of paper, the student on whom so much depended--who it was hoped would win the big mile run, and perhaps other contests for the college, arose.

"Mr. Chairman, and members of Randall," he began, and then his voice broke. "I--I can't say anything!" he faltered.

Once more that tense silence.

"Is it--is it true?" hoa.r.s.ely asked Kindlings. "Are you a professional?"

"I--I am," confessed Jake Shambler and then, amid a storm of hisses which broke out all over the room, the dishonored student hurried out.

He had not dared to deny the charge.

"The sneak!" cried several, and more than one arose as though to follow and inflict corporal punishment on one who had trailed the colors of Randall in the dust.

"Silence!" cried Holly Cross, leaping to his feet. "It's bad enough without making it worse. Stop that hissing!"

It stopped instantly, and amid a death-like silence Shambler opened the door of the gymnasium, and walked out. He did not look back. No one at Randall saw him again, for he left hurriedly, not even stopping to get his belongings.

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For the Honor of Randall Part 36 summary

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