The Proposal at Siesta Key Part 22

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He was famous. He was handsome. She a.s.sumed most people wanted to be his friend. That, at least to her mind, left only one area where people could target him. "Do people tease you about your leg?"

To her surprise, he looked amused by the idea. "About how I had to have part of it amputated? Nee. Not so much. Comments like that kind of cross the boundaries of good taste, don't you think?"

"Then what?" she asked. Realizing she was about to cross those boundaries of good taste herself, she flushed. "Sorry, it's none of my business."

"Of course it's your business. I'm the one who wanted to talk. Ain't so?" After she shrugged, he said, "Tricia, when you have a job like mine, being out in public, speaking on stage? It kind of opens a person up to a lot of criticism."

"I suppose it does. I never thought about that."

"Some of that criticism hurts." His expression clouded. "Sometimes people see me on stage, hear me speak for ten minutes, learn something about my life, and then think they know everything about me. They don't, of course."

"How do you deal with it?"

"I'm lucky. I rarely do much without my family. We support each other." He grinned. "We're also honest enough to give criticism if it's deserved. Do you have that support?"

"I do. But the things they were being mean about? They weren't things that I wanted my parents to know."

"So who did you tell?"

"My aunt Beverly."

"I'm glad you told someone. That's gut."

She nodded. "Aunt Bev is super kind, and I'm glad she understands, but it doesn't really change anything." She shrugged. "But I'm getting through it."

"All you can do is take things one day at a time, jah?"

His eyes were gentle, gentle enough that she wished she were a whole lot more like Penny Troyer and a whole lot less like his sister. But perhaps instead of having a crush on him she could foster a friends.h.i.+p? That was something that would be more meaningful and longer lasting.

"Danke," she whispered. "Talking to you helped."

He looked pleased. "I'm glad."

She liked that. She liked how he didn't brush off her thanks, or make light of her words. She was just about to tell him so when his warm gaze lifted from hers and settled on someone behind her. Curious, she turned and saw Penny Troyer staring at the two of them, confusion written all over her face.

Hoping Penny hadn't mistakenly misread the situation, Tricia smiled brightly, in what she hoped was a welcoming way. "Hi, Penny."

"h.e.l.lo. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just looking for Michael."

"You didn't interrupt a thing," Tricia said in a rush. "We were just talking. About nothing important." She glanced back at Michael, but either he didn't hear her or he didn't feel the need to respond. Because he was still staring at Penny.

"I'm glad you found me," he said. "I was just telling Tricia here that I needed a break from my bedroom's walls." He lifted a hand. "Come here and talk with me. I want to know how you are. I've been worried sick about you."

"You have?"


As Penny stepped forward, Tricia edged out of the room. It was painfully obvious that there was only one girl Michael had eyes for.

And it certainly wasn't her.


The moment they were completely alone, Michael spoke. "Penny, you seem a little worried. Are you upset about last night?"

Her blue eyes widened before closing briefly. When she met his gaze again, it was obvious that she'd placed a firm hold on her emotions. "Nee. Believe it or not, I talked to my parents about what happened between us and neither of them thought we'd done anything wrong."

"That's because we didn't."

"And then, this morning, both Miss Beverly and Mr. Eric came to my haus."

Michael was surprised to hear it, but he was pleased, too. "That's gut. What did they say?"

"Miss Beverly apologized." Penny shook her head in wonder. "Oh, Michael, I had thought I was fired, for sure."

"I'm glad you weren't." Then, instead of rehas.h.i.+ng all the events from last evening, he attempted to lighten things up. "We should probably have a bowl of ice cream or something this afternoon. A celebration is in order, I think."


"Because I'm out of my room." When she slowly smiled, he added, "I couldn't sit there another hour. I was too restless."

"You're right. We need to have some ice cream and celebrate. If you're out here, it means you're feeling better."

"Will you get some for us when you take your break after lunch?"

"Of course I will." Eyes sparkling, she added, "I might even buy some hot fudge sauce, too."

"I can't wait." Glancing at her, Michael was once again struck by how pretty she was. He loved her curly blond hair, and how strands were constantly springing out from under her white kapp. Her eyes were mesmerizing, and he was certain he'd do just about anything to see that dimple of hers.

But he could still tell that she wasn't completely herself yet. She seemed far more tentative around him. Almost shy. "Maybe we should talk about yesterday after all," he said quietly. "Are you really all right?"

"I'm not quite sure. Yesterday really confused me."

"Because Beverly got mad at you?"

"Jah. And other things." Straightening her shoulders, she looked directly at him. "She was right. I shouldn't have been sitting so close to you, holding your hand."

"I was glad you were holding my hand. Everything that has happened to me since I arrived in Pinecraft-the pain, the surgery, my family leaving, the recovery-it's all been difficult to deal with, though I actually didn't think much could faze me anymore." Taking a breath, his expression lightened. "I mean to say, everything's been mighty hard to deal with . . . except for you."

"You have been a good friend to me, too."

Two steps forward, one step back. "Do you remember what I proposed on Siesta Key?"

"Of course I do."

"Tell me," he coaxed. Honestly, it was taking everything he had not to reach for her hand right now and link their fingers together.

"We vowed to cherish each moment," Penny recalled, a winsome smile on her lips. "To embrace each hour. Live each day."

"And we have."

"We've certainly tried." She paused. "Maybe too hard."

Her comment made him smile. "Make fun of our pact if you want, but I took it to heart."

"I took it to heart, too. And I think I have moved forward." Leaning closer, so close he could smell the faint lemon scent of her hair, she said, "I still can't believe that my parents were on my side."

"Well, of course they were. You did not do anything wrong."

"You don't understand. They've been mad at me for going against their wishes. They've refused to see me as a grown woman, as an adult. But when I told them about holding your hand, my mother started chuckling."

"She laughed? Why?"

"She said that it seemed like a lot of nothing for Beverly to get excited about."

He smiled at her, genuinely pleased. "My mamm would have said the same thing. I'm so glad for you, Penny."

"I am, too. It's been hard. My parents have been all I've had for a long time."

"But that isn't the case any longer. Now you have your job, and you're making more friends."

"This is true. Every day, my circle seems to be getting bigger."

"Plus, now we have our friends.h.i.+p."

"Jah. Our friends.h.i.+p is special to me."

It was special to him, too. "Though the reason I've gotten to know you has been hard, I'm mighty glad my family encouraged me to stay here longer."

"Me, too. I only wish time hasn't gone by so fast. You've already been here for more than a week."

"Just three weeks to go."

"Do you know what date you're going to leave?"

"Nee. I should probably call my brother and talk things through with him."

"I bet you can't wait."

Though his first instinct was to agree, he was discovering that with Penny he couldn't do anything but be completely honest. With that in mind, he said, "Actually, I'm not in any hurry to call him. See, the last time we spoke, things were fairly strained between us."

He glanced at her, half expecting her to begin peppering him with questions. But Penny was simply sitting quietly. She wasn't grilling him with questions or expecting him to entertain her or to spout encouraging or insightful stories. She never did. Instead, she looked content to follow his lead, to allow him to take the time he needed.

It was a wonderful thing.

Penny Troyer calmed him. She cleared his head.

She made him feel like he didn't have to try so hard. And having been around many, many people, in many, many parts of the country and even in different parts of the world, he knew what a gift that was.

How in the world was he going to give a woman like her up? Why would he want to?

Feeling her support, he said, "Penny, remember yesterday, how I told you I wanted to stop touring and speaking?"

"Of course I do."

"Well, I feel even more certain about my decision this morning. I need to stop soon. Very soon."

"I can't help but fear that might be a mistake, Michael. I know I only saw you once on stage, but you seemed to really enjoy speaking to everyone. Actually, you seemed kind of larger than life. Why would you want to give that up?"

There she went again. Asking him simple questions, questions that made him think and consider . . . but didn't press him for more than he was willing or able to give. And because she was so considerate of how he was feeling, it made him want to share even more.

"See, the thing is, I'm not larger than life."

"Of course you aren't. I only meant that you were mesmerizing."

When he smiled at that, her cheeks turned bright red. "I'm sorry, I don't want to embarra.s.s you." She looked a little sheepish. "Or maybe I don't want to mortify myself any further."

"Don't be embarra.s.sed. I like your honesty. I admire it." Taking a fortifying breath, he said, "Truthfully, I'm tired of the pace."

"Maybe you could slow down? That sounds like a gut compromise, jah?"

He was finding it hard to verbalize everything he had kept to himself for so long. But her blue eyes, so clear and kind, made him want to be as frank as ever. "I'm tired of always living out of a suitcase. Of never being home. I'm tired of staying in other people's homes and feeling like I need to be something I'm not so they're not disappointed."

Finally looking at her again, he said, "But most of all, I can hardly stand the idea that there is no end in sight. I need an end."

"Oh, Michael," she whispered. "I had no idea."

"I'm not going to say it's been a sacrifice, because it hasn't. I've been blessed to have had so many adventures and opportunities. But of late, my life hasn't felt full of blessings. It's felt full of burdens."

She pursed her lips, then said, "Do you mind if I share something?"

"Of course not."

"Michael, after what happened to Lissy, with the trial and the reporters and the anger and the pain . . . Well, my parents and I felt like we were living each day only half-alive. The other half we spent looking over our shoulders. That was one of the reasons we moved here to Sarasota." She breathed in deeply. "We wanted to be normal. We yearned for normalcy."

"You do understand."

She nodded. "I think I do. The lure of having a home and stability and to simply live? Those things are as valuable as diamonds and gold to some people."

"For people like you and me, their worth can never be overstated."

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The Proposal at Siesta Key Part 22 summary

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