The Proposal at Siesta Key Part 28

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"That's it? What about your family? Were they sad to see you go? Were you sad that it was your last event for six months?"

"It was hard," he admitted. "As eager as I was to see you and move forward, it was bittersweet, too. I love my family but I genuinely like them, too. Even though I am looking forward to doing my own thing, I'm going to miss seeing them all the time."

"That makes sense. Maybe you can still see them from time to time, but the way others see their parents and siblings-for fun."

"Fun, hmm?" He smiled. "Jah, that does have a nice ring to it." He paused, then continued. "Anyway, our last performance went just fine. Better than most, I think. My sister's voice sounded beautiful, my parents' testimonies were moving, and when I got up and told my story-the story I must have told a hundred times-I got tears in my eyes."

"You ended on a high note."

He blinked, then the faint cloud of worry that had settled over his expression slowly faded away. "That's right. We did."

Gazing out over the horizon, above the spot where the waves crashed against the sh.o.r.e, he seemed to weigh his words. Finally, he said, "But here's the thing, Penny. For the first time in years, I felt as if Got was pleased with me. As if He knew that I was finally going to follow His will and do something more with myself."

"What do you think that something is?"

"I think it's to write that book I told you about. I think when I start this new project, I'm going to at last be doing what I'm supposed to do-living my life while sharing my story."

"I like that." She was so proud of him. She knew he was giving up a lot to take this leap of faith, but she also felt that this leap was the right thing for him to do.

He grinned. "I'm glad you approve. I'm really glad I've made these decisions and am moving forward at last."

"Just like me," she murmured, thinking of the many times she'd wished she could break away from her parents' confines in order to actually live-something that Lissy had never had the chance to do. Now that she'd gotten the courage to do just that, the possibilities for her future seemed endless.

"Yes," he said with a small smile. "I want to be just like you. Penny, ever since we visited this beach, I've been taking our proposal to heart. I've tried my best to live each day. I've tried my best to enjoy each moment we have on this earth. I've committed myself to appreciating this life and this body-and all its imperfections-and my heart, and all its needs. And because of that, everything that's happened has been nothing short of miraculous."

His words meant so much to her. So much that she merely nodded and attempted to keep her tears at bay.

Michael noticed. Leaning closer, he gently brushed a tear away. "I've fallen in love with you, Penny. I want to be with you. I want to start each morning by your side and end each day giving thanks for the blessings that you bring to me."

As she gazed at him, Penny wished she could think of even half as many beautiful words to express herself. But all she could do was speak from her heart. "I've fallen in love with you, too."

His eyes lit with happiness. "I'd get on one knee if I could. But since that is beyond even this fancy, new prosthesis, I hope you'll know that I'm laying myself at your mercy. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you be mine?"

She felt like she was on the verge of laughing and crying at the same time. Wasn't that just like Michael? He could say the sweetest things even while somehow still managing to make her grin.

"Oh, Michael, yes," she replied, not even caring about the tears that were falling down her cheeks far too quickly to be brushed away. "Yes, of course. I love you, too."

His grin widened so much, his dimple appeared.

She smiled back, then held out her other hand and linked hers with his. And then there they sat. Linked by hands. Linked by hearts.

It was the happiest moment of her life.

It was the happiest moment of her dreams, and the best part was that she knew there were so many more of those happy moments to come.


Three months later It was humid in the way only Florida in early October could be-sunny and hot and bordering on oppressive. Most people took care of their errands in the early morning, happy to spend the majority of the day inside.

Penny Knoxx was no different. After she parked her bicycle under the carport along the side of the house, she grabbed her two canvas bags filled with fresh fruits from Yoder's produce, and a box of m.u.f.fins that she'd picked up from the basket in Beverly Overholt's kitchen at the Orange Blossom Inn. Then, seeing that everything in their yard looked in good order, she quietly opened the back door.

As she expected, the house was quiet. After absently patting their new kitten-it seemed Mrs. Sadler's cat, Serena, had been escaping a few months ago for a very good reason-Penny washed and sliced the fruit, arranged it on a plate next to one banana-nut m.u.f.fin, and then poured a mug of coffee. When everything was arranged just so on a pretty tray, she walked down the hall to her husband's office where she edged open the door with her hip. The kitten scampered through the opening with a meow.

"Knock, knock," she said as she entered the room. "It's time for a kaffi break."

Michael glanced up from his computer with a smile. "Looks like you've brought me more than a simple cup of kaffi."

"I did. When I was walking by Yoder's, I noticed they had fresh strawberries on sale," she said as she set the tray on the corner of his desk. "They looked so good, I couldn't resist picking up some for you."

He popped one in his mouth. "They're delicious," he said with a pleased expression. "You know me well."

Taking a seat in the big, comfy easy chair next to his window, Penny reflected that his words couldn't be truer. She did know Michael well. After he'd come back to her and they'd both become brave enough to share what they each truly wanted, it had been only a few days before they began with wedding plans and looking for a house to make into their home.

They'd agreed to have a simple, quiet wedding with just their immediate family and friends. Penny was still uneasy around large crowds of people, and Michael had feared that if they had a big wedding he and his family would have felt obligated to invite the many friends they'd made around the country. That had been the last thing he'd wanted.

Therefore, they'd had their ceremony in the Kauffmans' backyard. The Kauffmans had a big house and lovely backyard, easily twice the size of Penny's parents'. There, a group of about thirty had gathered one Wednesday morning in August and quietly helped them celebrate their special day. Penny had felt radiant in her blue dress. Michael still said he'd been the happiest man in the state of Florida.

Since the wedding, they'd spent a lot of time simply enjoying being around each other and sharing dreams for the future. Michael had begun his book. Amazingly, word had gotten to a publisher and an editor had visited him right there in Pinecraft. A few hours later, Michael had invited Penny to join them, and shared his news: Michael had been contracted to write his memoir and share some of the things he'd learned since his accident in the ravine.

Penny was glad for his new venture, but when she saw the look of peace in his eyes combined with the sense of satisfaction he'd been wearing since, she was even more pleased. Finally, Michael was done wandering and searching. He'd found a center for himself and a way to share his story and his vision without compromising his goals.

Later, when he'd asked her what she hoped to achieve, her answer had been very simple, especially since she'd realized that her dreams had already come true: she'd wanted a happy life, a husband to love, a home to care for, and a future filled with children.

With the Lord's help and Michael's love, she knew those things were coming true.

Which made her smile, because today she had something special planned for Michael, and she could hardly wait to set things in motion.

"Penny, aren't you eating?" Michael asked as he pulled off a chunk of his m.u.f.fin.

"I already did. Miss Beverly invited me in for breakfast."

"Do you miss working at the inn?"

She sighed dramatically. "Oh, Michael, you ask me that at least once a week."

"I simply don't want you to feel like you're giving up too much."

"I'm not. And I'm glad I'm not working there now, if you want to know the truth. Miss Beverly and Mr. Eric seem to be at odds with each other all the time. Plus, Tricia is working full-time, too. They don't need me anymore."

He smiled. "And how is Tricia doing in your place?"

"About how you'd expect," she said, thinking of Miss Beverly's complaints about Tricia's spills and disasters. "I don't think the Lord ever intended for Tricia to be a maid." She thought some more. "Or a cook."

Michael's smile broadened into a full-fledged grin. "Or to ever touch an iron."

"Jah." Remembering the pots on the back porch filled with scrawny snapdragons, Penny added, "Tricia ain't too gut with gardening, either."

"I hope she figures out what she is good at pretty soon."

As Penny watched Michael bite into another strawberry, she gestured to his computer monitor. "How is your writing coming along today?"

Immediately, his expression changed. "It could be going better, I'll tell you that. I don't understand how it is so hard to put my experiences into words."

"Remember what that editor told you? First get the words out, then we can think about making some sense of them."

"I'll do that. When Evan and Molly come out to visit, they both said they'd give me a hand, too."

"I hope you will take them up on it."

"With you here to remind me? I'm sure I will. So, what are your plans for the day?"

Doing her best to keep her voice sounding especially nonchalant, she said, "Well, at first I thought I'd wash the kitchen floors, then maybe visit my mother later this afternoon, but then I decided we should do something else."

Taking hold of her hands, he pulled her to him. "And what is that?"

"What do you think about going to the beach today?"

"You want to go to Siesta Key?" He glanced at his computer screen. "I was kind of thinking I'd try to tackle another chapter today."

She knew his work was important, but the news she had to share was important, too. "Oh, Michael, everything you're writing in your book has already happened," she teased. "Can't you write about it tonight or tomorrow?"

"I suppose I could."

"Maybe the words will even come easier if you get a tiny break."

He squeezed her hands as he looked at her more closely. "You really want to go, don't you?"

"I do. It's our special place."

He stood up. "In that case, I think I'd better head to the beach today with my wife." After picking up the tray in his hands, he led the way to the kitchen. "How long is it going to take you to get ready?"

"Five minutes?"

In the kitchen, he laughed when he saw their beach bag already sitting by the door. It was overflowing with towels and snacks. "It looks like you were planning on me saying yes."

"Maybe I was."

"You are up to something, Mrs. Knoxx."

She didn't even try to deny it. Smiling, she nodded. "I am."

"Care to give me another hint?"

"All right. It has to do with another proposal."

His expression darkened as his gaze skimmed over her body. "Another proposal? Is it a good one?"

"Absolutely," she said, teasing him by using his favorite word. "Michael, it's absolutely the best news ever. Well, besides you asking me to marry you."

"I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say," he murmured as he wrapped his arms around her middle and tugged her to him. "Are you sure you have to be standing on the beach to tell me?"

No, she didn't have to be standing on the beach in order to tell him that they were going to have a baby in nine months' time.

But that's where she wanted to tell him. She wanted to stand on the beach, feel the ocean breeze on her cheeks, the warm, silky sand under her toes, and to gaze into his eyes and then-and only then-give him her news.

"I'm positive, Michael. Go get ready so we can catch the shuttle."

He brushed his lips against her cheek before releasing her. "All right. I'll be ready in five minutes. I can't wait to hear your news while I'm standing on the beach at Siesta Key. But first, wife, I think you had better kiss me."

Before she could respond to that, he bent his head and lightly kissed her lips. Then he kissed her again.

And as Penny wrapped her arms around his neck, she decided she wouldn't change this moment. Or their past. Or anything in their future. Not a single, solitary thing.

Everything was right in her world. Everything was wonderful. Absolutely.

P.S. Insights, Interviews & More . . .*

About the author.

Meet Sh.e.l.ley Shepard Gray About the book Letter from the Author Questions for Discussion Chocolate Pecan Pie Read on Sh.e.l.ley's Top Five Must-See Spots in Pinecraft Scenes from Pinecraft A Sneak Peek of Sh.e.l.ley Shepard Gray's Next Book, A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn

About the author.

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The Proposal at Siesta Key Part 28 summary

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