Bass, Pike, Perch, and Others Part 19

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The channels among the reefs and keys from Cape Florida to Key West and vicinity abound with a number of percoid, or perchlike, fishes, belonging to several families. They are mostly of small size, comparatively, but afford good bottom fis.h.i.+ng. They are all good food-fishes and find a ready sale in the markets of Key West. Most of them are remarkable for their gay and brilliant coloration.

The coralline formation of the keys and reefs renders the use of seines and nets impossible, so that all of the fis.h.i.+ng for market is done with hook and line,--usually with sea-crawfish bait, though a few are taken in traps formed of heavy wire. The fishes consist of grunts, snappers, groupers, porgies, etc., and are carried to market alive in the wells of the small vessels known as "smackees."

A fleet of larger vessels, mostly schooner-rigged, troll along the keys and reefs for the larger surface-feeding fishes, as kingfish, cero, Spanish mackerel, bonitos, large groupers and snappers, etc. The troll is usually a piece of bacon-skin cut of an elliptical shape to simulate a fish, and is impaled on a codfish hook with a snell of copper wire, and a laid cotton codfish line of a size nearly as large as a lead-pencil. The hooking and hauling aboard of the fish, while under sail, so disables it that it is killed by a blow on the head and carried to market on ice.

As all of the grunts, snappers, porgies, and other channel fishes grow only to a foot or two in length, the same tackle may answer for all. The fis.h.i.+ng is done in water of varying depth, from a few feet to twenty or more, from an anch.o.r.ed boat. The best plan for the angler who is visiting Key West for the first time is to go out with a market fisherman in his boat and learn by ocular evidence the _modus operandi_ of channel fis.h.i.+ng. After that he will be prepared to follow his own devices and fish in the same or an improved way.

A stiffish black-ba.s.s rod, or the Little Giant rod of seven and one-half feet and eight ounces, a modification of the Henshall black-ba.s.s rod, are quite suitable, though the market fishermen use hand-lines altogether. The rest of the tackle needed is a multiplying reel, a braided linen line, size E or F, Sproat or O'Shaughnessy hooks of various sizes, from Nos. 1 to 3-0, according to the size of the mouths of the different fishes, though No. 1-0 will be found to be a good average size. Sinkers of different weights, from one to six ounces, to meet the strength of the tide, and a strong landing-net must be added.

The hooks should be tied on single, strong silkworm fibre.

The best bait is the sea-crawfish (_Palinurus_), or spiny lobster, which grows to the size of the common lobster, and is found in the crevices of the coral reefs or among the rocks and at the bottom, from whence it is taken by the fish spear called "grains." The flesh is taken from the sh.e.l.l and cut up for bait, and the sh.e.l.l itself is tied to a line and sunk near the bottom to attract the fish. Shrimps are also good bait, as are any of the small fishes, or conchs cut into suitable sizes.

Any of the various crabs can also be utilized. The large conchs _Strombus_ and _Pyrula_ are good, and a large one will furnish bait for a whole day.


For the information of anglers who would like to know something of the small fishes used for bait, their names at least, I think it not out of place to mention them here. The mullet is one of the fishes most frequently utilized. There are several species belonging to the family _Mugilidae_: the common mullet (_Mugil cephalus_), the white mullet (_Mugil curema_), both of which are abundant in Florida, especially the first named. There is a somewhat rare species along the coasts, but common at Key West, the fan-tail mullet (_Mugil trichodon_). A very abundant but very small species, and one that makes a capital bait for fishes with small mouths, is the whirligig mullet (_Querimana gyrans_).

There are several species of sardines belonging to the herring family (_Clupeidae_). They may be found in all bays along the coasts, going in and out of the inlets with the tide. The most common species are the silver sardine (_Sardinella humeralis_), which has a dark spot at the base of the pectoral fin, and the striped sardine (Sardinella sardina), which has faint streaks along the sides.

The anchovies belong to the family _Engraulididae_, and may be distinguished by their very wide mouths, which open back to the gill-cover. The species all look very much alike; the most common ones are the banded anchovy (_Stolephorus perfasciatus_), with narrow silvery longitudinal band, and from two to three inches long; the big anchovy (_Stolephorus brownii_), which is deeper and grows larger, from four to six inches in length; these two species are mostly confined to the south and west coasts. Another species, also abundant on the east coast, is the silver anchovy (_Stolephorus mitchilli_), which is more silvery or translucent in appearance than the others, with yellowish fins and dotted body.

There are a number of crabs that are excellent baits, as the hermit crab (_Eupagurus_), which lives in the cast-off of univalve mollusks; fiddler crab (_Gelasimus_), which abounds in myriads on the inside of the bays; the spider crab (_Libinia_), which is quite common in shallow water, sometimes covered with bits of weeds,, etc.; the common crab (_Cancer_); the lady crab (_Platyonichus_), beautifully spotted; the stone crab (_Menippe_), quite a large crab, with very large claws; the mud crab (_Panopeus_), a small crab and a very good bait.

There are a number of crustaceans, commonly called beach-fleas, that are good baits for small-mouthed fishes along the Florida coasts, among which may be mentioned the beach-flea (_Orchestia_); the sand-bug (_Hippa_); the gribble (_Limnoria_); also the shrimp (_Gammarus_); and the prawn (_Palaemonetes_).



The grunts have an oblong body, more or less elevated and compressed; head large, its sides usually scaly; mouth low and horizontal, usually curved; sharp or pointed teeth; dorsal fin single, with a marked angle at the junction of the spiny and soft portions; the dorsal spines ten or twelve; a.n.a.l fin with three spines, the second one the largest; caudal fin concave. The coloration is bizarre and usually brilliant, with the lips and inside of the mouth bright red or scarlet. They are all good pan-fishes, and from their habit of emitting vocal sounds when caught are called "grunts." They feed on crustaceans, small fishes, and the innumerable marine invertebrates that inhabit the coral reefs and coralline rocks.

_Haemulon plumieri._ The Common Grunt. Body moderately elongate; the back elevated and somewhat compressed; head long, the sharp snout projecting; head 2-2/3; depth 2-2/3; eye 5;

D. XII, 16; A. III, 8; scales 5-50-17; anterior profile more or less S-shaped; the nape gibbous; mouth very large, the gape curved, maxillary reaching beyond front of eye; lower jaw slightly included; teeth strong, in broad bands, those of the outer series enlarged; antrorse teeth of posterior part of both jaws strong; interorbital s.p.a.ce convex; preorbital rather deep; preopercle finely serrate; scales above lateral line much enlarged anteriorly.

_Haemulon sciurus._ The Yellow Grunt. Body oblong, the back not much elevated; head 2-3/4; depth 2-3/5; eye 4; scales 7-53-14; D. XII, 16; A. III, 8; interorbital s.p.a.ce convex; preopercle finely serrate; profile nearly straight; snout moderately acute; mouth large, the gape curved, the maxillary reaching a little past front of pupil; lower jaw slightly included; teeth strong; upper jaw in front with about 3 strong canines on each side; front teeth of lower jaw rather strong; blue stripes on body.

_Haemulon alb.u.m._ The Margate-fish. Body comparatively deep, the back much elevated and compressed; the anterior profile steep; head 3; depth 2-2/3; eye 6; scales 7-46-16; D. XII, 16; A. III, 7; snout pointed; mouth large, the maxillary extending to front of eye; lower jaw included; teeth not very large, in narrow bands; interorbital s.p.a.ce strongly convex; preorbital deep; preopercle finely serrate; soft part of a.n.a.l and dorsal fins covered with thin, translucent scales.

_Haemulon parra._ The Sailor's Choice. Body comparatively deep, the back compressed and arched; anterior profile rather steep and convex; head 3; depth 2-2/3; eye 4; scales 5-50-14; D. XII, 17; A. III, 7; mouth rather small, the maxillary extending to front of eye; teeth in bands, rather strong, the outer large, antrorse teeth of lower jaw well developed; preopercle finely serrate; lower jaw slightly included; interorbital s.p.a.ce convex; preorbital rather deep.

_Orthopristis chrysopterus._ The Pig-fish. Body ovate-elliptical, somewhat elevated at shoulders, considerably compressed; head 3-1/8; depth 2-3/4; eye 5; scales 10-60-19; D.

XII, 16; A. III, 12; snout long and sharp; jaws equal, each with a narrow band of slender teeth, the outer above a little larger; mouth small, the maxillary not reaching to eye; preopercle very slightly serrate above; snout and lower jaw naked, rest of head scaly; dorsal and a.n.a.l spines enclosed in a deep, scaly sheath; soft rays naked.

Anisotremus virginicus. The Pork-fish. Body ovate, the back very much elevated; the anterior profile steep; very much arched at nape; head 3-1/8; depth 2-1/10; eye 4; scales 11-56-17; D. XII, 17; A. III, 10; mouth small, the maxillary extending to anterior nostril; jaws subequal; outer row of teeth enlarged; about 6 gill-rakers.

[Ill.u.s.tration THE BLACK GRUNT]

[_Haemulon plumieri_]

[Ill.u.s.tration THE RED SNAPPER]

[_Lutia.n.u.s aya_]


(_Haemulon plumieri_)

The black or common grunt is the most abundant and one of the most popular food-fishes in the vicinity of Key West. It was named by Lacepede, in 1802, in honor of Father Plumier, an early naturalist, who sent drawings of the fishes of Martinique to the museums of Europe. It belongs to the West Indian fauna, and is abundant near Key West, and not uncommon about the rocks and reefs at the lower end of Tampa Bay and other rocky localities on the Gulf coast of Florida. On the Atlantic coast it is found as far north as Cape Hatteras.

The depth of the body is a little more than a third of its length, compressed, with elevated shoulder. The head is as long as the depth of the body, with a large, curved mouth and a pointed and projecting snout.

The profile is concave in front of the eye. The jaws are armed with bands of strong and conical teeth, the outer ones largest and the rear ones curving forward. Its color is bluish gray, with the bases of the scales bronze, tinged with olive, forming oblique stripes running upward and backward. The head is golden bronze, with many bright blue stripes, very distinct, a few of which extend to the shoulder. The inside of the mouth is scarlet, becoming lighter, or yellowish, on the jaws. The dorsal fin is grayish, with a yellow border on the spinous portion; the a.n.a.l fin is gray tinged with yellow; the ventral fins are bluish gray; the pectoral fins are gray with a dusky bar at the base; the caudal fin is plain gray.

The common grunt grows usually to a foot in length, though more are caught under that size than over. It is often called "sow grunt" by the market fishermen, in contradistinction to the "boar grunt," as the yellow grunt is often designated by them, wrongly supposing one to be the male and the other the female. While the general remarks on its feeding habits, as given in the paragraph relating to the family characteristics of the grunts, are correct, it may be stated that they are essentially carnivorous, devouring small fishes, crustaceans, and other marine invertebrates that abound on the coralline reefs. They sp.a.w.n late in the summer, on the rocky shoals and hard, sandy bars, congregating at such times in large schools. As a food-fish it is held in greater esteem than any other fish in the Key West market, and selling from a nickel to a dime for a bunch of about half a dozen, it forms the staple breakfast dish of all Key Westers, who are inordinately fond of it.

While a.s.sistant chief of the fisheries department of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, in 1893, I had among other visitors a young lady friend from Key West, who never before had been away from her island home, having been educated at the convent of Key West. She could not find words to express her delight at scenes so entirely new and novel, and said that some things gave her a better idea of heaven; but there was one thing, she said, that was lacking amidst all the wonders and delights from the four quarters of the globe, and without which everything else paled into insignificance,--"fried grunts for breakfast." I made her happy by escorting her to the Aquarium and showing her the live grunts swimming in a tank, seemingly as much at home as on the coral reefs of Florida. The methods of angling, and the tackle and baits used for grunts, are given in the opening paragraphs of this chapter, to which the reader is referred.


(_Haemulon sciurus_)

The yellow grunt was first noticed by Bloch, in 1790, from the West Indies; but owing to a mistake as to its proper identification it was named _sciurus_, meaning "squirrel," by Shaw, in 1803, based on Bloch's description and figure. The name squirrel is in allusion to the grunting noise it emits when captured, which is compared to the barking of that animal. It is abundant in the West Indies and south to Brazil, and is quite common about Key West.

The yellow grunt is very similar to the common grunt in the conformation of its body and fins, but has a rather curved profile instead of a depression in front of the eye. The teeth are similar, with about three strong canines on each side. The scales on the upper part of the body are relatively smaller than in the black grunt. Its color is uniformly yellow, with about a dozen longitudinal and distinct stripes of sky-blue, somewhat wavy, extending from the snout to the a.n.a.l fin; the fins are yellowish; the inside of the mouth is scarlet. It grows to about a foot in length, but occasionally to eighteen inches. It is the handsomest in coloration and appearance of all the grunts, and is often called "boar grunt" by the Key West fishermen. A black-ba.s.s bait rod, braided linen line, snelled hooks No. 1-0, with sinker adapted to the depth and current of the water, and sea-crawfish, shrimps, prawns, or cut-fish bait, will be found quite applicable for grunt fis.h.i.+ng.

Although the yellow grunt was known to science from the West Indies as early as 1790, it was not recorded from the waters of the United States until a century later, when in 1881 I collected it at Key West. This is the more remarkable inasmuch as it is rather common along the keys, and is moreover such a striking, well-marked, and handsome species that it is difficult to imagine how it had been overlooked. The field has, however, been pretty well worked since, and many new species have been recorded.

The Florida Keys, like the southern portion of the peninsula, are of recent formation, and are underlaid by oolitic and coral limestones.

These coralline rocks are formed by the action of the waves and weather on the calcareous secretions of coral polyps, those beautiful "flowers of the sea" which are still building better than they know on the outlying submerged reefs, and where may be seen those tiny "toilers of the sea," madrepores, astreans, maeandrinas, porites, gorgonias, etc., rivalling in beauty of form and color the most charming and delicate ferns, fungi, mosses, and shrubs.

The fishes that frequent the coral reefs are very handsome, both in form and coloration: silvery, rosy, scarlet, brown, and golden bodies, with sky-blue, bright yellow, rosy, or black stripes and bands, or spotted, stellated, and mottled with all the hues of the rainbow; and with jewelled eyes of scarlet, blue, yellow, or black; fins of all colors and shapes, and lips of scarlet red, blue, or silver.


(_Haemulon alb.u.m_)

The margate-fish, or margate grunt, is the largest of the family, growing to two feet or more in length and eight or ten pounds in weight, though usually it weighs from two to six pounds as taken to market. It was noticed by Catesby in his "History of the Carolinas," in 1742, and was wrongly identified from his description by Walbaum in 1792. It received its present name from Cuvier and Valenciennes, in 1830, from West Indian specimens; they called it _alb.u.m_, meaning "white," as it is the lightest in coloration of any of the grunts. It is much esteemed as a food-fish at Key West. It is abundant from Key West to Brazil, being quite common about the Florida Keys, especially in the immediate vicinity of Key West, being usually found in deep water, except when it approaches the shallows to feed on crustaceans, etc. It is rather a warm-water fish.

The margate-fish is of much the same proportions, and of similar appearance, as the yellow grunt, but with a more elevated and arching back, and is more compressed. The teeth are in narrow bands, and are somewhat smaller than in the other grunts. The adult fish is whitish, olivaceous on the back, with faint spots on the scales of back and sides. The inside of the mouth is orange; the lips and snout yellowish; the fins dusky greenish; a broad but indistinct band extends along the sides. Younger fish are bluish in coloration of body and fins, with dark parallel stripes below.

Somewhat larger hooks, say No. 2-0, and a little heavier line, braided linen, size F, are more suitable for this fish; otherwise the same tackle and baits can be employed as for the other grunts and channel fishes.

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Bass, Pike, Perch, and Others Part 19 summary

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