Of All Things Part 20

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--From sun to sun I meet and overcome the forces of nature, brothers of mine, yet opponents; kindred, yet foes.

--I am silent, but my voice re-echoes beyond the ends of the earth.

--I am master, yet I am slave.

--I am Woonsocket Wrought Iron Pipe, "the Strongest in the Long Run."


Send for ill.u.s.trated booklet ent.i.tled

"_The Romance of Iron Pipe._"

(_Continued from page 107_)

which had come into his life during the years when he was in susceptible moods, but such occurrences were not the result of any realization on his part of their significance. They were in the same category of physical phenomena as includes measles or chicken-pox, for example,--the direct result of a certain

(_Continued on page 125_)


"You've got the right kind of chisel there. I see it's a Blimco. I've always found that Blimco chisels stand up longer under everyday usage, and I tell my foremen to see to it that the men always have their Blimcoes and no other. I have tried the others, but have always come back to the Blimco. I suppose it is because the Blimco is made by master-workmen, supervised by experts and sold only by dealers who know the best tools. When you see a Blimco in a dealer's window, you may know that that dealer is a man of discrimination. The discriminating workman always uses a Blimco. 'The Chisel of Distinction.' Clip this coupon and send it NOW for our instructive booklet 'Chiselling Prosperity'."

(_Continued from page 113_)

temporary debility which renders the patient susceptible to infection.

Ned Pillsbury was therefore somewhat overcome by the vision of the girl with the green hat, and suffered from that feeling of pioneering emotion which must have affected Mr.

Balboa who, according to the poet, stood "silent on a peak in Darien" survey-

(_Continued on page 140_)


Why should you persist in being ashamed of your piston-rings?

Why should you make your wife and daughter suffer the humiliation which comes from knowing that you are using an inferior make?

"Emanc.i.p.ator" Piston-Rings cost more than ordinary piston-rings, but they are worth it. They are worth more even than we ask.

What would it mean to you to know that you were not losing steam power because of a faulty piston-ring? Wouldn't it be worth a few extra dollars?

Napoleon once said that an army marches on its stomach.

If this has any relation to piston-rings, we fail to see it. But it has as much relation to piston-rings as a matter of price does when steam economy is at stake.

"Emanc.i.p.ator" Piston-Rings bring twice the power with one-half the trouble. That's why we call them "Emanc.i.p.ator."

Ask your grocer about "Emanc.i.p.ators." He will tell you to ask your garage-man. In the meantime, let us send you our catalog.

(_Continued from page 125_)

ing the Pacific. He was aware of a strange exaltation coursing through his veins, and before he knew it, he was on his feet and pus.h.i.+ng through the revolving door in the compartment behind the green hat.

(_Continued on page 156_)


What is your problem?

Do you wake up in the morning with green spots before your eyes? Are you depressed? Does the thought of a day's work with an unsatisfactory belting weigh upon your mind, bringing on acidosis, hardening of the arteries, and a feeling of opposition to the League of Nations?

If so, let us tackle your problem for you.

We have built up a service department which stands alone in its field.

For sixteen years we have been making it the perfect inst.i.tution that it is to-day.

Bring your belting troubles to Mr. Henry W. Wurlitz, who is at the head of our service department, and he will set you right. He will show you the way to a Bigger, Better, Belting outlook.

(_Continued from page 140_)

"I beg your pardon," he said softly, as they emerged on the street, "but did you drop this flask?"

She turned quickly and faced him. There was a twinkle in her dark brown eyes as she answered him:

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Of All Things Part 20 summary

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