Graded Poetry: Third Year Part 4

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Hiawatha's Childhood

By the of Gitche Gumee, By the s.h.i.+ning Big-Sea-Water, 10 Stood the wigwam of Nokomis, Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.

Dark behind it rose the forest, Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees, Rose the firs with cones upon them; 15 Bright before it beat the water, Beat the clear and sunny water, Beat the s.h.i.+ning Big-Sea-Water.

There the wrinkled old Nokomis Nursed the little Hiawatha, Rocked him in his linden cradle, Bedded soft in moss and rushes, 5 Safely bound with reindeer sinews; Stilled his fretful wail by saying, "Hus.h.!.+ the Naked Bear will hear thee!"

Lulled him into slumber, singing, "Ewa-yea! my little owlet! 10 Who is this, that lights the wigwam?

With his great eyes lights the wigwam?

Ewa-yea! my little owlet!"

Many things Nokomis taught him Of the stars that s.h.i.+ne in heaven; 15 Showed him Ishkoodah, the comet, Ishkoodah, with fiery tresses; Showed the Death-Dance of the spirits, Warriors with their plumes and war-clubs, Flaring far away to northward 20 In the frosty nights of Winter; Showed the broad white road in heaven, Pathway of the ghosts, the shadows, Running straight across the heavens, Crowded with the ghosts, the shadows.

At the door on summer evenings, Sat the little Hiawatha; Heard the whispering of the pine-trees, 5 Heard the lapping of the water, Sounds of music, words of wonder; "Minne-wawa!" said the pine-trees, "Mudway-aushka!" said the water.

Saw the fire-fly, Wah-wah-taysee, 10 Flitting through the dusk of evening, With the twinkle of its candle Lighting up the brakes and bushes.

And he sang the song of children, Sang the song Nokomis taught him: 15 "Wah-wah-taysee, little fire-fly, Little, flitting, white-fire insect, Little, dancing, white-fire creature, Light me with your little candle, Ere upon my bed I lay me, 20 Ere in sleep I close my eyelids!"

Saw the moon rise from the water, Rippling, rounding from the water, Saw the flecks and shadows on it, Whispered, "What is that, Nokomis?"

And the good Nokomis answered: "Once a warrior, very angry, Seized his grandmother, and threw her 5 Up into the sky at midnight; Right against the moon he threw her; 'Tis her body that you see there."

Saw the rainbow in the heaven, In the eastern sky the rainbow, 10 Whispered, "What is that, Nokomis?"

And the good Nokomis answered: "'Tis the heaven of flowers you see there: All the wild-flowers of the forest, All the lilies of the prairie, 15 When on earth they fade and perish, Blossom in that heaven above us."

When he heard the owls at midnight, Hooting, laughing in the forest, "What is that?" he cried in terror; 20 "What is that," he said, "Nokomis?"

And the good Nokomis answered: "That is but the owl and owlet, Talking in their native language, Talking, scolding at each other."

Then the little Hiawatha Learned of every bird its language, Learned their names and all their secrets, 5 How they built their nests in summer, Where they hid themselves in winter, Talked with them whene'er he met them, Called them "Hiawatha's Chickens."

Of all beasts he learned the language, 10 Learned their names and all their secrets, How the beavers built their lodges, Where the squirrels hid their acorns, How the reindeer ran so swiftly, Why the rabbit was so timid, 15 Talked with them whene'er he met them, Called them "Hiawatha's Brothers."


AMERICA, 1807-1882

Hiawatha's Sailing

"Give me of your bark, O Birch Tree!

Of your yellow bark, O Birch Tree!

Growing by the rus.h.i.+ng river, Tall and stately in the valley!

I a light canoe will build me, 5 Build a swift Cheemaun for sailing, That shall float upon the river, Like a yellow leaf in autumn, Like a yellow water lily!

"Lay aside your cloak, O Birch Tree! 10 Lay aside your white skin wrapper, For the summer time is coming, And the sun is warm in heaven, And you need no white skin wrapper!"

Thus aloud cried Hiawatha 15 In the solitary forest, By the rus.h.i.+ng Taquamenaw, When the birds were singing gaily, In the Moon of Leaves were singing, And the Sun, from sleep awaking, Started up and said, "Behold me!

Geezis, the great Sun, behold me!"

And the tree with all its branches Rustled in the breeze of morning, 5 Saying, with a sigh of patience, "Take my cloak, O Hiawatha!"

With his knife the tree he girdled; Just beneath its lowest branches, Just above the roots, he cut it, 10 Till the sap came oozing outward; Down the trunk, from top to bottom, Sheer he cleft the bark asunder, With a wooden wedge he raised it, Stripped it from the trunk unbroken. 15 "Give me of your boughs, O Cedar!

Of your strong and pliant branches, My canoe to make more steady, Make more strong and firm beneath me!"

Through the summit of the Cedar 20 Went a sound, a cry of horror, Went a murmur of resistance; But it whispered, bending downward, "Take my boughs, O Hiawatha!"

Down he hewed the boughs of cedar, Shaped them straightway to a framework, Like two bows he formed and shaped them, Like two bended bows together. 5 "Give me of your roots, O Tamarack!

Of your fibrous roots, O Larch Tree!

My canoe to bind together, So to bind the ends together That the water may not enter, 10 That the river may not wet me!"

And the Larch with all its fibers, s.h.i.+vered in the air of morning, Touched his forehead with its ta.s.sels, Said, with one long sigh of sorrow, 15 "Take them all, O Hiawatha!"

From the earth he tore the fibers, Tore the tough roots of the Larch Tree, Closely sewed the bark together, Bound it closely to the framework. 20 "Give me of your balm, O Fir Tree!

Of your balsam and your resin, So to close the seams together That the water may not enter, That the river may not wet me!"

And the Fir Tree, tall and somber, Sobbed through all its robes of darkness, Rattled like a sh.o.r.e with pebbles, 5 Answered wailing, answered weeping, "Take my balm, O Hiawatha!"

And he took the tears of balsam, Took the resin of the Fir Tree, Seamed therewith each seam and fissure, 10 Made each crevice safe from water.

"Give me of your quills, O Hedgehog!

All your quills, O Kagh, the Hedgehog!

I will make a necklace of them, Make a girdle for my beauty, 15 And two stars to deck her bosom!"

From a hollow tree the Hedgehog With his sleepy eyes looked at him, Shot his s.h.i.+ning quills, like arrows, Saying, with a drowsy murmur, 20 Through the tangle of his whiskers, "Take my quills, O Hiawatha!"

From the ground the quills he gathered, All the little s.h.i.+ning arrows, Stained them red and blue and yellow, With the juice of roots and berries; Into his canoe he wrought them, Round its waist a s.h.i.+ning girdle, 5 Round its bows a gleaming necklace, On its breast two stars resplendent.

Thus the Birch Canoe was builded, In the valley, by the river, In the bosom of the forest; 10 And the forest's life was in it, All its mystery and its magic, All the lightness of the birch tree, All the toughness of the cedar, All the larch's supple sinews; 15 And it floated on the river Like a yellow leaf in autumn, Like a yellow water lily.

Paddles none had Hiawatha, Paddles none he had or needed, 20 For his thoughts as paddles served him, And his wishes served to guide him; Swift or slow at will he glided, Veered to right or left at pleasure.


ENGLAND, 1834-

Child's Evening Prayer

Now the day is over, 5 Night is drawing nigh, Shadows of the evening Steal across the sky.

Now the darkness gathers, Stars begin to peep, Birds and beasts and flowers Soon will be asleep.

Through the long night-watches May Thine angels spread 10 Their white wings above me, Watching round my bed.

When the morning wakens, Then may I arise Pure and fresh and sinless 15 In Thy holy eyes.


Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean

O, Columbia, the gem of the ocean, The home of the brave and the free, The shrine of each patriot's devotion, A world offers homage to thee; Thy mandates make heroes a.s.semble, 5 When Liberty's form stands in view; Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white, and blue, When borne by the red, white, and blue, When borne by the red, white, and blue, 10 Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white, and blue.

When war wing'd its wide desolation, And threaten'd the land to deform, The ark then of freedom's foundation, 15 Columbia rode safe thro' the storm: With the garlands of vict'ry around her, When so proudly she bore her brave crew, With her flag proudly floating before her, The boast of the red, white, and blue, The boast of the red, white, and blue, 5 The boast of the red, white, and blue, With her flag proudly floating before her The boast of the red, white, and blue.

The star-spangled banner bring hither, O'er Columbia's true sons let it wave; 10 May the wreaths they have won never wither, Nor its stars cease to s.h.i.+ne on the brave.

May the service united ne'er sever, But hold to their colors so true; The army and navy forever, 15 Three cheers for the red, white, and blue, Three cheers for the red, white, and blue, Three cheers for the red, white, and blue, The army and navy forever, Three cheers for the red, white, and blue. 20


ENGLAND, 1591-1674

Corinna going a-Maying

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Graded Poetry: Third Year Part 4 summary

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