The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 59

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16. BLOOMFIELD, M.: Women as Mourners in the Atharva-Veda. _Proc.

Amer. Orient. Soc._ Vol. XV. (1890), pp. xlix. ff.

16 a. BLYTH, D.: Notes on the Traditions and Customs of the Natives of Fiji in relation to Conception, Pregnancy, and Parturition. _Glasgow Med. Journ._ Vol. XXVIII. (1887), pp. 176-186.

17. Boshaftes von der Gattin und Schwiegermutter. Sammlung von Spruchen, Reimen und Anekdoten. Leipzig, 1882.

18. BUDGE, E. A. W.: The Mummy: Chapters on Egyptian Funeral Archaeology. Cambridge, 1893. xvi, 404 pp. 8vo.

19. BUSCHMANN, J. C. E.: Ueber den Naturlaut. _Konigl. Akad. d.

Wissensch. (Berlin), Abh. a. d. J._ 1852. III. Th., S. 391-423.

Reprinted (separate) as: BUSCHMANN, J. C. E., Ueber den Naturlaut.

Berlin, 1853. 34 S. 4to. Translation: On Natural Sounds, by Prof. J. C.

E. Buschmann. Transl. by Campbell Clarke.... _Philol. Soc. (London) Proc._ Vol. VI. (1855), pp. 188-206.

20. CAMBOULIVES, M.: L'Homme et la Femme a tous les Ages de la Vie.

Etude hygienique, medicale, physiologique, sociale et morale. Paris, 1890. 388 pp. 8vo.

21. CARR, L.: Social and Political Status of Woman among the Iroquois Indians. _Rep. Peab. Mus._ (Cambridge, Ma.s.s.). III., pp. 207-232.

22. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F. Primitive Woman as Poet. _Proc. Am. a.s.s. Adv.

Sci._ XLII. (1893), Salem, 1894, p. 317.

23. CHAUVIN, JEANNE: Etude historique sur les professions accessibles aux Femmes. Paris, 1892. 296 pp. 8vo.

24. CHILD, L. M.: History of the Condition of Women in Various Ages and Nations. 2 vols. 1832.

25. CODRINGTON, R. H.: Social Regulations in Melanesia. _Journ. Anthr.

Inst._ (London). Vol. XVIII. (1889), pp. 300-313.

25 a. CONVERS, D.: Marriage and Divorce in the United States.

Philadelphia, 1894.

26. CORIVEAUD, A.: Hygiene des Families. Paris, 1890. 328 pp. 8vo.

27. CORRE, A.: La Mere et l'Enfant dans les Races humaines. Paris, 1882.

28. CRAWLEY, A. E.: s.e.xual Taboo: A Study in the Relations of the s.e.xes.

_Journ. Anthr. Inst._ (London). Vol. XXIV. (1894-5), pp. 126-158, 219-235.

29. DAHN, F.: Das Weib im altgermanischen Recht und Leben. Samml.

gemeinnutz. Vortrage. Prag. No. 71.

30. DANKS, B,: Marriage Customs of the New Britain Group. _Journ.

Anthr. Inst._ (London). Vol. XVIII. (1889), pp. 281-284.

31. DARGUN, L.: Mutterrecht und Raubehe und ihre Reste im germanischen Recht und Leben. Breslau, 1883.

32. DARGUN, L.: Studien zum altesten Familienrecht: Erster Theil.

Mutterund Vaterrecht. Leipzig, 1892. 155 S. 8vo.

33. DE GUBERNATIS, A.: Storia comparata degli usi natalizi in Italia e presso gli altri popoli Indo-Europei. Milano, 1878.

34. DEVINE, E. T.: The Economic Function of Woman. _Ann. Amer. Acad.

Polit. and Soc. Sci._ (Philadelphia). Vol. V. (1894-5), pp. 45-60.

35. DORSEY, J. O.: Omaha Sociology. _Third Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethn._ (1881-2), Was.h.i.+ngton, 1884, pp. 205-370.

36. DRUMMOND, H.: The Evolution of Man. Being the Lowell Lectures delivered at Boston, Ma.s.s., April, 1893, by Professor Henry Drummond.

Edited by William Templeton. Philadelphia, 1893. 244 pp. 12mo.

37. DRUMMOND, H.: The Ascent of Man (Lowell Lectures). New York, 1894.

346 pp. 8vo.

38. EBERS, G.: Woman in Ancient Egypt. _Catholic World_, 1880-1881, pp. 563-572.

39. ECKART, R.: Mutterliebe und Leben in den schonsten Liedern verherrlicht. Herausg. v. Rudolf Eckart. Stuttgart, 1890.

40. ELLIS, A. B.: On Polyandry. _Pop. Sci. Mo._ (New York). Vol.

x.x.xIX. (1891), pp. 801-809.

41. ELLIS, A. B.: Marriage and Kins.h.i.+p among the Ancient Israelites.

_Ibid_. Vol. XLII. (1892-3), pp. 325-337.

42. ELLIS, HAVELOCK: Man and Woman: A Study of Human Secondary s.e.xual Characters. London and New York, 1894. xiv, 409 pp. 8vo.

43. ENGELMANN, G.: Labor [Parturition] amongst Primitive Peoples. St.

Louis, 1883. 227 pp. 8vo. Also German Transl., Wien, 1884.

44. ENGELS, F.: Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats. Hottingen-Zurich, 1884.

45. FAUST, J. H.: "Das, was Wir lieben," im Rahmen des Sprichwortes.

Humor, Witz und Satire uber die Tochter Eva's. 2te Aufl. Hamburg. 102 S.

46. FAWCETT, F.: On basivis: Women, who, through dedication to a deity, a.s.sume masculine privileges. _Journ. Anthr. Soc._ (Bombay). Vol.

II. (1891), pp. 322-354.

47. FELICE, L. V. DE: II divorzio e la donna. Napoli, 1893. 63 pp. 16mo.

48. FELKIN, R. W.: Ueber Lage und Stellnng der Frau bei der Geburt, auf Grund eigener Beobachtung bei den Negervolkern der oberen Nil-Gegenden.

Marburg, 1885. 72 S. 8vo.

49. FeRe, CIL.: La famille nevropathique. Theorie teratologique de l'heredite' et de la degenerescence. Paris, 1894. 334 pp. 12mo.

50. FERRERO, G.: The Problem of Woman from a Bio-Sociological Point of View. _Monist_ (Chicago). Vol. IV. (1894), pp. 261-274.

51. FEWKES, J. W.: The Kins.h.i.+p of a Tanoan-speaking Community. _Amer.

Anthrop._ (Was.h.i.+ngton). Vol. VII. (1894), pp. 162-167.

52. FEWKES, J. W.: Kins.h.i.+p of the Tusayan Villagers. _Ibid._ 394-417.

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The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 59 summary

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