The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 64

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Woman's position and labours, 2, 11, 21-24, 29, 34, 88, 46, 50, 61, 69, 77, 78, 80a, 85, 97, 104, 105, 111-118, 121, 122, 125, 132, 146, 158, 155, 160, 165.


176. "A.," and MENELLA SMEDLEY: Poems Written for a Child.

177. "A.," and MENELLA SMEDLEY: The Child's World.

178. ADAMS, J. D.: Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women. New York, 1894.

179. AMeLINEAU, E.: La Morale egyptienne quinze siecles avant notre ere.

Paris, 1892. lx.x.xviii, 261 pp. 8vo.

180. America's Shame: Symposium on the Age of Consent Laws in the United States. _Arena_ (Boston). Vol. XI. (1895), pp. 192-215.

180 a. AYRTON, M. C.: Child-Life in j.a.pan. London, 1879. xx, 125 pp.

181. BABc.o.c.k, W. H.: Games of Was.h.i.+ngton Children. _Amer. Anthrop_.

(Was.h.i.+ngton). Vol. I. (1888), pp. 243-284.

182. BALDWIN, J. M.: Mental Development in the Child and the Race. Vol.

I. Methods and Processes. New York, 1895. xvi, 496 pp. 8vo.

183. BALL, V.: Wolf-Reared Children in India. _Journ. Anthr. Inst._ (London). Vol. IX. (1879), pp. 465-474.

184. BAMFORD, MARY E.: Child-Life among the California Foot-Hills.

_Overl. Mo._ (San Francisco). 2d ser. Vol. II. (1883), pp. 56-59.

184 a. BARNES, EARLE.: Theological Life of a California Child. _Pedag.

Sem._ (Worcester, Ma.s.s.). Vol. II., 442-448.

185. BaRNSTEIN, A. P. v.: Beitrage zur Geschichte mid Literatur des deutschen Studententhumes. Wurzburg, 1882. xiii, 156 S. 8vo.

186. BOAS, F.: The Game of Cat's Cradle. _Intern. Arch. f.

Ethnogr._ I. Bd. (1888), S. 229.

187. BOLTON, H. C.: The Counting-Out Rhymes of Children, their Antiquity, Origin, and Wide Distribution. A Study in Folk-Lore. New York, 1888. ix, 123 pp. Gr. 8vo.

188. BONFIGLI, C.: Dei fattori sociali della pazzia in rapporto con l'educazione infantile. Roma, 1894.

189. BRAMHALL, MAE ST. JOHN: The Wee Ones of j.a.pan. New York, 1894.

137pp. 12mo.

190. BRAMLEY, H. R., and JOHN STAINER: Christmas Carols New and Old.

London, n.d. 94 pp.

191. BREWER, E. C.: A Dictionary of Miracles. London, 1884. xliv, 582 pp. 8vo.

192. BREWER, W. H.: The Instinctive Interest of Children in Bear and Wolf Stories. _Proc. Amer. a.s.s. Adv. Sci._ Vol. XLII. (1893), Salem, 1894, pp. 309-311.

193. BRINTON, D. G.: On the Physiological Correlations of Certain Linguistic Radicals. _Amer. Orient. Soc. Proc._, March, 1894, pp.


194. BROWN, H. W.: Some Records of the Thoughts and Reasonings of Children. From the Collection of Observations at the State Normal School at Worcester, Ma.s.s. _Pedag. Sem._ Vol. II. (1893), pp. 358-396.

195. BULWER-LYTTON, E. R.: Fables in Song. London, 1874.

196. BYJRNHAM, W. H.: The Study of Adolescence. _Pedag. Sem._ Vol.

I. (1891), pp. 174-198.

197. CAMPBELL HELEN: Child-Life in the Slums of New York. _Demorest's Fam. Mag._ (New York), 1892.

198. CARSTENS, H.: Die Schwalbe im Volksmunde und im Kinderlied. _Am.

Urdhs-Brunnen._ II. Bd., S. 240-242.

198 a. CARSTENS, H.: Der Storch als heiliger Vogel im Volksmund und im Kinderlied. _Am Urdhs-Srunnen._ Heft 1, 1881, S. 12-14.

199. CARSTENSEN, H. H.: A B C Spiel. _Am Ur-Quell._ IV. Bd. (1893), S. 55, 150, 260; V. Bd. (1894), S. 114, 192, 290; VI. Bd. (1895), 42-3.

200. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Notes on Indian Child-Language. _Amer.

Anthr._ Vol. III. (1890), pp. 237-241.

201. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Further Notes on Indian Child-Language.

_Ibid._ Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 321-322.

202. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Use of Diminutives in -_ing_ by Some Writers in Low German Dialects. _Public. Mod. Lung. Amer._ Vol. VII. (1892), pp. 212-247.

203. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: The Coyote and the Owl (Tales of the Kootenay Indians). _Mem. Intern. Congr. Anthr._ (1893), Chicago, 1894, pp.


204. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F.: Human Physiognomy and Physical Characteristics in Folk-Lore and Folk-Speech. _Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore._ Vol. VI.

(1893), pp. 13-24.

205. CHERVIN, A.: Faut-il conper le frein de la Langue (Extr. de _La Voix Parlee et Chantee_, frevrier, 1894). Paris, 1894. 16 pp.

206. CHRISMAN, O.: Secret Language of Children. _Science_ (New York). Vol. XXII. (1893), pp. 303-305.

207. Christmas with the Poets. London, n.d. x, 202 pp.

208. CLEVELAND, d.u.c.h.eSS OF: The True Story of Kaspar Hauser. From Official Doc.u.ments. London and New York, 1893. 122pp. Sm. 8vo.

209. COFFIGNON, A.: L'Enfant a Paris. Paris, 1890. xxii, 440 pp.

210. CORIVEAU, A.: La Sante de nos Enfants. Paris, 1890. 288 pp. 8vo.

211. CUIR, A. F.: Les Pet.i.ts ecoliers. Lectures morales sur les Defauts et les Qualites des Enfants. Paris, 1893. 12mo.

212. CULIN, S.: Street Games of Brooklyn. _Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore._ Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 221-236.

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The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 64 summary

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