The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 69

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370. TILTE, M.: Die Geschichte der deutschen Weihnacht. Leipzig, 1894.

371. TRACY, F.: The Psychology of Childhood. Sec. Ed. Boston, 1894.

xiii, 107 pp. 8vo.

372. TREICHEL, A.: Provinzielle Sprache zu und von Thieren und ihre Namen. _Alt-Preuss. Monatsschr_. XXIX. Bd., Hefte I., II.

373. TREICHEL, A.: Zungenubungen aus Preussen. _Am Ur-Quell_. V.

Bd. (1894), S. 122-126, 144-148, 180-182, 222-224.

374. TUCKER, ELIZABETH S.: Children of Colonial Days. New York, 1894.

375. TUCKWELL, Mrs. G. M.: The State and its Children. London, 1894.

376. TYLOR E. B.: Wild Men and Beast Children. _Anthrop. Rev_.

(London). Vol. I. (1863), pp. 21-32.

377. TYLOR, E. B.: Remarks on the Geographical Distribution of Games.

_Journ. Anthr. Inst._ (London). Vol. IX. (1879), pp. 23-30.

378. VOSTROVSKY, CLARA: A Study of Children's Imaginary Companions.

_Education_ (Boston). Vol. XV. (1895), pp. 393-398.

379. WHITTIER, J. G.: Child-Life. A Collection of Poems. Edited by J. G.

Whittier. Boston, n.d. xii, 263 pp. Gr. 8vo.

380. WHITTIER, J. G.: Child-Life in Prose. Boston, n.d.

381. WIEDEMANN, A.: Kinderehe bei den alten AEgyptern. _Am Ur-Quell_. VI. Bd. (1895), S. 3-4.

382. WIGGIN, KATE D.: Children's Eights. A Book of Nursery Logic. Boston and New York, 1893. 235 pp. 16mo.

383. Wild Babies. _Harper's Monthly_ (New York). Vol. LVII. (1878), pp. 829-838.

384. WILTSE, SARAH E.: The Place of the Story in Early Education, and Other Essays. Boston, 1892. vi, 137 pp. 8vo.

385. WINTERNITZ, M.: Das Kind bei den Juden. _Am Ur-Quell_. II. Bd.

(1891), S. 5-7, 34-36.

386. WOSSIDLO, R.: Volksthumliches aus Mecklenburg. De Jung [Pro- verbial Sayings of Children]. _Plattd. Sunndagsbl_. (Bielefeld).

III. Bd. (1890), S. 75-77.

387. YODER, A. H.: The Study of the Boyhood of Great Men. _Pedag.

Sem._ Vol. III. (1894-5), pp. 134-156.

Following is a subject-index of t.i.tles under Section B:--

Abandoned children, 28.

Abnormal man, 188, 197, 303.

Adolescence, 196.

Adoption, 280.

Age of consent, 180.

American Indians, 211, 222, 223, 226, 227, 239, 267, 302, 306, 816, 358, 383.

Animals, 276, 372.

Animal-reared children, 183, 376.

"April fool," 324.

Arabia, 289.

Art and poetry, 320.

a.s.syria, 290.

Babylonia, 290.

Birth-customs, etc., 241, 311, 316, 354.

Birth-myths, 343, 366.

Bogies, 203, 275.

Boys of Bible, 304.

Boyhood of genius, 387.

Brittany, 299.

Brooklyn, 212.

California, 184.

Ceremonial, 235, 279, 361.

Character, 216, 319.

Child and race, 182.

Child-G.o.d, 344.

Child and state, 312, 375.

Child as--witness, 334.

Childhood in literature, 346-350.

Child-criminal, 307.

Child-life, 178, 180 a, 184, 189, 197, 209, 221, 225, 227, 246, 266, 283, 283 a, 325, 326, 329, 333, 342, 353, 363, 374, 383, 385.

Child-marriages, 234, 317, 338 a, 367, 381.

Child-psychology, 252, 259, 301, 305, 310, 336, 365, 371.

Children of New Testament, 360.

Child-study, 254, 378.

Chirography, 240.

Christ, 285.

Christmas, 190, 207, 261, 315, 339, 370.

Cradles, 306.

Defectives and delinquents, 197, 314, 368, 369.

Deformations, 229, 331.

Diminutives, 202, 219.

Dolls, 226.

Education, 257, 288-298.

Egypt, 179, 288, 381.

England, 243, 349.

Fairy-tales, stories, 192, 245, 258, 302, 356, 384.

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