Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don't Move! Chapter 19-20

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[][][] Chapter 19 – A Private Collection Full of Weapons


Nine out of ten boys would have a penchant for anything related to the military and heroes, and Bai Xiaoxi wasn't an exception. If it wasn't the case, how could he have even thought about this place when Bai Ling mentioned getting weapons?

Bai Xiaoxi's eyes sparkled when he saw the masterful way she manipulated the gun. He could tear his eyes away from the firearm in her hold. He went up to her to start a conversation, wanting to familiarize himself with her, but she had already put down the gun and moved on.

"Hey, Second Sister… Is your big sister a soldier?" He spoke in a low voice into the cellphone.

"No. I remember she only partic.i.p.ated in the military training at the beginning of her university year. It was the first time she came in contact with the military." Bai Shan remembered very clearly because, at that time, Bai Ling had earned a scholars.h.i.+p from the university and gave the money for their uncle to open a shop.

Unbeknown to their uncle, the construction of the shop was secretly funded by Bai Ling also. If he knew she used her money, he would have refused taking over that shop.

To sum it, for Bai Shan, her big sister was the pillar of their family. She remembered three years ago when their grandma's health took a turn to the worse and fainted, they found that she had heart problems and needed a 100,000 dollars for the surgery. Without the surgery, her life couldn't be guaranteed. When their grandma learned of it, she went on a hunger strike, refusing to be treated. She preferred killing herself instead of being a burden to her family.

Although their livelihood was good, the sudden expense of 100,000 dollars was beyond their means. They had borrowed a lot of money before when they were still very poor and were still repaying their debts. So how could they find anyone willing to lend them such a huge amount of money?

Bai Shan would always remember that day. Her sister was holding her crying grandma in silent. Then, her sister suddenly asked her to look after their grandmother. She told them not to worry about the money for the surgery before leaving. On the next day, she returned unexpectedly with enough money to operate their grandma.

She never told them where she found the money even if their grandma and uncle tried to pry into it. She always smiled faintly and said it was the advanced payment she got from her part-time job.

As long as there was a problem plaguing their family, be it big or small, any would be addressed by her big sister.

Bai Ling watched Bai Shan and Bai Xiaoxi conversing through the phone. She frowned a bit, but she was relieved when she noticed through the video chat the calmness of her little sister. She let them be and continued to inspect the different firearms on display. She noticed there were all kinds of weapons, not just modern ones. There were many that could be considered cultural relics and hidden weapons. She examined a set of darts.

She picked one and carefully inspected it. It was a relatively long throwing dart with a sharp tip. She weighed it with her hand. It fit well in her palm. These darts could act as life-saving weapons and were easy to conceal on her body. She grabbed the set and hung them on her waist.

She proceeded further into the room and walked by other showcases of weapons. Then, she noticed a double-edged sword with a 10-centimeters width, two-centimeters thick and one-meter long. The entire sword seemed to be made out of copper, but for some reason, the blade appeared extremely sharp. The handle was wrapped with a black rope, and words could be seen on it. However, she couldn't make sense of the inscription which was written in an ancient language.

She immediately took hold of it, but when she wanted to lift it, her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't think that inconspicuous sword which appeared incredibly heavy was as light as a feather.

It must have been forged out of rare and finest materials.

Bai Xiaoxi had noticed Bai Ling's expression. He put down a gun and said to Bai Shan. "Let's go see what she found!"

He didn't wait for Bai Shan to respond, treating her as he would with a close relative.

[][][] [][][] Chapter 20 – The Mysterious Evil Sword (1)


Bai Ling turned her head and saw Bai Xiaoxi approaching. She looked at the sword in her hands and frowned again. She stretched her hand, presenting the sword horizontally in front of him.

Bai Xiaoxi extended his arm to receive it, but as soon as the sword fell into his hand and he grabbed onto the hilt, he immediately let out a surprised shout. "How weird! How can it be so light?"

The strange situation also piqued Bai Shan's curiosity. When Bai Xiaoxi noticed her expression, he explained to her what happened.

Bai Ling finally understood how much of a chatterbox he was. She also noticed that Bai Shan had long forgotten about the zombies and seemed excited about others things. A faint smile spread on Bai Ling's face.

Next, she walked up to another sword. It was a katana this time. Its whole body was black, embellished by beautiful carving. It was placed on a support, giving off a solemn and sacred aura. Bai Ling picked it up and unsheathed it. A dazzling light came out, a reflection of the light on the incomparably sharp blade.

It was at least 80 cm long. The whole body was glossy with a width of 4 cm. The blade was thin. The back of the blade was nicely curved. The handle was quite long.

Bai Ling swung it a few times. Since the walls were made of concrete, she slashed at a nearby table instead.


A piece of the table was smoothly shaved from it. She noticed that the inside of the table was made of reinforced steel bars.

The most important point was she barely made any effort to cut through steel.

"Oh d.a.m.n! So powerful!" Bai Xiaoxi was stunned by the sharpness of the katana. He excitement used the broadsword in his hand to slash the same table. Surprisingly, he was also able to cut it through like b.u.t.ter. It was obvious that compared to Bai Ling, his strength was lacking.

Bai Ling suddenly had a conjecture. Be it sword or knife, all the weapons here are meant to take life. Perhaps, those things might not be for the auction. It's highly possible those weapons are part of someone's private collection.

Finally, she arrived at the last sword which was placed in a corner, submerged in an aquarium. This sword must be the most powerful one following the current trend of the display.

"Second Sister, this seemed like nothing, but this is a real treasure trove!"

"Right! How could there be so many great swords and knives?" Bai Shan could not refrain from being surprised and amazed because none of the blades she saw had any warped or rust. They were all well taken care of.

Bai Ling continued toward the submerged sword. As she approached it, she discovered the blade wasn't in the water. In fact, there was a wall of water in front of it and the inside of the case was filled with gra.s.s with water at the bottom. Within the gra.s.s, there were numerous skulls of all sizes making up the bottom. As the plants swayed from the water current, she could faintly see the tip of the sword was inserted into a skull. From time to time, it emitted a dimmed cold light.

"What the f.u.c.k is that?" Bai Xiaoxi put back the sword he held earlier and approached the weird sword. Bai Shan was also curious about what her sister was doing. It was obviously the first time Bai Ling came here, but she seemed as if she knew all the things in here. Although Bai Shan was curious, she got terrified when she saw the gory display for the sword.

Bai Ling raised the katana above her and slashed the water wall.


The water wall parted and the gla.s.s behind shattered. Suddenly liberated, the water, the plants and the human skulls spilled out of the display.

Bai Ling quickly retreated back. Meanwhile, Bai Xiaoxi had already run away from the mess Bai Ling created.

Bai Shan was astonished. In the dark of her house, her face was illuminated by the cellphone screen.

After the water has drained, they looked back at the display with stupefaction.

The sword was still inside, stuck firmly in the middle of a human skull. It had not budged a single centimeter. Without all the water plants and the water wall, the true shape of the sword was revealed.

The sight sent chills to the bones. They were not near, but a coldness could be felt emitting from the weapon. The length of the sword totaled 80 centimeters. It had a width of 5 centimeters. It was devoid of any carving or decoration. The whole body was sleek and glossy. With a blade as thin as cicada's wings. The handle was oddly long, allowing it to be held with two hands. It appeared slightly similar to the katana Bai Ling was currently holding.


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Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don't Move! Chapter 19-20 summary

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