Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume XXIV Part 34

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CAIRN, _s._ a conical heap of stones.

CAIR-WEEDS, _s._ mourning weeds.

CALD, CAULD, _s._ cold.

CALLAN, CALLANT, _s._ a stripling.

CALLER, _adj._ cool; refres.h.i.+ng.

CALLOT, _s._ a cap for a woman's head.

CALM-SOUGH, to say little.

CALSAY, CAWSAY, _s._ a causeway street; that part of a street which is bounded by the flags.

CAM, _pret_. came.

CAM-NOSED, _adj._ hook-nosed.

CAMPY, _adj._ bold; brave.

CAMSHAUCHEL'D, _part. adj_. distorted.

CAMSTERIE, CAMSTAIRIE, _adj._ unmanageable; perverse.

CANE, KAIN, _s._ a duty paid by a tenant of land to the owners in kind.

CANKERT, _adj._ ill-tempered; cross.

CANN, CAN, _s._ skill; knowledge; acquirements.

CANNA, CANNAE, cannot.

CANNIE, KANNIE, _adj._ cautious; prudent.

CANNILY, _adv._ prudently; cautiously.

CANTY, _adj._ cheerful; lively.

CANTEL, _s._ the crown of the head.

CANTRAP, _s._ an incantation; a spell; mischief artfully performed.

CAP, _v. n._ to crown; to surmount.

CAP, KAP, _s._ a wooden bowl.

CAPERCAILYE, CAPERCALYEANE, _s._ the wood-grouse or c.o.c.k of the wood, _Tetrao urogallus_ (Linn.)

CAPERNOITED, _adj._ peevish; irritable; crabbed; snappish.

CARDINAL, _s._ a long cloak worn by women, generally those of a red colour, and commonly provided with a hood.

CAR-HANDED, _adv._ left-handed.

CARL, CAIRLE, CARLL, _s._ an old man.

CARLIE, _s._ a diminutive man.

CARLIN, _s._ an old woman.

CARLINS-E'EN, _s._ the last night of the year.

CARLISH, _s._ boorish; clownish.

CARRITCH, CARITCH, _s._ the catechism.

_To_ CARP, _v. a._ to contend.

Ca.r.s.e, KERSS, _s._ a low and fertile tract of land adjacent to a river.

CASTOCK, CASTACK, _s._ the stalk or inner core of cabbage or greens.

_To_ CAST-OUT, _v. n._ to quarrel.

_To_ CAST-UP, _v. a._ to upbraid; to throw in one's teeth.

CATCHY, _adj._ ready to take advantage of another.

CATTLE-RAIK, _s._ a common on which cattle are fed; the feeding range of cattle.

CATWITt.i.t, _adj._ harebrained; unsettled.

CAUDRON, _s._ a chaldron.

CAULD, _s._ cold.

CAULDRIFE, _adj._ susceptible ofcold.

CAULD-STEER, _s._ sour milk and oatmeal stirred together.

CAUSE, _conj._ because.

CAUSEY, CAUSAY, _s._ a street.

CAUTION, _s._ surety.

CAUTIONER, _s._ a surety.

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Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume XXIV Part 34 summary

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