Millionaire's Women Part 36

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'Three times?'

'Jack's father.'

'Oh,of course course.' Anna blew out her cheeks. 'Poor man. He must have thought he was seeing a ghost if Jo looks that much like his wife.'

'She does. Margaret Logan had dark curling hair like Jack's, but otherwise it could have been Jo in the photograph. When I saw it the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.'

'I bet they did.' Anna let out a deep breath. 'It's a pity you're driving Jo home. You could do with a stiff drink. I know I could. But, since neither of us can indulge, let's have some coffee.'

In the end Kate made the coffee because Anna was in such a daze after the revelations that she couldn't concentrate enough to operate the machine. She was still talking about Jo when Kate's phone interrupted the flow.

'Joanna!' Kate spilt some coffee as she grabbed the phone, then blew out her cheeks in relief. 'Oh, Jack, thank G.o.d. I thought something was wrong with Jo.'

'Why?' he demanded. 'Didn't she want to go to the party?'

'She wanted to so much I just hope she isn't disappointed.'

'She won't be. She's probably having the time of her life. How did she look?'

'To quote you, Jack, she looked absolutely gorgeous.'

'In that case she's probably beating off dance partners with a stick. If they have dance partners these days. Tell her I want chapter and verse tomorrow.' Jack took in an audible breath. 'How the h.e.l.l are we supposed to get any sleep tonight, Katie?'

'Beats me.' Kate glanced at her watch. 'Only half an hour to go and I pick her up.'

'Next time I'll do that-I hope.'

'I hope so too, Jack.'

'That was Daddy, worrying about his daughter, I a.s.sume,' said Anna, handing Kate a fresh cup of coffee.

'About tomorrow too, like me!'

'Try not to worry, love. Knowing Jo as I do, I'm sure she'll take it well.'

'I just keep thinking she'll hate me for giving her away.'

Anna put her arm round her. 'Jo loves you far too much to do that. She's also mature enough to understand why you felt you had to.'

When Kate arrived back at the Carey house the party had transferred to the kitchen where all the flushed, excited guests were consuming mugs of hot chocolate while they waited to be picked up. Jo was in the middle of an animated group in loud discussion over some pop band, totally unaware she was being watched, and Megan Carey laughed softly as she showed Kate into the room.

'Someone had a really great time, by the sound of it.'

Kate grinned. 'Not only Jo. Everyone else too.'

'Kate!' Jo's eyes lit up as she turned round.

'Hi. Did you have a good time?'

'The best,' said Jo simply, and with unaffected good manners thanked Megan and Jim Carey, then said her goodbyes to the group, who followed her outside to Kate's car to wave her off.

'Thanks again for the presents. See you Tuesday,' shouted Leo and Josh in unison.

Jo nodded vigorously and waved until the car reached a bend which took it out of sight of the house. 'That was such a cool party,' she told Kate with satisfaction. 'Great music, with a DJ, and there was a real bar. We had c.o.c.ktails! Nonalcoholic,' she added hastily.

'I'm glad you enjoyed it, love,' said Kate with relief.

'Did you have a nice time with Anna? Silly question,' added Jo with a giggle. 'I expect you talked and drank coffee all night. Is she OK?'

'She's euphoric. She felt the baby move for the first time while I was there.'

'Wow!' said Jo, awed. 'Did she cry?'

'Yes, a bit,' admitted Kate. 'I even shed a G.o.dmotherly tear myself. Are you tired, darling?' she asked as they arrived home.

'I wasn't until now,' Jo admitted.

'Straight up to bed then. You need some sleep.'

'You do too, Kate; we're partying again tomorrow,' said Jo happily.

Kate woke up downstairs in the middle of the night, to find Joanna patting her hand.

'Oh, darling,' she said, s.h.i.+vering. 'I'm so sorry. Did I frighten you to death?'

'A bit. You came into my room, then sort of glided out again, so I got up to see if you were all right. You didn't answer me so I realised you were sleepwalking. A girl in my dorm does that.' Jo pulled a face. 'It's creepy, but Miss Hayes said sleepwalkers mustn't be shocked awake, so I followed you down here before I woke you. I'll get your dressing gown,' she added as Kate's teeth chattered. 'Then I'll make you some tea, or something.'

'You get the dressing gown, I'll make the tea,' said Kate. 'Sorry about this. It's a stupid habit.'

'I know. Mummy told me-shan't be long.' Joanna raced upstairs, and Kate pulled herself together and made for the kitchen to fill the kettle, glad to get into her dressing gown when Jo ran back with it.

'You should go back to bed,' she said sternly, holding it out.

Kate hugged her and promised that once she'd made their drinks she would do as she was told. Back in bed she drank her tea, then slid down under the covers, glad to get warm again while she waited for morning, knowing of old that she'd get no more sleep that night. But, to her delight, Jack rang before she got up.

'How are you, my darling?'

'All the better for hearing your voice, Jack,' she a.s.sured him.

'And how's our daughter? G.o.d, that gives me such a kick to say that. Did Jo enjoy the party?'

'She certainly did. I'll leave it to her to tell you the details.' Kate sighed. 'Time to get up, I suppose. What are you doing right now?'

'I'm in bed, waiting impatiently to see my two girls again.' His voice dropped a tone. 'I wish I had you here with me.'

Kate laughed, told him she loved him and ordered him to behave himself until she got to Mill House.

'Does that mean I don't have to once you come?'

'Certainly not,' she said primly. 'Thank you for ringing, Jack. I was feeling pretty tense.'

'I thought you might be. Do you feel better now?'

'Yes. I love you, Jack.'

She heard a quick intake of breath. 'I love you too, my darling. See you soon, and don't be late.'

Feeling a lot more prepared to face the day, Kate got up and had a bath, then came out to find Jo on the landing, her eyes anxious.

'Are you all right, Kate?'

'I'm fine. Sorry I gave you such a fright. I'd promise not to do it again, if I could.'

'I don't mind! I was just worried you might fall on the stairs.'

'It's never happened yet,' Kate a.s.sured her briskly. 'Right then, your turn in the bath.'

There was much discussion as to the appropriate wear for lunch at Mill House but knowing that Jo would inevitably spend time with Bran in the garden, Kate advised jeans and sweaters again for both of them and for Jo a chunky navy fleece with a hood in case it was chilly later on. Jo spent the morning making more cakes for Jack and, once these were iced and carefully packed in a plastic box, she begged to take off for Mill House.

'Jack won't mind if we're a bit early, will he?'

'You just want to see Bran,' accused Kate, laughing.

'True.' Jo's eyes danced. 'But you want to see Jack!'

When Kate turned down the drive to Mill House Jo's eyes were like saucers.

'Gosh, you were right,' she breathed in awe. 'It is a big garden.' She bit her lip, frowning.

'What's up now?'

Jo's knuckles were white as she gripped the box of cakes. 'If Jack is this rich I can't give him cakes as a present.'

'I can a.s.sure you,' said Kate with conviction, 'that he would like nothing better. Anyone can go out and buy something-like me. But you made him something with your own fair hands. Mega Brownie points for that, believe me.'

Jo relaxed, then said 'Wow!' as the house came into view. 'What a place-oh, and look, there's Mr Logan with Bran.' She put the box on the floor and was out of the car almost before Kate switched off the ignition. 'Hi, Mr Logan, h.e.l.lo Bran.'

Tom helped Kate from the car, smiling as he watched his granddaughter frolicking with the excited dog. 'How are you, my love?'

'As well as can be expected,' she said wryly, kissing him, then smiled radiantly as Jack came out of the house, a look in his eyes that warmed her right down to her toes. 'Good morning. How are you?'

'All the better for seeing you,' he a.s.sured her, and put his arm round her as he kissed her.

Joanna abandoned the dog to run to him. 'h.e.l.lo, Jack. Happy Easter.'

'Likewise. Do I get a kiss too?'

Joanna promptly obliged, then turned to Tom Logan and reached up to kiss his cheek. 'Happy Easter, Mr Logan.'

'And a Happy Easter to you, sweetheart,' he said, clearing his throat. 'Let's go inside. Molly wants to meet you. It's all right, Jo,' he added, eyes twinkling. 'Bran can come too.'

'I've got to get something from the car first,' she said and ran to get her box of cakes. 'It's a little Easter present for you, Jack,' she said diffidently, taking off the lid.

He stood very still for a moment as he saw the cakes. Then he handed the box to his father and hugged Jo close. 'Thank you, pet. That's the nicest present I've ever had.'

'It certainly puts mine in the shade,' said Kate, resigned, and handed him one of the carrier bags she took out of the car. 'I've got one for you too, Tom.'

There was much laughter as the men received large chocolate Easter eggs with Tom written on one in white icing, and Jack on the other.

'But you have to share with me,' warned Kate. 'I love chocolate.'

'She certainly does,' said Jo as they went into the house. 'Kate ate more than half the box you gave me, Jack.'

'It's amazing she stays so slim,' he said, shaking his head, and smiled as he went into the kitchen. 'Molly, you've met Kate of course, but this is Joanna.'

'h.e.l.lo, Miss Durant.' Molly wiped her hand on her ap.r.o.n and held it out, smiling. 'Hi, Joanna. I hear you went to a party last night. Did you have a good time?'

'I certainly did. Nice to meet you, Molly.' Jo shook the hand and sniffed the air. 'Wow! Something smells wonderful.'

'I hope you like turkey.' Molly turned to Kate. 'I've laid the table in here because the boss said it would be easier for you. Everything's ready. The turkey's in the warming oven with the vegetables, but the gravy should be heated through before you dish up.'

Kate handed her a carrier bag. 'Thank you, Molly. This is for you-just a little joke present to mark the occasion.'

The girl flushed with pleasure, stammering her thanks as she received a chocolate egg inscribed Molly and, after instructions about ice cream in the freezer and a plate of treats for Bran in the refrigerator, the young cook wished them all a happy day and went home to her family.

'I'll show you the rest of the house after lunch, Jo,' said Jack, 'but I think we'd better eat now if the meal's ready.'

'You pour the wine, and I'll carve,' said his father, as Kate turned the heat up under the gravy. He took the turkey from the warming oven and put it on the table, then handed the oven gloves to Joanna. 'You can put the vegetable dishes on the table, love.'

Kate had been utterly convinced beforehand that she wouldn't be able to eat a thing, but in Jack's large, welcoming kitchen, with Jo so obviously enjoying herself, she relaxed and tucked into turkey and stuffing and roast potatoes with as much gusto as her child, who obviously considered Bran's presence in his bed the crowning touch to the meal.

'So tell us about the party,' said Jack, when Jo was into a second helping.

'It was just brilliant! In London I always felt like the odd one out at neighbours' parties because I'm away at school. But Josh and Leo made sure I knew everyone right from the start and they were all friendly so I had a really good time.'

'Did you dance a lot?' asked Tom.

'They don't dance, Dad,' teased Jack. 'They just prance around together.'

'We do dance,' said Jo indignantly, and smiled at him sweetly. 'It's just different from the minuets and things they did in your day.'

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Millionaire's Women Part 36 summary

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