Millionaire's Women Part 6

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He chuckled and her heart thudded with pleasure that she could make him laugh, even as a hundred alarm bells went off in her head. He was the most exciting man she had ever met, she'd known that yesterday, but today she'd realised there was much more to Nick than met the eye. He probably had a lighthearted little romance in mind, a few romps in bed until the next woman came along, a woman more suited to his complex and captivating personality. But she wasn't like like that. that.

They walked on, the warm evening air redolent of woodsmoke from a distant bonfire somewhere, but Cory's mind was racing.

How did you tell an experienced man of the world like Nick Morgan, a man who by his own admission had had more than one woman in his bed in his time-lots more-that you had never actually...

She groaned inwardly. He would laugh at her and somehow-somehow she couldn't bear the thought of that.

Of course she had had her moments in the days before she had tangled with William. Her friends at university had been popping in and out of bed with the current boyfriend as though it was as simple and easy as having a cup of tea. They had said she was too intense, that she was making too big a deal out of what was the most natural thing in the world, but something had always stopped her from making total bodily commitment with the lads she had gone out with.

She supposed she'd been waiting for the Mr Right Nick had spoken of earlier. Her lip curled at her naivety. Even though she'd always doubted anyone would feel that way about her in her heart.

They reached the pub within a few minutes and after saying their goodbyes to Lucinda and John walked to the car. As they drove back along the route they had travelled earlier, Cory said tentatively, 'I brought some work home I really ought to look at before tomorrow. If you wouldn't mind dropping me back at the flat now, please.'

'I do mind.' He spared her one piercing glance before going on, 'We're doing dinner, Cory. Relax and you might even enjoy it.'

She wriggled in her seat. 'Where are we going?'

'A nice little place I know.'

'You know so many nice little places,' she said with a touch of acidity.

He chose to ignore it. 'That's true, but this one is special. Trust me.'

That would be a grave mistake.

Her face must have spoken for itself because she became aware of him laughing softly, and when she looked at him his eyes were brilliant with sparks of humour. 'You're priceless,' he murmured. 'Do you know that? And so good for keeping my ego on the ground.'

'I don't think I'll feel sorry for your ego,' she said, thinking of all the other women he had said he'd known and feeling ridiculously jealous. Which just showed how crazy she was and how this had to be the end of things.

The light banter continued as they drove on, but when they drew up in one of the streets close to Richmond Park Cory stared about her. 'This isn't a restaurant,' she said accusingly.

'Who said anything about a restaurant?' Twilight was beginning to fall as he slid out of the car, walking round the sleek low bonnet and opening her door for her.

Cory remained sitting. She raised her eyebrows at him and he stared innocently back. 'So?' she said meaningfully. 'Where are we?'

'Outside my London flat.'

She'd already arrived at that conclusion herself but had been determined to make him spell it out. She opened her mouth to tell him to take her home but he forestalled her.

'Before you say anything, it's only dinner that's on the cards, by the way. I know you'd like to get your hands on my body but you'll just have to restrain yourself.'

Cory glared at him. 'This isn't funny, Nick.'

He crouched down so that his head was on a level with hers. She tried hard to ignore the way his trousers strained over muscled thighs but it was difficult. 'Only dinner, Cory,' he repeated softly. 'I thought it would be nice to eat in, that's all. That way I can enjoy a bottle of wine with you and call a taxi to take you home.'

'You can cook?' she asked doubtfully.

'My dumplings have been known to make women swoon.'

She giggled, she couldn't help it. 'Really, can can you cook?' she persisted. you cook?' she persisted.

He smiled. 'Tonight we're starting with spiced chicken salad with papaya and avocado. I cheated and got that ready before I left this morning. The main course for madam is pork and ginger stir-fry with noodles and prawn crackers. And for dessert...'

'What's for dessert?' Her mouth was watering.

'That'll be a surprise.' He stood up again, holding out his hand which she took a little reluctantly, still unsure of what she was doing.

Once she was standing on the pavement she eyed him warily. He was certainly full of surprises, and she didn't mean the dessert! Who on earth would have guessed he could cook? He was too...male. And then she couldn't believe she'd been so s.e.xist.

'Come on.' He led her over to the large terraced house in front of them. As soon as he opened the front door Cory knew his flat was going to be sumptuous by the splendour of the marbled lobby complete with lift.

Nick's flat was at the top of the house and, when he stood aside for her to enter after opening the front door, Cory looked about her interestedly. She saw immediately that she had been right. It was was sumptuous, but not over-poweringly so. It was also severely male, no frills or fancies littering the contemporary feel of the flat. sumptuous, but not over-poweringly so. It was also severely male, no frills or fancies littering the contemporary feel of the flat.

The lounge area which opened from the front door had pale cream walls and an oatmeal carpet, the huge sensation of s.p.a.ce enhanced by the absence of doors between it and the dining room. The designer had left the chimney breast only as a natural division, and Cory could see by the charred logs in the grate that this was a real fire.

Three black leather two-seater sofas and several black lacquer oval occasional tables dotted the lounge, and in the dining room the monochrome effect continued with a black dining table and chairs.

Several striking pieces of sculpture and bark wall hangings and a row of steel-framed mirrors added to the air of uncompromising stark beauty. There were no plants, no ornaments, no vases of flowers or photographs on view, nothing to give any idea of the personality of the man who owned the place.

Cory turned to look at Nick, who was watching her intently. 'Is your house in Barnstaple like this?'

The hard face relaxed into a smile. 'No,' he admitted softly, 'but that's home. This is part of my work. It's where I bring colleagues, clients, people I want to impress.'

Cory nodded. She knew his international electronics firm was huge and still growing. He was a very successful and intelligent man and she supposed this flat reflected this. She wouldn't want to live in it though.

'Come through to the kitchen,' Nick said, the twist to his lips suggesting he had read her mind again. 'It's where I spend most of my time when I'm here, that and the bedroom. I tend to get in late and leave early unless I'm entertaining.'

The kitchen was a smart combination of brushed stainless steel and solid wedge wood, and the impression of s.p.a.ce and light was continued here by the ceiling having been removed, revealing the timbers of the original structure which were painted white. A large corner breakfast bar which was really a small table had two high stainless steel chairs with coffee-coloured upholstered seats tucked beneath it and, after pulling one out, Nick said, 'Sit down while I see about dinner. I'll open a bottle of wine. A nice Chardonnay, I think, to go with the salad and then the stirfry.'

She had half been expecting that he would give her a tour of all of the flat, including his bedroom, and now as she sat on the chair she had to confess to a slight feeling of disappointment. She would have liked to see where he slept, to be able to picture him there at night. Dangerous. Dangerous. The word reverberated in her head as loudly as if someone had screamed it in her ear. She didn't need to picture him anywhere; he had no part in her life. This was one weekend out of the norm and it would remain like that. A pleasant but acutely disturbing episode that would soon fade from her memory if she put her mind to it. The word reverberated in her head as loudly as if someone had screamed it in her ear. She didn't need to picture him anywhere; he had no part in her life. This was one weekend out of the norm and it would remain like that. A pleasant but acutely disturbing episode that would soon fade from her memory if she put her mind to it.

Oh, yeah? challenged a little voice in her head. And pigs might fly.

The Chardonnay was as delicious in its own way as the Brunello at lunch. Cory didn't know much about different wines but it was obvious Nick did. All part of the image, she told herself, before feeling a little ashamed of the cattiness which had prompted the thought.

'Can I help?' she asked as she sat watching him deftly cut the pork loin into thin strips before covering it and putting it with the other ingredients he'd pulled out of the fridge, already prepared for cooking-a man who thought of everything.

He took a swallow of his wine before saying, 'You could set two places in the dining room if you like.'

'We're not eating in here?' The dining room table was enormous for two, besides which the informality of the kitchen was less conducive to a romantic teete-a-teete, surrounded as they were by gleaming pans and kitchen utensils.

'Is that what you'd prefer?' And, as she nodded, he said, 'So be it. Cutlery and everything else you'll need is in the cupboard to your left.'

They ate the first course almost immediately and it was truly delicious. Nick seemed determined to be the perfect host, making her laugh with one amusing story after another and displaying none of the intuitive and disconcerting probing which had so bothered her during the afternoon.

He wouldn't let her help with the main course, so Cory sat sipping her wine as she watched him cook the pork strips until they were brown all over, at which point he added the garlic, ginger, spring onions, pineapple chunks and other ingredients.

He was perfectly relaxed and at ease in the kitchen, adding the oyster sauce to the stir-fry with one hand and dealing with the noodles and prawn crackers with the other, whilst talking of inconsequential things. Cory could only marvel at him. She wasn't too bad a cook when she put her mind to it, but she didn't particularly like an audience and certainly couldn't have coped with Nick watching her her.

Cory ate the ginger and pork stir-fry in a delicious haze of well-being, only protesting very slightly when Nick refilled her empty gla.s.s. 'This food is so good good,' she said, wrapping a noodle round her fork and transferring it to her mouth. 'I can't make my meals taste like this.'

He smiled lazily. 'The secret is in using fresh ingredients, like the root ginger and garlic. I never buy my herbs and spices in packets.'

Cory gave a hiccup of a laugh and then put down her gla.s.s of wine which she had just picked up. She suddenly realised she'd had quite enough. It was deceptively potent stuff.

'What's funny?' he asked softly.

She tried very hard to pull herself together. 'Just that I never imagined we'd be discussing the pros and cons of herbs and spices,' she said in a voice which was shaky with the amus.e.m.e.nt she was trying to quell. 'You didn't strike me as that sort of man when I met you, that's all.'

'What sort of man did you think I was then?' he asked lightly.

Cory considered her answer, forgetting she wasn't going to drink any more wine and taking several sips as she surveyed him through dreamy eyes. 'A he-man type,' she stated.

'And they don't cook?'

'I don't know.' Wrapped in contentment and lulled into a false sense of security she forgot to be careful. 'They might do. You do, so other men might, I suppose.'

'What about William?' Nick asked softly. 'Didn't he spoil you by at least cooking breakfast now and again?'

'I never had breakfast with William. I've never had breakfast with anyone.' She finished the last of the wine, holding out her gla.s.s for a refill as she spoke out the thought in her head without thinking about what she was revealing. 'I suppose you have to sleep with someone to wake up to breakfast with them.'

There was the merest of pauses before Nick said, 'It helps.'

There was a quality to his voice which brought Cory back to earth more effectively than a bucketful of cold water.

Much later she realised that at that point she could still have saved the situation if she hadn't lost her head. She could have made some light innuendo which suggested that bed wasn't the only place people made love or deflected the a.s.sumption she had heard in his voice in some other way. Then maybe-maybe-she might have fooled him.

As it was, she stared at him with wide horrified eyes, the effects of the wine completely burnt up in the mortification she was feeling. She set the winegla.s.s down on the table. 'Not that I haven't had lots of offers though,' she blurted out before realising that made everything ten times worse.

Jumping to her feet she took the coward's way out. 'Can I use the bathroom?'

'Sure.' Nick was magnificently unconcerned but it didn't help. 'First door on your right outside the kitchen.'

Cory fled.

She stood in the bathroom for a good few seconds feeling utterly wretched before her surroundings registered through the maelstrom. Then she glanced about her in awe. The white tiled walls and floor were offset with midnight-blue granite surfaces and illuminated recesses which stored white bath-linen and toiletries, and the ma.s.sive raised bath, shower cubicle, pedestal basin, toilet and bidet were white with elegant silver fittings. Two exquisitely worked granite sculptures of storks stood either side of the shower cubicle, a mosaic of white and blue taking up almost one wall over the bath.

The stark use of white and blue, the voyeuristic ceiling which consisted totally of gla.s.s and the carefully positioned lighting made this a bathroom where modesty would go out of the window. Cory walked gingerly across to the basin, fiddling about for a few moments before she realised it had a thermostat mixer and sensor which was activated when the occupant held their hands beneath it.

But of course it would, she told herself cantankerously. What else? She wouldn't be surprised if you only had to wish for the bath to fill up and it happened.

She glanced up at the ceiling again when she had dried her hands on the big fluffy towel and then her eyes moved to the huge bath which would easily take two people, if not a whole rugby team. This room had been designed for other activities than merely getting clean. She put her hands to her hot cheeks. Which made what she'd revealed to Nick doubly humiliating. He wouldn't have any concept of how she felt.

She stayed in the bathroom for as long as she dared but eventually she squared her shoulders and lifted her head. She would have to go and face him and get it over with. She breathed very deeply. But definitely no more wine. No more wine, no more leading conversations, no more of anything!

He was sitting where she'd left him, but now their plates had been cleared away and dessert dishes and spoons were on the table. 'Hi.' His smile was easy and unhurried as she joined him. 'Vanilla parfait with chocolate rum truffle or apricot whisky mousse?'

Cory forgot to be embarra.s.sed as she stared at the two rich concoctions in front of her. 'You made these?' she asked in amazement.

'Almost.' His eyes drifted over her face. 'But my local gourmet store helped a little.'

Her smiled was strained. She didn't want to eat dessert with him in this gleaming super-technological kitchen. She wanted to go home and lick her wounds.

As soon as she had finished her portion of vanilla parfait with chocolate rum truffle, Cory slipped off her seat. 'I must go home and do that work,' she said quietly. 'Thanks for a lovely day. I'll hail a cab from the end of the street.'

'Don't be silly, I'm coming with you.'

'There's no need.'

He inhaled deeply and audibly, and let his breath out. 'I'm coming with you,' he repeated steadily, rising to his feet.

His tone was exactly what one would use with a difficult and annoying child, and it caught her on the raw. She stared at him and piercingly intent blue eyes stared back. He seemed very big and very dark and Cory couldn't help looking at his mouth as he stopped speaking. It was a s.e.xy, cynical and purposeful mouth. She swallowed. 'As you like,' she said casually, shrugging as she turned away.

The next moment she was turned around again by a firm hand on her shoulder. 'I do like,' he said with silky control. He put his mouth to hers, stroking her sealed lips as one hand held her in the small of her back and the other brushed her hair away from her face.

When her lips opened slightly beneath his he plunged immediately into the undefended territory, his hand leaving her face to thread deftly into her hair, supporting her head. The kiss deepened with a sensuality that started her senses reeling.

'You're delicious, you know that, don't you,' he murmured, a sound-almost like a groan-coming from deep in his throat. 'Specially tasting of rum truffle.'

The hand that had been tangled in her hair had s.h.i.+fted to fit her face into the curve of his neck and now he stood cradling her close, so close she could feel every inch of his arousal. Cory stood absolutely still. She was having trouble with her breathing and her heart was pounding. The overpowering pa.s.sion which ignited every time this man touched her had taken her unawares again, and now all her doubts and fears came back in a rush to reproach her.

Act nonchalant, she told herself silently. Finish this with a modic.u.m of self-respect. If nothing else, let him remember you as the one who got away.

She straightened, pulling away and smoothing her hair with a light laugh before she said, 'Red wine, white wine and now rum truffle. You're a bad influence.'

'I hope so.' The unreserved warmth in his eyes brought colour into her cheeks, especially as the feel of his body was still imprinted against her. 'But we've a long way to go yet.'

Cory looked at him guardedly but made no reply. The only place she was going was home, and then from this night on she'd make sure she refused any invitations from Nick Morgan. If he asked her to see him again, that was. She ignored the chasm that her stomach had fallen into at the thought of never seeing him again, and said brightly, 'Shall we find a taxi now?'

'Let's.' It was dry.

They didn't say much on the way to Cory's flat, but the air in the back of the taxi was electric with tension. At least, Cory felt so. Nick, on the other hand, sat with his arm round her, the hand resting on her shoulder playing idly with a lock of her hair and his legs stretched out lazily in front of him.

His kisses didn't mean anything. The refrain went over and over in her head as she tried to convince herself. Not a thing. To a man like Nick, kissing a woman was little more than a social habit.

Why had he stopped kissing her? The thought which had a.s.sailed her as they had left his flat kept jabbing at her. Because it hadn't been her who had stopped initially. It The thought which had a.s.sailed her as they had left his flat kept jabbing at her. Because it hadn't been her who had stopped initially. It should should have been, she acknowledged miserably, but it hadn't. Was it because of what she'd unwittingly revealed? Had it put him off? Did he feel he couldn't be bothered with someone as inexperienced as her? Or perhaps, like her friends at university, he thought she was too intense, too emotional-slightly...odd? have been, she acknowledged miserably, but it hadn't. Was it because of what she'd unwittingly revealed? Had it put him off? Did he feel he couldn't be bothered with someone as inexperienced as her? Or perhaps, like her friends at university, he thought she was too intense, too emotional-slightly...odd?

She continued to go round and round in circles until the car drew up outside the house and then, to her surprise, she had a feeling of very real panic at the thought of not seeing him again. Which was ridiculous, utterly and absolutely. Nevertheless it was there.

'I'll see you to your door,' Nick said, and this time she didn't object. He told the taxi driver to wait and then escorted her across the pavement, following her inside the house after she had opened the front door.

When they were finally standing outside her own door, she looked up at him. How had he managed to become such a part of her life in two days? It was scary. So, so scary.

'Don't look at me like that,' he said roughly.

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Millionaire's Women Part 6 summary

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