The Recitation Part 8

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5. A spirit of cooperation, 100


1. The importance of proper a.s.signment, 107

2. Good a.s.signment and teaching the art of study, 107

3. The teacher's preparation for a.s.signment, 109

4. How to a.s.sign a lesson, 111

5. Principles governing the a.s.signment, 113



Andress's The Teaching of Hygiene in the Grades Atwood's The Theory and Practice of the Kindergarten Bailey's Art Education Betts's New Ideals In Rural Schools Betts's The Recitation Bloomfield's Vocational Guidance of Youth Cabot's Volunteer Help to the Schools Cole's Industrial Education in the Elementary School Cooley's Language Teaching in the Grades Cubberley's Changing Conceptions of Education Cubberley's The Improvement of Rural Schools Dewey's Interest and Effort in Education Dewey's Moral Principles in Education Dooley's The Education of the Ne'er-Do-Well Earhart's Teaching Children to Study Eliot's Education for Efficiency Eliot's Concrete and Practical In Modern Education Emerson's Education Evans's The Teaching of High School Mathematics Fairchild's The Teaching of Poetry in the High School Fiske's The Meaning of Infancy Freeman's The Teaching of Handwriting Haliburton and Smith's Teaching Poetry in the Grades Hartwell's The Teaching of History Haynes's Economics in the Secondary School Hill's The Teaching of Civics Horne's The Teacher as Artist Hyde's The Teacher's Philosophy Jenkins's Reading in the Primary Grades Judd's The Evolution of a Democratic School System Kendall and Stryker's History in the Elementary Grades Kilpatrick's The Montessori System Examined Leonard's English Composition as a Social Problem Lewis's Democracy's High School Maxwell's The Observation of Teaching Maxwell's The Selection of Textbooks Meredith's The Educational Bearings of Modern Psychology Palmer's Ethical and Moral Instruction in the Schools Palmer's Self-Cultivation in English Palmer's The Ideal Teacher Palmer's Trades and Professions Perry's Status of the Teacher Prosser's The Teacher and Old Age Russell's Economy in Secondary Education Smith's Establis.h.i.+ng Industrial Schools Snedden's The Problem of Vocational Education Stockton's Project Work in Education Stratton's Developing Mental Power Suzzallo's The Teaching of Primary Arithmetic Suzzallo's The Teaching of Spelling Swift's Speech Defects in School Children Terman's The Teacher's Health Thorndike's Individuality Tuell's The Study of Nations Weeks's The People's School


_General Educational Theory_

AVERILL: Psychology for Normal Schools FREEMAN: Experimental Education FREEMAN: How Children Learn FREEMAN: The Psychology of the Common Branches PERRY: Discipline as a School Problem SMITH: An Introduction to Educational Sociology THOMAS: Training for Effective Study WADDLE: An Introduction to Child Psychology

_History of Education_

CUBBERLEY: The History of Education CUBBERLEY: A Brief History of Education CUBBERLEY: Readings in the History of Education CUBBERLEY: Public Education in the United States

_Administration and Supervision of Schools_

AYRES, WILLIAMS, WOOD: Healthful Schools CUBBERLEY: Public School Administration CUBBERLEY: Rural Life and Education HOAG AND TERMAN: Health Work in the Schools MONROE: Introduction to the Theory of Educational Measurements MONROE: Measuring the Results of Teaching MONROE, DEVOSS, KELLY: Educational Tests and Measurements NUTT. The Supervision of Instruction RUGG: Statistical Methods Applied to Education SEARS: Cla.s.sroom Organization and Control SHOWALTER: A Handbook for Rural School Officers TERMAN: The Hygiene of the School Child TERMAN: The Measurement of Intelligence TERMAN: The Intelligence of School Children

_Methods of Teaching_

BOLENIUS: Teaching Literature in the Grammar Grades and High School KENDALL, MIRICK: How to Teach the Fundamental Subjects KENDALL, MIRICK: How to Teach the Special Subjects STONE: Silent and Oral Reading TRAFTON: The Teaching of Science in the Elementary School WOOFTER: Teaching in Rural Schools

_Secondary Education_

BRIGGS: The Junior High School INGLIS: Principles of Secondary Education SNEDDEN: Problems of Secondary Education THOMAS: The Teaching of English in the Secondary School


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The Recitation Part 8 summary

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