Hermann and Dorothea Part 5

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"Has, then, misfortune," he cried, "not yet so bound us together, That we have finally learned to bear and forbear one another, Though each one, it may be, do not measure his share of the labor?

He that is happy, forsooth, is contentious! Will sufferings never Teach you to cease from your brawls of old between brother and brother?

Grudge not one to another a place on the soil of the stranger; Rather divide what ye have, as yourselves, ye would hope to find mercy."

Thus spoke the man and all became silent: restored to good humor, Peaceably then the people arranged their cattle and wagons.

But when the clergyman now had heard what was said by the stranger, And had the steadfast mind of the foreign justice discovered, He to the man drew near and with words of meaning addressed him: "True it is, father, that when in prosperity people are living, Feeding themselves from the earth, which far and wide opens her bosom, And in the years and months renews the coveted blessings,-- All goes on of itself, and each himself deems the wisest, Deems the best, and so they continue abiding together, He of greatest intelligence ranking no higher than others; All that occurs, as if of itself, going quietly forward.

But let disaster unsettle the usual course of existence, Tear down the buildings about us, lay waste the crops and the garden, Banish the husband and wife from their old, familiar-grown dwelling, Drive them to wander abroad through nights and days of privation,-- Then, ah then! we look round us to see what man is the wisest, And no longer in vain his glorious words will be spoken.

Tell me, art thou not judge among this fugitive people, Father, who thus in an instant canst bid their pa.s.sions be quiet?

Thou dost appear to-day as one of those earliest leaders, Who through deserts and wanderings guided the emigrant nations.

Yea, I could even believe I were speaking with Joshua or Moses."

Then with serious look the magistrate answered him, saying: "Truly our times might well be compared with all others in strangeness, Which are in history mentioned, profane or sacred tradition; For who has yesterday lived and to-day in times like the present, He has already lived years, events are so crowded together.

If I look back but a little, it seems that my head must be h.o.a.ry Under the burden of years, and yet my strength is still active.

Well may we of this day compare ourselves unto that people Who, from the burning bush, beheld in the hour of their danger G.o.d the Lord: we also in cloud and in fire have beheld him."

Seeing the priest was inclined to speak yet more with the stranger, And was desirous of learning his story and that of his people, Privately into his ear his companion hastily whispered: "Talk with the magistrate further, and lead him to speak of the maiden.

I, however, will wander in search, and as soon as I find her, Come and report to thee here." The minister nodded, a.s.senting; And through the gardens, hedges, and barns, went the spy on his errand.



Now when the foreign judge had been by the minister questioned As to his people's distress, and how long their exile had lasted, Thus made answer the man: "Of no recent date are our sorrows; Since of the gathering bitter of years our people have drunken,-- Bitterness all the more dreadful because such fair hope had been blighted.

Who will pretend to deny that his heart swelled high in his bosom, And that his freer breast with purer pulses was beating; When we beheld the new sun arise in his earliest splendor, When of the rights of men we heard, which to all should be common, Were of a righteous equality told, and inspiriting freedom?

Every one hoped that then he should live his own life, and the fetters, Binding the various lands, appeared their hold to be loosing,-- Fetters that had in the hand of sloth been held and self-seeking.

Looked not the eyes of all nations, throughout that calamitous season, Towards the world's capital city, for so it had long been considered, And of that glorious t.i.tle was now, more than ever, deserving?

"Were not the names of those men who first delivered the message, Names to compare with the highest that under the heavens are spoken?

Did not, in every man, grow courage and spirit and language?

And, as neighbors, we, first of all, were zealously kindled.

Thereupon followed the war, and armed bodies of Frenchmen Pressed to us nearer; yet nothing but friends.h.i.+p they seemed to be bringing; Ay, and they brought it too; for exalted the spirit within them: They with rejoicing the festive trees of liberty planted, Promising every man what was his own, and to each his own ruling.

High beat the heart of the youths, and even the aged were joyful; Gaily the dance began about the newly raised standard.

Thus had they speedily won, these overmastering Frenchmen, First the spirits of men by the fire and dash of their bearing, Then the hearts of the women with irresistible graces.

Even the pressure of hungry war seemed to weigh on us lightly, So before our vision did hope hang over the future, Luring our eyes abroad into newly opening pathways.

Oh, how joyful the time when with her belov'ed the maiden Whirls in the dance, the longed-for day of their union awaiting!

But more glorious that day on which to our vision the highest Heart of man can conceive seemed near and attainable to us.

Loosened was every tongue, and men--the aged, the stripling-- Spoke aloud in words that were full of high feeling and wisdom.

Soon, however, the sky was o'ercast. A corrupt generation Fought for the right of dominion, unworthy the good to establish; So that they slew one another, their new-made neighbors and brothers Held in subjection, and then sent the self-seeking against us.

Chiefs committed excesses and wholesale plunder upon us, While those lower plundered and rioted down to the lowest: Every one seemed but to care that something be left for the morrow.

Great past endurance the need, and daily grew the oppression: They were the lords of the day; there was none to hear our complaining.

Then fell trouble and rage upon even the quietest spirit.

One thought only had all, and swore for their wrongs to have vengeance, And for the bitter loss of their hope thus doubly deluded.

Presently Fortune turned and declared on the side of the German, And with hurried marches the French retreated before us.

Ah! then as never before did we feel the sad fortunes of warfare: He that is victor is great and good,--or at least he appears SO,-- And he, as one of his own, will spare the man he has conquered, Him whose service he daily needs, and whose property uses.

But no law the fugitive knows, save of self-preservation, And, with a reckless greed, consumes all the possessions about him; Then are his pa.s.sions also inflamed: the despair that is in him Out of his heart breaks forth, and takes shape in criminal action.

Nothing is further held sacred; but all is for plunder. His craving Turns in fury on woman, and pleasure is changed into horror.

Death he sees everywhere round him, and madly enjoys his last moments,

"Taking delight in blood, in the shrieking of anguish exulting.

Thereupon fiercely arose in our men the stern resolution What had been lost to avenge, and defend whate'er was remaining, Every man sprang to his arms, by the flight of the foeman encouraged, And by his blanching cheeks, and his timorous, wavering glances.

Ceaselessly now rang out the clanging peal of the tocsin.

Thought of no danger to come restrained their furious anger.

Quick into weapons of war the husbandman's peaceful utensils All were converted; dripped with blood the scythe and the ploughshare.

Quarter was shown to none: the enemy fell without mercy.

Fury everywhere raged and the cowardly cunning of weakness.

Ne'er may I men so carried away by injurious pa.s.sion See again! the sight of the raging wild beast would be better.

Let not man prattle of freedom, as if himself he could govern!

Soon as the barriers are torn away, then all of the evil Seems let loose, that by law had been driven deep back into corners."

"Excellent man!" thereupon with emphasis answered the pastor: "Though thou misjudgest mankind, yet can I not censure thee for it.

Evil enough, I confess, thou hast had to endure from man's pa.s.sions, Yet wouldst thou look behind over this calamitous season, Thou wouldst acknowledge thyself how much good thou also hast witnessed.

How many excellent things that would in the heart have hidden, Had not danger aroused them, and did not necessity's pressure Bring forth the angel in man, and make him a G.o.d of deliv'rance."

Thereupon answered and said the reverend magistrate, smiling: "There thou remindest me aptly of how we console the poor fellow, After his house has been burned, by recounting the gold and the silver Melted and scattered abroad in the rubbish, that still is remaining.

Little enough, it is true; but even that little is precious.

Then will the poor wretch after it dig and rejoice if he find it.

Thus I likewise with happier thoughts will gratefully turn me Towards the few beautiful deeds of which I preserve the remembrance.

Yes, I will not deny, I have seen old quarrels forgotten, Ill to avert from the state; I also have witnessed how friends.h.i.+p, Love of parent and child, can impossibilities venture; Seen how the stripling at once matured into man; how the aged Grew again young; and even the child into youth was developed, Yea, and the weaker s.e.x too, as we are accustomed to call it, Showed itself brave and strong and ready for every emergence.

Foremost among them all, one beautiful deed let me mention, Bravely performed by the hand of a girl, an excellent maiden; Who, with those younger than she, had been left in charge of a farmhouse, Since there, also, the men had marched against the invader.

Suddenly fell on the house a fugitive band of marauders, Eager for booty, who crowded straightway to the room of the women.

"There they beheld the beautiful form of the fully grown maiden, Looked on the charming young girls, who rather might still be called children.

Savage desire possessed them; at once with merciless pa.s.sion They that trembling band a.s.sailed and the high-hearted maiden.

But she had s.n.a.t.c.hed in an instant the sword of one from its scabbard, Felled him with might to the ground, and stretched him bleeding before her.

Then with vigorous strokes she bravely delivered the maidens, Smiting yet four of the robbers; who saved themselves only by flying.

Then she bolted the gates, and, armed, awaited a.s.sistance."

Now when this praise the minister heard bestowed on the maiden, Rose straightway for his friend a feeling of hope in his bosom, And he had opened his lips to inquire what further befell her, If on this mournful flight she now with her people were present; When with a hasty step the village doctor approached them, Twitched the clergyman's coat, and said in his ear in a whisper: "I have discovered the maiden at last among several hundreds; By the description I knew her, so come, let thine own eyes behold her!

Bring too the magistrate with thee, that so we may hear him yet further."

But as they turned to go, the justice was summoned to leave them, Sent for by some of his people by whom his counsel was needed.

Straightway the preacher, however, the lead of the doctor had followed Up to a gap in the fence where his finger he meaningly pointed.

"Seest thou the maiden?" he said: "she has made some clothes for the baby Out of the well-known chintz,--I distinguish it plainly; and further There are the covers of blue that Hermann gave in his bundle.

Well and quickly, forsooth, she has turned to advantage the presents.

Evident tokens are these, and all else answers well the description.

Mark how the stomacher's scarlet sets off the arch of her bosom, Prettily laced, and the bodice of black fits close to her figure; Neatly the edge of her kerchief is plaited into a ruffle, Which, with a simple grace, her chin's rounded outline encircles; Freely and lightly rises above it the bead's dainty oval, And her luxuriant hair over silver bodkins is braided.

Now she is sitting, yet still we behold her majestical stature, And the blue petticoat's ample plaits, that down from her bosom Hangs in abundant folds about her neatly shaped ankles, She without question it is; come, therefore, and let us discover Whether she honest and virtuous be, a housewifely maiden."

Then, as the seated figure he studied, the pastor made answer: "Truly, I find it no wonder that she so enchanted the stripling, Since, to a man's experienced eye, she seems lacking in nothing.

Happy to whom mother Nature a shape harmonious has given!

"Such will always commend him, and he can be nowhere a stranger.

All approach with delight, and all are delighted to linger, If to the outward shape correspond but a courteous spirit.

I can a.s.sure thee, in her the youth has found him a maiden, Who, in the days to come, his life shall gloriously brighten, Standing with womanly strength in every necessity by him.

Surely the soul must be pure that inhabits a body so perfect, And of a happy old age such vigorous youth is the promise."

Thereupon answered and said the doctor in language of caution: "Often appearances cheat; I like not to trust to externals.

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Hermann and Dorothea Part 5 summary

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