The Voyage of the Beagle Part 14

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Cats run wild. good to eat. scratch trees. cruelty to mice.

Cattle, effects of their grazing on the vegetation. killed by great droughts. know each other. curious breed of. waste of. wild at the Falkland Islands.


Cauquenes, hot springs of.

Causes of extinction of species among mammalia. of discoloured sea.

Cavia Patagonica.

Cawa-Cawa, New Zealand.


Cervus campestris.

Ceryle Americana.

Chacao, Chiloe.

Chagos atolls.

Chalk-like mud.

Chamisso on drifted seeds and trees. on coral reefs.

Changes in vegetation of Pampas. in vegetation of St. Helena.

Charles Island.

Chatham Island.

Cheese, salt required for.


Chile. features of country.


Chilian miner. spurs, stirrup, etc. vegetation.

Chiloe. old church at castro. forests of, and climate. inhabitants of. roads of. Gunnera scabra.

Chionis alba.

Cholechel, conflict at.

Chonos Archipelago. climate of. zoology of. ornithology of.

Chupat, Rio.


Cicada h.o.m.optera.


Clearness of atmosphere within Andes, in Chile.

Climate of Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Islands. Antarctic Islands. change of, in Chile. Galapagos.

Clouds of vapour after rain. on Corcovado. hanging low. at sea.

Coloeoptera in Tropics. out at sea. of St. Julian.

Colias edusa, flocks of.

Colnett, Captain, on sp.a.w.n in sea. on a marine lizard. on transport of seeds.

Colonia del Sacramiento.

Colorado, Rio.

Compound animals.

Concepcion, Chile.


Condor, habits of. (Sarcorhamphus gryphus.) Confervae, pelagic.

Conglomerate on the Ventana. in Cordillera.


Convicts of Mauritius. condition, in New South Wales.

Cook, Captain, on kelp.

Copiapo, river and valley of. town of.


Coral formations. stinging species of. reefs, sections of. dead.



Corcovado, clouds on. volcano.

Cordillera, appearance of. different productions on east and west side. pa.s.sage of. structure of valleys. rivers of. geology of. valley of Copiapo. mountains.

Cormorant catching fish.

Corral, where animals are slaughtered at Buenos Ayres.

Corrientes, Cape.

Corrobery, or native Australian dance.


Coseguina, eruption of.

Countries, unhealthy.

Couthouy, Mr., on coral-reefs.


Crabs, hermit species of. at St. Paul's. at Keeling Island.

Craters, number of, at the Galapagos Archipelago. of Elevation.


Cruelty to animals.

Crustacea, pelagic.

Ctenomys Brasiliensis. fossil species of.

Cucao, Chiloe.

Cuckoo-like habits of Molothrus.

Cudico, mission at.

Cuentas, Sierra de.


c.u.mbre of Cordillera.

c.u.ming, Mr., on

Cuttlefish, habits of.

Cuvier on Diodon.

Cynara cardunculus.

Cyttaria Darwinii.

Dacelo Iagoensis.

Dasypus, three species of.


Degradation of tertiary formations.




Despoblado, valley of.

Dieffenbach, Dr. E. on Auckland Island.

Diodon, habits of.

Discoloured sea.

Diseases from miasma.

Distribution of mammalia in America. of animals on opposite sides of Cordillera. of frogs. of Fauna of Galapagos.

Dobrizhoffer on ostriches. on a hail-storm.

Docks, imported.

Dogs, shepherd.

Dolichonyx oryzivorus.

D'Orbigny, Travels in South America.

Doris, eggs of.

Dormidor, or horse-tamer.

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The Voyage of the Beagle Part 14 summary

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