The Voyage of the Beagle Part 16

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Hacienda, condor, and cactus.


Hall, Captain Basil, on terraces of Coquimbo.

Hare, Varying.

Head, Captain, on thistle-beds.

Height of snow-line on Cordillera.

Henslow, Professor, on potatoes. on plants of Keeling Island.

Hermit crabs.

Hide bridge.

Hill emitting a noise.


Hippah, New Zealand.

Hobart Town and Mount Wellington.

Hogoleu barrier-reef.

Holes made by a bird.

Holman on drifted seeds.

Holothuriae feeding on coral.

Homeward bound.

Hooker, Sir J., on the Cardoon. Dr. J.D., on the kelp. on Galapageian plants.

Horn, Cape.

Horner, Mr., on a calcareous deposit.

Horse, swimming powers of.

Horse, wild at the Falkland Islands. fossil of extinct species of.


Horsemans.h.i.+p of the Gauchos.

Horses difficult to drive. drop excrement on paths. killed by great droughts. multiplication of. broken in.

Hot springs of Cauquenes.


Humboldt on burnished rocks. on the atmosphere in tropics. on frozen soil. on hybernation. on potatoes. on earthquakes and rain. on miasma.

Humming-birds of Rio De Janeiro. of Chiloe.


Hybernation of animals.

Hydrochaerus capybara.




Ibis melanops.

Ice, prismatic structure of.


Incas' bridge.

Incrustations on coast rocks.

Indian fossil remains.

Indians, attacks of. antiquarian relics of. Araucanian. of the Pampas. decrease in numbers of. grave of. Patagonian. perforated stones used by. Valdivian. powers of tracking. ruins of houses of.


Infusoria in dust in the Atlantic. in the sea. in the Pampas. in Patagonia. in white paint. in coral mud. at Ascension.

Insects first colonists of St. Paul's rocks. blown out to sea. of Patagonia. of Tierra del Fuego. of Galapagos. of Keeling Island. of St. Helena.

Instincts of birds.

Iodine with salt at Iquique.


Iron, oxide of, on rocks.

Irregular troops.

Islands, oceanic, volcanic. Antarctic. floating. Low.

Jackson, Colonel, on frozen snow.

Jaguar, habits of.

Jajuel, mines of.

James Island.

Jemmy b.u.t.ton.

Juan Fernandez, volcano of. flora of.


Kater's Peak.

Kauri pine.

Keeling Island. inside an atoll. flora of. birds of. entomology of. subsidence of. Birgos latro.

Kelp, or seaweed.

Kendall, Lieutenant, on a frozen body.


King George's Sound.


Labourers, condition of, in Chile.



Lake, brackish, near Rio. with floating islands. formed during earthquake.

Lamarck on acquired blindness.


Lancaster, Captain, on a sea-tree.

Las Minas.


Leaves. fossil.

Leeks in New Zealand, imported.

Lemuy Island.

Lepus Magellanicus.

Lesson, M., on the scissor-beak. on rabbit of the Falklands.

Lichen on loose sand.

Lichtenstein on ostriches.

Lightning storms. tubes.

Lima. and San Lorenzo. elevation of a river near.

Lime, changed by lava into crystalline rock.

Limnaea in brackish water.


Lizard. marine species of.

Lizards, transport of.

Llama or guanaco, habits of.


Longevity of species in Mollusca.

Lorenzo, San, island of.

Low Archipelago.

Luciano, story of.

Lumb, Mr.

Lund, M., on antiquity of man.

Lund and Clausen on fossils of Brazil.

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The Voyage of the Beagle Part 16 summary

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