The Voyage of the Beagle Part 18

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Pas, fortresss of New Zealand. in Cordillera.

Pasture altered from grazing of cattle.


Patagonia, geology of. birds of. zoology of. raised beaches.

Patagonian bolas, etc.

Patagonians, Cape Gregory.

Paypote ravine.

Peach-trees self-sown.

Peat, formation of.

Pebbles perforated. transported in roots of trees.

Pelagic animals in southern ocean.

Penas, glacier in Gulf of.

Penguin, habits of.

Pepsis, habits of.

Pernambuco, reef of.

Pernety on hill of ruins. on tame birds.

Peru. dry valleys of.

Peruvian pottery.

Petrels, habits of.

Peuquenes, pa.s.s of.

Phonolite at Fernando Noronha.

Phosph.o.r.escence of the sea. of land insects and sea animals. of a coralline.


Pine of New Zealand.

Plains at foot of Andes in Chile. almost horizontal near St. Fe.

Planariae, terrestrial species of.

Plants of the Galapagos. of Keeling island. of St. Helena.

Plants, fossil, in Australia.

Plata, River. thunderstorms of.

Plover, long-legged.

Polished rocks, Brazil.

Polyborus chimango. Braziliensis. Novae Zelandiae.

Ponsonby Sound.


Port Desire. river of. St. Julian. Famine. Jackson.

Portillo Pa.s.s.

Porto Praya.

Potato, wild.

Potrero Seco.

Prairies, vegetation of.

Prevost, M., on cuckoos.

Priestley, Dr., on lightning-tubes.

Prisoner, bringing in a.

Procellaria gigantea, habits of.


Proteus, blindness of.

Protococcus nivalis.

Pteroptochos, two species of. species of.

Puenta del Inca.

Puffinuria Berardii.

Puffinus cinereus.

Puma, habits of. flesh of.

Puna, or short respiration.

Punta Alta, Bahia Blanca. Gorda. Huantamo.

Pyrophorus luminosus.

Quadrupeds, fossil. large, do not require luxuriant vegetation. weight of.

Quartz of the Ventana. of Tapalguen. of Falkland Island.


Quellaypo volcano.


Quillota, valley of.

Quinchao Island.


Quiriquina Island.

Quoy and Gaimard on stinging corals. on coral-reefs.

Rabbit, wild, at the Falkland Islands.

Rain at Coquimbo. at Rio. effects on vegetation. and earthquakes. in Chile, formerly more abundant. in Peru.

Rana Mascariensis.

Rat, only aboriginal animal of New Zealand.

Rats at Galapagos. at Keeling Island. at Ascension.

Rattlesnake, species with allied habit.

Red snow.


Reef at Pernambuco of sandstone.

Reefs of coral. barrier. fringing.

Reeks, Mr., a.n.a.lysis of salt. bones. salt and

Remains, human, elevated.

Remedies of the Gauchos.

Rengger on the horse.

Reptiles absent in Tierra del Fuego. at Galapagos.

Respiration difficult in Andes.


Revolutions at Buenos Ayres.

Rhea Darwinii (Avestruz Petise).

Rhinoceroses live in desert countries. frozen.

Rhynchops nigra.

Richardson, Dr., on mice of North America. on frozen soil. on eating fat. on geographical distribution. on polished rocks.

Rimsky atoll.

Rio de Janeiro. Botofogo Bay. Plata. Negro. Colorado. Sauce. Salado. S. Cruz.

River-bed, arched.

River-courses dry in America.

Rivers, power of, in wearing channels.

Rocks burnished with ferruginous matter.

Rodents, number of, in America. fossil species of.

Rolor, General.

Rosas, General.


Ruins of Callao. of Indian buildings in Cordillera.

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The Voyage of the Beagle Part 18 summary

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