Sweet Montana Home Part 2

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"Come on and mount up. The day is getting past us," Mitch said with a smile.

She climbed up and settled herself in the saddle. It had been six years, but it felt like only yesterday since she had been on She figured she would know the difference after a few hours of riding, though. A quick ride back to their ranch shouldn't leave her too sore to work on the house, though, and it would be great to spend the time with Mitch and Sam, like old times.

They walked down her drive then cut across the narrow strip of land not fenced in. They moved to an easy canter. The wind in her hair felt glorious to her. She followed Mitch with Sam behind her. They veered off to the left once they got past the fence instead of heading right toward their home. She started to say something but decided they wouldn't waste a lot of time. Besides, she was enjoying her ride.

It didn't take long for her to recognize where they were heading. The old pond out behind their house had been a favorite spot of theirs over the years. They'd met there anytime something was wrong and needed sorting out. Most of their major problems in life had been discussed and solved on the banks of the pond. Maybe they felt like she needed it to do some sorting out in her life right now. Did she?

They eased around the edge of the water and dismounted by the old tree where they tied off the horses to let them rest while they stretched out on the gra.s.s. No one said anything for a long time. Then Sam spoke up like always, starting the session.

"Want to talk about it?"

"About what?" she asked, knowing what they wanted.

"What happened in Billings that brought you back here?" Mitch tossed a rock into the pond.

"There really isn't anything to say. I'm getting a divorce and moving back home."

"We all know there's more to it than that," Sam said.

She was silent for a long while as both Mitch and Sam skipped rocks across the pond. She sat up straight and wrapped her arms around her knees. Maybe talking about it here where all their other secrets had been spilled would help her get past it so she could get on with her life. She rested her chin on her knees.

"I caught him in bed with one of my so-called friends."

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Sam said without looking at her.

"Want us to beat him up for you?" Mitch asked as he threw yet another rock.

This was what she'd liked about them and this spot. They didn't make a big deal out of anything, just conversation. And, like always, they'd offered to beat up the offender.

"No. He's not worth it. I should have known, though." She rubbed her chin on her knees.

"We never did like him, but you were in love. Nothing we could have said would have changed a thing." Mitch sat down next to her.

"You're right. I wouldn't have heard a word you said if you had tried to talk me out of it. I can't believe I was so stupid." She looked up where Sam stood over her, blocking the sun from her face.

"You were in love. Nothing stupid about it. He is the one who's stupid. He had the best woman in the world, and screwed it up."

"Thanks, Sam. You're good for my ego."

"Just saying what's true. What man in his right mind would screw up a future with you?"

"Sam." Mitch spoke up.

"Well, I'm going to work on my house and the barn and get a job. I have plenty to keep me busy, so I won't be moping around any.

"We won't let you mope, Jackie. You should know us better than that," Mitch chastised "I know. You guys are the best. I missed you both so much while I was in Billings."

They looked at each other, and a silent understanding that they would always have each other as friends pa.s.sed between them. But she picked up on something more, too. They looked at her in a way that sent a yearning in her blood. But they were off-limits. They were her best friends, and she couldn't choose between them. The idea of not choosing, but taking both of them, flitted across her mind before she jumped up and brushed off the back of her jeans.

"We should be going. I need to finish scrubbing down the walls in the kitchen so I can get paint and start painting," Jackie said.

Mitch and Sam nodded and walked over to where they'd tied the horses. All three of them mounted up and turned the horses toward Mitch and Sam's house. It occurred to her that she hadn't been there since their parents moved out. She wondered if they'd made any changes, or if it would look exactly the same. Being men, they probably barely cleaned the place, she thought with a smile.

"What's that pretty smile for?" Sam asked as he edged up next to her.

"Thinking that I haven't been to your house since your parents moved out. How are they anyway?"

"Doing great. Love the retirement community they're living in."

"That's good. They were always good to me."

"They thought of you like a daughter," Mitch told her.

"You know my parents were good to me in their own way. They were just so much older when they had me that they didn't know what to do with me."

"I know. Didn't really understand it back then, I don't guess," Mitch said.

They reached the barn and one of the hands came out to take over the horses.

"Do you mind if I groom" she asked. "It's been a long time, and I'd really like to."

Mitch and Sam looked at each other. Mitch shrugged. "She's all yours, Jackie. Always will be. When you finish, come on inside for something to drink."

"I'll-" Sam began.

"Sam," Mitch called out as he walked toward the house.

"-see you in the house," he finished.

She watched them disappear inside the back door before she accepted the brush from the hand and began brus.h.i.+ng down. She let the familiar rhythm of it take over as her thoughts flowed freely. They were still attracted to her. She could feel it in the air while they'd been at the pond. What did it mean for her? Was anything really any different than it had been?

She was different. That was for sure. Besides being older, she was also wiser. She would like to think that she'd learned something from her experience. But what?

Well, for one thing, love doesn't last forever like you thought, Jackie.

She finished up with and handed her over to the cowhand. She watched as he settled her into a stall before she turned and headed for the house. She hesitated to just go on in, but finally knocked on the back door. She didn't feel comfortable barging into someone's home no matter what they had said.

Sam answered the door with a frown on his face. "Said you could just come on in."

"Sorry, I didn't feel comfortable doing that."

"What would you like to drink? Coffee? Tea?" Mitch asked.

"Coffee would be wonderful. Then I've got to get back to work."

"We'll get you back over there as soon as we finish coffee." Mitch poured a cup and handed it to her. Their fingers met and she nearly dropped the cup at the searing heat his touch caused.

"You okay?" Sam asked with an odd expression on his face.

"Yeah, fine." She sipped the coffee. "Coffee is good."

Sam sat next to her so that their thighs brushed. Jackie had to swallow hard to keep from moaning at the feel of his hard, muscular thigh against hers. It wasn't a skin to skin touch, but it tingled like one. What was going on with her? If she couldn't control her reactions around them, she'd best move on somewhere else. They were neighbors, and she was sure they would see a lot of each other in the future.

"You okay, Jackie? You look a little flushed." Mitch stood up and walked over to where she was sitting next to Sam.

"I'm fine. Probably the coffee. I gulped it when I should have sipped it." She smiled and stood up.

It put her standing within inches of Mitch's body. She staggered back and would have fallen into Sam's lap if Mitch hadn't grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer to him. The shock of their bodies touching from thighs to chest took her breath away. She looked up into his heavy-lidded eyes and recognized the desire there because she was feeling the same thing. G.o.d, this couldn't be happening.

"Are you sure you need to be working on your house today? Maybe you need another day to recuperate." This came from Sam, who was now standing at her back.

Their combined heat had sweat beading at her brow and across her upper lip. Mitch took the coffee cup from her shaking hands and sat it on the bar next to them. Then he reached around and drew her closer by the nape of her neck with his hand. He bent down and kissed her.

Lips touched as he rubbed them gently over hers before licking along the crease. She s.h.i.+vered all over, but opened to him. His tongue immediately entered her mouth to explore. It twined with hers then licked beneath it, eliciting a moan from her.

Sam's hands rubbed up and down her arms, and she realized she'd wrapped them around Mitch's neck. When had that happened? She could feel the outline of Sam's hard c.o.c.k pressed against her a.s.s and the hardness of Mitch's d.i.c.k against her pelvis. Sandwiched between them as she was, she had nowhere to go and nowhere she would rather be right then. During those few seconds, she felt safe and wanted. Even as Sam brushed aside her hair and licked at her neck, the ringing of a cell phone interrupted their explorations. Everyone froze.

Aw, f.u.c.k," Mitch said, and pulled back to answer his phone.

Sam didn't let go of her, though, and continued to lick and nibble along her shoulder and neck. It wasn't until he heard Mitch's cursing that he stopped to see what was going on.

"How did that happen? I expect for you guys to keep them in that pasture and keep them away from the d.a.m.n mud hole. We'll be out in a few minutes to help haul them out." Mitch slammed his phone back in his pocket and huffed out a breath.

"I'm sorry, Jackie, but we need to get you on home. The stupid idiots out in the west field managed to lose several of the cows into the mud hole and need help pulling them out."

"f.u.c.k!" Sam grabbed his hat and stomped out of the kitchen ahead of them.

"Jackie?" He looked deep into her eyes. "This isn't over."

"Yes it is. It should never have started, Mitch. Nothing's changed."

"A h.e.l.l of a lot more than you know has changed." He gently pushed her toward the door and followed her to the truck.

Nothing was said on the way back to her house. They let her out and promised to get back to her later that evening. She just nodded and waited until they were gone before she ran into the house and started scrubbing walls as if her life depended on it.

How could she have allowed that to happen? Again. Why were they playing with her like this? She couldn't date both of them. What would the townspeople say? She was already the topic of conversation and gossip since she'd moved back and filed for divorce all in the same day. She didn't plan on being at home when they tried to contact her. As soon as she finished was.h.i.+ng down the walls and cabinets, she was going back to town to match paint samples and check on when her paperwork for the divorce would be ready for her to sign.

Three hours later, she sat in the diner eating her late lunch. She'd checked in on James, Jr. to see about her paperwork. He planned to have it ready the next day for her to sign. Then once she signed it, he would send it on its way. Just knowing that part was on schedule settled her nerves some.

As soon as she finished her meal, Jackie headed over to the store to see about paint. She chose a b.u.t.tercup yellow for the walls and a pale cream for the trim. She decided to sand the cabinet doors and refinish them herself. She could do them one at a time. It might take a few months to get the entire kitchen done once she started work, but it would be worth it, in the long run.

She went ahead and picked out paint for the living room as well, and once she had all her purchases loaded in her car, she drove back home in a little better mood. It soon changed when she found Mitch and Sam's truck in her driveway. They were nowhere to be seen. She pulled up and jumped out of the Pathfinder, intent on getting her paint and locking herself in the house.

They emerged from the barn and beat her to the paint. She sighed and resigned herself to dealing with them after all. She really wasn't strong enough to tell them no if they pressured her. She needed more time to sh.o.r.e up her defenses, which was probably why they hadn't given it to her.

"Let us take the supplies in for you. Have you had supper yet?" Mitch carried four cans of paint in one hand.

She unlocked the door and led them into the living room where he continued into the kitchen and dropped off the paint.

"Um, yeah. I had a late lunch in town."

"Would you like to sit with us while we eat? We still have to finish up in the barn first.

"In my barn? What are you doing?" She suddenly felt outraged that they'd done anything without clearing it with her first.

"Come on out and see." Sam sounded proud about it.

She followed the men back outside to the barn and inside. She felt like a heel when she realized they had been replacing rotten wood in the stalls. What had she thought they would be doing, anyway? Jackie admitted to herself that she just wanted to be angry with them to keep them at arm's length. She recognized that with them, she had no defenses. They didn't give her time to create them.

"It looks great. Thanks, guys. You shouldn't have done all this when you've got things to do on your own ranch."

"We have ranch hands for that reason. So we don't have to always be tied up. Usually anyway." Mitch sounded tired.

"Well, come on in. I'll warm up some soup and make sandwiches. Not much, but it should at least get you home." Jackie led the way back to the house.

Once she got them inside, she wasn't quite sure what she was going to do with them while she fixed them something to eat. They were bigger than she remembered, and sucked all the oxygen out of the air. When she turned to tell them to make themselves at home, she ran right into Sam. He steadied her but didn't let go. Instead, he latched onto her mouth and demanded she open to him. What could she do?

Chapter Four.

When he teased her lips, she opened for him and relaxed into his arms as if she were giving in to his demands. He hadn't really even made any yet. He sipped from her lips like a dying man sipping water from a spoon. Her hands went to his arms where she dug in as he strengthened the kiss. He sucked her tongue into his mouth where he teased it with his.

She moaned into his mouth. Sam swallowed her moans and wrapped his hand in her hair to hold her head still for his a.s.sault. Then he pulled back and kissed the corners of her mouth. She felt Mitch behind her now and wondered when he'd moved. She'd lost time just from a kiss.

He placed his hands on her shoulder and turned her around to him. Then he dipped his head and took control of her mouth. He kissed so much differently than Sam. He led and demanded she follow, while Sam led and tempted her to follow. With Mitch, she felt a little naughty, but with Sam, she felt comfortable.

Mitch pulled back and looked deep in her eyes. "I told you this wasn't over." He leaned in and kissed her again. The sensual draw of his mouth on her tongue matched the thrust of his pelvis against hers. His ma.s.sive c.o.c.k b.u.mped against her pelvis over and over.

Sam's stiff d.i.c.k poked at her a.s.s as he pulled her head back from Mitch's kiss to suck on her neck. Then he moved lower, to her shoulder through her T-s.h.i.+rt. He bit down, and she moaned. G.o.d, she wanted them. What was wrong with her? She couldn't want both of them. It just wasn't right.

"We want you, Jackie. We've wanted you for ten d.a.m.n years. Don't make us wait any longer." Mitch nibbled her earlobe then nipped her neck.

"Both of you?" Her voice came out in a squeak.

"Both of us. We both want you. Always have, Jackie." Sam nibbled her jawline as he spoke against her skin.

"But it's not right."

"What's right for us is all that matters. No one else matters. Are you still thinking like them snooty people you hung around with in Billings?" Mitch asked.

"Why would you both want me? I'm not beautiful, or even pretty for that matter."

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world. I don't want to hear you talk like that about yourself again," Mitch said with a growl to his voice.

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Sweet Montana Home Part 2 summary

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