Sweet Montana Home Part 7

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"Fine. I was very glad when it was over, though."

"Tired?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's hard on your feet and legs."

"I take it you're not going to be cleaning your walls tonight." Sam's voice held a chuckle in it.

"Nope. I doubt I'll get to them till Sunday, when I'm off work."

"Do you need us to come over and ma.s.sage your feet for you?"

"Oh, G.o.d. Don't tempt me like that," she said, not joking in the least.

"You know we'll be over there in a second if you want us to."

"I know. But it's not a good idea, and you know it."

"Why don't we plan to do an all-out workout on your house Sunday? We'll even cook out and eat outside so it's all nice and friendly," Sam suggested.

"That actually sounds like fun. I have a grill here, so you wouldn't need to bring one over."

"Sounds good. I'm going to hang up and let Mitch call you on his phone."

"Night, Sam." She hung up and climbed all the way into the bed as her phone rang again. She answered it without looking at caller ID.

"Hey, Mitch."

"Who the h.e.l.l is Mitch?"

Chapter Eight.

"Stewart? Why are you calling me?" Jackie groaned and rolled her eyes.

"And I asked you who Mitch is? Is he one of the men you're s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g over there?"

"I'm not s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g anyone. What do you want, Stewart?"

"Why did you change the f.u.c.king divorce papers?" he demanded.

"Because you wouldn't sign them like they were, so I figured that if I'm going to have to fight to get a divorce from you, I might as well fight for everything I can get."

"You won't get anything once everyone finds out about your little penchant for menages."

"I haven't had a menage, and you know it. You barely had s.e.x with me."

"It doesn't have to be true. It just has to be heard once or twice," he said.

"Just like the fact that you beat me regularly." Jackie could play his game, too.

"You b.i.t.c.h. You wouldn't." Stewart sounded furious.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of my life, Stewart."

"Don't hold your breath on getting your divorce."

"Don't expect to keep your house," she countered and hung up.

When the phone rang again, she checked the caller ID and found it was Mitch.

"Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"Stewart called to threaten me with those pictures."

"Do they threaten you for some reason?" he asked.

Jackie sighed. "Not me personally, but my divorce case."

"I don't see how. Not only did we have all our clothes on, but we didn't do anything."

"The guy has to be a professional photographer. They look pretty incriminating." She switched the phone to her other ear. "It doesn't matter. He is going to fight me on the divorce regardless."


Jackie explained about his career plans and what was at stake.

"So, you're supposed to put your life on hold while he f.u.c.ks around?"

"James seems to think he'll think twice about losing more than this chance at a promotion and back down soon. I guess I'll see."

"Sam said we're going to be cooking out at your place Sunday. What do you want? Ribs, steak, hamburgers?"

"I'd really love hamburgers and hot dogs. I haven't had those in ages," she admitted.

"Then that's what we'll have. You handle the potato salad and baked beans, and we'll handle the rest," Mitch said.

"I'm ready for bed, so I'm hanging up now." Jackie yawned.

"There's a vision to leave me with, Jackie."

"Sorry, I'm not thinking straight now. Talk to you later." Jackie hung up and fell back on the bed, arms spread out wide.

She was tired. She daydreamed of Sam and Mitch and what it would feel like to be between them.

Was she really considering going out with them? Both of them? There was just something about how they treated her that drew her to them. It always had. She'd fought long and hard as a teenager to resist, and here she was an adult and contemplating giving in to them.

But Stewart was right. People would talk, and she'd be the center for gossip for a long time if she had an affair. It wouldn't matter how brief it might be. Was she up for the gossip and innuendos? Did she care what people thought about her anymore? It used to matter a great deal, but that was when she was married to Stewart, and his reputation was important. She didn't give a rat's a.s.s about his reputation now.

So, maybe she was thinking about stepping out with them. Who could blame her? They were s.e.x on Popsicle sticks. She could spend an entire day exploring their bodies and not get bored.

She sighed and stood up to grab a gla.s.s of wine. Once she was settled back in her bedroom under the covers, she sipped her wine and thumbed through a magazine.

She couldn't concentrate on anything, though, because all she could think about was what it would feel like to have Sam and Mitch wrapped around her. She kicked back the covers and set her gla.s.s of wine on the box by the bed. If the wine wasn't helping, she knew what would.

Jackie slipped two fingers between her p.u.s.s.y lips and began a slow slide up and down her slit. She wet the fingers of her other hand and rubbed them lightly around her nipples before blowing on them. The cool air across the wet tips had them poking up tall and proud. She pushed her breast closer to her mouth and licked her own nipple, then nipped it. She kept sliding her fingers in and out of her wet p.u.s.s.y the entire time.

Her juices seeped out of her p.u.s.s.y and down her inner thighs as she finger-f.u.c.ked herself. She pulled out and circled her c.l.i.t with her wet fingers, but didn't touch it. Instead, she sucked on her nipple hard and then bit it before letting it go. The pleasure/pain of it bowed her back, and she once again drove her fingers into her hot c.u.n.t.

She imagined Sam sucking her juices from her p.u.s.s.y as Mitch tortured her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his teeth and fingers. They would both be brutal in their treatment of her. Making sure she came hard and long. She could almost feel Sam's tongue circling her c.l.i.t then dipping back into her slit to gather more of her slick nectar.

Jackie moaned at the image of Mitch pulling her nipples and twisting them. She could see his eyes dilated and dark with pa.s.sion staring down into hers as he teased her with his tongue and teeth.

Heat turned to fire in her blood as she began that long climb up to her climax. She wanted it to go on and on, but soon she was thrusting three fingers in and out of her hot, wet c.u.n.t as fast as she could manage. Even that wasn't fast enough. She whimpered in need as she felt the fire grow deep in her womb.

Her swollen c.l.i.t ached for relief as she played all around it but didn't touch it. Every pa.s.s grew closer and closer until she brushed it once, and a spark drew a cry from her lips.

Jackie twisted her nipple with her fingers and rubbed her thumb hard over her c.l.i.t over and over until she exploded in a fiery climax that seemed to go on for ages. Her body bowed and then curled in on itself as she continued to stroke her c.l.i.t unable to help herself.

When at last she stopped, she gasped for breath lying on her side. She couldn't move her hands, and they lay where she'd exploded, with one on her breast and the other between her legs. Somewhere between recovering from her climax and catching her breath, she fell asleep that way.

Jackie didn't think Sunday would ever arrive. She woke up at seven to find the sun s.h.i.+ning and her feet and legs not as achy as they had been over the last two days. This was a good thing since they were planning on working over her house in one day. She jumped out of bed and dressed in old jeans and an equally old T-s.h.i.+rt. She would have had to dress up to clean house living with Stewart. She liked the idea of being divorced from him more and more every day.

She enjoyed her first sip of coffee just as someone knocked on her kitchen door. She figured it to be the men so she didn't bother checking to see. When she opened the door, Stewart stalked in with a look of disgust on his face at her clothes.

"What are you doing here, Stewart? I told you I will not drop the divorce."

"We need to talk. I can't afford a divorce right now. I'm up for partners.h.i.+p at the firm, and it wouldn't look good for me to get a divorce." He seemed to expect a reaction from her.

"I'm sorry, but that doesn't change a thing. You should have thought about that precious partners.h.i.+p before you f.u.c.ked my friend and hit me."

He stalked toward her with his hands curled into fists by his sides. "Drop that divorce for the next three months, and I'll double the amount you wanted to begin with."

Jackie backed up a few steps and found herself backed against the bar. She wasn't sure what Stewart would do in the mood he was in.

"I'm not going to wait three months to divorce you only to have you fight me for it anyway. Sign the papers, or we'll go to court over it. That will make good headlines for you."

He actually growled at her and stomped closer. "If you don't drop it, I'll make you sorry you were ever born. I'll run your name through the mud. Those little photos will be all over the Internet."

"I could care less about those photos. You, on the other hand, should care about the ones we have of you in the hot tub with Julia. They will look good next to mine, I'm sure."

Stewart raised his hand to hit her, but someone stopped him.

"You touch her, and I'll break every bone in your body," Mitch said in a quiet voice.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you?" Stewart jerked his hand from Mitch's and stepped to the side.

Sam walked up on the other side of him.

"The man who is going to break you f.u.c.king neck if you don't leave Jackie alone."

"Jackie, tell these men to leave. We have business to discuss."

"They're here to help me paint my house. I'm not going to tell them to go anywhere. Do you want to stay and help, or are you on your way out now?" Jackie was sick of his att.i.tude.

"This isn't over yet, Jackie. I'm not signing those papers until I get my partners.h.i.+p." He backed out of the room.

"Then prepare for an all-out Internet war, Stewart," she called out after him.

"Are you okay, Jackie?" Mitch pulled her into his arms.

"I'm fine. He didn't touch me."

Sam walked over and pulled her back into his arms from behind. She felt his warm breath against the back of her neck as he nuzzled her there.

"You shouldn't be opening your doors without knowing who is there. Next time, don't let him in at all."

"Don't worry. I don't plan on it. I thought it was you two when I opened the door. It's a mistake I won't make again, I can a.s.sure you." Jackie slipped from between them and grabbed her cup of coffee to take a sip.

"Is there more of that?" Mitch asked walking around to the other side of the bar.

"Yeah, help yourselves. I'll put on another pot after you get yours. I'm going to need a second cup myself." Jackie watched them pour their coffee and couldn't help that her gaze focused on their cute

Sam turned around and caught her staring at them. He grinned and winked. She stuck her tongue out at him and walked into the dining room to start was.h.i.+ng down the walls. She looked around and frowned. She hadn't brought the water in yet. She'd have to go back to the kitchen to fill up the bucket, and that meant dealing with Mitch and Sam again. She wasn't ready for their antics. She needed another cup of coffee.

"I'll bring the bucket in for you," Sam called out.

Jackie grinned. There was a Santa Claus. She gathered the rags for cleaning and sipped her coffee while she waited on Sam.

When he set it on the floor for her, she dropped a cloth in and bent over to wring it out only to have Sam slip behind her and bring her back against his hard c.o.c.k.


"I couldn't help myself. You're bent over just like you asked for it."

"Go away while I clean the walls."

"I'm going to help you so it won't take so long. Mitch is going to start painting the ceiling in the hall while we're in here." Sam yanked her ponytail.

They worked in silence for several minutes was.h.i.+ng down the walls. Then Mitch stuck his head in the door.

"Second pot of coffee is finished. Want another cup, Jackie?"

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Sweet Montana Home Part 7 summary

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