The Gospel Day Part 29

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By this we learn that Eusebius would place the darkening of the church, or the beginning of the dark noonday, near the year 260 A.D. Quotations could be transcribed from Coleman, Marsh, Waddington and others, in which they all place the close of the morning light and the rise of the apostasy or dark noonday between the years 260 and 280 A.D. To our knowledge, Joseph Milner is the only non-contemporary historian that fixes the date to any definite time. He says, "I know it is common for authors to represent the great declension of Christianity to have taken place only after its external establishment under Constantine. But the evidence of history has compelled me to dissent from this view of things. In fact we have seen that for a whole generation previous to the persecution, few marks of superior piety appeared. Scarce a luminary of G.o.dliness existed, and it is not common in any age for a great work of the Spirit of G.o.d to be exhibited but under the conduct of some remarkable saint, pastor and reformers. This whole period as well as the whole scene of the persecution is very barren of such characters. Not but that many precious children of G.o.d suffered in much patience and charity. But those who suffered with very much of a different spirit, found no pastor to discountenance their self-will and false zeal: a sure sign that the true spirit of martyrdom was less pure than it had formerly been. Moreover the prevalence of superst.i.tion on the one hand, and the decay of evangelical knowledge on the other, are equally apparent. Christ crucified, justification purely by faith, and the effectual influences of the Holy Ghost, ... were ideas at least very faintly impressed at that day on Christian minds. It is vain to expect Christian faith to abound without Christian doctrine. Moral and philosophical and monastical instructions will not effect for men what is expected from evangelical doctrine. And if the faith of Christ was so much declined (and its decayed state ought to be dated from about the year 270) we need not wonder that such scenes as Eusebius hints at without any circ.u.mstantial detail took place in the Christian world."-_Century IV_, p.


After searching history we find no objection in making use of the year 270 A.D. as the date of the _beginning of the dark noontime_. Milner says at this time, "Scarcely a luminary of G.o.dliness existed. The great luminaries, or lights, were eclipsed and darkness reigned. Some of our contemporary writers have fixed upon this year as the date of the rise of the beast power, which created this darkness." "The real papacy was set up, not at the Nicene Council, A.D. 325, as some affirm; but we find vivid traces of the very same beast authority as early as A.D. 270."-_Biblical Trace of the Church._ In the city of Nice in Bithynia, A.D. 325, was held what is called "The First General Council." There was present at this council the Emperor Constantine, as the historian says, "Like an angel of G.o.d exceeding all his attendants in size, gracefulness and strength, and dazzling all eyes by the splendor of his dress, showing the greatest humility, seated in a chair covered with gold." There were present at this meeting three hundred and eighteen bishops, and a number of deacons and subdeacons, amounting in all to two thousand and forty-eight persons. Here was drawn up a creed, declaring to be the only true and orthodox faith. It bears the t.i.tle of Nicene. This creed was at once confirmed at Rome by two hundred and seventy-five bishops, and was the setting up of the Roman hierarchy. This council can not however with propriety be said to be the true setting up of the beast power. Nearly all the forms and doctrines of this creed had been observed and taught by the bishops and pastors for several decades. The most sensible date, and most consistent with revelation, _for the bringing in of the dark noontime of the gospel day is A.D. 270_. We feel confident that no one can rightfully object to us making use of this date for this work. Those who do so must do it through prejudice or ignorance.

Chapter II. Scriptural Predictions Of An Apostasy.

Who has not wondered, as they read of the Savior's and the apostles'

warnings of "false teachers," grievous wolves, delusive powers, and deceptive lights, what it all could mean? These things certainly are not without meaning. Jesus says, "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Mat. 24:11, 12, 24. The Son of G.o.d foretells the arising of false prophets and teachers. He tells us how they may be known. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." Mat. 7:15, 16.

By the pen of the apostle John we learn something of the fruit of these false, deceiving prophets. "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not G.o.d. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him G.o.dspeed: for he that biddeth him G.o.dspeed is partaker of his evil deeds." 2 John 7-11. The fruit of a false prophet is a false doctrine. A doctrine in opposition to the plain, simple doctrine of Christ is the characterizing feature of a deceiver.

The doctrine of Christ is light. All who abide in the doctrine of Christ are a light in the world. Any doctrine contrary to the doctrine of Christ is darkness, and its propagator, a deceiver and an antichrist. This same apostle in his first letter, cautions us to "try the spirits [and doctrines], whether they are of G.o.d: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of G.o.d: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of G.o.d: and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of G.o.d: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world." 1 John 4:1-3.

We feel like it would be justice to the reader to here explain how we can confess that Christ is come in the flesh, and how we can deny that he has so come. That this does not refer to his personal coming in the flesh, as a sacrifice for sin, is evident. But few but what confess that Christ was here in the flesh as recorded in the Gospels, yet many of them are not of G.o.d. Jesus says, "We will come unto him and make our abode with him."

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of G.o.d?" "For ye are the temple of G.o.d; as G.o.d hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their G.o.d, and they shall be my people." "At that day ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in me, and I in you." John 14:20. That day spoken of is when the Holy Spirit would come and teach them all things.

That was at Pentecost. Then they knew that Christ was in them. This then is Christ come in the flesh.

Now it is not every one either that confesses by the word of mouth that Christ dwells in them that are of G.o.d. A Scriptural confession is not by word only, but by the deed, or life. Every one who confesses by their life that Christ is come in the flesh or dwells in them must and will abide in the whole doctrine of Christ, and live just as he lived. Such a one is of G.o.d, and is a light even as Christ was a light. Whoever rejects any of the Savior's doctrine, and does not, and will not, experience and practise it in his life, the same is an antichrist, however much he may profess to be of G.o.d. Try all doctrines and spirits by the doctrine of Christ, is the infallible rule.

The Prophecy Of Paul.

"For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the s.p.a.ce of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears." Acts 20:29-31. Paul saw the awful apostasy from the simple faith of Christ arising. The shadows of the dark noonday were slowly and surely creeping on. He beholds it with tears. This was not really some heathenish foreign power, but he says it should be men of their own selves arising, speaking perverse things. He saw that the leaders and overseers of the flock (see ver. 28) would become greedy of worldly gain, contentious, followers after pride, filled with envy, loving preeminence, speaking things contrary to the doctrine of Christ. It had begun to work already in his day. "The mystery of iniquity doth already work." 2 Thes. 2:7.

John says these false prophets "even now already are in the world." Even before the apostles had closed their labors they saw this dark power working. Year after year, decade after decade, it developed and grew. Star after star had fallen until by the middle of the third century there was "scarcely left a luminary of G.o.dliness in existence."

Paul seeing the great crisis coming, is in fear. "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Jesus. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with me.... For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." 2 Cor. 11:3, 4, 13-15. Thus Paul gives warning to the Corinthians of false apostles and deceitful workers. All of this certainly is not without meaning. He foresees great danger. He earnestly exhorts the Thessalonian brethren to be not soon shaken, saying: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called G.o.d, or that is wors.h.i.+ped; so that he as G.o.d sitteth in the temple of G.o.d, showing himself that he is G.o.d. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the workings of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." 2 Thes. 2:3-9.

This is indeed a wonderful and an awful prophecy. Surely a dark image or power called a "man of sin" and "son of perdition" shall arise and eclipse the sun (Christ) and the moon (the church) and cause the stars (the holy ministry) to fall. "There shall come a falling away first." This has direct reference to the corruption of G.o.d's professed people led by an exalted, selfish, greedy and blinded ministry. "The falling away" is translated from the Greek _apostasia_, and means a departure.

Lexicographers define the word as meaning "an abandonment of what one has professed." In this text it means an abandonment of the true principles and doctrines of Christianity.

That "man of sin," "son of perdition," or, as in Rotherham's translation, "man of lawlessness," and "son of destruction," is what arose and obscured the sunlight. This epithet is given to Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Christ, in John 17:12, this "man of sin" is a betrayer of Christ and his pure doctrine. This "man of lawlessness," no doubt, has reference directly to the pope of Rome as the prime factor in the apostasy; but in its broadest sense it includes the whole of the beast religion, both Romanism and Protestantism. This "man of sin" is a manism, or a power under the government of man, and is identical with the beast power of Rev. 13. This "son of destruction" "opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called G.o.d." He opposes or denies, and perverts the doctrines of G.o.d that are not congenial to his desires. He denies in a measure the divine authority, and forms creeds and laws for the government of G.o.d's people, thus arrogating to himself what properly belongs to G.o.d. They take upon themselves such t.i.tles as "Father," "Holy Father," "Vicegerent of the Son of G.o.d," "Doctor of Divinity," "Reverend," etc. These are t.i.tles or distinctions belonging to G.o.d only. "Call no man your Father," is the command of Jesus; and, "Be ye not called Rabbi."

Vicegerent is one acting in the place of another. The pope's claim was that G.o.d had ceased to reign and had delegated all power unto himself-the power to forgive sins and to grant indulgences. An indulgence is an act of the Roman pontiff, wherein men by making certain vows and paying certain sums of money receive pardon of their sins. By the payment of certain amounts they can commit most any crime and their purchased indulgence absolves them from guilt.

The Price Of Pardon.

Below we will give an extract from page 263 of "The Master Key to Popery,"

by Anthony Gavin, formerly one of the Roman Catholic priests at Saragossa, Spain. He says: According to a book called the "Tax of the Roman Chancery," in which are contained the exact sums levied for pardon of each particular sin, we find some of the fees to be thus:

Robbing a church $ 2.25.

Simony 2.25.

Perjury 2.00.

Forgery and lying 2.00.

Robbery 3.00.

Burning a house 2.75.

Eating meat in Lent 2.75.

Killing a layman 1.75.

Striking a priest 2.75.

Procuring abortion 1.50.

Priest to keep a concubine 2.25.

Ravis.h.i.+ng a virgin 2.00.

Murder of father, mother, brother, 2.50.

sister or wife Nun for fornication in or out of 5.00.

the nunnery Marrying on a day forbidden 10.00.

Adultery committed by a priest with 10.00.

nuns and others Absolution of all crimes together 12.00.

Following this we will give a few of the secret instructions of the Jesuits as revealed by Z. T. Griffin:

"A Christian (Romanist) may deliberately discard his Christian character and act like other men in those things which are not properly Christian.

By the command of G.o.d it is lawful to murder the innocent, to rob and commit all lewdness because he is Lord of all things, and thus to fulfil his mandate is our duty.

"It is lawful to kill an accuser whose testimony may jeopardize our life and honor.

"If an adulterous priest, aware of his danger, having visited an adulteress is a.s.sailed by her husband, kills the man in his own defense, he is not a criminal.

"Papist children may accuse their parents of heresy, although they know their parents will be burned.

"A priest may kill those who hinder him from taking possession of any ecclesiastical office.

"Servants may secretly steal from their masters as much as they judge their labor is worth more than the wages which they receive.

"A woman may take her husband's property to supply her spiritual wants and to act like other women.

"A witness is not bound to declare the truth before a lawful judge, if his deposition will injure himself or his posterity, or if he be a priest; for a priest can not be forced to testify before a secular judge.

"Priests may kill the laity to preserve their goods, etc."

Such appears extremely shocking to a man of integrity and principle. Such laws and tolerations and the direct sale of indulgences brings a blush of shame to a moral man, and much more to the Christian. The sale of indulgences is not true of Romanism only. Throughout the realms of Protestantism there is a shameful sale of these indulgences in an indirect way. Wicked and designing men are tolerated and fellows.h.i.+ped by the sect ministry because of their liberality to the church. It is true it matters not if a man does occasionally get drunk, or if he does defraud his neighbor, or commit adultery, abuse his wife, attend theaters, and such like sins, if he is a liberal contributor to their treasury, he is smiled at, welcomed and encouraged to be faithful.

While in the papacy we find such t.i.tles as "Holy Father," etc., in Protestantism we find the "D. D." and "LL. D." and "Reverend." They who a.s.sume such honorary t.i.tles set themselves up to be equal with G.o.d. The word "reverend" is from the Hebrew "_yare_," and means "to be feared." So man is thus setting himself up as one to be feared, when the Word of the Lord tells us to "fear not man, but fear G.o.d." "Holy and reverend is his name." G.o.d alone is to be revered, and for man to prefix such a t.i.tle to his name is to sit as G.o.d the temple of G.o.d.

Popes and bishops are found in the councils and conferences framing laws and pa.s.sing resolutions for the government of their members.h.i.+p and for the qualifications of a minister, like as if G.o.d had ceased to reign and there was no Bible and they alone were invested with power to govern and control the kingdom of heaven. The qualifications of a minister in some of the popular denominations of to-day are a certain number of years in school and a certain number of histories and commentaries mastered. The qualifications as given by Paul are almost wholly ignored. The profession of the ministry in the sect world has been dragged down to a level with the professions of the world. A young man decides to be a physician. He goes to school and learns his profession. He receives his diploma, comes out and practises what he was taught at school, and makes his living thereby. Another young man decides to be a lawyer. He studies for that profession, is admitted to the bar, practises, and makes his living thereby. Another young man decides to be a preacher. He goes to school and learns his profession. He is licensed, comes out and preaches, and makes his living thereby.

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work." This is the spirit of antichrist, of which John says, "even now already is it in the world."

This antichrist, apostate spirit is a mystery. It contains a hidden mysterious power that has blinded and deceived millions of souls. Even in Paul's time it began its hidden mysterious working. The Roman Catholic sect arose and met this description of the "man of sin" as given by Paul.

The Waldenses in the thirteenth century looked upon the church at Rome as the "wh.o.r.e of Babylon," and the "man of sin." Those blinded by the mysterious, delusive spirit of iniquity considered such language against the "holy church" as blaspheming against G.o.d. Protestantism to-day with its great bishops and reverends and D. D.'s and creeds and systems, forms and ceremonies, almost as perfectly meets the description of the "man of sin" as does the Roman hierarchy. The same hidden mysterious delusive spirit has so intoxicated its subjects that they consider such speech as blasphemy.

This "man of sin" is described as coming with signs and lying wonders. The lying wonders of this dark reign of the "son of perdition" are almost innumerable. It is said that a milkwhite dove descended from heaven with a phial of oil at the baptism of Cloris.

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The Gospel Day Part 29 summary

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