The Gospel Day Part 9

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This is a beautiful fruit of the Spirit. It is almost synonymous with humility. Christ was meek and lowly. We are to be like him. "Show all meekness unto all men." G.o.d will "beautify the meek with salvation." We are commanded to put on meekness. Col. 3:12, 13. Wear it constantly, long usage will not impair it. We are to manifest meekness in our whole conduct. Jas. 3:13. We must instruct those who oppose us, in meekness. 2 Tim. 2:24, 25. Meekness is necessary to a Christian walk. Eph. 4:1, 2.

With it we are to restore the erring. Gal. 6:1. It is precious in the sight of G.o.d. 1 Pet 3:4.


To be temperate in our whole life is truly exemplary. In all the things G.o.d has given us for use we are to be temperate; in eating, drinking, sleeping, laboring, be temperate.

These are the fruits of the Spirit, against which there is no law. Bear them in profusion and there will be no law against you in that final day.


Fruits Of The Flesh.

Since we have given an exposition of the fruits of a Christian, which have their origin in heaven, as expressed by the apostle, we deem it necessary to set before the reader in a true Bible light the fruits of the flesh, which have their origin in an evil nature. While we are aware that many are deceived as to their spiritual condition, as saith the Scriptures, yet none need to be. The Word of G.o.d so carefully enumerates the fruits of a Christian heart and the fruits of an evil heart, that all may know by impartial examination what manner of tree they are. "The tree is known by his fruits." "Know thyself." "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of G.o.d." Gal. 5:19-21.

1. Adultery and fornication. "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to l.u.s.t after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Mat. 5:28. "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery." Luke 16:18. This is clear and plain language and all can understand it without comment.

2. Uncleanness. This may include filthy habits, but especially impure thoughts and conversation, unholy practises and desires.

3. Lasciviousness. All lewdness and wantonness.

4. Idolatry. Covetousness is idolatry. Col. 3:5. Covetousness-A desire to gain money, goods, honor, or praise, even at the expense of another.

5. Witchcraft. Enchantments and spells, such as healing by hypnotism, and sciences. Omens, signs and superst.i.tions, so frightfully common.

6. Hatred. A feeling of ill-will against any one or anything. "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer." 1 John 3:15. Feelings of hatred are opposed to feelings of love.

7. Variance. When hatred in the hearts of two individuals develops into open acts, it is variance.

8. Emulation. This is a disposition to strive to excel others, even at their expense-exaltedness.

9. Wrath. An outburst of hatred.

10. Strife. Contentions, janglings, disputings.

11. Seditions. Divisions, parties, factions, or sects.

12. Heresies. Erroneous teachings and beliefs, forming sects and factions.

13. Envyings. A feeling of jealousy at the success of others. "Let us walk honestly as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying." Rom. 13:13. See also 1 Cor.

3:3; 2 Cor. 12:20; Jas 3:14, 16.

14. Murders. To hate a brother is to become a murderer. See hatred.

15. Drunkenness. An effect produced by drinking fermented wines, or inebriating drinks of any kind.

16. Revelings. Worldly amus.e.m.e.nts of any kind: theater-going, dancing, picnics, suppers, fairs, socials, Christmas festivities, etc. They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of G.o.d.

You will notice that the fruits of the flesh are directly opposed to the fruits of the Spirit. By careful and prayerful study of this catalogue of evil fruits and an examination of your actions, thoughts, and inclinations, you can unmistakably know whether you are prepared or not for heaven. Make your calling and election sure. Never be contented if there is any fruit in your life of the nature of the above. I have been asked the question, "Will a Christian ever attend the present day church entertainments?" A Christian, largely ignorant of the vast separation from the world salvation makes, may, through the persuasion of friends, or some other similar cause, attend such a place of revelry, but he will not enjoy the hour. He will be uneasy and long for the last act that he may get away to commune with G.o.d. Whoever has a heart to enter into such worldliness with enjoyment has a heart unfit for heaven. He is not a Christian.

Two Works Of Grace.

Many treat with scorn the doctrine of "two works of grace," but that can never make it unscriptural. It is very unwise to disbelieve a truth merely because we have been taught and always believed to the contrary. An early education has a great influence upon the mind. Through the teachings of a relative we embraced an error in our youth. In after years when the subject was read and thought upon it was difficult to comprehend and believe the plain truths of history. It is wisdom therefore to always carefully and prayerfully examine a doctrine before condemning and rejecting it. "Why does not G.o.d fully redeem the soul in one instantaneous work of grace?" many ask. What right have we to question G.o.d concerning his plan of redemption? Was not the whole scheme in his hand? What part has man performed in the arrangement of the affair? Then why should he question? It only remains for us to humbly bow our hearts and accept the plan as G.o.d has devised it, else we can never have a part in it.

Why did G.o.d require Naaman to dip seven times in Jordan? Why did Jesus put his hands the second time upon the blind man of Bethsaida before he saw clearly? Why does G.o.d redeem a soul by two works of grace? These questions are equally absurd. But you say, G.o.d does the thing most reasonable. That he does, and redemption by two works of grace is the very most reasonable and natural way to restore the soul to its normal condition. Man was holy in his nature in creation. By sin he became possessed of an evil nature.

The Psalmist says, "I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." Psa. 51:5. The apostle declares he was by nature a child of wrath. Eph. 2:3. Other texts could be quoted, but these together with the knowledge of a child's disposition is sufficient to convince any candid mind. Children naturally learn evil things, while good traits more often have to be forced upon them by training. It comes natural for them to get angry, to be selfish, to tell falsehoods, to fight, to be proud, etc.; not in all to the same degree, but such disposition is largely predominant in the generality of children, and exists to a certain degree in all.

Children are not responsible for this evil nature as we have previously spoken. They are not responsible for their wrong acts, because they have no knowledge of right and wrong. They may tell falsehoods before they have strength of intellect to comprehend wrong, and it is no sin to them; but when the child reaches such maturity of mind as to know right and wrong, a falsehood then told makes him a transgressor and he feels the guilt of sin upon his soul, which he never felt unto that hour. The evil nature that influenced him to speak falsely did not condemn him, it is the yielding to such a nature that brought the condemnation. G.o.d commands him to repent.

Of what? Not of the evil inclined disposition, but of the sin of lying.

Suppose the child after a year, or a few years does repent of his sins; he repents of all, even to his first, but his repentance goes no farther; he is no farther responsible, and it is impossible for man to repent of that for which he is not responsible. G.o.d forgives him, and the forgiveness extends just as far as the repentance.

Man is not pardoned or forgiven of that for which he is wholly irresponsible. Every committed sin is forgiven, even to the first, and he is as innocent and free from sin and guilt as when a babe in his mother's arms. This is the first work of grace. He is justified, he is born again, or reborn-brought back to the state of his babyhood. "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Mat. 18:3. Conversion or the first work of grace restores us to the happy innocency of childhood. The evil nature still remains to be removed in sanctification, the second work of grace. This is not an act of forgiveness or pardon, but a cleansing. It is not through repentance, but consecration.

The Jewish economy contains types and shadows of this twofold salvation.

Egyptian bondage is typical of sin. Crossing the Red Sea is typical of justification. Crossing the Jordan, that of sanctification. The Jewish tabernacle consisting of the holy and most holy place is a shadow of the spiritual tabernacle of G.o.d-the church. The disciples were saved men before Pentecost. That was the date of their sanctification. In reading the eighth chapter of Acts we learn at the fifth verse that Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ, and many believed. Evil spirits were cast out and the palsied and lame were healed. They certainly were Christians. Reading on to the fourteenth verse we learn that Peter and John went down and prayed for them and they received the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the sanctifier. Rom. 15:16. Cornelius was a devout Christian man, fearing G.o.d, giving much alms to the people, and praying to G.o.d always. He was directed in a vision by an angel of G.o.d to send to Joppa for Peter. When Peter was come he preached unto them, and as he spoke the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. Acts 10th chapter. He with his household were devout Christians before they received the Holy Spirit-the sanctifier.

We will now quote a few texts of Scripture teaching two works of grace.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with G.o.d through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace [sanctification] wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of G.o.d." Rom. 5:1, 2. Paul says to the Gentiles that he was sent unto them "to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto G.o.d, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." Acts 26:18. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the was.h.i.+ng of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." t.i.tus 3:5.

The Thessalonian brethren were abounding in faith and love and patience of hope in Jesus; however Paul tells them that G.o.d wills their sanctification. 1 Thes. 4:3. The apostle exhorts the Roman church to a perfect consecration of life and all to G.o.d that they might "prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of G.o.d." Rom. 12:1, 2. This "perfect will" is sanctification. These texts we consider sufficient to give light unto the teachable, and any number perhaps would be without force or effect unto the unteachable.

The two works of grace are very generally misunderstood, especially the grace of sanctification. We believe G.o.d will help us here to make it clear to many a reader. Justification, the first work of grace, is a full pardon of every transgression, a removal of guilt. A justified life is one wholly free from transgression. The justified do not commit sin. Sanctification is a destruction of the depraved nature, or a cleansing of inherited sin from the soul. This grace fully prepares the soul for heaven. The soul is as pure in this grace as it will be in heaven. All elements and dispositions contrary to the nature of heaven are dethroned. All pride, levity, l.u.s.t, and impatience proceeding from an evil nature are perfectly cleansed away. To have pride in a pure heart is impossible. To have l.u.s.t or lightness or impatience in a pure heart is equally impossible.

We might ask the question, Will not the sanctified under any circ.u.mstance have the slightest yieldings to exaltation, levity and impatience? and, if the sanctified speak a word in lightness or impatience does he forfeit the experience? We will answer these questions in the fear of G.o.d. Many who have claimed the experience of sanctification have found discouraging trouble at this point. In the company of flatterers they yielded to the spirit of exaltation. In the company of the frivolous they have yielded to the spirit of levity. Under a severe trial they have spoken words of impatience, and are then almost in despair.

Man is a twofold being, an inward spiritual man, and an outward physical man. In sanctification the inward man is possessed only by G.o.d. The physical members are to be used by the soul to the praise of G.o.d. Satan will bring his force to bear against the outward man to influence to evil and thus destroy the life of the soul. Thus the physical being becomes the battle ground between G.o.d in the soul and Satan. Early in the experience of sanctification when there has been but little time for development there may be slight triumphs of Satan without forfeiting the experience of sanctification, but the soul is awakened to greater activity and earnestness to control every action and word to the praise of G.o.d. The Lord is sought in earnest prayer for more of his power, for more of his grace, that they may be more deeply fortified in the life divine. The slight victories of the evil one become slighter and less frequent. The individual thus increases in faith, in humility, in gentleness, in kindness, in love according to the additions required to make our calling and election sure. 2 Pet. 1. By giving diligence the soul ere long will gain such power in G.o.d as to authoritatively command the perfect obedience of every member of the physical being. The body will be kept under subjection and every member used as an instrument of righteousness unto G.o.d.

Any diseased condition of the outward man is an advantage to Satan.

Shattered nerves strengthen his temptations to impatience and discouragements. That Satan may have no advantage over us, G.o.d in his plan of redemption made provision for the healing of the body. If the soul through prosperity or otherwise becomes slothful, disease may be permitted to attack the body, or other afflictions may come to awaken to greater watchfulness. To become more hasty of speech, to become less grave, to become less humble and meek, less patient, is to be correspondingly losing the power of G.o.d, and is called backsliding. There are those to-day who have been claiming to be sanctified for some years, and they are no more patient nor sober-minded nor sound in speech, no more humble, nor have more faith than they had the first year of their experience. In all probability they are backslidden and have naught but an empty form. By diligence, careful watching and incessant prayer, the soul can reign triumphant. Every look, every action, every word, and thought will be under the direct influence of the divine life, and soul, body, and spirit be preserved blameless until the coming of the Lord.

We wish to give in parallel columns nine scriptures, describing man raised to the plane of justification, and nine describing the state of the wholly sanctified. Also a few texts expressing G.o.d's will to the sinner, and parallel texts to the justified. And in conclusion a few texts showing the provisions G.o.d has made for the justification of the sinner and the sanctification of the justified.

State Of The Justified. State Of The Sanctified.

1. _In Christ._ "For we are his 1. _Perfect in Christ._ "Whom we workmans.h.i.+p, created in Christ preach, warning every man, and Jesus unto good works, which G.o.d teaching every man in all wisdom; hath before ordained that we should that we may present every man walk in them." Eph. 2:10. perfect in Christ Jesus." Col.


2. _Obtained grace._ "For by grace 2. _Abundance of grace._ "Much more are saved through faith; and that they which receive abundance of not of yourselves: it is the gift grace and of the gift of of G.o.d." Eph. 2:8. righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:17.

3. _Justified._ "And by him all 3. _Sanctified._ "For by one that believe are justified from all offering he hath perfected forever things, from which ye could not be them that are sanctified. Whereof justified by the law of Moses." the Holy Ghost also is a witness to Acts 13:39. us." Heb. 10:14, 15.

4. _Have light._ "I am the light of 4. _Full of light._ "_The light_ of the world: he that followeth me the body is the eye: if therefore shall not walk in darkness, but thine eye be single, thy whole body shall have the light of life." John shall be full of light." Mat. 6:22.

8:12. "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Eph. 5:14.

5. _Have peace._ "Therefore being 5. _Have perfect peace._ "Thou wilt justified by faith, we have peace keep him in perfect peace, whose with G.o.d through our Lord Jesus mind is stayed on thee: because he Christ." Rom. 5:1. trusteth in thee." Isa. 26:3.

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The Gospel Day Part 9 summary

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