One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Part 8

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121. "For all its all-nighters: de Jonge, "Riding the Wild, Perilous Waters of"

Chapter 11: The Crash.

123. "I'm just plain having fun: Michael J. Martinez, " Has a Plan, but Jeff Bezos Isn't Revealing What It Is," Times Daily, January 30, 2000.

125. "Members.h.i.+p clubs: Quittner, "Jeff Bezos: An Eye on the Future."

126. "We saw the turn: Katrina Brooker, "Beautiful Dreamer," Fortune, December 18, 2000.

127. "Well, it's never a good: "Amazon Running Dry?", July 28, 2000.

128. "It's time for these guys: Nancy Dillon, "Wall St. Tough Sell for Amazon .com," Daily News, July 27, 2000.

129. "We have, for the first: Brooker, "Beautiful Dreamer."

131. One a.n.a.lyst estimated: Melanie Warner, "Can Amazon Be Saved?" Fortune, November 26, 2001.

Chapter 12: Bezos Bets Big on the Kindle.

135. "I'm grumpy when: Onnesha Roychoudhuri, "Books After Amazon," Boston Review, November/December 2010.

135. "You can't ever outbook: Dan Farber, "Amazon's Jeff Bezos: A Pa.s.sion for Kindle and Digital Content Delivery,", May 28, 2008.

136. Sometime in 2004: Gregory Allen Butler, "Kindle: To Change the World,", November 20, 2007,

136. One blogger who only: "What Is Amazon Up to with Lab126?" Progress Through Unreasonable Behavior (blog), January 8, 2006,

138. Google started digitizing: "Google Editions: A History of Ebooks," Telegraph , December 4, 2010.

138. "Consumers have proven: Jenna Goudreau, "Making Digital Books into Page Turners," BusinessWeek, September 3, 2007.

141. (TechCrunch accurately: Michael Arrington, "Amazon Kindle to Debut on Monday-Ugly but Imressive," TechCrunch, November 18, 2007,

141. "E Ink's technology isn't: Wade Roush, "Amazon Kindle: One Very Small Step for E-Books," Xconomy, November 20, 2007,

143. (as he wrote in: John Sargent, "A Message from Macmillan CEO John Sargent,", February 3, 2010,

146. John Walkenbach graphed: John Walkenbach, "Another Kindle 2 Price Reduction," J-Walk Blog, October 7, 2009.

146. Bezos smiled and said: Kevin Kelly, "Free Kindle This November,", February 2011,

146. He quotes "a reliable: Michael Arrington, "Amazon Wants to Give a Free Kindle to All Amazon Prime Subscribers," TechCrunch, February 12, 2010,

Chapter 13: Is Amazon Killing the Bookstore?.

149. is not going to: William C. Taylor, "Who's Writing the Book on Web Business?" Fast Company, October 31, 1996.

154. Publishers are often too fearful:

155. "The buy b.u.t.ton is: Doreen Carvajal, "Small Publishers Feel Power of Amazon's 'Buy' b.u.t.ton," New York Times, June 16, 2008.

156. "I still buy half of my books: Taylor, "Who's Writing the Book on Web Business?"

Chapter 14: A Cool Guy with a Funny Laugh.

159. The thing about inventing: Alan Deutschman, "Inside the mind of Jeff Bezos," Fast Company, August 1, 2004.

159. "Amazon's position is indefensible: Ian Stobie and Wendy Barratt, "Web Forecaster: Forrester Interview," VNUNet, July 16, 1997,

160. At their wedding reception: Deutschman, "Inside the Mind of Jeff Bezos."

161. In June 1999, in order to: Spector, Get Big Fast.

163. noted that he: Howard, "How I 'Escaped' from Amazon.cult."

164. "It's like Communist China: Mark Leibovich, "Not All Smiles Inside Amazon," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, November 25, 1999.

164. "Bezos never serves up: de Jonge, "Riding the Wild, Perilous Waters of"

164. Even in the December 1999: Quittner, "Jeff Bezos: An Eye on the Future."

Chapter 15: But What Kind of Manager Is He?.

168. One former executive recalled: Deutschman, "Inside the Mind of Jeff Bezos."

168. "My grandfather looked: Krystal Knapp, "Amazon CEO Urges Princeton Grads to Take a 'Less Safe Path,' New Jersey Times, May 31, 2010.

169. One customer service manager: Spector, Get Big Fast.

169. Rather than a raise: Greg Linden, "Early Amazon: Similarities," Geeking with Greg (blog),

172. "We have a strong focus: Spector, Get Big Fast.

173. "Sometimes, that meant spending: Ibid.

174. "One of the biggest problems: Tim O'Reilly, "Jeff Bezos at Wired Disruptive by Design Conference," O'Reilly Radar (blog), June 15, 2009,

Chapter 16: Head in the Clouds.

178. Robert Frederick, then: Wade Roush, "Amazon: Giving Away the Store," Technology Review, January 2005.

184. Hsieh turned him down: Tony Hsieh, "Why I Sold Zappos," Inc., June 1, 2010.

185. But Bezos was so excited: Video from Jeff Bezos about Amazon and Zappos, July 27, 2009,

Chapter 17: Step by Step, Courageously.

187. It adorned a warehouse: Brad Stone, "Bezos in s.p.a.ce," Newsweek, May 5, 2003.

188. We want to try: Hof, "Speaking Out:'s Jeff Bezos," BusinessWeek , August 1825, 2003.

190. As he explains in a video:

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One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Part 8 summary

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