Running With Scissors_ A Memoir Part 3

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"This is none of your business, Deirdre," Hope said. Her eyes were squinty with anger.

My mother took another drag from her cigarette and tried to leave again. "I really think I'll just get another cup of Sanka."

Finch grabbed her arm. "Just a minute there, Deirdre. Are you going to let Hope walk all over you like that? Jesus Christ, Deirdre. Are you going to be Hope's doormat?"

My mother turned sharply to Finch. "I'm not Hope's G.o.dd.a.m.ned doormat, Finch. This just isn't any of my business; she's right. It's between you and your daughter." doormat, Finch. This just isn't any of my business; she's right. It's between you and your daughter."

"Bulls.h.i.+t!" Finch shouted. "That's just pure evasive bulls.h.i.+t."

"It most certainly is not," my mother said. She tossed her cigarette on the floor and mashed it out with the toe of her sandal. "I am not getting in the middle of this." She brushed imaginary lint off the front of her black turtleneck.

Hope said, "Dad, you're overreacting. Leave Deirdre out of this. It's between you and me."

"You," he said, pointing at her, "stay the h.e.l.l out of this."

Hope shrunk against the back of the sofa.

"What do you think, young man?" he said, looking to me.

"I think you're all crazy," I said.

"That's the spirit!" he said, with a chuckle. Then he turned to Hope. "Go back and mind the telephones, make fresh coffee. Do your job like a responsible woman. Just because you're my daughter doesn't mean you can take advantage of me, sleeping all day long."

Hope got up off the sofa. "Come on, Augusten," she said, leading me out into the front room.

"What was that that all about?" I said, once Hope was sitting behind her receptionist's desk. I leaned against the window ledge and looked out at the traffic eight stories below. all about?" I said, once Hope was sitting behind her receptionist's desk. I leaned against the window ledge and looked out at the traffic eight stories below.

"Dad's just trying to help your mom," she said. "He's not really angry with me."

"It seemed like he was pretty angry with you."

"Nah. He's just trying to help your mother get in touch with her anger. Your mother represses her anger and it makes her very sick."

The office was stuffy, hot. There was a fan in the window that was blowing out. I wanted to turn it so it blew into the room, but Hope insisted that it was better to blow the hot air out of the room, as opposed to sucking the warm air in. "I hate my life," I said. that was blowing out. I wanted to turn it so it blew into the room, but Hope insisted that it was better to blow the hot air out of the room, as opposed to sucking the warm air in. "I hate my life," I said.

"No you don't," Hope said, absently stacking a pile of insurance forms on her desk. She reached for the Wite-Out.

"I do. It's so stupid and pathetic."

"You're a teenager. You're supposed to feel your life is stupid and pathetic."

I walked over to the small table next to the sofa and made myself a cup of hot water with Cremora. My mother would be in there for hours. "Why aren't you married?"

Hope gently brushed Wite-Out onto one of the forms. She answered without looking up. "Because I haven't met a guy that's as great as my dad."

"What do you mean by that?" I said.

Hope held the page up to the light and checked her work. "I mean that most guys are jerks. I haven't met one yet that's as emotionally and spiritually evolved as my father. I'm holding out."

"How old are you?" I asked her. Hope and I were becoming friends. I thought that even if her father wasn't a psychiatrist and even if my mother wasn't seeing him constantly, we'd still be friends.

"I'm twenty-eight," she answered. She blew on the page.


For a while, we just sat in silence; me drinking my Cremora and Hope painting insurance forms with Wite-Out. Then I said, "He doesn't really use that room for ..."

"Hmmm?" she said, glancing up.

"Your father. That room of his. He doesn't really ... it's not his Masturbatorium, is it?"

Hope shrugged. "Probably, yeah."

"That's so disgusting," I said.

"What's disgusting about it? Don't you m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e?"


"I said, don't you m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e?" She looked at me with her head tilted slightly to the side, waiting for my answer. As if she'd merely asked me the time.

"Well, it's different. It's not ... I don't know."

"How is it different?" She was strangely intense.

"I'm not a doctor doctor."

"What? You don't think doctors m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e?"

"That's not what I mean. I just mean, it's weird to have a room. You know, a Masturbatorium or whatever."

"I don't think it's so weird," Hope shrugged.

"So you're not married because you're waiting for a guy with a Masturbatorium?" I asked.

"Very funny."

I tried to recall if I shook his hand when I saw him. I couldn't remember so I said, "Nature calls," and excused my-self to the bathroom to scrub my hands in scalding hot water.



S WE MADE A LEFT TURN ON P PERRY S STREET, MY EXCITEment peaked. "Look at that that house," I said, pointing out the window. It was a pristine white Victorian with a slate roof and widow's walk on top. "I bet it's just like that one. I bet it's even nicer." I pictured a silver Mercedes 450 SL parked sideways in the crushed clamsh.e.l.l driveway, roof down, M.D. plates glinting in the sun. house," I said, pointing out the window. It was a pristine white Victorian with a slate roof and widow's walk on top. "I bet it's just like that one. I bet it's even nicer." I pictured a silver Mercedes 450 SL parked sideways in the crushed clamsh.e.l.l driveway, roof down, M.D. plates glinting in the sun.

My mother was having an emergency session with Dr. Finch, a session at his home. Now I would finally get to see it. Hope had told me all about how much fun it was. "There's always someone around, always something fun to do," she'd said. I couldn't believe it had taken so long for me to finally see where he lived. Visiting the personal residence of John Ritter would not be more exciting than this.

A doctor's house.

I had dressed up in pressed gray slacks, a crisp white s.h.i.+rt and a navy blazer for the occasion. At the last minute, I added a gold-tone ID bracelet.

"It's just down here," my mother said. "On the right."

The street was lined with immaculate homes, each more stately than the next. Perfectly trimmed hedges, double fireplace chimneys, tall front doors painted glossy black, porches fronted with latticework. It was a protracted-jaw, New England money street. "This is nice," I remarked. "I'd love to be a doctor."

"I imagine a lot of the Smith professors live on this street," my mother said. Smith College was just past the center of town.

And then up on the right, I saw one house that did not belong. Instead of being white and pristine like all the others, this house was pink and seemed to sag. From a distance, it looked abandoned. In a neighborhood of whispers, it was a shriek. "That's not it, is it?" I said warily.

My mother hit the blinker and slid the car over to the side of the road. "That's it," she said.

"It can't be." Utter disbelief.

"That's it, it, Augusten," she said. She killed the engine and tossed the keys in her bag. Augusten," she said. She killed the engine and tossed the keys in her bag.

"Wait," I said, feeling panic. "That can't be it."

"That's Dr. Finch's house," she said, finally.

We got out of the car and I s.h.i.+elded my eyes from the sun as I scanned the house. The pink paint was peeling off, exposing veins and patches of bare wood. All the windows lacked shutters and were covered with thick plastic, making it impossible to see inside. And the lawn-at least what was once once a lawn-was nothing more than firmly packed earth that had the look of heavy foot traffic. Parked crooked in the driveway with the nose touching the corner of the house was an old, gray BuTck Skylark. It was missing all its hubcaps. a lawn-was nothing more than firmly packed earth that had the look of heavy foot traffic. Parked crooked in the driveway with the nose touching the corner of the house was an old, gray BuTck Skylark. It was missing all its hubcaps.

My mother walked across the dirt to the front porch and I followed. She rang the doorbell, which generated a strange and very loud electric buzz. I pictured wires deep inside the wall crossing, then sparking to make this sound, which was reminiscent of a chain saw in the distance.

n.o.body answered the door, but I could make out the distinct sound of running from inside, a tinkle of piano keys and then a crash.

She hit the buzzer again, holding it.

A moment later, the door opened and a hunchback appeared. It was a lady hunchback with kinky, grayish, almost purple hair. She was holding an electric can opener, the cord dangling to the floor.

"h.e.l.lo, Deirdre," the hunchback said. "Come in." She stood back and waved the can opener in the air, indicating our welcome. She resembled a candy cane without the red stripes. She leaned forward, head down, as if trying to a.s.sume the crash position in an airplane while standing.

My mother said, "Thank you, Agnes," and she stepped inside.

I followed. The lady reminded me of Edith Bunker from All in the Family, All in the Family, except with except with really really bad posture. bad posture.

"h.e.l.lo," the hunchback said to me. "You must be Augusten. Am I p.r.o.nouncing your name right? Uh Gus Ten, isn't that right?"

"Yes," I answered with practiced courtesy. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Agnes, Dr. Finch's wife. You two make yourself at home and I'll go get the doctor." She turned and walked down the narrow, creaky hallway that was next to the stairs.

My mother turned to me. "Stop making that face," she whispered.

The house smelled like wet dog and something else. Fried eggs? And it was such a mess. The runner I was standing on was so threadbare that it appeared to have melted into the wood floor beneath it. I stepped around my mother and peered into the room on my right. It had tall windows and a large fireplace. But the sofa was turned over on its back. I stepped around to look into the opposite room. It was also a mess, strewn with clothes, newspapers and a colorful plastic Big Wheel.

"No doctor lives here," I whispered to my mother.

"Shhhhh," she whispered, gripping my arm firmly. "Behave."

I glanced down at my pressed polyester slacks and saw they had already collected lint. I plucked the strange animal hair off my knee and let it go, watching it float to the floor. And then looking at the floor, I saw more fur. There was fur everywhere, streaking across the carpet, gathered in thick b.a.l.l.s in the corners against the wall.

I'd never seen such squalor. That people lived here was shocking enough; that a doctor doctor lived here was just unthinkable. lived here was just unthinkable.

"I'll wait in the car," I said.

"You will not not wait in the car. It'll be hours. And it's rude. You'll stay here and get along with the Finch children." wait in the car. It'll be hours. And it's rude. You'll stay here and get along with the Finch children."

A moment later, two ratty girls came running down the hallway, side by side. They both had long, greasy, stringy hair and dirty clothes. They were Vickie and Natalie; I'd met them before at the doctor's office. Natalie was a year older than me, thirteen. Vickie was fourteen. Natalie was okay, but Vickie was weird. She didn't even live at home. Natalie told me she lived with a bunch of hippies. and dirty clothes. They were Vickie and Natalie; I'd met them before at the doctor's office. Natalie was a year older than me, thirteen. Vickie was fourteen. Natalie was okay, but Vickie was weird. She didn't even live at home. Natalie told me she lived with a bunch of hippies.

"Hi, Augusten," Natalie said sweetly.

Immediately, I didn't trust her. "Hi," I said back.

"You're all dressed up," Vickie smirked. "Going to church?" She giggled.

I hated her already. She wore shredded jeans that seemed to be held together by embroidery thread in all the colors of the rainbow. There was a patch of a pot leaf st.i.tched onto the knee.

"Deirdre?" The doctor called from somewhere within the house.

"Yes, Dr. Finch," my mother shouted back. "I'm near the front door."

"Come on," Vickie said. "We're supposed to keep you occupied."

And with that, they led me away.

We were young. We were bored. And the old electroshock therapy machine was just under the stairs in a box next to the Hoover.

"C'mon you guys, it'll be fun," Vickie said, pulling at the stuffing that was leaking from a hole in the sofa's arm.

Natalie reached into the tube, then wedged a quarter-inch of Pringles into her mouth. She chewed noisily, spilling crumbs down the front of her striped halter-top. She wiped her hands on her bare knees. "I hate Charles Nelson Reilly. Who the f.u.c.k is he, anyway?" she asked. her hands on her bare knees. "I hate Charles Nelson Reilly. Who the f.u.c.k is he, anyway?" she asked.

"You guys guys," Vickie whined.

I brought my hand to my head. I liked how smooth my hair felt under my palm. It comforted me. I also liked Match Game. Match Game. "Let's just watch this," I said. "Let's just watch this," I said.

Vickie pulled a long clump of stuffing out of the arm and flicked it onto the floor. "Barf. This show sucks." Their cat, Freud, immediately leapt off the bookcase and pounced on the stuffing.

Natalie raised the tube up to her lips and tipped it, sliding the last of the crumbs into her mouth. She tapped the bottom and it sounded like a small drum. Then she threw the tube at the cat.

He bolted, the stuffing caught in his hind claw.

Vickie snickered.

I exhaled and accepted the fact that my pants might lose their crease. I said,"Did your father really use that thing anyway?"

Vickie jumped up out of her chair. "Yeah, he used to shock people and everything. C'mon, it'll be a wicked blast."

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Running With Scissors_ A Memoir Part 3 summary

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