The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire Part 45

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[17] _de baptismo_, 4.

[18] _de oratione,_ 15

[19] _de anima,_ 3.

[20] _de bapt._ 3 (end)

[21] On _de pallio_ see Boissier, _La Fin da Paganisme_, bk. iii, ch. 1.

[22] _ad Natt_, i, 7; the charges were incest, and child-murder for purposes of magic.

[23] _de Praescriptione_, 44 (end). Similarly of resurrection, virgin-birth, etc..--_recogitavi_.

[24] _de Patientia_, 1, _miserrimus ego semper aeger caloribus impatientiae_.

[25] Cf. his tone as to the _scortum_, unexampled, so far as I know, in Latin literature, and only approached in Greek perhaps by Dio Chrysostom--the _publicae libidinis hostiae_ (_de Spect._ 17), _publicarum libidinum victimae_ (_de cult. fem._ ii, 12). He alone of all who mention the strange annual scene on the stage, which Cato withdrew to allow, has pity for the poor women.

[26] _de Paenitentia_, 8.

[27] _de corona_, 12.

[28] I refer especially to such pa.s.sages as _de Carne Christi_, 4-9, 14; _de Resurr. Carnis_, 7, 12, etc.

[29] _de Paenit._ 1, _hoc genus hominum quod et ipsi retro fuimus, caeci, sine domini lumine_.

[30] _Apol._ 15, cf. _ad Natt._ i, 10, another draft of the same matter.

[31] _de Spect._ 19, _eamus in amphitheatrum ... delectemur sanguine humano_ (ironically).

[32] _Apol._ 15. The burning-iron was to see whether any life were left in the fallen.

[33] _de Spect._ 19 (end).

[34] _de Spectaculis_, 17.

[35] _de Paenit._ 4.

[36] _de Paenit._ 12, _peccator omnium notarum, nec ulli rei nisi paenitentiae natus_.

[37] _de anima_, 19 and 49. Add his words on the wife taken away by death, _cui etiam religiosiorem reservas affectionem_, etc., _de exh.

cast._ 11.

[38] _de anima_, 20. Cf. _ibid._ 17, on the moderation of the Stoics, as compared with Plato, in their treatment of the fidelity of the senses.

[39] _ad Scap._ 2. _Tamen humani iuris et naturalis potestatis est unicuique quod putaverit colere_.

[40] _adv. Marc._ i, 10, _major popularitas generis humani_.

[41] _de testim. animae_, 5.

[42] _de test. an._ 6.

[43] _de jejunio_, 6.

[44] _de spectaculis_, 20.

[45] _de cor. mil._ 5, _Naturae deus noster est_.

[46] _adv. Marc._ i, 23.

[47] _de anima_, 16.

[48] _adv. Marc._ iii, 2; iv, 11.

[49] _de cor. mil._ 6, _et legem naturalem suggerit et naturam legalem_.

[50] Cf. _de carne Christi_, 4.

[51] _de anima_, 27.

[52] _de carne Christi_, 4, _ipsum mulieris enitentis pudorem vel pro periculo honorandum vel pro natura religiosum_.

[53] _de Resurr. Carnis_, 7.

[54] _Ibid._ 6.

[55] _adv. Marcion._ i, 13, 14. Compare the beautiful picture at the end of _de Oratione_, of the little birds flying up, "spreading out the cross of their wings instead of hands, and saying something that seems to be prayer."

[56] _adv. Marc._ ii, 4.

[57] _de cor. mil._ 15.

[58] _de praescr._ 40, _et si adhuc memini, Mithra signat_, etc.

[59] Apol. 18. _Haec et nos risimus aliquando_. _De vestris sumus_.

[60] _de test. animae_, 1.

[61] So Arn.o.bius (i, 58, 59) and Augustine felt. Tertullian does not complain of the style himself, but it was a real hindrance to many.

[62] _de Pallio_, 3, _Sed arcana ista nec omnium nosse_.

[63] _ad Scap._ 3.

[64] "The devils entered into the swine." Cf. p. 164.

[65] Pliny to Trajan, 96, 3, _pertinaciam et inflexibilem obstinationem_.

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The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire Part 45 summary

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