The Black Bar Part 50

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Meanwhile Mark was talking to Tom Fillot about the culprits.

"Then you think I ought to have punished them, Tom?" said Mark.

"Well, sir," said Tom, rubbing one ear, "I do and don't, sir. What's to be done with chaps like that, as don't know no better?"

"Exactly," cried Mark. "They fought for us as well as they could."

"They have, sir, and it ain't as if they'd had a twelvemonth of the first luff to drill 'em into shape. But, bless your 'art, sir, if they had they mightn't have been able to fight agin sleep. Able seamen can't always do it, so what's to be expected of a regular black just picked out of a slaver's hold?"

"That will do, then," said Mark. "You have helped me so that I didn't like you to think I went against your advice."

"Don't you be afeared of that, sir," cried Tom. "I give you my bit of advice for you as a gentleman and a scholard, to see if it's worth taking. Well, sir, what about the prisoners now?"

"I think they must be safe this time, Tom," said Mark, walking back to the cask, and giving a pull at it, to find it as solid as so much iron.

"Well, sir, that's what I think; but don't you trust 'em. They mean to get out and take the schooner again."

"And we mean that they shan't, Tom," said Mark, merrily; "and as we have the strongest position, we must win."

"That's it, sir; so if you'll give me the watch there by the fo'c'sle hatch, I'll promise you I won't go to sleep."

"Take the watch, then," said Mark; and then suddenly, "Why, what does that mean?"

For just then the prisoners began in chorus to whistle an American air, accompanying it with a rhythmic clapping of hands.

Then the sound ended as quickly as it had begun, and there was a hearty burst of laughter.

"Merry, eh?" said Tom Fillot. "Well, there's no harm in that."

They listened in the darkness, and one man with a musical voice began a plantation ditty, his companions breaking in with a roaring chorus at the end of every verse, clapping their hands and stamping their feet, ending by one of the party starting up and breaking into a kind of jig or hornpipe, evidently keeping it up till he was tired, when, with a shout, another man took his place and danced with all his might.

The listeners had to trust to their ears for all this, but it was perfectly plain, and it seemed to Mark that in despair of escaping the Americans had determined to make the best of their position.

This went on for some time with great spirit and a tremendous amount of noise, sufficient to make the slaves in the hold uneasy, and a good deal of murmuring and talking went on.

The sounds ceased, and there was a hail from the forecastle.

"Hey, there, yew, on the watch!"

"Hullo! What is it?" cried Tom Fillot.

"Ask yewr young skipper to pitch us down a little 'bacco, will you, mister? My lads here is out, and they want to make their miserable lives happy."

"I oughtn't to let them have any," thought Mark; "but it may keep them quiet. I hope they will not set the s.h.i.+p on fire."

So a roll of tobacco was thrown down to them through the ventilator, pipes were evidently lit, for the strong fumes came up, and the singing and dancing went on again more uproariously than ever, till Mark began to feel annoyed.

"The brutes!" he said to himself; "they've been asleep all day and can sit up all night. Ah, well, they're prisoners, so I will not be too hard upon them."

Just then Tom Fillot left his post for a moment.

"They must have got some grog below, sir, or they wouldn't keep on dancing like that. Nuff to tire anyone."

"Oh, let them enjoy themselves," said Mark; "it's better than hatching plans to attack us."

It was now within about an hour of daybreak, and Mark kept on looking longingly away over the mist eastward, in hopes of seeing the stars begin to grow pale. But all was deep, dark night at present, and he paced the deck, going from place to place, listening to the uproar made by the Americans, which was as loud as ever.

"Yes," said Mark at last. "They must have got some spirits down below, Tom, or they would never keep up noise like that."

Just as he was speaking one of the prisoners finished off a dance with a tremendous stamp, stamp, stamp, and the others began to applaud and cheer vociferously. Then all was silent, and Mark exclaimed,--

"At last!"

"Perhaps they'll go to sleep now, sir, and I hope they won't wake again for a week."

"Why, what's the matter now?" cried Mark. "I'm not going to have the blacks begin. Here, pa.s.s the word for Soup--Pis.h.!.+ I mean for the big black."

"Ay, ay, sir;" and Soup came up quickly, all excitement at the noise going on in the hold.

"Why, they're quarrelling and getting up a fight," cried Mark, as the noise increased; and there was evidently a struggle, while blows were being struck and savage cries arose.

"Go down and stop it," cried Mark. "Stupid idiots! Why can't they be still?"

Soup ran to the hold hatch and lowered himself rapidly down, just as the noise below culminated in shrieks and yells, while the fighting was rapidly growing desperate.

"We must go down and stop it," said Mark.

"Shall I pipe all hands on deck, sir?" cried Tom.

"No, no; we can quiet them. Get a light. They'll settle down as soon as they see me."

Tom Fillot fetched a lantern, and two men who had heard the fierce yelling came up to see just as Mark reached the ladder, and was about to descend, when, to his astonishment, Soup came rus.h.i.+ng up, and fell heavily upon the deck.

"Why, Soup, my lad, have they attacked you?" cried Mark, taking the lantern to hold over the prostrate black.

"Hi! Look-out, sir!" roared Tom Fillot, blowing a whistle with all his might, as he drew his cutla.s.s, and made a cut at a dark shadow which leaped on deck; and before Mark could grasp what it all meant, other shadowy figures rushed up from below, made a desperate charge, and a moment later he, Tom Fillot, and d.i.c.k Bannock, with Stepney, were driven down into the cabin, while the body of the big black was hurled upon them, and the hatchway doors banged to.

For a few moments Mark could neither get his breath nor speak. Then wriggling himself out from beneath poor Soup, he cried angrily,--

"The treacherous brutes! This is setting blacks free, so that they may turn against us. Why, they've half killed him."

"And us, too, sir," groaned Tom Fillot. "I always thought they'd be too many for us."

"What do you mean?" cried Mark.

"Why, sir, all that caterwauling and stamping was to hide what they were about."

"Who were about?" cried Mark.

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The Black Bar Part 50 summary

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